Papakura High School

Upcoming Events at Papakura High School

Event Date Details
Wednesday 23/10/2024 BOT Meeting
Thursday 31/10/2024 Senior Prizegiving
Thursday 31/10/2024 Early closing for Senior Prizegiving - school will be finishing at 1:35pm
Friday 15/11/2024 Day 0
Friday 15/11/2024 MOE Accord Day (Staff only day)
Wednesday 27/11/2024 BOT Meeting
Wednesday 4/12/2024 Papakura Pūrākau - Learning Showcase
Monday 9/12/2024 Year 8 Open Day
Monday 9/12/2024 Years 9 & 10 Pool Day
Thursday 12/12/2024 Te Tohu Rangatira Yr 10 Prizegiving
Friday 13/12/2024 Kia Puawai Year 9 Prizegiving

Papakura High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Papakura High School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Introduction- to Level 1 Visual Art (1ARVI)
Introduction to Level 1 Digital Art (1ARDI)
Introduction to Level 2 Visual Art (2ARVI)
Introduction to Level 2 Art Design (2ARDI)
Introduction to Level 2 Photography (2PHOI)
Intro to Level 3 Art Design (3ARDI)
Intro to Level 3 Visual Art (3ARVI)
Introduction to Level 3 Photography (3PHOI)
Level 1 Dance Genre (1DAN2)
Level 2 Dance Performance (2DANPF)
Level 1 Perform Drama. (1DRA)
Level 2 Drama Devise & Perform (2DRADP)
Level 3 Drama Performance & Theatre Form (3DRAPTF)
Social Justice Now! Level 1 English (1ENGJ2)
Breaking the News: Level 2 English (2ENGM2)
Breaking the News: Level 2 English (2ENGM)
Level 1 Hospitality careers and basic cookery preparation, presentation and service of foods (1HOSB)
Level 2 Hospitality. Basic food safety within a commercial environment used when preparing, cooking, serving and storing foodsf (2HOSA)
Level 3 Hospitality Preserving and cooking for service in a commercial kitchen (3HOSA)
Level 1 Digital Technology (no external) (1DTE)
Level 2 Digital Technology Semester 1 (no externals) (2DTE)
Level 1 Te Reo Māori (Auraki) (1REO)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (2REO)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (3REO)
Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics (2MTS)
Level 2 Mathematics with Algebra (2MTA)
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (3MTS)
Level 3 Physical Education - Activity and Wellbeing (3PEDW)
Level 2 Biology - Genetics (2BIO2)
Level 2 Science - Investigating in Science (2SCII)
Level 3 Science - Earth and Space Science (3SCIESS)
Level 3 Biology - Life Processes (3BIOA)
Level 1 Social Studies - Social Action - External (1SOS2)
Level 2 History - NZ Historical Perspectives & External (2HIS2)
Level 2 Travel and Tourism - Destination NZ & the World! (2TTRA)
Level 3 History - NZ Significant Historical Events (Cause & Consequence) (3HISA)
Level 3 Travel and Tourism - Destination New Zealand! (3TTRA)
Level 1 Technology (Hard Materials) Semester 1 (1TEC)
Level 1 Graphics Semester 1 (1GRA1)
Level 2 Graphics Semester 1 (2GRA1)
Level 1 Tongan - Lea Faka-Tonga (1TNGA)
Introduction to Year 10 Visual Art (10ARVI)
Introduction to Year 10 Digital Art (10ARDI)
Year 10 Business Studies (10BUS)
Year 10 Drama Performance (10DRAPF)
Year 10 Technology (Hard Materials) Semester 1 (10TEC1)
Year 10 Digital Technology (10DTEC)
Year 10 Creative finger food platters and food development (10HOSA)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10REO)
Year 10 Sport Science (10SPO)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PED)
Year 10 Health (10HEA)
Level 2 Social Studies - Social Justice & Social Action (2SOSA)
Level 3 Police Preparation - Full Year (3POL)
Level 3 Health Promotion (3HEP2)
Year 10 Tongan - Introduction to Lea Faka-Tonga (10TNGA)
Level 2 Tongan - Culture & Heritage (2TNGA)
Level 3 Tongan - Introduction to Advanced Lea Faka-Tonga (3TNGA)
Level 3 Social Studies - Climate Change! (3SOSA)
Year 10 Samoan - Introduction to Samoan Culture & Language (10SMAA)
Level 1 Samoan - Samoan Customs & External (1SMA2)
Level 2 Police and Crime (2POLC)
Level 2 Chemistry - Investigating Chemical Reactions (2CHEMA)
Level 2 Business Studies (2BUS)
Level 3 Business Studies (3BUS2)
Level 3 Business Studies (3BUS)
Level 1 Te Ara Rumaki Reo Māori (1TARRM)
Level 2 Te Ara Rūmaki Reo Māori (2TARRM)
Level 3 Te Ara Rūmaki Reo Māori (3TARRM)
Level 3 Chemistry (3CHEM2)
Level 2 Physics - Investigating Physics Concepts (2PHYI)
Level 1 Online Distance Learning (1OLC)
Level 2 Online, Distance Learning (2OLC)
Level 3 Online, Distance Learning (3OLC)
Social Justice Now! - Level 1 English (1ENGJ)
Sports Mania: Level 1 English (1ENGS2)
Level 3 Mathematics with Algebra (3MTA)
Level 2 Technology (Hard Materials) Semester 1 (2TEC1)
Level 3 Technology (Hard Materials) Semester 1 (3TEC1)
Level 2 Police Skills (2POLS)
Level 1 Hospitality The basic introduction into culinary and beverage preparation and service (1HOSA)
Level 2 Hospitality Introduction to being a barista and front-of-house service of foods produced. (2HOSB)
Level 3 Hospitality Origins of and presentation of espresso beverages and café cookery (3HOSB)
Sporting Heroes: Level 1 English (1ENGS)
The Savagery of Colonisation: Level 2 English (2ENGS2)
The Savagery of Colonisation: Level 2 English (2ENGS)
Pop Culture Vulture: Level 3 English (3ENGP)
Power Struggles: Level 3 English (3ENGP2)
Level 2 Chemistry - Structure, Bonding and Organic Chemistry (2CHEM2)
Level 3 Dance Performance and Protocol (3DANPP)
Level 2 Biology - Adaptations for Survival (2BIOA)
Level 3 Dance Performance (3DANP)
Level 2 Dance Choreography (2DANCH)
Year 10 Dance Choreography (10DANCH)
Level 1 Creating Dance (1DANCH)
Year 10 Dance Peformance (10DANPF)
Year 9 Dance (9DANS2)
Level 2 Physics - Mechanics and Electricity (2PHYE2)
Level 2 Mathematics with Calculus and Algebra (2MTC2)
Level 2 Mathematics with Probability and Statistics (2MTP2)
Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus (3MTC2)
Level 3 Mathematics with Probability (3MTP2)
Level 1 Business Studies- Demonstrate understanding of an organization's financial decision making (1BUS2)
Level 2 Business Studies (2BUS2)
Level 1 Science - Chemistry and Physics (1SCIL2)
Level 3 Biology - Evolution (3BIOE2)
Level 2 Science - Earth and Space Science (2SCIESS)
Level 1 Science - Life processes (1SCIL)
Level 1 Digital Technology Semester 2 (Including External) (1DTE2)
Level 2 Digital Technology (including external) (2DTE2)
Level 1 Physical Education - Working in a team (1PEDT)
Year 10 Digital Technology (10DTED)
Year 10 Technology (Hard Materials) Semester 2 (10TEC2)
Level 1 Physical Education Influences of movement (1PEDM2)
Level 1 Technology (Hard Materials) Semester 2 (1TEC2)
Level 1 Graphics Semester 2 (1GRA2)
Level 1 Observe and Create Drama (1DRA)
Level 1 Senior Touch (PED) structures, moves, policy, practice. (1TCHT1)
Level 2 Technology (Hard Materials) Semester 2 (2TEC2)
Level 3 Technology (Hard Materials) Semester 2 (3TEC2)
Level 2 Graphics Semester 2 (2GRA2)
Level 2 Drama Perform and Theatre Form (2DRAPTF)
Level 2 Senior Touch (PED) structures, moves, policy, practice. (2TCHT1)
Level 3 Senior Touch (PED) structures, moves, policy, practice. (3TCHT1)
Level 3 Senior Touch (PED) skills analysis, fitness (3TCHS2)
Level 1 Senior Touch (PED) skill analysis, fitness (1TCHS2)
Level 2 Senior Touch (PED) skill analysis, fitness (2TCHS2)
Level 2 Physical Education - Training for an Invasion Sports - Basketball, Turbo, Soccer, Netball (2PEDI)
Level 2 Physical Education - Net sports - Badminton/Volleyball (2PEDN)
Level 3 Drama Devise (3DRADT)
Level 3 Physical Education - Invasion Sports - Basketball, Netball, Soccer, Turbo (3PEDI)
Level 3 Physical Education - Bodybuilding/Fitness (3PEDF)
Level 2 Sports Leadership (Outdoor Ed) - (2OED1)
Year 10: Devise Drama (10DRAD)
Level 2 Sports Leadership (coaching) - Semester 2 (2PESL2)
Level 3 Sports Leadership (Outdoor Ed) - Semester 1 (3OED1)
Level 3 Sports Leadership (coaching) (3PESL)
Year 9 Drama (9DRAS2)
Year 10 Sport Fitness (10FIT)
Level 1 Social Studies - Contemporary Social Issues (1SOSA)
Level 2 History - NZ Historical Events: Protest and Social Justice (2HISA)
Level 1 Samoan - Gagana Samoa in Social Settings (1SMAA)
Level 1 Tongan - Culture / Heritage - External (1TNG2)
Level 2 Social Studies - PROTEST! & External (2SOS2)
Level 2 Tongan - Lea Faka-Tonga & External (2TNG2)
Level 2 Travel and Tourism - The Business! (2TTRB)
Level 3 History - NZ Historical Perspectives & External (3HIS2)
Level 3 Social Studies - Social Action! - External (3SOS2)
Level 3 Tongan - Advanced Lea Faka-Tonga & External (3TNG2)
Level 3 Travel and Tourism - Destination Australia & The Pacific! (3TTRB)
Year 10 Samoan - Samoan Culture - Kalama & Talanoaga (10SMAB)
Year 10 Tongan - Customs & Tradition (10TNGB)
Level 1 Pacific Studies - Indigenous knowledge, Culture & Identity (1PACA)
Level 1 Pacific Studies - Pacific Histories & Pacific Response (1PACB)
Level 1 Geography - Introduction to Geography! (1GEOA)
Level 1 Geography - The World Around Us - External (1GEO2)
Level 2 Samoan - Custom and Tradition (2SMAA)
Level 2 Samoan - Samoan History & External (2SMA2)
Level 1 - Health - Underlying Key Concepts (1HEA1)
Level 1 Health - Influences and Strategies (1HEA2)
Level 2 Health - Hauora (2HEA1)
Level 2 Health - Attitudes and Values (2HEA2)
Level 3 Health - Hauora (UE) (3HEA1)
Level 3 Health (UE) (3HEA2)
Leve 1 Music: Melody Makers (1MUSM)
Level 1 Digital Art Extension (1ARD2)
Level 1 Music: Sounds of Culture (1MUSC)
Level 1 Visual Art Extension (1ARV2)
Level 2 Art Design Extension (2ARD2)
Level 2 Photography Extension (2PHO2)
Level 2 Visual Art Extension (2ARV2)
Level 3 Art Design Extension (3ARD2)
Level 3 Photography Extension (3PHO2)
Level 3 Visual Art Extension (3ARV2)
Year 10 Digital Art Project Based Learning (10ARDP)
Year 10 Visual Art Project Based Learning (10ARVP)
Level 2 Music: Mixing Melody Makers (2MUSG)
Level 2 Music: Applying Sounds of Culture (2MUSC)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOS)
Level 3 Music: Group Performance (3MUSG)
Level 3 Music: Reflecting Sounds of Culture (3MUSC)
Year 10 Music: Global Grooves (10MUSG)
Year 10 Music: Music Vibes (10MUSV)
Year 10 Classic desserts and food gifts (10HOSB)
Year 10 English as an Additional Language (10ESOL)
Level 1 English as an Additional Language (1ESOL)
Level 2 English as an Additional Language (2ESOL)
Level 3 English as an Additional Language (3ESOL)
Year 9 Food Technology (9FTEC2)
Year 9 Te Reo (Auraki) (9REO2)
Year 9 Technology (Woodwork) (9TEC2)
Year 9 Digital Technology Essentials (9DTE2)
Yr 9 Visual Art (9ARV2)
Yr 9 Digital Art (9ARD2)
Year 9 Music: In Tune (9MUS2)
Yr 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Yr 9 English (9ENG)
Yr 9 Science (9SCI)
Yr 9 Social Studies (9SOS)
Yr 9 Physical Education and Health (9PEH)
Yr 9 Literacy and Numeracy (9LitNum)
Yr 9 Business Studies (9BUS2)
Level 1 History - NZ Significant Historical Events (1HISA)
Level 1 History - Historical Concepts & Perspectives - External (1HIS2)
Level 2 Geography - The Natural World (2GEOA)
Level 2 Geography - Our Environment & External (2GEO2)
Level 2 Pacific Studies - Pacific Histories & knowledge / Pacific Responses (2PACA)
Level 2 Pacific Studies - Pacific Story-telling: Our Stories Are Within Us (2PACB)
Demonstrate understanding of how an organization's financial viability is affected by an event. (1BUS)
Demonstrate Understanding of how interdependent financial relationships are affected by an event. (1BUS2)
Level 3 Samoan - Samoan History (3SMAA)
Level 3 Samoan - Aganu'u Samoa w/ External (3SMA2)
Year 9 Haka Waiata (9KPA2)
Year 9 Fitness (9FIT)
Year 9 Horticulture (9HORT)
Level 3 Chemistry (3CHEMI)
Level 3 Chemistry (3CHEI)
Numeracy (2NUM)
Level 1 Mathematics Explorations (1MTE)
Level 1 Mathematical Reasoning (1MTR2)
Level 1 Mathematical Explorations (1MTE)
Level 1 Mathematical Relationships (1MTR2)
Level 3 Pacific Studies - Silenced Pacific Histories & Pacific Indigenous Voice (3PACA)
Level 3 Geography - The Space We Stand In - 'Te taiao' (3GEOA)
Engineering (9ENGG)
Year 9 Engineering (9ENGG)
Level 3 Geography (3GEO2)
Level 3 Geography (3GEO2)
Level 3 Geography - Natural & Cultural Processes (3GEO2)
Level 3 Pacific Studies - Pacific Representation & Story-telling through Film & Music (3PACB)
Year 9 Samoan - Introductions & Family (9SMAA)
Year 9 Samoan - Culture & Nationality (9SMAB)
Year 9 Tongan - Introduction to Lea Faka-Tonga Language (9TNGA)
Year 9 Tongan - Key Tongan Figures, Music & Dance (9TNGB)
Sounds of Culture (1MUSC)
Sounds of Culture (1MUSC)
Year 9 Business Technology (9BTEC)

Schools surrounding Papakura High School.

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