Below are some of the subjects that Rolleston College offers to their students for 2025/2026.
1FRE: French
1SPA: Spanish
1JPN: Japanese
1REO: Te Reo Māori
2FRE: French
2JPN: Japanese
2SPA: Spanish
2REO: Te Reo Māori
3FRE: French
3JAP: Japanese
3SPA: Spanish
3MAO: Te Reo Māori
3DANC: Dance
3DRA: Drama
2DRA: Drama
2DANC: Dance
1DANC: Dance
1DRA: Drama
3MUS: Music
2MUS: Music
1MUS: Music
3DESI: Design Studio
3PAINT: Paint Studio
3PHOTO: Photo Studio
3CALC: Calculus – Mathematics Scholarship
3STEM: Mathematics for a STEM Career
3STATS: Statistics
3MAT1: Maths Lab
3PAC: Pacific Studies
3GEO: Geography
3HIST: History
3LEGAL: Legal Studies
3PSYC: Psychology
3TOUR: Tourism
3BUS: Business
3CLAS: Classics
3YES: Y.E.S Young Enterprise Scheme
3HEA: Health
3OUT: Outdoor Education
3PED: Physical Education
3ENGA: English – Literature
3BUILD: Building and Construction
3DVC: Design and Visual Communication
3MENG Mechanical Engineering Technology
3DIGI: Digital Technologies
3FAB: Fabric Product Design – Hangarau Pūeru
3HOSP: Café Hospitality – Wharekai Manaakitanga
3KAI: Food Product Design – Hangarau Kai
3REC: Sport and Recreation
3ENGB: English – This is Me
3MEDA: Media Studies
3MEDB: Media – Lights, Camera, Action!
3BIO: Biology
3CHEMA: Advanced Chemistry
3ESS: Earth and Space Science
3PHYS: Physics
2SAM: Gagana Samoa
2TON Lea Faka-Tonga
1SAM: Gagana Samoa
1TON: Lea Faka-Tonga
2REC: Sport and Recreation
2ECE: Early Childhood
2HEA: Health
2OUT: Outdoor Education
2HPE: Physical Education
2MAT1: Maths Lab
2MAT2: Maths for Apprentice
2STATS: Statistics
2STEM: Maths for STEM
2DESI: Design
2PAINT: Passion 4 Painting
2PHOTO: Photography
2DIGI: Digital Technologies
2FAB: Fabric Product Design – Hangarau Pūeru
2HOSP: Café Hospitality – Wharekai Manaakitanga
2KAI: Food Product Design – Hangarau Kai
2AUTO: Automotive
2BUILD: Building and Construction
2DBUI: Design and Build
2DVC: Design and Visual Communication
2MENG: Mechanical Engineering
2CLAS: Classics
2GEO: Geography
2TOUR: Tourism
2BUS: Business
2PSYC: Psychology
2LEGAL: Legal Studies
2PAC: Pacific Studies
2HIST: History
2MEDIAA: Media – Are you alone in the house...
2COMS: Communication
1ART: Let's Make Art
1PHO: Photo Design and Moving Image
1MATH: Mathematics
1NUM: Numeracy
1STEM: STEM Mathematics
1OUT: Outdoor Education
1HPE: Physical Education
1HEA: Health
2BIO: Biology
2CHEM: Chemistry
2PHYS: Physics
2ESS: Earth and Space Science
1ENGE: Communication
1ENGC: English – Heroes and villains
1ENGD: English – Journalism
1ENGB: English – Mind-control and manipulation
1ENGA: English – Literature
2HORT: Agriculture & Horticulture
1DIGI: Digital Technologies
1FAB: Fabric Product Design – Hangarau Pūeru
1HOSP: Café Hospitality – Wharekai Manaakitanga
1KAI: Food Product Design – Hangarau Kai
1AUTO: Automotive
1BUILD: Introduction to Building
1DAB: Design and Build
1DVC: Design & Visual Communication
1GEO: Geography
1LEGAL: Legal Studies
1PAC: Pacific Studies
1BUS: Business
1HIST: History
1SCI1: Science (All about the body)
1SCI2: Science (Food Chemistry)
1SCI4: Science (How do we know that?)
1SCI5: Science (Earth and Space)
1MENG: Mechanical Engineering
2MEDIAB: Media – Broadcast
2ENGB: English – Visual English
2ENGA: English – Written English
10TRIAL1: Trial by Fire (Option B)
1EMPVC: Employment Skills (Vocational Academy Learners only)
1LITVC: Literacy (Vocational Academy learners only)
1NUMVC: Numeracy (Vocational Academy learners only)
10PAC1: Pacific Studies (Option B)
10MYTH1: Mythos (Option B)
10BOSS1: Boss (Option A)
2YES: Y.E.S Young Enterprise Scheme
2EMPVC: Employment Skills (Vocational Academy learners only)
2LITVC: Literacy (Vocational Academy learners only)
3EMPLOY: Employment Skills (open entry)
9WORLDa: Explore the World (Semester)
9HIST1: Horrible Histories (Term One
9PACa: Pacific Studies (Semester)
10DRAW1: Paint and Draw (Option A)
10PHOTO1: Photography (Option A)
10DESI1: Design (Option B)
10MUS1: 10 Digital Music (Option A)
10STRIK1: Strike a Chord (Option B)
10DANC1: Dance (Option A)
10DRAMA1: Drama (Option B)
9DANC1: Dance Style and Genre (Semester)
9DRAa: Drama 101 (Semester)
9DART1: Digital Art (Term One)
9THEA1: Children's Theatre (Term One)
9DRA2: Drama – Improvisation (Term Two)
10SAVE1: Save a Life (Option A)
9PROOF1: Proof (Term One)
3CHEMB: Practical Chemistry
9BAND1: BandQuest (Term One)
9HIT1: Produce a Hit (Term Two)
9MUSa: Music 101 (Semester)
9DRAW1: Secret of Drawing (Term One)
9ARTPa: Practical Art (Semester)
9PHOTO1: Photography (Term Two)
9PACa: Photography (Semester)
3AUTO: Automotive
2PART: Practical Art
10FOOD1: Food Product Development (Option A)
10FAB1: Fabric Product Development (Option A)
10DIGI1: Digital Technologies (Option A)
10ANIM1: Animate (Option B)
10WOOD1: Wood Technology (Option A)
10METAL1: Metal Technology (Option B)
10DVC1: Design and Visual Communication (Option B)
9FABa: Fabric Product Development (Semester)
9WEAR1: Wearable Arts – TEX (Term One)
9FOODa: Food Product Development (Semester)
9MAKE1: Makeover My Meal (Term One)
9DIGIa: Digital Technologies (Semester)
9ROBO1: Robotics (Term One)
9DVCa: Design and Visual Communication (Semester)
9WOOD1: Wood Technology (Term One)
9METALa: Metal Technology (Semester)
9METAL1: Metal Technology (Term Two)
10SPORT1: Sports Plus (Option B)
9SPORTa: Sports Plus (Semester)
10KNOW1: Know Yourself to Grow Yourself (Option B)
9OUT1: Outdoor Education (Term One)
9FUELa: Fuel for the Mind and Body (Term One)
2CALC: Calculus
3SAM: Gagana Samoa
10REO1: Te Reo Māori (Option A)
10FRE1: French Cuisine (Option A)
10MANG1: Japanese Mangaka (Option A)
10JPN1: Japanese (Option B)
10FIES1: Fiestas and Celebrations – Spanish (Option A)
10SPA1: Spanish (Option B)
10SAM1: Samoan (Option A)
9REO2: Te Reo Māori (Semester)
9Purakau: Pūrākau (Term Two)
9JPNa: Japanese (Semester)
9JGAME1: Japanese Game On (Term One)
9JAPAN2: Next Stop Japan (Term Two)
9FREa: French (Semester)
9FRSP1: French and Sport (Term One)
9SAM1: Samoan (Term taster)
9SAMa: Samoan (Term One)
9TOUR2: Tour de France (Term Two)
9SPAa: Spanish (Semester)
9SPA1: Spanish Fair – Kermes (Term One)
9SPA2: Spanish – Picasso to Dali (Term Two)
10FOOD1: Food Product Development (Option B)
10BOSS1: Boss (Option B)
9MAKE1: Makeover My Meal (Term Two)
9HIST1: Horrible Histories (Term Two)
9PROOF1: Proof (Term Two)
9DRAW1: Secret of Drawing (Term Two)
9WEAR1: Wearable Art – TEX (Term Two)
9ROBO1: Robotics (Term Two)
9OUT1: Outdoor Education (Term Two)
9SAMa: Samoan (Term Two)
9Takaro1: Taonga Tākaro (Term One)
9FUELa: Fuel for the Mind and Body (Term Two)