Wesley College

Upcoming Events at Wesley College

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Mental Health Awareness Week
Monday 23/09/2024 Chapel Theme
Term 3, Week 10: Fijian Language Week
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Year 12 Students coaching students course
Chris Wood
Saimealafo Tapaleao
Katie Mitchell
Vaisingano Tupou
Thursday 26/09/2024 Student Led Conferences
Wednesday 16/10/2024 Sports Prizegiving
Wednesday 23/10/2024 Metlife exposure and experience day
Saturday 9/11/2024 - Wednesday 13/11/2024 Spirit of Adventure
Year 10
Friday 15/11/2024 Senior Prizegiving
Tuesday 18/02/2025 Recycle a device (RAD) club

Wesley College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Wesley College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 10 Maori (10MAOR)
Year 11 Maori (11MAOR)
Year 12 Maori (12MAOR)
Year 13 Maori (13MAOR)
Year 9 Maori (9MAO)
Year 9 Music (9MUSI)
Year 10 Music (10MUSI)
Year 11 Music (11MUSC)
Year 12 Music (12MUSC)
Year 13 Music (13MUSC)
Year 11 English (11ENGL)
Year 12 Drama (12DRAM)
Year 12 English (12ENGL)
Year 12 Media Studies (12MEST)
Year 13 Drama (13DRAM)
Year 13 English (13ENGL)
Year 13 Media Studies (13MEST)
Year 9 English (9ENGL)
Year 12 Physics (12PHYS)
Year 13 Physics (13PHYS)
Year 12 Biology (12BIOL)
Year 12 Chemistry (12CHEM)
Year 13 Biology (13BIOL)
Year 13 Chemistry (13CHEM)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 12 Economics (12ECON)
Year 13 Economics (13ECON)
Year 9 Digital Technology (9DIGI)
Year 9 Woodwork (9WTEC)
Year 10 Technology Hard Materials (10TECH)
Year 11 Business Technology (11BTEC)
Year 12 Business Technology (12BTEC)
Year 13 MIT (13MIT)
Unit Standards Driver Licence (LICENCE)
Year 11 Mathematics (11MATH)
Year 12 Mathematics Calculus (12MATA)
Year 12 Core (12MATS)
Year 13 Maths with Calculus (13CALC)
Year 13 Maths with Statistics (13STAT)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Year 9 Art (9VART)
Year 10 Art (10VART)
Year 11 Visual Art (11VART)
Year 12 Visual Art (12VART)
Year 13 Visual Art (13VART)
Year 11 Life & Faith (11LIFA)
Year 12 Life & Faith (12LIFA)
Year 13 Life & Faith (13LIFA)
Year 9 Life & Faith (9LIF)
Unit Standards Gateway (GAWA)
Year 11 Geography (11GEOG)
Year 11 History (11HIST)
Year 12 Geography (12GEOG)
Year 12 History (12HIST)
Year 13 Geography (13GEOG)
Year 13 History (13HIST)
Year 11 Physical Education (11PHED)
Year 12 Physical Education (12PE)
Year 13 Physical Education (13PHED)
Year 13 Sport Leadership (13SPLD)
Year 9 Health and Physical Education (9HPE)
Year 11 Carpentry (11CAR)
Year 12 Accounting (12ACCO)
Year 13 Accounting (13ACCO)
Year 10 Health & Physical Education (10HPE)
Year 10 English (10ENGL)
Year 10 Life & Faith (10LIFA)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOST)
Year 10 Science (10SCIE)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MATH)
Year 12 Health (12HEA)
Year 11 Health Studies (11HETH)
Year 13 Health (13HETH)
Year 12/13 Gateway (GWAY)
Year 12 Dance (12DANC)
Year 13 Dance (13DANC)
Year 12 MIT (12MIT)
Year 11 Dance (11DANC)
Year 11 Digital Technology (11DIGT)
Year 12 Citizenship and Service (12CSE)
Year 11 Maori Performing Arts (11APER)
Year 12 Maori Performing Arts (12APER)
Year 13 Maori Performing Arts (13APER)
Year 11 Hospitality (11HOSP)
Year 12 Hospitality (12HOSP)
Year 12 Classical Studies (12CLAS)
Year 13 Classical Studies (13CLAS)
Year 11 Health Science (11HESC)
Year 11 Engineering Science (11ESC)
Year 11 Outdoor Education (11OTED)
Year 11 Commerce (11COMM)
Year 12 Sports leadership and Outdoor Education (12OTED)
Year 12 Carpentry (12CAR)
Year 13 Business Studies (13BUSI)
Year 13 Sports Leadership and Outdoor Education (13OTED)
Year 11 Project Based Learning (PBL)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SOS)
Year 13 Business Technology (13BTEC)
Year 9 Hospitality (9HOSP)
Year 10 Hospitality (10HOSP)
Year 9 Hospitality (9HOSP)
Student-Athlete Mentoring Program (12SAMP)
Photography (12PHO)
Photography (13PHO)
Junior Athlete Development Institute (9JADI)
Junior Athlete Development Institute (10JADI)
Student Athlete Mentoring Program (13SAMP)
12 Photography (12PHO)
13 Photography (13PHO)
Year 13 Carpentry (12CAR)
Year 13 Carpentry (13CAR)
Year 13 Carpentry (13CAR)
Year 13 Hospitality (13HOS)

Schools surrounding Wesley College.

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