Below are some of the subjects that Marlborough Girls’ College offers to their students for 2024/2025.
9 Art: Foundations 1
9 Fotografik 1
9/10 Production Arts: Props and Set Design 2
Visual Arts - Ngā Toi Ataata
Drama: Playwrights and Performance
Drama - Te Whakaari
Drama - Te Whakaari
Photography - Te Hopu Whakaahua
Photography - Te Hopu Whakaahua
Visual Arts - Ngā Toi Ataata
9 Music 1
10 Songsmith 2
Music - Te Puoro
Music - Te Puoro
Baking - Te Tunumanga Parāoa
Baking - Te Tunumanga Parāoa
Early Childhood Education - Te Mātauranga Kōhungahunga
Early Childhood Education - Te Mātauranga Kōhungahunga
Gateway - Te Kūwaha
Gateway - Te Kūwaha
Hospitality and Catering - Te Manaakitanga Ā Te Whakataka Kai
Hospitality and Catering - Te Manaakitanga Ā Te Whakataka Kai
Trades Academy - Te Wānanga mihi ā-rehe
Trades Academy - Te Wānanga mihi ā-rehe
9 Dark Side of Fairy Tales 1
9 Dystopian Visions 2
10 Newsroom 1
10 Katarina to Katniss: Girls of Fire 1
9 In the Beginning 1
9 Director's Cut 1
9 Perspective Matters 1
English Literature Studies - Rangahau Momo Tuhinga
English Text Studies - Rangahau Momo Tuhinga Poto
English - Literature Studies - Rangahau Momo Tuhinga
English - Text Studies - Rangahau Momo Tuhinga
Media Studies - Mahi Pāpāho
Media Studies - Mahi Pāpāho
9/10 Belonging (ESOL) 1
9 Body as Art 2
10 Mountains to Sea: KI UTA KI TAI Under the Sea 2
9 All the Fun of the Fair 1
Biology - Te Mātai Koiora
Biology - Te Mātai Koiora
Chemistry - Te Mātai Matū
Chemistry - Te Mātai Matū
Environmental Sustainability - Te Whakapūmautanga Taiao
Environmental Sustainability - Te Whakapūmautanga Taiao
Physics - Te Mātai Ahupūngao
Physics - Te Mātai Ahupūngao
9 Relating to Others in French 1
9 Te Whakatōtanga (Te Reo Māori) 1
9 Tanoshii Nihongo (Japanese) 1
French - Te Reo Wīwī
French - Te Reo Wīwī
Te Ao Haka
Te Reo Māori
Te Reo Māori
10 Learning to Survive in French 1
10 Te Tupuranga 1 (Te Reo Māori)
10 Tanoshii Nihongo 1 (Japanese)
9 Health and Physical Education 1
9 Mathletes 1
9 World Games 2
10 Adventure Marlborough 1
10 Health and Physical Education 1
10 Hunger Games 1
10 Train to Gain 1
9/10 Recreation and Leisure 1
Health Education - Te Akoranga Hauora
Health Education - Te Akoranga Hauora
Physical Education - Te Mātauranga Ā-Tinana
Outdoor Education - Te Mātauranga Ā-Waho
Physical Education - Te Mātauranga Ā-Tinana
9 FabLab@MGC 1
10 Jewellery Design 1
9 Warm Vibes, Cool Spaces 1
Digital Technology - Te Hangarau Matihiko
Digital Technology - Te Hangarau Matihiko
Food Technology - Te Kai ā te Hangarau Koiora
Food Technology - Te Kai ā te Hangarau Koiora
Textile and Fashion Technology - Te Hangarau Pūeru ā te Tāera Kākahu
Textile and Fashion Technology - Te Hangarau Pūeru ā te Tāera Kākahu
9 Algebra Express 2
9 Numbers Count 1
10 Measuring the World 1
10 Algebra Express 2
10 Money Money Money 1
10 Numbers Count 1
10 Limit Breaker 1
Mathematics with Calculus - Pāngarau
Mathematics with Calculus - Pāngarau
Mathematics General - Pāngarau
Mathematics General - Pāngarau
Mathematics with Statistics - Pāngarau
Mathematics with Statistics - Pāngarau
9 Law and Order 2
9 Nature's Fury 2
9 War 1
10 Mind the Gap 1
10 Inside the Human Mind 2
9/10 Ancients Alive 1
9 Dare to Lead 1
Entrepreneurship Sem 1
Business Studies - Te Mātai Pakihi
Business Studies - Te Mātai Pakihi
Classical Studies - Whakaakoranga Puāwaitanga
Classical Studies - Whakaakoranga Puāwaitanga
Our Economic World Sem 2
Economics - Te Mātauranga Ōhanga
Economics - Te Mātauranga Ōhanga
Geography - Te Mātai Matawhenua
Geography - Te Mātai Matawhenua
20th Century History Sem 1
History - Ngā Tāhuhu Kōrero
History - Ngā Tāhuhu Kōrero
Psychology - Mātai Hinengaro
Psychology - Mātai Hinengaro
Tourism - Te Tāpoi
Tourism - Te Tāpoi
Correspondence - Te Kura/Net NZ
9 Buildings Models 1
9 Mountains to Sea - KI UTA KI TAI Life on the Land 1
10 Music Makers 1
9/10 Voices of Aotearoa 2
10 Health and Physical Education 2
9 Art Foundations 2
9 War 2
10 Perspective Matters: Past and Present Histories 2
10 Art Expressive 2
9/10 Book Club 1
9 Director's Cut 2
10 Newsroom 2
9/10 Book Club 2
10 Train to Gain 2
9 Dare to Lead 2
10 Money Money Money 2
10 Adventure Marlborough 2
9/10 I Like to Move It 2
9/10 Recreation and Leisure 2
9 Tanoshii Nihongo (Japanese) 2
9 Relating to Others in French 2
9 Te Whakatōtanga (Te Reo Māori) 2
9 In the Beginning 2
9/10 Belonging (ESOL) 2
9 FabLab@MGC 2
10 Jewellery Design 2
10 Sustainable Fashion 2
10 Learning to Survive in French 2
10 Tanoshii Nihongo 2 (Japanese)
10 Te Tupuranga 2 (Te Reo Māori)
Japanese 201 - Te Reo Hapanihi 201
9 Tūrangawaewae - Introduction to Whakapapa and Pepeha 1
9 Tūrangawaewae - Introduction to Whakapapa and Pepeha 2
English for Second Language Learners
9 Warm Vibes Cool Spaces 2
9 Drama for Everyone 1
10 TOI: Wearable Arts 1
10 Our History 1
9 Perspective Matters 2
10 Reading for Success 1
10 Power of Persuasion 1
9/10 An Author's Voice 1
9/10 An Author's Voice 2
9 Ideas to Plate 1
9 Ideas to Plate 2
9 MakeHER Space 1
9 MakeHER Space 2
9/10 Creating my Taonga 1
9/10 Creating my Taonga 2
10 Cafe Cuisine & Webb Design 1
10 Cafe Cuisine & Webb Design 2
9 Fantasy Fiction 2
9/10 Robotics Plus 1
10 Art Expressive 1
10 Our History 2
10 Human Rights 1
10 Human Rights 2
9 Fantasy Fiction 1
9/10 Siva mai, sau ia! 1
Siva mai, sau ia!
9/10 Siva mai, sau ia! 1
Ancients Alive
Siva mai, sau ia!
10 Numbers Count 2
9 Numbers Count 2
10 Through a New Lens 1
10 Fuel for Sport 2
9 Flight 2
10 Snap N Zine 2
10 Hack Lab 2
Media in Focus
Lights, Camera, Action!
Mind of a Monster
Through Their Eyes
Health Matters
Outdoor Pursuits
Sports Science
Sports Academy
Colour My World Sem 2
Hokonui Fashion Design Sem 1
Toys 'R Us Sem 1
Music Makers Sem 1
Compose Yourself Sem 2
9 Power of Poetry 1
9 Science Detectives 1
9 Science Detectives 2
9/10 Robotics Plus 2
Reimagining Ancient Architecture Sem 1
10 Snap N Zine 1
9 Drama for Everyone 2
Through the Lens Sem 1
All Me!: Digital Technologies
Whānau Kai Sem 1
Food Adventures Marlborough Sem 2
Games 'R Us Sem 2
Our Amazing Planet Sem 1
Sculptural Forms Sem 1
Pouwhenua Painting Sem 1
Cultivating our Future Sem 1
Beyond the Elements Sem 1
Engineering Sem 2
Human Machine Sem 1
Culinary Feast
Maths at Work S1
Maths in Action S1
The Magic of Maths S2
Maths Counts S2
Data Talks S2
Engineering Sem 1
Historical Conflict Sem 2
Geography: Living on the Edge Sem 1
Geography: Our Changing World Sem 2
Globetrotters Sem 2
Te Reo Māori
Our Amazing Planet Sem 2
Human Machine Sem 2
Beyond the Elements Sem 2
Entrepreneurship Sem 2
Sculptural Forms Sem 2
Through the Lens Sem 2
Pouwhenua Painting Sem 2
Japanese - Te Reo Hapanihi
9 Music 2
10 Drama: Practice makes Perfect 1
10 Drama: Practice makes Perfect 2
9 Flight 1
10 Hack Lab 1
9/10 Production Arts: Props and Set Design 1
9 Power of Poetry 2
Outdoor Education
10 Hunger Games 2
10 Fuel for Sport 1
9 Warm Vibes, Cool Spaces 2
Literacy in Action
Cultivating our Future Sem 2
Agriculture Horticulture Science
10 Invisible Science 1
10 Invisible Science 2
10 Myth Breakers 1
10 Myth Breakers 2
Maker Space
10 Reading for Success 2