Below are some of the subjects that Onehunga High School offers to their students for 2025/2026.
10 Money Matters
10 Food & Hospitality
10 English Second Language
10 Chinese
Y10 French
10 Samoan
10 Te Reo Māori
10 Tongan
10 Media Studies
10 Mathematics
10 Dance
10 Drama
10 Music
10 Athlete Development Programme
10 Digital technology
10 Health
10 Physical Education
10 Science
10 Social Studies (10SOS)
10 English
10 Architectural Design
10 Product Design
10 Wood Technology
10 Photography
10 Visual Art
10 Business Studies
L1 Business (Commerce)
L1 Food & Hospitality
L1 Digital Technologies
L1 Mathematics
L1 Chinese
L1 Samoan
L1 Tongan
L1 Dance
L1 Drama
L1 Music
L1 Health
L1 Physical Education
L1 Life Science
L1 Physical Science
L1 Geography
L1 History
L1 Te Reo Māori
L1 English
L1 Scholarship English
L1 Architectural Design
L1 Elementary Woodwork
L1 Product Design
L1 Visual Art
L1 Photography and Design
L2 Accounting
L2 Business
L2 Economics
L2 Catering and Hospitality
L2 Food & Hospitality
L2 Chinese
L2 Samoan
L2 Tongan
L2 Media Studies
L2 Mathematics
L2 Dance
L2 Drama
L2 Music
L2 Health
L2 Physical Education
L2 Physical Training and Sport
L2 Biology
L2 Chemistry
L2 Physics
L2 Geography
L2 History
L2 Social Studies
L2 Te Reo Māori
L2 English
L2 English Literacy
L2 Scholarship English
L2 Architectural Design
L2 Elementary Woodwork
L2 Product Design
L2 Design
L2 Painting
L2 Photography
L3 Business
L3 Economics
L3 Catering and Hospitality
L3 Food & Hospitality
L3 Curriculum Support
Senior ESOL
L3 Chinese
L3 Samoan
L3 Tongan
L3 Media Studies
L3 Mathematics
L3 Mathematics with Calculus
L3 Mathematics with Statistics
L3 Dance
L3 Drama
L3 Music
L3 Health
L3 Physical Education
L3 Physical Training and Sport
L3 Biology
L3 Chemistry
L3 Physics
L3 Geography
L3 History
L3 Social Studies
L3 Te Reo Maori
L3 English
L3 English Literacy
L3 English Scholarship
L3 Building & Construction
L3 Design and Visual Communication
L3 Elementary Woodwork
L3 Product Design
L3 Design
L3 Painting
L3 Photography
10 The Great Outdoors
L2 Earth & Space Science
L2 Travel and Tourism
L3 Travel and Tourism
Level 3 Earth & Space Science