Bayfield High School

Andersons Bay

Upcoming Events at Bayfield High School

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 Defensive Driving Course - After School
Monday 23/09/2024 Y12 Senior Leaders Voting Tutor Time
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Defensive Driving Course - After School
Thursday 26/09/2024 House Haka/Waiata Competition P5
Friday 27/09/2024 Senior Reports Issued
Thursday 17/10/2024 Digital Common Assessment Task
Digital Tech students in an assessment from TT - P4. Li
Monday 21/10/2024 Teacher Only Day - NCEA
Thursday 24/10/2024 Sports and Cultural Prize Giving
Thursday 31/10/2024 Senior Academic Prize Giving
Monday 4/11/2024 - Tuesday 5/11/2024 Junior Examinations
Tuesday 5/11/2024 NZQA Examination Start
Friday 15/11/2024 Year 8 Orientation Day
Monday 25/11/2024 - Friday 29/11/2024 Year 10 Camp - Tautuku
Thursday 5/12/2024 - Friday 6/12/2024 Year 12 Leadership Camp - Tirohonga
Wednesday 11/12/2024 Junior Prize Giving 11:00am
Wednesday 11/12/2024 Junior Reports Issued
Saturday 15/03/2025 - Sunday 16/03/2025 Big Hut Tramping Trip

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Bayfield High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Bayfield High School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Level 1 Literacy - English Language (11ESOL)
Level 2 & 3 Preparation for UE Literacy - English Language (12ESOL)
Level 2 UE Literacy - English Language (13ESOL)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Level 1 Music (11MUS)
Level 2 Music (12MUS)
Level 3 Music (13MUS)
Level 1 English (11ENG)
Level 2 English (12ENG)
Level 3 English (13ENG)
Level 1 Science (11SCI)
Level 2 Biology (12BIO)
Level 2 Chemistry (12CHE)
Level 2 Physics (12PHY)
Level 3 Biology (13BIO)
Level 3 Chemistry (13CHE)
Level 3 Physics (13PHY)
Year 10 French (10FRE)
Year 10 German (10GER)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10MAO)
Level 1 French (11FRE)
Level 1 German (11GER)
Level 1 Te Reo Māori (11MAO)
Level 2 French (12FRE)
Level 2 German (12GER)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (12MAO)
Level 3 French (13FRE)
Level 3 German (13GER)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (13MAO)
Level 2 Mathematics with Calculus (12MAC)
Level 2 Mathematics with Financial Literacy (12MFL)
Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics (12MAS)
Level 3 Business Mathematics (13MAB)
Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus (13MAC)
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (13MAS)
Level 1 Mathematics (11MAT)
Level 1 Numeracy and Literacy (11NLC)
Year 10 Art (10ART)
Level 1 Art (11ART)
Level 2 Photography (12APH)
Level 2 Painting (12ART)
Level 3 Photography (13APH)
Level 3 Painting (13ARA)
Level 3 Art History (13ARH)
Year 10 Enterprise Studies (10ENT)
Level 1 Commerce (Economics/Business Studies) (11ECO)
Level 1 Geography (11GEO)
Level 1 History (11HIS)
Level 2 Economics (12ECO)
Level 2 Geography (12GEO)
Level 2 History (12HIS)
Level 3 Classical Studies (13CLS)
Level 3 Economics (13ECO)
Level 3 Geography (13GEO)
Level 3 History (13HIS)
Level 1 Dance (11DAN)
Level 1 Drama (11DRA)
Level 2 Dance (12DAN)
Level 2 Drama (12DRA)
Level 3 Dance (13DAN)
Level 3 Drama (13DRA)
Year 10 Digital Technologies (10DGT)
Level 1 Computing (11COM)
Level 1 Digital Technologies (11DGT)
Level 2 Computing (12COM)
Level 2 Computer Science (12CSC)
Level 2 Digital Media (12DME)
Level 3 Computing (13COM)
Level 3 Computer Science (13CSC)
Level 3 Digital Media (13DME)
Level 1 Health (11HEA)
Level 1 Physical Education (11PED)
Level 2 Health (12HEA)
Level 2 Outdoor Education (12OED)
Level 2 Physical Education (12PED)
Level 3 Health (13HEA)
Level 3 Physical Education (13PED)
Level 1 Future Pathways (11FPY)
Level 2 Future Pathways (12FPY)
Level 2 Gateway (12GWY)
Level 2 Tourism (12TOU)
Level 3 Future Pathways (13FPY)
Level 3 Gateway (13GWY)
Level 3 Tourism (13TOU)
Level 2 Otago Secondary Tertiary College (12OSTC)
Level 3 Otago Secondary Tertiary College (13OSTC)
Year 10 Technology - Food (10TFN)
Year 10 Technology - Textiles (10TFT)
Level 1 Technology - Food (11TFN)
Level 1 Technology - Textiles (11TFT)
Level 2 Technology - Food (12TFN)
Level 2 Technology - Textiles (12TFT)
Level 3 Technology - Food (13TFN)
Level 3 Technology - Textiles (13TFT)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 10 Technology - Hard Materials (10TEC)
Level 1 Design and Visual Communication (11DVC)
Level 1 Mechanical Engineering (11TME)
Level 1 Technology - Workshop Skills (11TWS)
Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (12DVC)
Level 2 Mechanical Engineering (12TME)
Level 2 Technology - Workshop Skills (12TWS)
Level 3 Design and Visual Communication (13DVC)
Level 3 Mechanical Engineering (13TME)
Level 3 Technology - Workshop (13TWS)
Level 2 Business Studies (12BUS)
Level 3 Business Studies (13BUS)
Study (13STUDY)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori Full Year (10MAOF)
Year 10 French Full Year (10FREF)
Year 10 German Full Year (10GERF)
Year 10 Chinese (10CHI)
Year 10 Chinese Full Year (10CHIF)
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Level 1 Chinese (11CHI)
Level 2 Media Studies (12MST)
Level 3 Media Studies (13MST)
Level 3 Physical Education and Outdoor Education Combined (13PE/OED)
Level 2 Chinese (12CHI)

Schools surrounding Bayfield High School.

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