Kaipara College

Upcoming Events at Kaipara College

Event Date Details
TIC = Erin Stuckey
Friday 25/10/2024 Years 11 & 12 Last Day
Tuesday 29/10/2024 Years 12 and 13 Prizegiving - 7pm
Tuesday 29/10/2024 COL Teacher Only Day
Tuesday 12/11/2024 Teacher Only NCEA Accord Day
Monday 18/11/2024 - Friday 22/11/2024 Year 9 Camps

Kaipara College Daily Notices

Duke of Edinburgh

Monday 23/09/2024 - Monday 30/09/2024 If you are 14 years old and you are keen to join the Duke of Edinburgh group or find out more please speak to Mrs Howie.
The Club meets on a Friday lunchtime in room 55-please pop in next time.
There is an AMAZING free trip happening in 2025 and this could be life changing....

Kaipara College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Kaipara College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

L1 Drama (1DRA)
L1 Music (1MUS)
L1 Visual Arts (1ART)
L2 Photography (2PHO)
L2 Design (2DES)
L3 Design (3DES)
L2 Drama (2DRA)
L3 Drama (3DRA)
L3 Music (3MUS)
L2 Music (2MUS)
L3 Photography (3PHO)
L2 Painting (2PAI)
L3 Painting (3PAI)
L1 Performing Arts Technology (1PAT)
L2 Performing Arts Technology (2PAT)
L3 Performing Arts Technology (3PAT)
L1 English (1ENG)
L2 English (2ENG)
L2 Media Studies (2MED)
L3 Media Studies (3MED)
L1 Mathematics (1MATH)
L2 Mathematics (2MATH)
L3 Calculus (3CALC)
L1 Physical Education (1PE)
L2 Recreation (2PER)
L3 Health (3HEA)
L1 Health (1HEA)
L2 Health (2HEA)
L2 Agriculture, Horticulture & Sustainability (2HORT)
L1 Science (1SCI)
L2 Earth and Space Science (2ESS)
L2 Biology (2BIO)
L2 Chemistry (2CHEM)
L2 Physics (2PHY)
L3 Earth and Space Science (3ESS)
L3 Biology (3BIO)
L3 Chemistry (3CHEM)
L3 Physics (3PHY)
L2 Tourism (2TOU)
L3 Tourism (3TOU)
L1 Commerce (1COM)
L2 Business (2BIZ)
L3 Business (3BIZ)
L1 History (1HIS)
L3 History (3HIS)
L1 Hospitality (1HOS)
L2 Hospitality (2HOS)
L3 Hospitality (3HOS)
L3 Automotive Engineering (3AUT)
L3 Carpentry (3CAR)
L1 Design & Visual Communication (1DVC)
L2 Design & Visual Communication (2DVC)
L3 Design & Visual Communication (3DVC)
L1 Digital Technology (1DIGI)
L1 Te Ao Māori (1TAM)
L2 Te Ao Māori (2TAM)
L1 Te Reo Māori (1TRM)
L2 Te Reo Māori (2TRM)
L3 Te Reo Māori (3TRM)
L3 English (3ENG)
L3 Horticulture and Sustainability (3HORT)
L2 Statistics (2STAT)
L3 Mathematics (3MATH)
L1 Materials Technology (1MAT)
L1 Agriculture & Horticulture (1HORT)
L3 Recreation (3PER)
L2 Calculus (2CAL)
L3 Statistics (3STAT)
L2 History (2HIS)
L3 Te Ao Māori (3TAM)
Kōtui Ako - Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa (HNET)
10 Art (Line 1) (10ART)
10 DVC (Line 2) (10DVC)
10 Te Reo Māori (Line 2) (10TRM)
10 Processing Technology (Line 1) (10PRO)
10 Performing Arts (Line 2) (10PERA)
10 Enterprise (Line 1) (10ENT)
10 Music (Line 1) (10MUS)
10 Horticulture (Line 1) (10HOR)
10 Digital Technology (Line 1) (10DIG)
L3 Physical Education (3PE)
L2 Physical Education (2PE)
10 Materials Technology (Line 1) (10MAT)
10 Art (Line 2) (10ART)
L1 Te Ao Haka (1TAH)
L3 Te Ao Haka (3TAH)
L2 Te Ao Haka (2TAH)
FSE 2 (FSE2)
10 Materials Technology (Line 2) (10MAT)
10 Processing Technology (Line 2) (10PRO)
L2 Printmaking (2PRINT)
L3 Printmaking (3PRINT)
L2 Carpentry (2CAR)
L2 Automotive Engineering (2AUT)
10 Sport (Line 1) (10SPORT)
10 Sport Academy (Line 2) (10SPTAC)
L2 Recreation (Copy) (2PER)

Schools surrounding Kaipara College.

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