Kaikoura High School

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Kaikoura High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Kaikoura High School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 7 Global Markbook (YEAR07)
Year 9 Global Markbook (YEAR09)
Year 11 Year 11 Markbook (YEAR11)
Year 12 Year 12 Markbook (YEAR12)
Year 8 Specify Subject Name (8HR)
Year 7 Writing (7ENG)
Year 7 Homeroom-Reading (7HRE)
Year 7 Homeroom-Social Studies (7HRS)
Year 7 Homeroom- Writing (7HRW)
Year 7 Mathematics (7MAT)
Year 7 Social Studies (7SOS)
Year 8 Writing (8ENG)
Year 8 Homeroom- Reading (8HRE)
Year 8 Homeroom- Social Studies (8HRS)
Year 8 Homeroom - Writing (8HRW)
Year 8 Social Studies (8SOS)
Year 7 English Reading (7ENGR)
Year 8 Reading (8ENGR)
Year 9 Science (9SCLL)
Year 7 Mathematics (78MATH)
Year 12 Esol (ESOL)
Year 12 English (12ENGA)
Year 7 Science (7SCI)
Year 8 Science (8SCI)
Year 9 Hunting and Fishing NZ (9RFF)
Year 9 Landscape Design (9RLD)
Year 9 Science-Brainiac (9SCB)
Year 10 Hunting and Fishing NZ (10RFF)
Year 10 Landscape Design (10RLD)
Year 10 Science-Brainiac (10SCB)
Year 11 11 AgriBio Science (11ABS)
Year 11 Biological Science (11BIO)
Year 11 Science (11GSC)
Year 11 Physical Science (11PHY)
NCEA Level 2 12 Agriculture (12AGH)
Level 2 Biology (12BIO)
NCEA Level 2 Chemistry (12CHE)
NCEA Level 2 Physics (12PHY)
NCEA Level 3 Biology (13BIO)
NCEA Level 3 Chemistry (13CHE)
NCEA Level 3 Physics (13PHY)
Year 9 Science (9SCAP)
Year 9 Science - Biotechnology (9SCBT)
Year 9 Science-Fire and Ice (9SCFI)
Year 9 Science (9SCLE)
Year 9 Science-Life on Mars (9SCLM)
Year 9 Pāua Patties (9SCPP)
Year 9 Science (9SCSB)
Year 9 Science - Waste Management (9SCWM)
Year 10 Science (10SCAP)
Year 10 Science - Biotechnology (10SCBT)
Year 10 Science-Fire and Ice (10SCFI)
Year 10 Science-Life in the Extreme (10SCLE)
Year 10 Science (10SCLL)
Year 10 Science-May the Force be with you (10SCMF)
Year 10 Pāua Patties (10SCPP)
Year 10 Science-Physics and Technology (10SCPT)
Year 10 Science (10SCSB)
Year 10 Science-What lies beneath (10SCWL)
Year 10 Science - Waste Management (10SCWM)
Year 9 Science (9SCONH)
Year 10 Science (10SCONH)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SSIHG)
Year 9 Science-The universe in you (9SCTUIY)
Year 10 Science-All about Me (10SCIAAM)
Year 1 Mr L Clydesdale (CE)
Year 1 Mr P M Threadgill (TD)
Year 1 Ms R Tsang (TS)
Year 7 Drama (7DRA)
Year 7 Music (7MUS)
Year 9 English - Breaking the Rules (9EBR)
Year 9 English - Island Time (9EIT)
Year 9 Land of the Rising Sun (9JLR)
Year 10 English - Breaking the Rules (10EBR)
Year 10 English - Island Time (10EIT)
Year 10 English - Poetry, Pity and Propaganda (10EPP)
Year 10 Land of the Rising Sun (10JLR)
NCEA Level 1 English (11ENG)
Year 11 Performing Arts (11PER)
Year 12 English (12ENG)
Year 12 Performing Arts (12PER)
Year 13 English (13ENG)
Year 9 Music - Rock, Pop, and Retro (9DRA1)
Year 9 Music: From Blues to Disco Fever (9DRA2)
Year 9 English - A plague on both your houses (9EAPB)
Year 9 English - Murder most foul (9EMMF)
Year 9 English -Poetry, Pity and Propaganda (9EPPP)
Year 9 English - Who am I? (9EWAI)
Year 9 Anime and Manga (9JAP1)
Year 9 Taking Things to the Next Level (9JTNL)
Year 10 Music - Pop, Rock, and Retro (10DRA1)
Year 10 Music: From Blues to Disco Fever (10DRA2)
Year 10 English - A plague on both your houses (10EAPB)
Year 10 English - Murder most foul (10EMMF)
Year 10 English - Who Am I? (10EWAI)
Year 10 Anime and Manga (10JAP1)
Year 10 Taking Things to the Next Level (10JTNL)
Year 9 English - Change (9ENGCH)
Year 9 English - Getting to know you (9ENGGK)
Year 9 English - How deep do you see? (9ENGHD)
Year 10 English - Change (10ENGCH)
Year 10 English - Getting to know you (10ENGGK)
Year 10 English - How deep do you see? (10ENGHD)
Year 7 Digital Technology (7DT)
Year 9 Food Technology - Kiwi Kai (9FKK)
Year 9 Txt for takeout, Not me! (9FTT)
Year 9 Graphics GS (9GGS)
Year 9 Graphics Sketching and Rendering (9GSR)
Year 9 Trades Jewellery (9HMJ)
Year 10 Food Technology - Kiwi Kai (10FKK)
Year 10 Txt for takeout, Not me! (10FTT)
Year 10 Graphics GS (10GGS)
Year 10 Graphics Sketching and Rendering (10GSR)
Year 10 Trades Jewellery (10HMJ)
Year 11 Graphics (11GRA)
Year 11 Trades (11TRA)
Cookery and Hospitality Level 2 (12CKH)
Year 12 Year 12 Trades (12TRA)
Year 7 Food Technology - Cooking Skills (7FTEC)
Year 8 Hard Materials Technology - Electronics (8HMAT)
Year 9 Digital Technology: Just Google It (9DTJG)
Year 9 Digital Technology - Technology & Art Collide (9DTTA)
Year 9 Txt for takeout (9FTTT)
Year 9 Multi Materials Coffee Table (9HMCT)
Year 10 Specify Subject Name (10DTHO)
Year 10 Digital Technology: Just Google It (10DTJG)
Year 10 Digital Technology - Technology & Art Collide. (10DTTA)
Year 10 Txt for takeout (10FTTT)
Year 10 Multi Materials Coffee Table (10HMCT)
Year 9 Digital Technology Just Google It (9DTJGI)
Year 9 Digital Technology What's My Digital Footprint? (9DTWDF)
Year 9 Graphis/Trades (9TECH1)
Year 9 Graphics/Trades (9TECH2)
Year 10 Digital Technology Just Google It (10DTJGI)
Year 10 Digital Technology What's My Digital Footprint? (10DTWDF)
Year 10 Trades/Graphics (10TECH1)
Year 13 Star (GW)
NCEA Level 2 Core Generic (CORE)
NCEA Level 1 11 Gateway (11GAT)
NCEA Level 2 12 Gateway (12GAT)
Year 13 13 Gateway (13GAT)
Year 9 Mathematics - Design (9MAD)
Year 9 Mathematics - How Much, How Many? (9MHM)
Year 9 Transformation Geometry (9MMM)
Year 9 Mathematics - Numeric Manipulations (9MNC)
Year 9 Try and See (9MTS)
Year 9 Specify Subject Name (9MWC)
Year 10 Mathematics - Design (10MAD)
Year 10 Mathematics with Statistics (10MAS)
Year 10 Mathematics - How Much, How Many? (10MHM)
Year 10 Transformation Geometry (10MMM)
Year 10 Mathematics - Numeric Manipulations (10MNC)
Year 10 Try and See (10MTS)
Year 11 Mathematics (11MAT)
Year 12 Mathematics with Statistics (12MAS)
Year 12 Mathematics (12MAT)
Year 13 Mathematics with Statistics (13MAS)
Year 13 Mathematics (13MAT)
Year 9 Mathematics - Cooking (9MACO)
Year 9 Mathematics - Sports (9MASP)
Year 9 Mathematics - Rules for the Natural World (9MRNW)
Year 9 Mathematics - Where There's Letters There's Numbers (9MWTL)
Year 10 Mathematics - Cooking (10MACO)
Year 10 Mathematics - Sports (10MASP)
Year 10 Mathematics - Rules for the Natural World (10MRNW)
Year 10 Mathematics - Where There's Letters There's Numbers (10MWTL)
Year 8 Art (8ART)
Year 9 Art - Drawing and Painting. (9ADP)
Year 9 Pop Art - Layered Stencils (9ALS)
Year 9 Art - Printmaking (9APP)
Year 9 Art - A World of Colour (9AWC)
Year 10 Art - Drawing & Painting (10ADP)
Year 10 Pop Art - Layered Stencils. (10ALS)
Year 10 Art - Printmaking (10APP)
Year 10 Art - A World of Colour (10AWC)
Year 11 Art (11ART)
Year 12 Art - Painting (12ART)
Year 13 Art (13ART)
Year 9 Art - Rock the Pop (9ARTRP)
Year 10 Art - Rock The Pop (10ARTRP)
Year 7 Te Reo Māori (7TER)
Year 8 Te Reo Māori (8TER)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori (9TR1)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10TR1)
Year 11 Te Reo Māori (11TER)
Year 12 Te Reo Māori (12TER)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori (9TER1)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori (9TER2)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10TER1)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10TER2)
Year 9 Business Studies - Business Tycoon (9BT)
Year 10 Business Studies - Business Tycoon (10BT)
Year 9 Business Studies - How to Decide? (9BHD)
Year 9 Business Studies - Kiwi Gumpton (9BKG)
Year 9 Business Studies - Business Tycoon (9BTY)
Year 9 Specify Subject Name (9RRS)
Year 9 Conflict (9SSC)
Year 9 Social Studies - Government (9SSG)
Year 10 Business Studies - How to Decide? (10BHD)
Year 10 Business Studies - Kiwi Gumption (10BKG)
Year 10 Business Studies - Business Tycoon (10BTY)
Year 10 Specify Subject Name (10FDP)
Year 10 Specify Subject Name (10RRS)
Year 10 Conflict (10SSC)
Year 10 Social Studies - Government (10SSG)
Year 11 Business Studies (11BUS)
Year 11 Geography (11GEO)
Year 11 History/Classical Studies (11HIS)
Year 12 Enterprise Studies (12ENT)
Year 12 History/Classical Studies (12HIS)
Level 2 Tourism (12TOU)
Year 13 Enterprise Studies (13ENT)
Year 13 Geography (13GEO)
Year 13 History (13HIS)
Level 3 Tourism (13TOU)
Year 9 Business Studies - Consumer Rights (9BSMM)
Year 9 Food and Nutrition (9FFOC)
Year 9 Science (9SCEL)
Year 9 Drink Anyone? (9SSDA)
Year 9 Social Studies - Lice and latrines Gallipoli (9SSLL)
Year 9 Social Studies - Who do you think you are? (9SSWD)
Year 10 Business Studies - Consumer rights (10BSMM)
Year 10 Science (10SCEL)
Year 10 Drink Anyone? (10SSDA)
Year 10 Social Studies - Gallipoli, lice and latrines (10SSLL)
Year 10 Social Studies - Who do you think you are? (10SSWD)
Year 9 English (9ENGWP)
Year 9 Science (9SCTNP)
Year 9 Social Studies - Antarctica (9SSANT)
Year 9 Social Studies - Introduction to GIS (9SSGIS)
Year 9 Social Studies - Introduction to History, Geography and Clas (9SSIHG)
Year 9 Social Studies - Introduction to Geography, History and Clas (9SSINT)
Year 9 Social Studies - Migration to New Zealand (9SSMNZ)
Year 9 The Treaty Today (9SSTTT)
Year 10 Science (10SCTNP)
Year 10 Social Studies - Antarctica. (10SSANT)
Year 10 Social Studies - Introduction to GIS (10SSGIS)
Year 10 Social Studies - Migration to New Zealand (10SSMNZ)
Year 10 The Treaty Today. (10SSTTT)
Year 11 His/Clas (11HISCLA)
Year 12 History/Classics (12HISCLA)
Year 7 Physical Education - Korfball, Swimming and Athletics (7PE)
Year 8 Physical Education - Korfball, Swimming and Athletics (8PE)
Year 8 Health HY (8HEA)
Year 9 Health - Balancing Act (9HBA)
Year 10 Health - Balancing Act (10HBA)
Year 11 Health (11HEA)
Year 11 Year 11 OED (11OED)
Level 1 Physical Education (11PED)
Level 2 Health (12HEA)
Level 2 Outdoor Education (12OED)
Level 2 Physical Education (12PED)
Year 13 Health (13HEA)
Level 3 Physical Education (13PED)
Year 9 Health (9HEA1)
Year 9 Physical Education - American Football (9PEAF)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PEBU)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PECD)
Year 9 Physical Education - Gaelic Football (9PEGF)
Year 9 Physical Education - Nothing but Net (9PENN)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PEOE)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PERS)
Year 9 Striking games (9PESG)
Year 10 Health (10HEA1)
Year 10 Physical Education - American Football (10PEAF)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PEBU)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PECD)
Year 10 Physical Education - Gaelic Football (10PEGF)
Year 10 Physical Education - Nothing but Net (10PENN)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PEOE)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PERS)
Year 10 Striking games (10PESG)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PEKBB)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PEKBB)
Mathematics (11MAT)

Schools surrounding Kaikoura High School.

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