Marlborough Girls’ College


Upcoming Events at Marlborough Girls’ College

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Mental Health Awareness Week
Monday 23/09/2024 NCEA Summary Yr 12/13
Monday 23/09/2024 Cultural Prize Giving Practice
Monday 23/09/2024 Performers Practice for Cultural PG
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Stars Graduation
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Regional SciTech Fair
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Burnside Orchestra/Ovation concert
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Year 9 Celebration Assembly
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Cultural Prize Giving
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Senior Assembly
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Regional SciTech Prizegiving
Friday 27/09/2024 House Choir
Lunch after P3
P4 - Juniors
P5 - Seniors
Monday 7/10/2024 - Tuesday 8/10/2024 NZSS MTB - Christchurch
Tuesday 8/10/2024 - Friday 11/10/2024 NZSS Netball - Christchurch
Tuesday 15/10/2024 Sport Prize Giving Practice
Wednesday 16/10/2024 Sport Prize Giving
Wednesday 16/10/2024 Junior Assembly
Wednesday 16/10/2024 DCAT
Thursday 17/10/2024 House Day and PCT Challenge
Saturday 19/10/2024 - Sunday 20/10/2024 Volleyball Roy Titheridge
Monday 21/10/2024 - Friday 25/10/2024 Spirit Week
Tuesday 22/10/2024 - Wednesday 23/10/2024 Year 9 Hearing Screening
Wednesday 23/10/2024 Senior Assembly
Wednesday 23/10/2024 National Earthquake Drill
Thursday 24/10/2024 - Friday 25/10/2024 Taiopenga
Friday 25/10/2024 MGC's Got Talent
Saturday 26/10/2024 TSS Road Cycling - Nelson
Tuesday 29/10/2024 Ma Te Wa
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Year 12 and 13 Last Day
Same as MBC
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Year 12 and 13 Prize Giving
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Junior Assembly
Thursday 31/10/2024 TSS Rugby 7's Senior
Thursday 31/10/2024 TSS Rugby 7's Junior
Friday 1/11/2024 Gumboot Day
Tuesday 5/11/2024 TSS Cricket Junior
Tuesday 5/11/2024 Full Board Meeting
Tuesday 5/11/2024 International Programme Begins
Tuesday 5/11/2024 Climbing Wall in MGC
Friday 8/11/2024 TSS Volleyball Junior Div 1
Saturday 9/11/2024 - Sunday 10/11/2024 TSS Volleyball Junior Honours
Monday 11/11/2024 - Thursday 14/11/2024 Get to know you korero
Monday 11/11/2024 Staff Only Day
Tuesday 12/11/2024 - Friday 15/11/2024 ADM Whenua Iti Camp
Wednesday 13/11/2024 Junior Assembly
Wednesday 13/11/2024 TSS Touch Junior
Wednesday 13/11/2024 Date TBC Tennis Junior
Thursday 14/11/2024 TSS Junior Tennis
Friday 15/11/2024 Evacuation Practice
Tuesday 19/11/2024 - Thursday 21/11/2024 SISS Volleyball Junior - Christchurch
Thursday 21/11/2024 Year 8 Orientation Day

Marlborough Girls’ College Daily Notices

Ovation Auditions

Tuesday 17/09/2024 - Tuesday 24/09/2024 Any students interested in auditioning for Ovation choir please come to one of the two audition dates in M7 (Music Room)
Monday 14th Oct Week 1 of Term 4 3:30 - 5pm
Thursday 17th Oct Week 1 of Term 4 3:30 - 4:30pm

I would like you to sing either the school waiata or national anthem. Other songs will be accepted however no backing music is allowed.
You can audition on your own or in a small group with friends.

Please only audition if you can commit to Monday and Thursday rehearsals 3:30-4:30

Marlborough Girls’ College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Marlborough Girls’ College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

9 Art: Foundations 1 (091ARS)
9 Fotografik 1 (091FOT)
9/10 Production Arts: Props and Set Design 2 (192PRA)
Visual Arts - Ngā Toi Ataata (ART201)
Drama: Playwrights and Performance (DRA110)
Drama - Te Whakaari (DRA201)
Drama - Te Whakaari (DRA301)
Photography - Te Hopu Whakaahua (PHO201)
Photography - Te Hopu Whakaahua (PHO301)
Visual Arts - Ngā Toi Ataata (ART301)
9 Music 1 (091MUS)
10 Songsmith 2 (102SGS)
Music - Te Puoro (MUS201)
Music - Te Puoro (MUS301)
Baking - Te Tunumanga Parāoa (BKG201)
Baking - Te Tunumanga Parāoa (BKG301)
Early Childhood Education - Te Mātauranga Kōhungahunga (ECE201)
Early Childhood Education - Te Mātauranga Kōhungahunga (ECE301)
Gateway - Te Kūwaha (GAT201)
Gateway - Te Kūwaha (GAT301)
Hospitality and Catering - Te Manaakitanga Ā Te Whakataka Kai (HOC201)
Hospitality and Catering - Te Manaakitanga Ā Te Whakataka Kai (HOC301)
Trades Academy - Te Wānanga mihi ā-rehe (TRD201)
Trades Academy - Te Wānanga mihi ā-rehe (TRD301)
9 Dark Side of Fairy Tales 1 (091DSF)
9 Dystopian Visions 2 (092DYS)
10 Newsroom 1 (101NRM)
10 Katarina to Katniss: Girls of Fire 1 (101KAT)
9 In the Beginning 1 (091BEG)
9 Director's Cut 1 (091DCT)
9 Perspective Matters 1 (091PMT)
English Literature Studies - Rangahau Momo Tuhinga (ENL201)
English Text Studies - Rangahau Momo Tuhinga Poto (ENT201)
English - Literature Studies - Rangahau Momo Tuhinga (ENL301)
English - Text Studies - Rangahau Momo Tuhinga (ENT301)
Media Studies - Mahi Pāpāho (MES201)
Media Studies - Mahi Pāpāho (MES301)
9/10 Belonging (ESOL) 1 (191BLG)
9 Body as Art 2 (092BOD)
10 Mountains to Sea: KI UTA KI TAI Under the Sea 2 (102MSB)
9 All the Fun of the Fair 1 (091FFR)
Biology - Te Mātai Koiora (BIO201)
Biology - Te Mātai Koiora (BIO301)
Chemistry - Te Mātai Matū (CHE201)
Chemistry - Te Mātai Matū (CHE301)
Environmental Sustainability - Te Whakapūmautanga Taiao (ESU201)
Environmental Sustainability - Te Whakapūmautanga Taiao (ESU301)
Physics - Te Mātai Ahupūngao (PHY201)
Physics - Te Mātai Ahupūngao (PHY301)
9 Relating to Others in French 1 (091FRE)
9 Te Whakatōtanga (Te Reo Māori) 1 (091REO)
9 Tanoshii Nihongo (Japanese) 1 (091TAN)
French - Te Reo Wīwī (FRE201)
French - Te Reo Wīwī (FRE301)
Te Ao Haka (TAH201)
Te Reo Māori (REO201)
Te Reo Māori (REO301)
10 Learning to Survive in French 1 (101FRE)
10 Te Tupuranga 1 (Te Reo Māori) (101REO)
10 Tanoshii Nihongo 1 (Japanese) (101TAN)
9 Health and Physical Education 1 (091HPE)
9 Mathletes 1 (091MTL)
9 World Games 2 (092WGM)
10 Adventure Marlborough 1 (101ADM)
10 Health and Physical Education 1 (101HPE)
10 Hunger Games 1 (101HNG)
9/10 I Like to Move It 1 (191ILM)
10 Train to Gain 1 (101TTG)
9/10 Recreation and Leisure 1 (191REC)
Health Education - Te Akoranga Hauora (HED201)
Health Education - Te Akoranga Hauora (HED301)
Physical Education - Te Mātauranga Ā-Tinana (PED301)
Outdoor Education - Te Mātauranga Ā-Waho (OED201)
Physical Education - Te Mātauranga Ā-Tinana (PED201)
9 FabLab@MGC 1 (091FAB)
10 Jewellery Design 1 (101JWL)
9 Warm Vibes, Cool Spaces 1 (191WVC)
Digital Technology - Te Hangarau Matihiko (DST201)
Digital Technology - Te Hangarau Matihiko (DST301)
Food Technology - Te Kai ā te Hangarau Koiora (FBT201)
Food Technology - Te Kai ā te Hangarau Koiora (FBT301)
Textile and Fashion Technology - Te Hangarau Pūeru ā te Tāera Kākahu (TFT201)
Textile and Fashion Technology - Te Hangarau Pūeru ā te Tāera Kākahu (TFT301)
9 Algebra Express 2 (092ALG)
9 Numbers Count 1 (091NBC)
10 Measuring the World 1 (101MTW)
10 Algebra Express 2 (102ALG)
10 Money Money Money 1 (101MMM)
10 Numbers Count 1 (101NBC)
10 Limit Breaker 1 (101LMB)
Mathematics with Calculus - Pāngarau (CAL201)
Mathematics with Calculus - Pāngarau (CAL301)
Mathematics General - Pāngarau (MAT201)
Mathematics General - Pāngarau (MAT301)
Mathematics with Statistics - Pāngarau (STA201)
Mathematics with Statistics - Pāngarau (STA301)
9 Law and Order 2 (092LAW)
9 Nature's Fury 2 (092NFY)
9 War 1 (091WAR)
10 Mind the Gap 1 (101MTG)
10 Inside the Human Mind 2 (102ITM)
9/10 Ancients Alive 1 (091ANA)
9 Dare to Lead 1 (091DTL)
Entrepreneurship Sem 1 (ESP111)
Business Studies - Te Mātai Pakihi (BUS201)
Business Studies - Te Mātai Pakihi (BUS301)
Classical Studies - Whakaakoranga Puāwaitanga (CLS201)
Classical Studies - Whakaakoranga Puāwaitanga (CLS301)
Our Economic World Sem 2 (ECW112)
Economics - Te Mātauranga Ōhanga (ECO201)
Economics - Te Mātauranga Ōhanga (ECO301)
Geography - Te Mātai Matawhenua (GEO201)
Geography - Te Mātai Matawhenua (GEO301)
20th Century History Sem 1 (HIS111)
History - Ngā Tāhuhu Kōrero (HIS201)
History - Ngā Tāhuhu Kōrero (HIS301)
Psychology - Mātai Hinengaro (PSY201)
Psychology - Mātai Hinengaro (PSY301)
Tourism - Te Tāpoi (TOU201)
Tourism - Te Tāpoi (TOU301)
Correspondence - Te Kura/Net NZ (COR)
9 Buildings Models 1 (091MOD)
9 Mountains to Sea - KI UTA KI TAI Life on the Land 1 (091MSA)
10 Music Makers 1 (101MMK)
9/10 Voices of Aotearoa 2 (192VOA)
10 Health and Physical Education 2 (102HPE)
9 Art Foundations 2 (092ARS)
9 War 2 (092WAR)
10 Perspective Matters: Past and Present Histories 2 (102PPP)
10 Art Expressive 2 (102ARR)
9/10 Book Club 1 (191BCB)
9 Director's Cut 2 (092DCT)
10 Newsroom 2 (102NRM)
9/10 Book Club 2 (192BCB)
10 Train to Gain 2 (102TTG)
9 Dare to Lead 2 (092DTL)
10 Money Money Money 2 (102MMM)
10 Adventure Marlborough 2 (102ADM)
9/10 I Like to Move It 2 (192ILM)
9/10 Recreation and Leisure 2 (192REC)
9 Tanoshii Nihongo (Japanese) 2 (092TAN)
9 Relating to Others in French 2 (092FRE)
9 Te Whakatōtanga (Te Reo Māori) 2 (092REO)
9 In the Beginning 2 (092BEG)
9/10 Belonging (ESOL) 2 (192BLG)
9 FabLab@MGC 2 (092FAB)
10 Jewellery Design 2 (102JWL)
10 Sustainable Fashion 2 (102SFN)
10 Learning to Survive in French 2 (102FRE)
10 Tanoshii Nihongo 2 (Japanese) (102TAN)
10 Te Tupuranga 2 (Te Reo Māori) (102REO)
Japanese 201 - Te Reo Hapanihi 201 (JPN201)
9 Tūrangawaewae - Introduction to Whakapapa and Pepeha 1 (091IWP)
9 Tūrangawaewae - Introduction to Whakapapa and Pepeha 2 (092IWP)
English for Second Language Learners (ESL110)
9 Warm Vibes Cool Spaces 2 (091WVC)
9 Drama for Everyone 1 (091DRM)
10 TOI: Wearable Arts 1 (101WOW)
10 Our History 1 (101HIS)
9 Perspective Matters 2 (092PMT)
10 Reading for Success 1 (101RFS)
10 Power of Persuasion 1 (101PER)
9/10 An Author's Voice 1 (191AUT)
9/10 An Author's Voice 2 (192AUT)
9 Ideas to Plate 1 (091ITP)
9 Ideas to Plate 2 (092ITP)
9 MakeHER Space 1 (091MHS)
9 MakeHER Space 2 (092MHS)
9/10 Creating my Taonga 1 (191MYT)
9/10 Creating my Taonga 2 (192MYT)
10 Cafe Cuisine & Webb Design 1 (101CCW)
10 Cafe Cuisine & Webb Design 2 (102CCW)
9 Fantasy Fiction 2 (092FAN)
9/10 Robotics Plus 1 (191RBP)
10 Art Expressive 1 (101ARR)
10 Our History 2 (102HIS)
10 Human Rights 1 (101HMR)
10 Human Rights 2 (102HMR)
9 Fantasy Fiction 1 (091FAN)
9/10 Siva mai, sau ia! 1 (191SMS1)
Siva mai, sau ia! (SMS320)
9/10 Siva mai, sau ia! 1 (191SMS)
Ancients Alive (191ANA)
Siva mai, sau ia! (SMS110)
10 Numbers Count 2 (102NBC)
9 Numbers Count 2 (092NBC)
10 Through a New Lens 1 (101TNL)
10 Fuel for Sport 2 (102FSP)
9 Flight 2 (092FLI)
10 Snap N Zine 2 (102SNZ)
10 Hack Lab 2 (102HLA)
Media in Focus (MED110)
Bookworm (BKW110)
Lights, Camera, Action! (LCA110)
Mind of a Monster (MON110)
Through Their Eyes (EYE110)
Health Matters (HEM110)
Outdoor Pursuits (ODP110)
Sports Science (SPS110)
Sports Academy (SPA110)
Colour My World Sem 2 (CMW112)
Hokonui Fashion Design Sem 1 (HOF111)
Toys 'R Us Sem 1 (TOY111)
Music Makers Sem 1 (MUS111)
Compose Yourself Sem 2 (COM112)
9 Power of Poetry 1 (091PWR)
9 Science Detectives 1 (091SCD)
9 Science Detectives 2 (092SCD)
9/10 Robotics Plus 2 (192RBP)
Reimagining Ancient Architecture Sem 1 (RAA111)
10 Snap N Zine 1 (101SNZ)
9 Drama for Everyone 2 (092DRM)
Through the Lens Sem 1 (TTL111)
All Me!: Digital Technologies (DGT110)
Whānau Kai Sem 1 (KAI111)
Food Adventures Marlborough Sem 2 (FOD112)
Games 'R Us Sem 2 (GAM112)
Our Amazing Planet Sem 1 (OAP111)
Sculptural Forms Sem 1 (SCP111)
Pouwhenua Painting Sem 1 (POP111)
Cultivating our Future Sem 1 (COF111)
Beyond the Elements Sem 1 (BEE111)
Engineering Sem 2 (ENS112)
Human Machine Sem 1 (HUM111)
Culinary Feast (CUF110)
Maths at Work S1 (MAW111)
Maths in Action S1 (MIA111)
The Magic of Maths S2 (MAG112)
Maths Counts S2 (MAC112)
Data Talks S2 (DAT112)
Engineering Sem 1 (ENS111)
Historical Conflict Sem 2 (HCO112)
Geography: Living on the Edge Sem 1 (GLE111)
Geography: Our Changing World Sem 2 (GCW112)
Globetrotters Sem 2 (GLO112)
French (FRE110)
Japanese (JPN110)
Te Reo Māori (REO110)
Our Amazing Planet Sem 2 (OAP112)
Human Machine Sem 2 (HUM112)
Beyond the Elements Sem 2 (BEE112)
Entrepreneurship Sem 2 (ESP112)
Sculptural Forms Sem 2 (SCP112)
Through the Lens Sem 2 (TTL112)
Pouwhenua Painting Sem 2 (POP112)
Japanese - Te Reo Hapanihi (JPN301)
9 Music 2 (092MUS)
10 Drama: Practice makes Perfect 1 (101DRM)
10 Drama: Practice makes Perfect 2 (102DRM)
9 Flight 1 (091FLI)
10 Hack Lab 1 (101HLA)
9/10 Production Arts: Props and Set Design 1 (191PRA)
9 Power of Poetry 2 (092PWR)
Outdoor Education (OED301)
10 Hunger Games 2 (102HNG)
10 Fuel for Sport 1 (101FSP)
9 Warm Vibes, Cool Spaces 2 (192WVC)
Literacy in Action (LIT110)
Cultivating our Future Sem 2 (COF112)
Agriculture Horticulture Science (AGH201)
10 Invisible Science 1 (101ISC)
10 Invisible Science 2 (102ISC)
10 Myth Breakers 1 (101MYB)
10 Myth Breakers 2 (102MYB)
Maker Space (MAK3201)
10 Reading for Success 2 (102RFS)

Schools surrounding Marlborough Girls’ College.

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