Rolleston College

Upcoming Events at Rolleston College

Event Date Details
Thursday 13/02/2025 Year 11 Welcome to NCEA Evening
Thursday 13/02/2025 Y9 Ako /Connected Parent Evening
Ako Coaches and Connected teachers required (FRW/CRR)

Rolleston College Daily Notices


Monday 10/02/2025 - Friday 14/02/2025

Rolleston College Horoeka Haemata proudly welcomes all Rainbow young people to join 'Skittles', our queer alliance group. This will begin in Week 4. We meet every Tuesday lunchtime. Email Mr Bluck ([email protected]) for the details or to express interest. The location of where we meet will be sent to you privately.

Magic & TCG Club

Monday 10/02/2025 - Monday 17/02/2025

Rolleston College Horoeka Haemata's "Magic: The Gathering" club is back for 2025, beginning Week 4 on Thursday lunchtimes. This year, we also welcome players of other trading card games. Everyone welcome, beginners and masters. Location to be advised, but likely the "Club Hub." Email Mr Bluck for more information: [email protected]

Rolleston College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Rolleston College offers to their students for 2025/2026.

1FRE: French (1FRE)
1SPA: Spanish (1SPA)
1JPN: Japanese (1JPN)
1REO: Te Reo Māori (1REO)
2FRE: French (2FRE)
2JPN: Japanese (2JPN)
2SPA: Spanish (2SPA)
2REO: Te Reo Māori (2REO)
3FRE: French (3FRE)
3JAP: Japanese (3JAP)
3SPA: Spanish (3SPA)
3MAO: Te Reo Māori (3MAO)
3DANC: Dance (3DANC)
3DRA: Drama (3DRA)
2DRA: Drama (2DRA)
2DANC: Dance (2DANC)
1DANC: Dance (1DANC)
1DRA: Drama (1DRA)
3MUS: Music (3MUS)
2MUS: Music (2MUS)
1MUS: Music (1MUS)
3DESI: Design Studio (3DESI)
3PAINT: Paint Studio (3PAINT)
3PHOTO: Photo Studio (3PHOTO)
3CALC: Calculus – Mathematics Scholarship (3CALC)
3STEM: Mathematics for a STEM Career (3STEM)
3STATS: Statistics (3STATS)
3MAT1: Maths Lab (3MAT1)
3PAC: Pacific Studies (3PAC)
3GEO: Geography (3GEO)
3HIST: History (3HIST)
3LEGAL: Legal Studies (3LEGAL)
3PSYC: Psychology (3PSYC)
3TOUR: Tourism (3TOUR)
3BUS: Business (3BUS)
3CLAS: Classics (3CLAS)
3YES: Y.E.S Young Enterprise Scheme (3YES)
3HEA: Health (3HEA)
3OUT: Outdoor Education (3OUT)
3PED: Physical Education (3PED)
3ENGA: English – Literature (3ENGA)
3BUILD: Building and Construction (3BUILD)
3DVC: Design and Visual Communication (3DVC)
3MENG Mechanical Engineering Technology (3MENG)
3DIGI: Digital Technologies (3DIGI)
3FAB: Fabric Product Design – Hangarau Pūeru (3FAB)
3HOSP: Café Hospitality – Wharekai Manaakitanga (3HOSP)
3KAI: Food Product Design – Hangarau Kai (3KAI)
3REC: Sport and Recreation (3REC)
3ENGB: English – This is Me (3ENGB)
3MEDA: Media Studies (3MEDA)
3MEDB: Media – Lights, Camera, Action! (3MEDB)
3BIO: Biology (3BIO)
3CHEMA: Advanced Chemistry (3CHEMA)
3ESS: Earth and Space Science (3ESS)
3PHYS: Physics (3PHYS)
2SAM: Gagana Samoa (2SAM)
2TON Lea Faka-Tonga (2TON)
1SAM: Gagana Samoa (1SAM)
1TON: Lea Faka-Tonga (1TON)
2REC: Sport and Recreation (2REC)
2ECE: Early Childhood (2ECE)
2HEA: Health (2HEA)
2OUT: Outdoor Education (2OUT)
2HPE: Physical Education (2HPE)
2MAT1: Maths Lab (2MAT1)
2MAT2: Maths for Apprentice (2MAT2)
2STATS: Statistics (2STATS)
2STEM: Maths for STEM (2STEM)
2DESI: Design (2DESI)
2PAINT: Passion 4 Painting (2PAINT)
2PHOTO: Photography (2PHOTO)
2DIGI: Digital Technologies (2DIGI)
2FAB: Fabric Product Design – Hangarau Pūeru (2FAB)
2HOSP: Café Hospitality – Wharekai Manaakitanga (2HOSP)
2KAI: Food Product Design – Hangarau Kai (2KAI)
2AUTO: Automotive (2AUTO)
2BUILD: Building and Construction (2BUILD)
2DBUI: Design and Build (2DBUI)
2DVC: Design and Visual Communication (2DVC)
2MENG: Mechanical Engineering (2MENG)
2CLAS: Classics (2CLAS)
2GEO: Geography (2GEO)
2TOUR: Tourism (2TOUR)
2BUS: Business (2BUS)
2PSYC: Psychology (2PSYC)
2LEGAL: Legal Studies (2LEGAL)
2PAC: Pacific Studies (2PAC)
2HIST: History (2HIST)
2MEDIAA: Media – Are you alone in the house... (2MEDIAA)
2COMS: Communication (2COMS)
1ART: Let's Make Art (1ART)
1PHO: Photo Design and Moving Image (1PHO)
1MATH: Mathematics (1MATH)
1NUM: Numeracy (1NUM)
1STEM: STEM Mathematics (1STEM)
1OUT: Outdoor Education (1OUT)
1HPE: Physical Education (1HPE)
1HEA: Health (1HEA)
2BIO: Biology (2BIO)
2CHEM: Chemistry (2CHEM)
2PHYS: Physics (2PHYS)
2ESS: Earth and Space Science (2ESS)
1ENGE: Communication (1ENGE)
1ENGC: English – Heroes and villains (1ENGC)
1ENGD: English – Journalism (1ENGD)
1ENGB: English – Mind-control and manipulation (1ENGB)
1ENGA: English – Literature (1ENGA)
2HORT: Agriculture & Horticulture (2HORT)
1DIGI: Digital Technologies (1DIGI)
1FAB: Fabric Product Design – Hangarau Pūeru (1FAB)
1HOSP: Café Hospitality – Wharekai Manaakitanga (1HOSP)
1KAI: Food Product Design – Hangarau Kai (1KAI)
1AUTO: Automotive (1AUTO)
1BUILD: Introduction to Building (1BUILD)
1DAB: Design and Build (1DAB)
1DVC: Design & Visual Communication (1DVC)
1GEO: Geography (1GEO)
1LEGAL: Legal Studies (1LEGAL)
1PAC: Pacific Studies (1PAC)
1BUS: Business (1BUS)
1HIST: History (1HIST)
1SCI1: Science (All about the body) (1SCI1)
1SCI2: Science (Food Chemistry) (1SCI2)
1SCI4: Science (How do we know that?) (1SCI4)
1SCI5: Science (Earth and Space) (1SCI5)
1MENG: Mechanical Engineering (1MENG)
2MEDIAB: Media – Broadcast (2MEDIAB)
2ENGB: English – Visual English (2ENGB)
2ENGA: English – Written English (2ENGA)
10TRIAL1: Trial by Fire (Option B) (10TRIAL1)
1EMPVC: Employment Skills (Vocational Academy Learners only) (1EMPVC)
1LITVC: Literacy (Vocational Academy learners only) (1LITVC)
1NUMVC: Numeracy (Vocational Academy learners only) (1NUMVC)
10PAC1: Pacific Studies (Option B) (10PAC1)
10MYTH1: Mythos (Option B) (10MYTH1)
10BOSS1: Boss (Option A) (10BOSS1)
2YES: Y.E.S Young Enterprise Scheme (2YES)
2EMPVC: Employment Skills (Vocational Academy learners only) (2EMPVC)
2LITVC: Literacy (Vocational Academy learners only) (2LITVC)
3EMPLOY: Employment Skills (open entry) (3EMPLOY)
9WORLDa: Explore the World (Semester) (9WORLDa)
9HIST1: Horrible Histories (Term One (9HIST1)
9PACa: Pacific Studies (Semester) (9PACa)
10DRAW1: Paint and Draw (Option A) (10DRAW1)
10PHOTO1: Photography (Option A) (10PHOTO1)
10DESI1: Design (Option B) (10DESI1)
10MUS1: 10 Digital Music (Option A) (10MUS1)
10STRIK1: Strike a Chord (Option B) (10STRIK1)
10DANC1: Dance (Option A) (10DANC1)
10DRAMA1: Drama (Option B) (10DRAMA1)
9DANC1: Dance Style and Genre (Semester) (9DANC1)
9DRAa: Drama 101 (Semester) (9DRAa)
9DART1: Digital Art (Term One) (9DART1)
9THEA1: Children's Theatre (Term One) (9THEA1)
9DRA2: Drama – Improvisation (Term Two) (9DRA2)
10SAVE1: Save a Life (Option A) (10SAVE1)
9PROOF1: Proof (Term One) (9PROOF1)
3CHEMB: Practical Chemistry (3CHEMB)
9BAND1: BandQuest (Term One) (9BAND1)
9HIT1: Produce a Hit (Term Two) (9HIT1)
9MUSa: Music 101 (Semester) (9MUSa)
9DRAW1: Secret of Drawing (Term One) (9DRAW1)
9ARTPa: Practical Art (Semester) (9ARTPa)
9PHOTO1: Photography (Term Two) (9PHOTO1)
9PACa: Photography (Semester) (9PACa)
3AUTO: Automotive (3AUTO)
2PART: Practical Art (2PART)
10FOOD1: Food Product Development (Option A) (10FOOD1)
10FAB1: Fabric Product Development (Option A) (10FAB1)
10DIGI1: Digital Technologies (Option A) (10DIGI1)
10ANIM1: Animate (Option B) (10ANIM1)
10WOOD1: Wood Technology (Option A) (10WOOD1)
10METAL1: Metal Technology (Option B) (10METAL1)
10DVC1: Design and Visual Communication (Option B) (10DVC1)
9FABa: Fabric Product Development (Semester) (9FABa)
9WEAR1: Wearable Arts – TEX (Term One) (9WEAR1)
9FOODa: Food Product Development (Semester) (9FOODa)
9MAKE1: Makeover My Meal (Term One) (9MAKE1)
9DIGIa: Digital Technologies (Semester) (9DIGIa)
9ROBO1: Robotics (Term One) (9ROBO1)
9DVCa: Design and Visual Communication (Semester) (9DVCa)
9WOOD1: Wood Technology (Term One) (9WOOD1)
9METALa: Metal Technology (Semester) (9METALa)
9METAL1: Metal Technology (Term Two) (9METAL1)
10SPORT1: Sports Plus (Option B) (10SPORT1)
9SPORTa: Sports Plus (Semester) (9SPORTa)
10KNOW1: Know Yourself to Grow Yourself (Option B) (10KNOW1)
9OUT1: Outdoor Education (Term One) (9OUT1)
9FUELa: Fuel for the Mind and Body (Term One) (9FUELa)
2CALC: Calculus (2CALC)
3SAM: Gagana Samoa (3SAM)
10REO1: Te Reo Māori (Option A) (10REO1)
10FRE1: French Cuisine (Option A) (10FRE1)
10MANG1: Japanese Mangaka (Option A) (10MANG1)
10JPN1: Japanese (Option B) (10JPN1)
10FIES1: Fiestas and Celebrations – Spanish (Option A) (10FIES1)
10SPA1: Spanish (Option B) (10SPA1)
10SAM1: Samoan (Option A) (10SAM1)
9REO2: Te Reo Māori (Semester) (9REO2)
9Purakau: Pūrākau (Term Two) (9Purakau)
9JPNa: Japanese (Semester) (9JPNa)
9JGAME1: Japanese Game On (Term One) (9JGAME1)
9JAPAN2: Next Stop Japan (Term Two) (9JAPAN2)
9FREa: French (Semester) (9FREa)
9FRSP1: French and Sport (Term One) (9FRSP1)
9SAM1: Samoan (Term taster) (9SAM1)
9SAMa: Samoan (Term One) (9SAMa)
9TOUR2: Tour de France (Term Two) (9TOUR2)
9SPAa: Spanish (Semester) (9SPAa)
9SPA1: Spanish Fair – Kermes (Term One) (9SPA1)
9SPA2: Spanish – Picasso to Dali (Term Two) (9SPA2)
10FOOD1: Food Product Development (Option B) (10FOOD1)
10BOSS1: Boss (Option B) (10BOSS1)
9MAKE1: Makeover My Meal (Term Two) (9MAKE1)
9HIST1: Horrible Histories (Term Two) (9HIST1)
9PROOF1: Proof (Term Two) (9PROOF1)
9DRAW1: Secret of Drawing (Term Two) (9DRAW1)
9WEAR1: Wearable Art – TEX (Term Two) (9WEAR1)
9ROBO1: Robotics (Term Two) (9ROBO1)
9OUT1: Outdoor Education (Term Two) (9OUT1)
9SAMa: Samoan (Term Two) (9SAMa)
9Takaro1: Taonga Tākaro (Term One) (9Takaro1)
9FUELa: Fuel for the Mind and Body (Term Two) (9FUELa)

Schools surrounding Rolleston College.

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