Napier Girls’ High School

Bluff Hill

Upcoming Events at Napier Girls’ High School

Event Date Details
Friday 14/03/2025 Athletic Sports
8.35am - 2.30pm (approx) at Marewa Park. More information will be emailed.
Saturday 15/03/2025 - Sunday 16/03/2025 Duke of Edinburgh Practice Tramp 1
Bronze, 25 students
Saturday 15/03/2025 - Sunday 16/03/2025 HBSS Volleyball Tournament
10 students, PGA
Monday 17/03/2025 Assembly
students must wear ties. Rostered out: 9SCI BY M7, 10SCI PS M6, 10MAT MR S5, 11SCI CR M5, 12CHE BU M8, 13ENV SK L3
Monday 17/03/2025 Equestrian NISS Pegasus Cup
Day 1, Karapiro. 4 students.
Monday 17/03/2025 Full Emergency Evacuation
Tuesday 18/03/2025 Equestrian NISS Pegasus Cup
Day 2, Karapiro. 4 students.
Tuesday 18/03/2025 HBSS Swimming Champs
departing 4.15pm
Wednesday 19/03/2025 ECNI Athletics
30 students, all day
Wednesday 19/03/2025 Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University visit with Pasifika students
at 10.30am
Wednesday 19/03/2025 Equestrian Nga Tawa Showjumping
Thursday 20/03/2025 Junior Social with NBHS
7.00 - 9.00pm at NBHS (information will be emailed)
Thursday 20/03/2025 UC Information Session
Thursday 20/03/2025 - Friday 21/03/2025 Year 13 Geography Trip
Tongariro, 48 students
Thursday 20/03/2025 Pasifika Leadership Workshop
all day in the hall. Y11/12/13 students attending as well as senior students from other schools.
Friday 21/03/2025 House Softball
Sunday 23/03/2025 - Friday 28/03/2025 NZSS Waka Ama Regatta
Rotorua, 8 students
Monday 24/03/2025 Assembly
students must wear ties
Monday 24/03/2025 - Friday 28/03/2025 Summer Tournament Week
Monday 24/03/2025 PTA/AAE Committee Meeting
7.00pm in staffroom, all welcome
Monday 24/03/2025 Orientation for new Internationals - Waseda Japanese group
Tuesday 25/03/2025 Massey University Information Session
Wednesday 26/03/2025 Equestrian - Dressage and Showjumping
Monday 31/03/2025 Assembly
students must wear ties
Tuesday 1/04/2025 - Thursday 3/04/2025 International Student Trip: Rotorua
Wednesday 2/04/2025 Year 11 Commerce Market Day
Wednesday 2/04/2025 Level 1 Performance evening
Wednesday 2/04/2025 NCEA Evening
for Y10 & 11, 5.30pm, library.
Thursday 3/04/2025 - Saturday 5/04/2025 Pasifika Wellington Trip
10 students
Thursday 3/04/2025 Board Meeting
5.30pm in H7
Thursday 3/04/2025 Pūhoro Wānanga
Y12/13 Pūhoro tauira (25 students)
Friday 4/04/2025 House Kī o Rahi
Friday 4/04/2025 Hostel Open Day
Friday 4/04/2025 Internationals: Interschools Games Day
Saturday 5/04/2025 - Sunday 6/04/2025 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Tramp 2
26 students
Monday 7/04/2025 Assembly
students must wear ties
Monday 7/04/2025 Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival
Tuesday 8/04/2025 Student Coach Development Day
Wednesday 9/04/2025 Student Coaches Session with Sport HB
Wednesday 9/04/2025 Level 2 & Level 3 Music Performance Evening
Wednesday 9/04/2025 Internationals Homestay Meet & Greet
3.30pm - 5.30pm
Friday 11/04/2025 Prefects' Assembly
Friday 11/04/2025 END OF TERM 1
Friday 11/04/2025 Five Minutes of Fame
period 5
Tuesday 15/04/2025 - Thursday 24/04/2025 Japanese Tokyo Tour
Monday 28/04/2025 Assembly
students must wear ties
Tuesday 29/04/2025 Internationals - Activity: Ranui Farm
Wednesday 30/04/2025 Waikato University Scholarship Presentation
at 10.30am
Friday 2/05/2025 May Music Month
Monday 5/05/2025 Assembly
students must wear ties

Napier Girls’ High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Napier Girls’ High School offers to their students for 2025/2026.

Year 13 Media Studies (MES) (13MES)
Year 11 Music (MUO) (11MUO)
Year 11 Painting and Printmaking (ART) (11ART)
Year 12 Painting (APP) (12APP)
Year 13 Painting (APP) (13APP)
Year 13 Design (DSN) (13DSN)
Year 13 Photography (PHO) (13PHO)
Year 13 Music (MUO) (13MUO)
Year 13 Dance (DAN) (13DAN)
Year 13 Drama (DRA) (13DRA)
Year 13 Statistics (MAS) (13MAS)
Year 13 Physics (PHY) (13PHY)
Year 13 Accounting (ACC) (13ACC)
Year 13 Economics (ECO) (13ECO)
Year 13 Biology (BIO) (13BIO)
Year 13 English (ENG) (13ENG)
Year 12 Accounting (ACC) (12ACC)
Year 12 Physics (PHY) (12PHY)
Year 12 Mathematics and Statistics (MAS) (12MAS)
Year 12 Economics (ECO) (12ECO)
Year 12 Biology (BIO) (12BIO)
Year 12 English (ENG) (12ENG)
Year 13 English Visual (ENV) (13ENV)
Year 13 Te Reo Maori (MAO) (13MAO)
Year 13 French (FRE) (13FRE)
Year 13 Spanish (SPA) (13SPA)
Year 13 Japanese (JPN) (13JPN)
Year 13 Calculus (MAC) (13MAC)
Year 13 Mathematics & Statistics (MAT) (13MAT)
Year 12 Design (DSN) (12DSN)
Year 12 Photography (PHO) (12PHO)
Year 12 Music (MUO) (12MUO)
Year 12 Dance (DAN) (12DAN)
Year 12 Drama (DRA) (12DRA)
Year 11 Design & Photography (DSN) (11DSN)
Year 11 Drama (DRA) (11DRA)
Year 10 Art (ART) (10ART)
Year 10 Music (MUS) (10MUS)
Year 10 Drama (DRA) (10DRA)
Year 9 Art (ART) (9ART)
Year 9 Music (MUS) (9MUS)
Year 9 Drama (DRA) (9DRA)
Year 11 Primary Industries Certificate (PIC) (11PIC)
Year 12 Primary Industries Certificate (PIC) (12PIC)
Year 12 Trades Academy (TA) (12TA)
Year 13 Trades Academy (TA) (13TA)
Year 13 Physical Education (PED) (13PED)
Year 12 Physical Education (PED) (12PED)
Year 11 Physical Education (PED) (11PED)
Year 10 Health and Physical Education (PE) (10PE)
Year 9 Health and Physical Education (HPE) (9HPE)
Year 12 Physical Education Sports Studies (PES) (12PES)
Year 13 Physical Education Sport Studies (PES) (13PES)
Year 13 History (HIS) (13HIS)
Year 12 History (HIS) (12HIS)
Year 11 History (HIS) (11HIS)
Year 10 Social Sciences (SSC) (10SSC)
Year 9 Social Sciences (SSC) (9SSC)
Year 13 Classical Studies (CST) (13CST)
Year 12 Classical Studies (CST) (12CST)
Year 13 Social Studies (SST) (13SST)
Year 13 Geography (GEO) (13GEO)
Year 12 Geography (GEO) (12GEO)
Year 11 Geography (GEO) (11GEO)
Year 13 Tourism (TOM) (13TOM)
Year 12 Tourism (TOM) (12TOM)
Year 13 Business Studies / Young Enterprise (BUS) (13BUS)
Year 12 Employment Skills (EMP) (12EMP)
Year 11 Employment Skills (EMP) (11EMP)
Year 13 Digital Technologies (DIG) (13DIG)
Year 13 Food Technology (FTY) (13FTY)
Year 13 Home Economics (HEC) (13HEC)
Year 13 Textiles Technology (TET) (13TET)
Year 13 Technology Product Design (TPD) (13TPD)
Year 13 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) (13DVC)
Year 12 Digital Technologies (DIG) (12DIG)
Year 12 Food Technology and Nutrition (FTN) (12FTN)
Year 12 Textiles Technology (TET) (12TET)
Year 12 Technology Product Design (TPD) (12TPD)
Year 12 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) (12DVC)
Year 11 Digital Technologies (DIG) (11DIG)
Year 11 Health Studies (Previously Food Technology and Nutrition) (11FTN)
Year 11 Textiles Technology (TET) (11TET)
Year 11 Technology Manual Skills / Construction (TMS) (11TMS)
Year 11 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) (11DVC)
Year 10 Digital Technologies (DIG) (10DIG)
Year 9 Digital Technologies (DIG) (9DIG)
Year 10 Food Technologies and Nutrition (FTN) (10FTN)
Year 9 Food Technology and Nutrition (FTN) (9FTN)
Year 10 Technology Textiles (TET) (10TET)
Year 9 Technology Textiles (TET) (9TET)
Year 10 Technology Product Design / Material Technology (TPD) (10TPD)
Year 9 Technology Product Design / Materials Technology (TPD) (9TPD)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) (10DVC)
Year 9 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) (9DVC)
Year 13 General Science (SCI) (13SCI)
Year 13 Chemistry (CHE) (13CHE)
Year 12 General Science (SCI) (12SCI)
Year 11 Science Alternative (SCA) (11SCA)
Year 10 Science (SCI) (10SCI)
Year 9 Science (SCI) (9SCI)
Year 12 Chemistry (CHE) (12CHE)
Year 11 Science (SCI) (11SCI)
Year 12 Mathematics and Statistics Comprehensive (MAC) (12MAC)
Year 12 Mathematics and Statistics General (MAG) (12MAG)
Year 11 Mathematics and Statistics - Comprehensive (MAC) (11MAC)
Year 11 Mathematics and Statistics (MAS) (11MAS)
Year 11 Numeracy Standards Mathematics (NSM) (11NSM)
Year 10 Mathematics (MAT) (10MAT)
Year 9 Mathematics (MAT) (9MAT)
Year 12 Te Reo Maori (MAO) (12MAO)
Year 12 French (FRE) (12FRE)
Year 12 Spanish (SPA) (12SPA)
Year 12 Japanese (JPN) (12JPN)
Year 11 Te Reo Maori (MAO) (11MAO)
Year 11 French (FRE) (11FRE)
Year 11 Spanish (SPA) (11SPA)
Year 11 Japanese (JPN) (11JPN)
Year 10 Te Reo Maori (MAO) (10MAO)
Year 10 French (FRE) (10FRE)
Year 10 Spanish (SPA) (10SPA)
Year 10 Japanese (JPN) (10JPN)
Year 9 Te Reo Maori (MAO) (9MAO)
Year 9 French (FRE) (9FRE)
Year 9 Spanish (SPA) (9SPA)
Year 9 Japanese (JPN) (9JPN)
Year 12 English Visual (ENV) (12ENV)
Year 11 English (ENG) (11ENG)
Year 11 English Visual (ENV) (11ENV)
Year 10 English (ENG) (10ENG)
Year 9 English (ENG) (9ENG)
Year 11 Commerce (COM) (11COM)
Year 11 Technology Product Design (TPD) (11TPD)

Schools surrounding Napier Girls’ High School.

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