Bethlehem College


Upcoming Events at Bethlehem College

Event Date Details
Sunday 22/09/2024 - Tuesday 24/09/2024 S: Duke of Ed Tramp
TIC: Charlotte Bartrum (w Mike)

Students: 12

Monday 23/09/2024 J&S: Y7-13 Hockey Prizegiving
Organiser: James Elen

Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 J&S: Y9-Y13 Music Festival
TIC: Kelly Hayward (RAMS - refer to for full departure and arrival information and accommodation details)

Students: x14

Tuesday 24/09/2024 S: Y13 Massey Uni course planning
TIC: Anna Exelby

Students: Y13

Tuesday 24/09/2024 BC: Exploring Seasons of Grief - Whānau Evenings
TIC: Daniel Leonard, Head of Learning Support
Small groups sessions facilitated by Growing Through Grief Coordinator, Tracey Maris
Four sessions over four consecutive weeks 3 - 24 Sept

Tuesday 24/09/2024 J&S: Y7-13 Netball Prizegiving
Organiser: Christine Browne

Wednesday 25/09/2024 S:Y11-Y13 Art Exhibition Opening Evening
TIC: Anja Angel-Donaldson
Students to attend opening with parents
Staff invited to attend

Wednesday 25/09/2024 BC: Chapel Open
TIC: Shawna Murray
8.00am - 8.30am Come and enjoy a quiet moment at the chapel as a community of students, staff, parents and whānau.
10.30am-11am Come along and enjoy worship with Shaun Tabak, BTI student and Freedom Centre worship leader.

Wednesday 25/09/2024 J:Y7-9 JSEC Assembly
TIC: Mike Thompson

Wednesday 25/09/2024 S: Y10AGH Growing career in horticulture
TIC: Helen McKoy (RAMS)
Priority One event

Students: x24

Thursday 26/09/2024 I: International Whanau Event

Thursday 26/09/2024 S: Y13BIO Zoo and Museum lectures
TIC: Helen McKoy (RAMS)

Students: x52

Thursday 26/09/2024 S:Y11 Art Exhibition
TIC: Anja A-Donaldson (chased)

Students: 53
Y11ART + 11ADM

Thursday 26/09/2024 S:Y12-13 Art Exhibition
TIC: Anja A-Donaldson (chased)

Students: Y12/13 Paint =27
Y12/13 Design = 25

Thursday 26/09/2024 J&S: Y7-13 Football Prizegiving
Organiser: James Elen
Friday 27/09/2024 J&S: Y7-Y13 House Sing
TIC: Chris Niles/Wayne Fraser
P3 onwards - Thursday bells

Friday 27/09/2024 J&S: Thursday bells

Monday 14/10/2024 BC: Accord Staff only day
Monday 14/10/2024 J&S: Y9-Y13 Animoso End of year trip
TIC: Kelly Hayward (RAMS)

Students: x16

Tuesday 15/10/2024 S: Y11 Charity work and Lecture
TIC: Brendon Wheeler

Students: 15

Wednesday 16/10/2024 P: Y0 Photolife class and individual photos
TIC: Lynn Lee
Also includes some Snr Student Leaders, Snr & Y9 Fiji Mission teams and Y0-Y2 Future Ferns netball

Wednesday 16/10/2024 BC: Chapel Open
TIC: Shawna Murray
8.00am - 8.30am Come and enjoy a quiet moment at the chapel as a community of students, staff, parents and whānau.
10.30am-11am Come along and enjoy worship with Shaun Tabak, BTI student and Freedom Centre worship leader.

Wednesday 16/10/2024 J:Y7 Placement Testing
TIC: Madeleine Lambert

Students: New Year 7's

Wednesday 16/10/2024 J&S: Photolife teams photos - see details
TIC: Lynn Lee
Snr Student Leaders, Snr & Y9 Fiji Mission teams
(also A5 & A6 classes and Y0-Y2 Future Ferns netball)

Thursday 17/10/2024 C: Powhiri

Thursday 17/10/2024 P: Y6 Placement testing
TIC: Madeleine Lambert

Students: Y6

Thursday 17/10/2024 J&S:Y7-Y13 Music dep end of year breakfast
TIC: Kelly Hayward
Students: 120
Set Up from 6:30am
Pack Up done by 9:30am

Friday 18/10/2024 S: Y10-Y13 House Assembly & speeches
TIC: Wayne Fraser
2025 candicates for house leaders speeches

Friday 18/10/2024 P: Primary Assembly
TIC Karen Whenuaroa

Monday 21/10/2024 J&S: Y7-13 Music dep end of year concert
TIC: Kelly Hayward

Students: 120

Monday 21/10/2024 C: Y7/8 Vision and Hearing

Monday 21/10/2024 - Tuesday 22/10/2024 S:Y12 Small motor short course
TIC: Debbie Ardern

Students: 8
Day events
Tuesday 22/10/2024 J:Y8 HPV2 Vaccinations
TIC: Mike Thompson

Students: Year 7

Tuesday 22/10/2024 J:Y8-9 Placement Testing
TIC: Madeleine Lambert

Students - BC Year 8-9

Tuesday 22/10/2024 J: Y8 Formal Dance
TIC: Mike Thompson

Students: Year 8

Wednesday 23/10/2024 BC: Chapel Open
TIC: Shawna Murray
8.00am - 8.30am Come and enjoy a quiet moment at the chapel as a community of students, staff, parents and whānau.
10.30am-11am Come along and enjoy worship with Shaun Tabak, BTI student and Freedom Centre worship leader.

Wednesday 23/10/2024 J:Y9 Placement Testing
TIC: Madeleine Lambert

Students: New Year 9's

Thursday 24/10/2024 BC: Grandparents Morning Tea Y0-Y13
TIC: Shawna Murray
9.30am Welcome at Chapel
9.45am Primary classroom visit/Secondary Principal Tour
10.30am Morning tea in PAC foyer
11.30am Finish

Thursday 24/10/2024 J&S: Cultural Prizegiving
TIC: Linda Anderson

Thursday 24/10/2024 BC: NZ ShakeOut Earthquake awareness
TIC: Angus Duffett
Details to be advised
Primary will plan around Grandparents Day

Friday 25/10/2024 J&S: Y7-Y13 Assembly
TIC: Chris Niles (HOS)

Friday 25/10/2024 BC: Mufti day
TIC: Wayne Fraser

Primary: Charity - Samaritans purse - Christmas Shoebox
Theme - Spring

Friday 25/10/2024 J:Y7&Y9 Placement Testing Catch-up
TIC: Madeleine Lambert

Students: Y7&9 Catch-up
Friday 25/10/2024 J&S: Donut Sales
TIC: Maddy Lambert

Students: All Secondary students
Support sports team

Monday 28/10/2024 BC: Labour Day school closed
Tuesday 29/10/2024 S: Y11-Y13 Academic Year assemblies
TIC: HOS/Larne Y13 address
Prizegiving/Exams instructions for protocols
Half period each Year group

Tuesday 29/10/2024 S: Y12-Y13 Top House
TIC: Andy Bartrum/Wayne Fraser
Lunch time/Last period

Tuesday 29/10/2024 I: Y11-13 International Leavers Dinner

Wednesday 30/10/2024 BC: Leavers Assembly and Walk the way
Wednesday 30/10/2024 BC: Chapel Open
TIC: Shawna Murray
8.00am - 8.30am Come and enjoy a quiet moment at the chapel as a community of students, staff, parents and whānau.
10.30am-11am Come along and enjoy worship with Shaun Tabak, BTI student and Freedom Centre worship leader.


Bethlehem College Daily Notices

International Assembly

Thursday 19/09/2024 - Monday 23/09/2024 International Students, please come to our last International Assembly of the term, and to farewell our leavers.

Bethlehem College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Bethlehem College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 11 Visual Art (11ART)
NCEA Level 2 Visual Art - Design (12ARD)
NCEA Level 2 Visual Art - Painting (12ART)
NCEA Level 3 Visual Art - Design (13ARD)
NCEA Level 3 Visual Art - Painting (13ARP)
11 Drama (11DRA)
NCEA Level 2 Drama (12DRA)
NCEA Level 3 Drama (13DRA)
Year 11 Music (11MUS)
NCEA Level 2 Music (12MUS)
NCEA Level 2 Sound and Media (12SOU)
NCEA Level 3 Music (13MUS)
NCEA Level 3 Sound and Media (13SOU)
NCEA Level 2 Biology (12BIO)
NCEA Level 3 Biology (13BIO)
Year 11 Communication English (11ENC)
Year 11 English (11ENG)
NCEA Level 2 Communication English (12ENC)
NCEA Level 2 English Literacy (12ENL)
NCEA Level 2 English (12ENG)
NCEA Level 3 English (13ENG)
NCEA Level 2 Physics (12PHY)
NCEA Level 3 Physics (13PHY)
Year 11 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (11AGH)
Year 11 Science (11SCI)
NCEA Level 2 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (12AGH)
NCEA Level 2 Practical Agriculture & Horticultural Science (12AHP)
NCEA Level 3 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (13AGH)
Year 11 Accounting (11ACC)
Year 11 Economics (11ECO)
NCEA Level 2 Accounting (12ACC)
NCEA Level 2 Economics (12ECO)
NCEA Level 3 Accounting (13ACC)
NCEA Level 3 Economics (13ECO)
NCEA Level 2 Chemistry (12CHE)
NCEA Level 3 Chemistry (13CHE)
Year 11 French (11FRE)
Year 11 Te Reo Māori (11MAO)
NCEA Level 2 French (12FRE)
NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Maori (12MAO)
NCEA Level 3 French (13FRE)
NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Maori (13MAO)
Year 11 Computer Studies (11COM)
Year 11 Design and Visual Communication (11DVC)
Year 11 Material Technology (11MTL)
Year 11 Textile Technology (11TTT)
NCEA Level 2 Computer Studies (12COM)
NCEA Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (12DVC)
NCEA Level 2 Material Technology (12MTL)
NCEA Level 2 Trades Training (12TRD)
NCEA Level 2 Textile Technology (12TTT)
NCEA Level 3 Computer Studies (13COM)
NCEA Level 3 Design and Visual Communication (13DVC)
NCEA Level 3 Material Technology (13MTL)
NCEA Level 3 Textile Technology (13TTT)
Year 11 Mathematics and Numeracy (11MATN)
Year 11 Mathematics (11MAT)
NCEA Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus (13MAC)
NCEA Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (13MAS)
NCEA Level 2 Mathematics (12MAT)
NCEA Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics (12MAS)
NCEA Level 2 Statistics and Probability (12STAT)
NCEA Level 3 Statistics and Probability (13STAT)
Year 11 English A International (11ENGA)
12 English A International (12ENGA)
Year 11 Geography (11GEO)
Year 11 History (11HIS)
NCEA Level 2 Classical Studies (12CLS)
NCEA Level 2 Geography (12GEO)
NCEA Level 2 History (12HIS)
NCEA Level 3 Classical Studies (13CLS)
NCEA Level 3 Geography (13GEO)
NCEA Level 3 History (13HIS)
Year 10 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (10AGH)
Year 10 Art (10ART)
Year 10 Computer Studies -1 (10COM)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication -1 (10DVC)
Year 10 Enterprise Studies (10ENT)
Year 10 French (10FRE)
Year 10 Te Reo Maori (10MAO)
Year 10 Material Technology (10MTL)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Year 10 Nutrition & Health (10NHE)
Year 10 Spanish (10SPA)
Year 10 Textile Technology (10TTT)
NCEA Level 2 Futures Academy (12FTA)
NCEA Level 3 Futures Academy (13FTA)
NCEA Level 3 Gateway (13GWY)
Year 13 University Study (13UNI)
Year 11 Early Childhood Education (11ECE)
Year 11 Hospitality (11HOS)
Year 11 Nutrition & Health (11NHE)
NCEA Level 2 Early Childhood Education (12ECE)
NCEA Level 2 Hospitality (12HOS)
NCEA Level 2 Nutrition & Health (12NHE)
NCEA Level 3 Early Childhood Education (13ECE)
NCEA Level 3 Health (13HLT)
NCEA Level 3 Hospitality (13HOS)
Year 9 Drama (9DRA)
Year 9 French (9FRE)
Year 9 Te Reo Maori (9MAO)
Year 9 Material Technology (9MTL)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 9 Nutrition & Health (9NHE)
Year 9 Spanish (9SPA)
Year 9 Textile Technology (9TTT)
Year 11 Science Enrichment (11SCE)
NCEA Level 2 Gateway (12GWY)
Year 9 Computer Studies (9COM)
Year 9 Design & Visual Communication (9DVC)
Year 9 Art (9ART)
Year 11 Correspondence - Te Kura (11TeKura)
12 Correspondence - Te Kura (12TeKura)
13 Correspondence - Te Kura (13TeKura)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication - 2 (10DVC)
Year 10 Computer Studies -2 (10COM)
Year 11 Christian Studies (11CHS)
NCEA Level 2 Christian Studies (12CHS)
Year 11 High Performance Sports Science (11HPS)
Year 11 Sports Science (11SPS)
NCEA Level 2 High Performance Sports Science (12HPS)
NCEA Level 3 Christian Studies (13CHS)
NCEA Level 2 Sports Science (12SPS)
NCEA Level 3 Sports Science (13SPS)
NCEA Level 2 Outdoor Education (12ODE)
NCEA Level 3 Outdoor Education (13ODE)
Year 9 Christian Studies 1 (9CHS)
Year 10 Christian Studies -1 (10CHS)
Year 11 Digital Media (11ADM)
Year 10 Christian Studies -2 (10CHS)
Year 9 Christian Studies 2 (9CHS)
NCEA Level 2 Visual Art - Photography (12PHO)

Schools surrounding Bethlehem College.

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