Taita College


Upcoming Events at Taita College

Event Date Details
Friday 15/11/2024 Teacher only day (Accord)

Taita College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Taita College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 10 Art (Visual) (10ART)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10MAO)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Year 10 Sports Performance Academy (10SPA)
Year 10 Health and Physical Education (10PED)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SST)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (Graphics) (10DVC)
Year 10 Food and Nutrition Technology (10FNT)
Year 10 Product Design Technology (Workshop Skills) (10PDT)
Level 1 Art (ART101)
Level 1 Drama (DRA101)
Level 1 English (ENG101)
Level 1 Mathematics (MAT101)
Level 1 Music (MUS101)
Level 1 Physical Education (PED101)
Level 1 Science (SCI101)
Level 1 History (HIS101)
Level 1 Design and Visual Communication (DVC101)
Level 1 Food and Nutrition (FNT101)
Level 1 Product Design Technology (PDT101)
Level 2 Art Painting (ART201)
Level 2 Drama (DRA201)
Level 2 English (Internal English) (ENG211)
Level 2 English (University Pathway) (ENG201)
Level 2 Mathematics (MAT201)
Level 2 Music (MUS201)
Level 2 Sports Performance (PED201)
Level 2 Physical Education (AS) (PED202)
Level 2 Science (SCI201)
Level 2 History (HIS201)
Level 1 Social Science: Law & Society (SLS101)
Level 2 Automotive Technology (AUT201)
Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (DVC201)
Level 2 Food and Nutrition (FNT201)
Level 2 Hospitality (HOS201)
Level 2 Product Design Technology (PDT201)
Level 2 Early Childhood Education (ECE201)
Level 2 Gateway (GAT231)
Level 2 Meaningful Pathways (MP2)
Level 3 Art (ART301)
Level 3 Drama (DRA301)
Level 3 English (University Pathway) (ENG301)
Level 3 Mathematics (MAT301)
Level 3 Music (MUS301)
Level 3 Sports Performance (PED301)
Level 3 History (HIS301)
Level 3 Automotive Technology (AUT301)
Level 3 Design and Visual Communication (DVC301)
Level 3 Food and Nutrition (FNT301)
Level 3 Hospitality (HOS301)
Level 3 Product Design Technology (PDT301)
Level 3 Meaningful Pathways (MP3)
Level 3 Tourism (TOU301)
Te Ahi Kaa 101 (TEAHIKAA)
Te Ahi Kaa 201 (TEAHIKAA)
Te Ahi Kaa 301 (TEAHIKAA)
Level 2 Technical Science (SCT201)
Level 2 Sports Science (SCS201)
Level 3 Early Childhood (ECE301)
Level 3 Physical Education (AS) (PED302)
Level 3 Gateway (GAT301)
Level 3 Science Careers - Physics/Chemistry (SCC301)
Level 3 Sport Science (SCS301)
Te Ahi Kaa Roa (TEAHIKAA)
Level 1 Numeracy and Financial Life Skills (NUM101)
Level 1 English for Life - Literacy (ENG103)
Level 3 English for Life (ENG321)
Level 2 Tourism (TOU201)
Level 1 Hospitality (HOS101)
Year 12 Numeracy and Financial Life Skills (NUM201)
Level 1 Sports Performance (SPA101)

Schools surrounding Taita College.

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