Palmerston North Girls’ High School

Upcoming Events at Palmerston North Girls’ High School

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 Inter-house Netball - SWA
Courts at lunchtime
Monday 23/09/2024 Catch-up Year 8 testing in the library
Monday 23/09/2024 L3BIO Zoo Trip - DPO
81 Year 13 Students

6:45 Meet at Huia Centre
5:30pm Return
Monday 23/09/2024 Year 9 Assembly FT
Monday 23/09/2024 Week 10
Monday 23/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Mental Health Awareness Week
Monday 23/09/2024 PNGHS Trust Scholarship Interviews
2 to 6pm in the board room
Monday 23/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Semper sursum week
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 L3PED/PEH Bush Survival Camp - LWA
8:30am Meet at Hockey Car Park
58 year 13 students divided in 3 groups across the week.
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Junior Speech Compeition - NWD
Period 2
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Life Ed P1-3 Year 9 -11

P1 - Year 9s- Behind the Scenes (Vaping)

P2 - Year 11s - SMART$ - Financial Literacy

P3 - Year 10s - Behind the Scenes (Vaping)

Tuesday 24/09/2024 Mefa - JWA
Depart 7am return 4 pm
18 students
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Assembly A - B in Form time
Wednesday 25/09/2024 L2PEH/PED Adrenaline Forest - KTO

50 year 12 students
Meet 7:20 at hockey turf
Return 4:15
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Media Studies award evening - SMO
Thursday 26/09/2024 Year 10 "Act as One" - LMO
Thursday 26/09/2024 Otago University Course Planning Session - DMA
School Boardroom
Thursday 26/09/2024 Year 10 and 12 Assembly - FT
Friday 27/09/2024 Last day of Term 3
Friday 27/09/2024 Year 12 Assembly - Connections 2025
Friday 27/09/2024 PNGHS Celebration event

Normal day until end of interval - period 3 shortened to 11.25 to 12.15 and period 4 12.15 to 1pm. 

Assembly 1-1:30 (Year 9,11, 13 to Huia) and (Year 10-12) in form time. Years 9,11,13 will go to form class after assembly for icecreams. 

Form time approx 2:50pm - bell will ring

No period 5

Monday 30/09/2024 - Friday 11/10/2024 School holidays
Thursday 10/10/2024 - Saturday 12/10/2024 Riverbend SS Cricket Tournament
24 students
School van
Friday 11/10/2024 - Sunday 13/10/2024 Dance NZ Made Solo duo trios and finals -TPR
Monday 14/10/2024 Term 4
Monday 14/10/2024 Week 1
Tuesday 15/10/2024 Year 10 assembly - Blue Skies
Tuesday 15/10/2024 Whakapiki Ake Early Exposure - DMA
60 x Year 9/10/11 Students
Wednesday 16/10/2024 Girls' acting out
Wednesday 16/10/2024 Assembly B - A in Form time
Wednesday 16/10/2024 Year 8 Catch-up Assessment in Library
Wednesday 16/10/2024 - Thursday 17/10/2024 Haunted House - PHA
Art rooms
Wednesday 16/10/2024 PTA Meeting
Thursday 17/10/2024 2025 Year 10-13 enrolments close
Thursday 17/10/2024 Year 8 Catch-up Testing in Library
Friday 18/10/2024 Junior Trade Fair (2) JDU
L1 COM students out P4-2:30pm
Friday 18/10/2024 Bars awards in form time
Saturday 19/10/2024 Cantatrices Pathways Combined Concert - RTA
Meet 12:45pm
Monday 21/10/2024 Week 2
Monday 21/10/2024 11COM Design thinking seminar JDU
93 Year 11 Students
Tuesday 22/10/2024 Year 12 and 13 NCEA Assembly
Wednesday 23/10/2024 Assembly A - B in Form time
Wednesday 23/10/2024 Science Showdown Event - DPO
Lunchtime in T67
Thursday 24/10/2024 Arts Prizegiving

Prefects and Prize winners P1

Performers and Presenters P2

Lunch for prize winners at 12:00pm

Start 1:00pm

Friday 25/10/2024 L3ACC Elm Cafe celebration - JDU (TBC)
12 Students 8:30 am - 9:45
Friday 25/10/2024 Ki o Rahi Tournament - ABL
16 Students
Friday 25/10/2024 Sports Prizegiving

Prefects and Prize winners P1

Performers and Presenters P2 

Lunch for prize winner at 12:25pm

Start 1:30pm

Monday 28/10/2024 Week 3
Monday 28/10/2024 Labour Day
Tuesday 29/10/2024 Senior Visual Folio Show - PHA
Open to public from 3:15pm

Palmerston North Girls’ High School Daily Notices

Year 10 & Year 12 Assembly

Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 For all Year 10 and Year 12 students - please arrive promptly and look for your form class sign :)

Palmerston North Girls’ High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Palmerston North Girls’ High School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 9 Fashion and Textiles (9FTX)
Year 10 Fashion and Textiles (10FTX)
Year 11 Fashion and Textiles (11FTX)
Level 2 Fashion and Textiles (L2FTX)
Level 3 Fashion and Textiles (L3FTX)
Year 11 Food and Nutrition (11FON)
Level 2 Food and Nutrition (L2FON)
Level 3 Food and Nutrition (L3FON)
Year 9 Food Technology (9FOT)
Year 10 Food Technology (10FOT)
Level 3 Health and Wellbeing (L3HEW)
Year 11 Hospitality (11HOS)
Level 2 Hospitality (L2HOS)
Level 3 Hospitality (L3HOS)
Level 2 Accounting (L2ACC)
Level 3 Accounting (L3ACC)
Level 2 Business (L2BUS)
Level 3 Business Studies (L3BUS)
Year 9 Commerce (9COM)
Year 10 Commerce (10COM)
Level 2 Economics (L2ECO)
Level 3 Economics (L3ECO)
Level 1 Chinese (L1CHIC)
Level 2 Chinese (L2CHIC)
Level 3 Chinese (L3CHIC)
Level 3 Classical Studies (L3CLA)
Level 1 Japanese (L1JAPC)
Level 1 German (L1GERC)
Level 2 German (L2GERC)
Level 3 German (L3GERC)
Level 2 Japanese (L2JAPC)
Level 3 Japanese (L3JAPC)
Level 1 Samoan (L1SAMC)
Year 9 Dance (9DAN)
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Year 11 Dance (11DAN)
Level 2 Dance (L2DAN)
Level 3 Dance (L3DAN)
Year 9 Design And Visual Communication (9DVC)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 11 Design and Visual Communication (11DVC)
Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (L2DVC)
Level 3 Design and Visual Communication (L3DVC)
Level 2 Computer Science (L2COS)
Level 3 Computer Science (L3COS)
Year 9 Digital Technologies (9DGT)
Year 10 Digital Technologies (10DGT)
Year 11 Digital Technologies (11DGT)
Level 2 Digital Technologies Media (L2DTM)
Level 3 Digital Technologies Media (L3DTM)
Year 9 Drama (9DRA)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 11 Drama (11DRA)
Level 2 Drama (L2DRA)
Level 3 Drama (L3DRA)
Year 11 Media Studies (11MST)
Level 2 Media Studies (L2MST)
Level 3 Media Studies (L3MST)
Year 9 Media Studies (9MST)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Year 11 English (11ENG)
Level 2 English (L2ENG)
Level 3 English (L3ENG)
Level 3 English Aotearoa (L3EAO)
Year 9 Literacy Extra (9ENX)
Year 11 English Plus (11ENP)
Level 2 English Plus (L2ENP)
Year 11 English Studies (11ENS)
Level 2 English Studies (L2ENS)
Level 1 English Language Learning (ELL1)
Level 2 English Language Learning (ELL2)
Level 3 English Language Learning (ELL3)
Year 11 French (11FRE)
Level 2 French (L2FRE)
Level 3 French (L3FRE)
Year 11 Te Ao Haka (11TAH)
Year 9 Te Ao Māori (9TAM)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori (9MAO)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10MAO)
Year 11 Te Reo Māori (11MAO)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (L2MAO)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (L3MAO)
Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus (L3CAL)
Year 11 Foundation Mathematics (11MFD)
Level 2 Foundation Mathematics (L2MFD)
Level 3 Foundation Mathematics (L3MFD)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Year 11 Mathematics (11MAT)
Level 2 Mathematics (L2MAT)
Year 11 Mathematics Studies (11MAS)
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (L3STA)
Year 9 Music Advanced (9MUA)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Year 11 Music (11MUS)
Level 2 Music (L2MUS)
Level 3 Music (L3MUS)
Level 2 Childcare Studies (L2CDS)
Level 3 Pathway (L3PATH)
Year 9 Physical Education and Health (9PEH)
Year 10 Physical Education and Health (10PEH)
Year 11 Physical Education (11PED)
Level 2 Physical Education (L2PED)
Level 3 Physical Education (L3PED)
Level 2 Physical Education and Health (L2PEH)
Level 3 Physical Education and Health (L3PEH)
Level 2 Biology (L2BIO)
Level 3 Biology (L3BIO)
Level 2 Chemistry (L2CHE)
Level 3 Chemistry (L3CHE)
Level 2 Physics (L2PHY)
Level 3 Physics (L3PHY)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Year 11 Science Compulsory (11SCICOM)
Year 11 Science (11SCI)
Year 11 Science Plus (11SCP)
Level 2 Classical Studies (L2CLA)
Year 11 Geography (11GEO)
Level 2 Geography (L2GEO)
Level 3 Geography (L3GEO)
Year 11 History (11HIS)
Level 2 History (L2HIS)
Level 3 History (L3HIS)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SOC)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOC)
Year 11 Social and Psychology Studies (11SOC/PS)
Level 2 Social and Psychology Studies (L2SOC/PS)
Level 3 Social Studies (L3SOC)
Level 2 Te Ao Haka (L2TAH)
Level 3 Te Ao Haka (L3TAH)
Level 3 Tourism (L3TOU)
Level 3 Art History (L3ARH)
Level 2 Art History (L2ARH)
Level 3 Design (L3DES)
Level 3 Painting (L3PAI)
Level 3 Photography (L3PHO)
Level 2 Photography/Design (L2POD)
Level 3 Printmaking (L3PRI)
Level 3 Sculpture (L3SCU)
Year 9 Visual Art (9VIA)
Year 10 Visual Art (10VIA)
Year 11 Visual Art (11VIA)
Level 2 Visual Art (L2VIA)
Year 9 Visual Imaging (9VII)
Year 10 Visual Imaging (10VII)
Year 11 Visual Imaging (11VII)
Level 2 Samoan (L2SAMC)
Level 3 Samoan (L3SAMC)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori Advanced (9MAOA)
Year 10 Te Ao Haka (10TAH)
Level 2 Pathways (L2PATH)
Year 10 Media Studies (10MST)
Year 11 Mathematics Compulsory (11MATCOM)
Year 11 English Compulsory (11ENGCOM)
Year 9 Spanish (9SPA)
Year 11 Commerce (11COM)
Year 10 Spanish (10SPA)

Schools surrounding Palmerston North Girls’ High School.

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