Onehunga High School


Upcoming Events at Onehunga High School

Event Date Details
Thursday 13/02/2025 Sport Academy Trials
Monday 17/02/2025 Blues Youth Leadership Programme Begins
Tuesday 18/02/2025 Sport Academy Trials
Wednesday 19/02/2025 New student Council nomination entry form due today
Thursday 20/02/2025 Gateway Health and Safety course BAC Careers Room
Wednesday 26/02/2025 OHS Athletics Day - Mt Smart Stadium
Friday 28/02/2025 Duke of Edinburgh Award parent information evening.
6pm in TKW
Tuesday 11/03/2025 High Tea L2 FAH & L2 CAT
Friday 14/03/2025 Mid-Term Break - school will be closed
Monday 24/03/2025 - Friday 28/03/2025 Summer Tournament Week
Wednesday 2/04/2025 - Friday 4/04/2025 Polyfest
Friday 11/04/2025 Last day of Term 1
Tuesday 6/05/2025 Parent-Subject Teacher Interviews, 2.30-6.30pm, school closes at 1.30pm
Wednesday 7/05/2025 Parent-Subject Teacher Interviews, 2.30-6.30pm, school closes at 1.30pm
Wednesday 14/05/2025 'Loves Me Not' programme, Year 12 involved all day
Friday 16/05/2025 Pink Shirt Day
Monday 26/05/2025 Rotary dinner, Level 2 Food and Hospitality, & Level 2 Catering
Monday 2/06/2025 King's Birthday. School closed.
Thursday 12/06/2025 Distinguished Alumni Dinner, Level 3 Catering and Level 3 Food and Hospitality
Tuesday 15/07/2025 Blues Youth Leadership Programme: Reflect, reinforce and renew (11.30-2pm)
Friday 25/07/2025 Three Way Conference, 9.00-3.05pm. School closed for instruction.
Friday 22/08/2025 Mid Term Break. School closed.
Monday 25/08/2025 - Friday 29/08/2025 Winter Tournament Week
Friday 12/09/2025 Senior Practice Examinations
Monday 15/09/2025 - Thursday 18/09/2025 Senior Practice Examinations
Friday 19/09/2025 Teacher Only Day. School closed.
Wednesday 15/10/2025 Sports Awards Prize Giving
Thursday 16/10/2025 Pasifika Awards, 6-9pm, Gym
Thursday 23/10/2025 Year 11 Prize Giving
Friday 24/10/2025 Senior Prize Giving, 1.30pm. School closes 12.30pm for Junior students
Monday 27/10/2025 Labour Day. School closed
Tuesday 4/11/2025 - Friday 7/11/2025 NCEA Examinations
Monday 10/11/2025 - Friday 14/11/2025 NCEA Examinations
Monday 17/11/2025 - Friday 21/11/2025 NCEA Examinations
Monday 24/11/2025 - Friday 28/11/2025 NCEA Examinations
Wednesday 3/12/2025 Junior Prize Giving. Last Day of Term 4 for students

Onehunga High School Daily Notices

Year 9 and 10 Boys Futsal

Monday 10/02/2025

Year 9 and 10 boys futsal begins this Thursday at 7 am in the gym.

Junior Boys, Year 9 and 10 Cricket

Monday 10/02/2025

Junior Boys Cricket, starts this Thursday after school, meet at the gym.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Wednesday 12/02/2025 - Friday 14/02/2025 The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a globally recognised extracurricular achievement available to earn for anyone between the ages of 14 to 24. If you are interested in finding out more about this award at OHS then come along to this meeting on Friday 14th Feb. If you have any questions or cannot make the meeting please see Mrs Crews in the Science department or email me [email protected]

Onehunga High School Choir

Wednesday 12/02/2025 - Thursday 13/02/2025

Students interested in singing for our fantastic 'Onehunga High School Choir' please attend our first rehearsal this Thursday second break in the music room!

Onehunga High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Onehunga High School offers to their students for 2025/2026.

10 Money Matters (10MMS)
10 Food & Hospitality (10FAH)
10 English Second Language (Y10ESOL)
10 Chinese (10CHI)
Y10 French (10FRE)
10 Samoan (10SAM)
10 Te Reo Māori (10MAO)
10 Tongan (10TON)
10 Media Studies (10MED)
10 Mathematics (10MAT)
10 Dance (10DAN)
10 Drama (10DRM)
10 Music (10MUS)
10 Athlete Development Programme (10ADP)
10 Digital technology (10DTG)
10 Health (10HEA)
10 Physical Education (10PED)
10 Science (10SCI)
10 Social Studies (10SOS) (10SOS)
10 English (10ENG)
10 Architectural Design (10ARC)
10 Product Design (10PDS)
10 Wood Technology (10WTH)
10 Photography (10APH)
10 Visual Art (10ART)
10 Business Studies (10BUS)
L1 Business (Commerce) (L1BUS)
L1 Food & Hospitality (L1FAH)
L1 Digital Technologies (L1DTG)
L1 Mathematics (L1MAT)
L1 Chinese (L1CHI)
L1 Samoan (L1SAM)
L1 Tongan (L1TON)
L1 Dance (L1DAN)
L1 Drama (L1DRM)
L1 Music (L1MUS)
L1 Health (L1HEA)
L1 Physical Education (L1PED)
L1 Life Science (L1SCL)
L1 Physical Science (L1SCP)
L1 Geography (L1GEO)
L1 History (L1HIS)
L1 Te Reo Māori (L1MAO)
L1 English (L1ENG)
L1 Scholarship English (L1ENS)
L1 Architectural Design (L1ARC)
L1 Elementary Woodwork (L1EWD)
L1 Product Design (L1PDS)
L1 Visual Art (L1ART)
L1 Photography and Design (L1APD)
L2 Accounting (L2ACC)
L2 Business (L2BUS)
L2 Economics (L2ECO)
L2 Catering and Hospitality (L2CAT)
L2 Food & Hospitality (L2FAH)
L2 Chinese (L2CHI)
L2 Samoan (L2SAM)
L2 Tongan (L2TON)
L2 Media Studies (L2MED)
L2 Mathematics (L2MAT)
L2 Dance (L2DAN)
L2 Drama (L2DRM)
L2 Music (L2MUS)
L2 Health (L2HEA)
L2 Physical Education (L2PED)
L2 Physical Training and Sport (L2PTS)
L2 Biology (L2BIO)
L2 Chemistry (L2CHE)
L2 Physics (L2PHY)
L2 Geography (L2GEO)
L2 History (L2HIS)
L2 Social Studies (L2SSS)
L2 Te Reo Māori (L2MAO)
L2 English (L2ENG)
L2 English Literacy (L2ENL)
L2 Scholarship English (L2ENS)
L2 Architectural Design (L2ARC)
L2 Elementary Woodwork (L2EWD)
L2 Product Design (L2PDS)
L2 Design (L2ARD)
L2 Painting (L2ARA)
L2 Photography (L2APH)
L3 Business (L3BUS)
L3 Economics (L3ECO)
L3 Catering and Hospitality (L3CAT)
L3 Food & Hospitality (L3FAH)
L3 Curriculum Support (13CSU)
Senior ESOL (ESOL)
L3 Chinese (L3CHI)
L3 Samoan (L3SAM)
L3 Tongan (L3TON)
L3 Media Studies (L3MED)
L3 Mathematics (L3MAT)
L3 Mathematics with Calculus (L3MAC)
L3 Mathematics with Statistics (L3MAS)
L3 Dance (L3DAN)
L3 Drama (L3DRM)
L3 Music (L3MUS)
L3 Health (L3HEA)
L3 Physical Education (L3PED)
L3 Physical Training and Sport (L3PTS)
L3 Biology (L3BIO)
L3 Chemistry (L3CHE)
L3 Physics (L3PHY)
L3 Geography (L3GEO)
L3 History (L3HIS)
L3 Social Studies (L3SSS)
L3 Te Reo Maori (L3MAO)
L3 English (L3ENG)
L3 English Literacy (L3ENL)
L3 English Scholarship (L3ENS)
L3 Building & Construction (BAC)
L3 Design and Visual Communication (L3DVC)
L3 Elementary Woodwork (L3EWD)
L3 Product Design (L3PDS)
L3 Design (L3ARD)
L3 Painting (L3ARA)
L3 Photography (L3APH)
10 The Great Outdoors (10TGO)
L2 Earth & Space Science (L2ESS)
L2 Travel and Tourism (L2TAT)
L3 Travel and Tourism (L3TAT)
Level 3 Earth & Space Science (L3ESS)

Schools surrounding Onehunga High School.

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