Catholic Cathedral College


Upcoming Events at Catholic Cathedral College

Event Date Details
Monday 27/01/2025 New Staff Orientation
SLT and new staff
Monday 27/01/2025 Peer Support Training
KPA + Kaiārahi + Peer Support Leaders
Monday 27/01/2025 Half Day Kaiako Retreat
All staff. Half day callback.
Tuesday 28/01/2025 BOT Hui
Tuesday 28/01/2025 Senior Student Course Confirmaiton Day
Wednesday 29/01/2025 Plan for the Day
Note 9:30 start:

9.30am Staff & mihi whakatau brief
10.00am Mihi Whakatau Set up
Year 13 Arrive
Kapa Haka Practise
12.00pm All Current Students Arrive
Hapori Time Meet + Greet

1.00pm New Students Arrive, Gym

1.30pm Mihi Whakatau
2.20pm Current Students Depart

2.20pm Hospitality and Parent Session in the Hall
3.00pm Whānau BBQ

Students can be collected from 4pm

4.00 - 4.30 pm pack down
Thursday 30/01/2025 Plan for the Day
0830-3:00pm Orientation 7-9 + Year 13 Leaders/Peer Support

Last chance for course counselling / confirmation
Friday 31/01/2025 Year 7 & 8 Retreat
Friday 31/01/2025 Year 10 Quail Island - Big Day Out!
Friday 31/01/2025 All Year 9 at school for Orientation and Manaakitanga
Monday 3/02/2025 Plan for the Day
0830 Hapori
0900 Full School Assembly
9.50am - All Students in class from period 2 onwards.
(Year 7/8 and 9 to remain in Hall to be collected by their subject teachers)
Wednesday 12/02/2025 School Athletics
Tuesday 25/02/2025 BOT Hui
Tuesday 4/03/2025 NCEA Academic Assembly
Tuesday 11/03/2025 Hapori Conferencing Day 1
Thursday 13/03/2025 Hapori Conferencing Day 2
Friday 14/03/2025 - Saturday 15/03/2025 Bishop Lyons
Catholic College's inter-school competition
Tuesday 25/03/2025 BOT Hui
Thursday 27/03/2025 NCEA Information Evening
Friday 11/04/2025 Hui Whakahōnore
Tuesday 29/04/2025 BOT Hui
Monday 19/05/2025 - Friday 23/05/2025 Literacy/Numeracy CAAs
Monday 26/05/2025 - Friday 30/05/2025 Literacy/Numeracy CAAs
Tuesday 27/05/2025 BOT Hui
Tuesday 24/06/2025 Senior Parent/Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 24/06/2025 BOT Hui
Friday 27/06/2025 Hui Whakahōnore
Tuesday 29/07/2025 Year 7 - 10 Parent/Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 29/07/2025 BOT Hui
Monday 4/08/2025 - Friday 8/08/2025 Book Week
Monday 11/08/2025 - Friday 15/08/2025 In Class Revision Week for Seniors
All seniors in classes revising for Derived Grade Exams. No field trips or internal assessments in this week.
Thursday 14/08/2025 Senior Course Information Evening
A chance to discuss senior subject choices for 2026.
Thursday 14/08/2025 Senior Subject Selection Opens
Course selection opens for all students in Year 10 - 12 to choose courses for 2026.
Monday 18/08/2025 - Friday 22/08/2025 Derived Grade Exam Week - Y11-13
Compulsory for all senior students. Senior are on study leave at home on days when they don't have an exam.
Tuesday 26/08/2025 BOT Hui
Monday 1/09/2025 SoD Onuku Marae Trip
Monday 1/09/2025 - Friday 5/09/2025 Literacy/Numeracy CAAs
Monday 8/09/2025 - Friday 12/09/2025 Literacy/Numeracy CAAs
Friday 12/09/2025 Haka Competition
Hapori 8.30 am roll, leave bags
Haka Competition - 8.30-9.00 am
Period 1 9.00 - 9.55 am
period 2 9.55-10.50 am
Interval 10.50-11.10 am (normal time)
Period 3 11.10-12.10 (normal time)
Period 4 12.10-1.10 pm (normal time)
Friday 19/09/2025 Hui Whakahōnore
Tuesday 30/09/2025 BOT Hui
Tuesday 28/10/2025 BOT Hui
Wednesday 29/10/2025 Leavers' Dinner
Wednesday 29/10/2025 Leavers' Mass
Thursday 30/10/2025 Senior Prizegiving and Y13 Graduation
Friday 31/10/2025 Transition Day
Tuesday 25/11/2025 BOT Hui
Wednesday 3/12/2025 - Friday 5/12/2025 Ki o rahi Junior House Competition

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