Glendowie College


Upcoming Events at Glendowie College

Event Date Details
Monday 10/03/2025 - Friday 14/03/2025 Summerfest
Wednesday 12/03/2025 - Friday 14/03/2025 Senior Volleyball Championships (STA)
Thursday 13/03/2025 - Friday 14/03/2025 13HIS BOI Trip (SIM, KGN)
Thursday 13/03/2025 11OED Water Safety (CAN, THR, WST)
Thursday 13/03/2025 China Trip Parent Evening (HDU)
Thursday 13/03/2025 House Assemblies/enRICHment Year 11 Healthy Relationships (Empowerment Trust) (enRICHment)
9.35am - 10.20am Ruaumoko & Tane Mahuta Assembly (Hall)
10.20am - 11.05am Tangaroa & Tawhirimatea Assembly (Hall)
Thursday 13/03/2025 12BCT Health & Safety Course (2 classes) (SUN)
Friday 14/03/2025 12SCI Coastal Trip (BRK, HAL)
Friday 14/03/2025 Maori & Pasifika Student Assembly (RCD)
Sunday 16/03/2025 - Monday 17/03/2025 12OED Tawharanui ABL Trip (GRI, LEW, CAN, BOR)
Monday 17/03/2025 - Friday 21/03/2025 Tawhirimatea House Charity #1 (Week 1)
Monday 17/03/2025 Ruaumoko House Assembly (HDU)
Monday 17/03/2025 13ACC Tiptop Trip (P2, 3 & 4) (DHY, KHN)
Monday 17/03/2025 YES Spark Tank (selected YES Y12 & 13 students) (P1 - 3) (MTN, HDU)
Monday 17/03/2025 Dragon Boating (GRI, GEE)
Tuesday 18/03/2025 Athletics Championships (PMR, CLA)
Tuesday 18/03/2025 Tane Mahuta House Assembly (WST)
Tuesday 18/03/2025 Taurere Whanau Hui (RCD)
Wednesday 19/03/2025 Auckland University School Introductory Visit (JAM)
Wednesday 19/03/2025 11PHE Surfing Trip (3 classes) (AMI, CAN, LEW)
Wednesday 19/03/2025 Tangaroa House Assembly (REY)
Wednesday 19/03/2025 Board Meeting (ROB)
Wednesday 19/03/2025 Dragon Boating (GRI, GEE)
Thursday 20/03/2025 Athletics Championships (PMR, CLA)
Thursday 20/03/2025 House Assemblies/enRICHment Year 11 Healthy Relationships (Empowerment Trust) (enRICHment)
9.35am - 10.20am Ruaumoko & Tane Mahuta Assembly (Hall)
10.20am - 11.05am Tangaroa & Tawhirimatea Assembly (Hall)
Friday 21/03/2025 Victoria University School Introductory Visit (JAM)
Friday 21/03/2025 Tawhirimatea House Assembly (BRK)
Saturday 22/03/2025 - Sunday 30/03/2025 Maadi Cup Rowing Regatta
Sunday 23/03/2025 Dragon Boating (GRI)
Monday 24/03/2025 - Friday 28/03/2025 Summer Tournament Week
Monday 24/03/2025 - Friday 28/03/2025 Tawhirimatea House Charity #1 (Week 2)
Tuesday 25/03/2025 Ruaumoko House Assembly (HDU)
Wednesday 26/03/2025 Tane Mahuta House Assembly (WST)
Thursday 27/03/2025 Parents’ Association Meeting (WNP)
Thursday 27/03/2025 House Assemblies/enRICHment Year 11 Healthy Relationships (Empowerment Trust) (enRICHment)
9.35am - 10.20am Ruaumoko & Tane Mahuta Assembly (Hall)
10.20am - 11.05am Tangaroa & Tawhirimatea Assembly (Hall)
Friday 28/03/2025 Tawhirimatea House Assembly (BRK)
Saturday 29/03/2025 Te Waimokoia Kapa Haka Dress Rehearsal (RCD, MET, PVY)
Monday 31/03/2025 13PHY Rainbows End Trip (SHH, PLM, BOR, JAN)
Tuesday 1/04/2025 Swimming Sports
Tuesday 1/04/2025 Polyfest Rehearsal Day (RCD)
Wednesday 2/04/2025 Massey University School Introductory Visit (JAM)
Wednesday 2/04/2025 - Thursday 3/04/2025 13OED Tramp (THR, GRI)
Wednesday 2/04/2025 Ruaumoko House Assembly (HDU)
Wednesday 2/04/2025 Kahui Ako Combined Board Meeting
Wednesday 2/04/2025 - Thursday 3/04/2025 Website Filming Day (WNP)
Wednesday 2/04/2025 Polyfest Performance (selected students) (RCD)
Friday 4/04/2025 10EST Market Day
Friday 4/04/2025 Tangaroa House Assembly (REY) (TBC)
Saturday 5/04/2025 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Training (2) (CHP)
Sunday 6/04/2025 - Tuesday 8/04/2025 12GEO Tongariro Trip (TOM, MKA, COM)

Glendowie College Daily Notices

Girls Basketball Trials

Thursday 6/03/2025 - Tuesday 11/03/2025

Girls Basketball Trials will take place on March 18th and 19th in the Old Gym after school.

Sign Up at the Sports Office.

Under Water Hockey

Thursday 6/03/2025 - Thursday 13/03/2025

Save the Date. Have A Go UWH Session at GI pools: Tues 18th March. 6.45-8.45pm. Gear provided.

Come to Sports Office to Sign up.

Debating Meeting

Monday 10/03/2025 - Friday 14/03/2025

Debating meeting in H2U at lunchtime on Friday.

Thai Cultural Group

Tuesday 11/03/2025 - Thursday 13/03/2025

Meeting for the Thai Cultural Group in H2U at lunchtime on Thursday.

Glendowie College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Glendowie College offers to their students for 2025/2026.

9 Art (9ART)
10 Art Digital Photography / Design (10APD)
10 Art Practical (10ART)
11 English as a Second Language (11ESL)
12 English as a Second Language (12ESL)
13 English as a Second Language (13ESL)
9 Dance (9DNC)
10 Dance (10DNC)
11 Dance (11DNC)
9 Drama (9DRA)
10 Drama (10DRA)
11 Drama (11DRA)
10 Music (10MUS)
9 English (9ENG)
10 English (10ENG)
10 English Literacy (10ENL)
11 English (11ENG)
11 Media Studies (11MES)
12 English - Non Fiction (12ENN)
12 Media Studies (12MES)
13 English (13ENG)
13 English Extension (13ENX)
13 Media Studies (13MES)
9 Science (9SCI)
10 Science (10SCI)
11 Science (11SCI)
12 Biology (12BIO)
12 Chemistry (12CHE)
12 Physics (12PHY)
12 Science (12SCI)
13 Biology (13BIO)
13 Biology Extension (13BIX)
13 Chemistry (13CHE)
13 Chemistry Extension (13CHX)
13 Physics Extension (13PHX)
13 Physics (13PHY)
13 Science (13SCI)
9 Chinese (Mandarin) (9CHN)
9 Te Reo Māori (9MAO)
9 Spanish (9SPA)
10 Chinese (Mandarin) (10CHN)
10 German (10GER)
10 Te Reo Māori (10MAO)
10 Spanish (10SPA)
11 Chinese (Mandarin) (11CHN)
11 German (11GER)
11 Te Reo Māori (11MAO)
11 Spanish (11SPA)
12 Chinese (Mandarin) (12CHN)
12 German (12GER)
12 Spanish (12SPA)
13 Chinese (Mandarin) (13CHN)
13 German (13GER)
13 Spanish (13SPA)
9 Technology (9TEC)
10 Digital Technologies Computing and Programming (10DTC)
10 Creative and Digital Technologies (Electronics) (10CDT)
10 Design and Visual Communications (Graphics) (10DVC)
10 Food Technology and Nutrition (10FTN)
10 Hard Materials (Workshop Technology) (10TEC)
11 Building, Construction and Allied Trades Skills (BCATS) (11BCT)
11 Creative and Digital Technologies (Electronics) (11CDT)
11 Digital Technologies - User Experience and Development (11UXD)
11 Design and Visual Communications (Graphics) (11DVC)
11 Food Technology and Nutrition (11FTN)
11 Digital Technologies Programming (Coding) (11PRG)
12 Building Construction and Allied Trade Skills (BCATS) (12BCT)
12 Digital Technologies - User Experience and Development (12UXD)
12 Design and Visual Communication (Graphics) (12DVC)
12 Food Technology and Nutrition (12 FTN)
12 Hospitality (12HOS)
12 Digital Technologies Programming (12PRG)
13 Building, Construction and Allied Trade Skills (BCATS) (13BCT)
13 Creative and Digital Technologies (Electronics) (13CDT)
13 Digital Technologies - User Experience and Development (13UXD)
13 Design and Visual Communication (Graphics) (13DVC)
13 Food Technology and Nutrition (13FTN)
13 Hospitality (13HOS)
13 Digital Technologies Programming (13PRG)
12 New Zealand Tourism (12NZT)
9 Health (9HEA)
9 Mathematics (9MAT)
10 Mathematics (10MAT)
11 Accounting Communication (11ACC)
11 Mathematics Numeracy (11MNU)
11 Mathematics (11MAT)
12 Accounting (12ACC)
12 Mathematics Numeracy (12MNU)
12 Mathematics Specialist (12MAS)
12 Mathematics (12MAT)
13 Accounting (13ACC)
13 Mathematics (13MAT)
13 Mathematics with Calculus (13MCA)
13 Scholarship Calculus (S-CAL)
13 Mathematics with Statistics (13MST)
13 Mathematics with Statistics Scholarship (13MSX)
9 Music (9MUS)
12 Art Photography (12APH)
12 Art Design (12ARD)
13 Art Photography (13APH)
13 Art Design (13ARD)
9 Social Studies (9SST)
10 Enterprise Studies (10EST)
10 Social Studies (10SST)
11 Business Studies (11BUS)
11 Economics (11ECO)
11 Geography (11GEO)
11 History (11HIS)
12 Business Studies (12BUS)
12 Classical Studies (12CLA)
12 Economics (12ECO)
12 Geography (12GEO)
12 History (12HIS)
13 Business Studies (13BUS)
13 Economics (13ECO)
13 Global Studies (13GBS)
13 Geography (13GEO)
13 History (13HIS)
11 Art Practical (11APA)
11 Art Digital Photography / Design (11APD)
12 Art Painting (12PAI)
13 Art Painting (13PAI)
12 Dance (12DNC)
13 Dance (13DNC)
12 Drama (12DRA)
13 Drama (13DRA)
11 Music (11MUS)
12 Music (12MUS)
13 Music (13MUS)
9 Physical Education (9PED)
10 Health (10HEA)
10 Physical Education (10PED)
11 Health (11HEA)
11 Outdoor Education (11OED)
11 Physical Education (11PHE)
12 Health (12HEA)
12 Outdoor Education (12OED)
12 Physical Education (12PHE)
13 Health (13HEA)
13 Physical Education (13PHE)
12 Skills For Life (12SFL)
12 Creative and Digital Technologies (Electronics ) (12CDT)
13 Classical Studies (13CLA)
13 Outdoor Education (13OED)
12 English - Creative (12ENC)
13 New Zealand Tourism (13NZT)
9 English as a Second Language (9ESL)
10 English as a Second Language (10ESL)
13 University Maths (13UNM)
Scholarship Painting (S-PAI)
Scholarship Technology (S-TEC)
Scholarship Music (S-MUS)
Scholarship Physical Education & Health (S-PHE)
Scholarship Dance (S-DAN)
Scholarship Geography (S-GEO)
Scholarship Economics (S-ECO)
Scholarship Media Studies (S-MES)
Scholarship History (S-HIS)
Scholarship Art - Design (S-ARD)
Scholarship Accounting (S-ACC)
Scholarship Classical Studies (S-CLA)
Scholarship English (Y12) (S-ENG)
Scholarship Photography (S-APH)
Scholarship Drama (S-DRA)
Scholarship Design and Visual Communication (S-DVC)
Scholarship Art History (S-ARH)
Scholarship Design and Visual Communication (S-DVC)
12 Te Reo Māori (Correspondence Only) (MA2000)
13 Te Reo Māori (Correspondence Only) (MA3000)

Schools surrounding Glendowie College.

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