St Peter’s School (Cambridge)

St Peter’s School (Cambridge) Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that St Peter’s School (Cambridge) offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Level 2 - Accounting (12ACC)
Level 3 - Accounting (13ACC)
Level 2 - Agribusiness (12AGB)
Level 3 - Agribusiness (13AGB)
Level 3 - Business (13BUS)
IB Business Management (12IBU)
Level 2 - Business Studies (12BUS)
Year 11 - Business Studies (11BUS)
Year 11 - Commerce (11COM)
Year 10 - Commerce (10COM)
Level 3 - Economics (13ECO)
Level 2 - Economics (12ECO)
IB Economics (12IEC)
IB2 Economics (13IEC)
Level 2 - English Language and Literature (12ENA)
Year 11 - English (11ENG)
Year 10 - English (Core) (10ENG)
Year 11 - English Literature (11ENX)
IB English Literature (12IEN)
IB2 English Literature (13IEN)
Level 2 - Media Studies (12MED)
Level 3 - Media Studies (13MED)
Year 11 - Media Studies (11MED)
Year 10 - English as an Additional Language (EAL) Beginner to Intermediate A1/A2 (10EAL)
IB Core Classes (12IBC)
Year 11 - Chinese (11CHI)
Level 2 - Chinese (12CHI)
Level 3 - Chinese (13CHI)
Year 10 - Chinese (10CHI)
IB Chinese B (12ICB)
IB2 Chinese B (13ICB)
Year 11 - English as an Additional Language (Intermediate A2/B1) (11EAL)
Level 2 - English as an Additional Language (Pre-Intermediate B1) (12EAL)
Level 3 - English as an Additional Language: Intermediate - (Upper Intermediate High B2) (13EAL)
Level 2 - French (12FRE)
Year 11 - French (11FRE)
Level 3 - French (13FRE)
Year 10 - French (10FRE)
IB French B (12IFB)
IB2 French B (13IFB)
Year 11 - Japanese (11JAP)
Level 2 - Japanese (12JAP)
Year 10 - Japanese (10JAP)
IB Japanese B (12IJB)
Year 11 - Spanish (11SPA)
Level 2 - Spanish (12SPA)
Year 10 - Spanish (10SPA)
IB Spanish B (12ISB)
IB Spanish ab initio (12ISA)
IB2 Spanish ab initio (13ISA)
Year 11 - Te Reo Maaori (11MAO)
Level 2 - Te Reo Maaori (12MAO)
Year 10 - Te Reo Maaori (10MAO)
Level 2 - Mathematics - Calculus (12MAC)
Level 3 - Mathematics - Calculus (13MAC)
Level 2 - Mathematics - Statistics and Probability (12MAS)
Level 3 - Mathematics - Statistics and Probability (13MAS)
Year 10 - Mathematics and Statistics (Core) (10MAT)
Year 11 - Mathematics and Statistics (11MAT)
Level 2 - Mathematics and Statistics (Internal Course) (12MAT)
Level 3 - Mathematics and Statistics (Internal Course) (13MAT)
Year 11 - Mathematics - Algebra and Trigonometry (11MAX)
IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (12IMA)
IB2 Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (13IMA)
IB Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation (12IMI)
IB2 Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation (13IMI)
Level 3 - Music (13MUS)
Year 11 - Dance (11DAN)
Level 2 - Dance (12DAN)
Level 3 - Dance (13DAN)
Year 10 - Dance (10DAN)
IB2 Dance (13IDN)
Year 11 - Drama (11DRA)
Level 3 - Drama (13DRA)
Year 10 - Drama (10DRA)
Level 2 - Drama (12DRA)
Year 10 - Music (10MUS)
Level 2 - Music (12MUS)
Year 11 - Music (11MUS)
IB Music (12IMU)
Level 2 - Music Technology (12MUT)
Level 3 - Music Technology (13MUT)
IB Theatre Arts (12ITH)
IB2 Theatre Arts (13ITH)
Year 10 - Human Performance (10HPE)
Year 11 - Health Studies (11HEA)
Level 2 - Health Studies (12HEA)
Level 3 - Health Studies (13HEA)
Level 2 - Outdoor Education (12OED)
Year 10 - Physical Education and Health (Core) (10PEH)
Year 11 - Physical Education and Health (Core) (11PEH)
Level 2 - Physical Education and Health (12PEH)
Level 3 - Physical Education and Health (13PEH)
Level 3 - Physical Education Studies (13PES)
Level 2 - Physical Education Studies (12PES)
Year 11 - Human Performance (11HPE)
Level 3 - Agricultural and Horticultural Science (13AGH)
Level 2 - Agricultural and Horticultural Science (12AGH)
Year 11 - Agricultural and Horticultural Science (11AGH)
Year 10 - Agriculture and Horticulture (10AGH)
Level 2 - Biology (12BIO)
Year 11 - Biology (11BIO)
Level 3 - Biology (13BIO)
IB Biology (12IBI)
IB2 Biology (13IBI)
Level 3 - Chemistry (13CHE)
Year 11 - Chemistry (11CHE)
Level 2 - Chemistry (12CHE)
IB Chemistry (12ICH)
IB2 Chemistry (13ICH)
IB Environmental Systems and Societies (12IES)
IB2 Environmental Systems and Societies (13IES)
Year 11 - Physics (11PHY)
Level 2 - Physics (12PHY)
Level 3 - Physics (13PHY)
IB Physics (12IPH)
IB2 Physics (13IPH)
Level 2 - Primary Industries (12PIN)
Level 3 - Primary Industries (13PIN)
Year 11 - Science (11SCI)
Year 10 - Science (Core) (10SCI)
Level 2 - Classical Studies (12CLS)
Level 3 - Classical Studies (13CLS)
Year 11 - Geography (11GEO)
Level 2 - Geography (12GEO)
Level 3 - Geography (13GEO)
IB2 Geography (13IGE)
Level 2 - History (12HIS)
Level 3 - History (13HIS)
Year 11 - History (11HIS)
IB History (12IHI)
IB2 History (13IHI)
Year 10 - Religious Education (Core) (10REL)
Year 10 - Social Studies (Core) (10SST)
Level 2 - Tourism Studies (12TOU)
Level 3 - Tourism Studies (13TOU)
IB Computer Science (12ICO)
Year 10 - Digital Technology (10DIT)
Year 10 - Design and Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 11 - Design and Visual Communication (11DVC)
Level 2 - Design and Visual Communication (12DVC)
Level 3 - Design and Visual Communication (13DVC)
Year 11 - Digital Technology (11DIT)
Level 2 - Digital Technology (12DIT)
Level 3 - Digital Technology (13DIT)
Year 11 - Fashion Design (11FAD)
Level 2 - Fashion Design (12FAD)
Level 3 - Fashion Design (13FAD)
Year 10 - Fashion Design (10FAD)
Year 11 - Food (11FOO)
Level 2 - Food (12FOO)
Year 10 - Food (10FOO)
Level 3 - Food (13FOO)
IB2 Computer Science (13ICO)
Year 11 - Resistant Materials (11RMT)
Level 2 - Product Design (12PRD)
Level 3 - Resistant Materials (13RMT)
Year 11 - Product Design (11PRD)
Level 2 - Resistant Materials (12RMT)
Level 3 - Product Design (13PRD)
Year 10 - Product Design (10PRD)
Year 11 - Visual Art (11ART)
Level 2 - Art (12ART)
Year 10 - Art (10ART)
Level 2 - Art Design (12DES)
Level 3 - Art Design (13DES)
IB2 Visual Arts (13IAR)
Level 2 - Art Photography (12PHO)
Level 3 - Art Photography (13PHO)
Level 3 - Art (13ART)
IB Visual Arts (12IAR)
Year 9 - Agriculture and Horticulture (09AGH)
Year 9 - Commerce (09COM)
Year 9 - English (Core) (09ENG)
Year 9 - Chinese (09CHI)
Year 9 - French (09FRE)
Year 9 - Japanese (09JAP)
Year 9 - Spanish (09SPA)
Year 9 - Te Reo Maaori (09MAO)
Year 9 - Mathematics and Statistics (Core) (09MAT)
Year 9 - Dance (09DAN)
Year 9 - Drama (09DRA)
Year 9 - Music (09MUS)
Year 9 - Musical Theatre (09MST)
Year 9 - Human Performance (09HPE)
Year 9 - Physical Education and Health (Core) (09PEH)
Year 9 - Science (Core) (09SCI)
Year 9 - Religious Education (Core) (09REL)
Year 9 - Social Studies (Core) (09SST)
Year 9 - Digital Technology (09DIT)
Year 9 - Design and Visual Communication (09DVC)
Year 9 - Fashion Design (09FAD)
Year 9 - Food (09FOO)
Year 9 - Art (09ART)
IB School Supported, Self Taught Literature (12IST)
IB English Language and Literature (12IEL)
Year 12 - I want to study the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma (12IB)
I want to study NCEA Level 2 (12NCEA)
Level 3 - Te Reo Maaori (13MAO)
I want to study NCEA Level 3 (13NCEA)
Year 13 - I want to continue studying the IB Diploma (13IB)
IB French ab initio (12IFA)
Level 3 - Japanese (13JAP)
IB Other Language Study (Self Directed) (12IOL)
IB Geography (12IGE)
IB Dance (12IDN)
IB Psychology (12IPS)
IB2 Japanese B (13IJB)
IB2 Core Classes (13IBC)
IB2 Music (13IMU)
IB2 Business Management (13IBU)
IB2 Spanish B (13ISB)
Year 11 - Digital Art (11DES)
Level 3 - Spanish (13SPA)
IB2 English Language and Literature (13IEL)
IB2 French ab initio (13IFA)
IB2 Other Language Study (Self Directed) (13IOL)
IB2 Psychology (13IPS)
IB2 School Supported, Self Taught Literature (13IST)
IB Film (12IFI)
Level 3 - Hospitality (13HSP)
Level 2 - Hospitality (12HSP)
Level 2 - Theology and Philosophy (12THP)
Level 3 - Theology and Philosophy (13THP)
Level 2 - Psychology (12PSY)
Level 2 - English Literature (12ENL)
Year 9 - English as an Additional Language (EAL) Beginner to intermediate A1/A2 (09EAL)
Level 3 - Psychology (13PSY)
IB Sports Exercise and Health Science (12IPE)
IB2 Sports Exercise and Health Science (13IPE)
IB2 Film (13IFI)
Year 9 - Product Design (09PRD)
Level 3 English: Critical Literature Studies (13ENC)
Year 11 - Theology and Philosophy (11THP)

Schools surrounding St Peter’s School (Cambridge).

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