St Catherines College (Kilbirnie)


Upcoming Events at St Catherines College (Kilbirnie)

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 Kapa Haka

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St Catherines College (Kilbirnie) Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that St Catherines College (Kilbirnie) offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Level 1 Mathematics (MA100)
Year 9 Art (9AR)
Year 9 English (9EN)
Level 1 Financial Literacy (FC100)
Level 1 History (HI100)
Level 1 Music (MU100)
Level 1 Physical Education (PE100)
Level 1 Te Reo Māori (MI100)
Level 1 Science (SC100)
Level 1 Religious Education (RE100)
Year 9 Food Technology (9FT)
Year 9 French (9FR)
Year 9 Creative Technology (9CT)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MA)
Year 9 Music (9MU)
Year 9 Health and Physical Education (9HPE)
Year 9 Religious Education (9RE)
Year 9 Science (9SC)
Year 9 Ao Tangata (Social Studies) (9AT)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori (9MI)
Year 10 Art (10AR)
Year 10 Digital Technology (10DT)
Year 10 English (10EN)
Year 10 French (10FR)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MA)
Year 10 Music (10MU)
Year 10 Health and Physical Education (10HPE)
Year 10 Religious Education (10RE)
Year 10 Science (10SC)
Year 10 Ao Tangata (Social Studies) (10AT)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10MI)
Level 1 Art (AR100)
Level 1 English (EN100)
Level 1 French (FR100)
Level 2 Accounting (AC203)
Level 2 Art - Painting/Printmaking (AR200)
Level 2 Art - Design/Photography (AD200)
Level 2 Biology (BI200)
Level 2 Chemistry (CH200)
Level 2 Economics (EC203)
Level 2 English (EN200)
Level 2 Food Technology (FT200)
Level 2 French (FR200)
Level 2 Gateway (GY200)
Level 2 History (HI200)
Level 2 Mathematics (MA200)
Level 2 Statistics (MS200)
Level 2 Music (MU200)
Level 2 Physical Education (PE200)
Level 2 Physics (PH200)
Level 2 Religious Education (RE200)
Level 3 Accounting (AC304)
Level 3 Art - Painting/Printmaking (AR300)
Level 3 Art - Design/Photography (AD300)
Level 3 Biology (BI300)
Level 3 Chemistry (CH300)
Level 3 Economics (EC304)
Level 3 English (EN302)
Level 3 Food Technology (FT300)
Level 3 French (FR300)
Level 3 Gateway (GY300)
Level 3 History (HI300)
Level 3 Calculus (MC300)
Level 3 Statistics (MS300)
Level 3 Music (MU300)
Level 3 Physical Education (PE300)
Level 3 Physics (PH300)
Level 3 Religious Education (RE300)
Level 3 Tourism (TO300)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (MI200)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (MI300)
Level 1 Samoan (SA100)
Level 2 Samoan (SA203)
Level 3 Samoan (SA304)
Year 10 Samoan (10SA)
Level 2 Tourism (TO200)
Level 1 Creative Technology (CT100)
Year 10 Creative Technology (10CT)
Level 2 Creative Technology (CT200)
Study (STUDY)
Level 3 Drama (DR304)
Level 1 Food Technology (FT100)
Year 10 Food Technology (10FT)
Level 2 Drama (DR203)
Level 3 Creative Technology (CT300)
Level 1 Sociology (SO100)
Level 2 Sociology (SO200)
Level 1 Digital Technology (DT100)
Year 9 Digital Technologies (9DT)
Level 2 Digital Technology (DT200)
Level 3 Sociology (SO300)

Schools surrounding St Catherines College (Kilbirnie).

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