Pukekohe High School

Upcoming Events at Pukekohe High School

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 PHS Board Meeting
Monday 23/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 The Tooth Group
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Y10 Market Day
Wednesday 25/09/2024 PHS Rugby Awards Evening
Thursday 26/09/2024 Dance Showcase
Thursday 26/09/2024 House colours day
Friday 27/09/2024 Cultural Day
Lunchtime and Possibly Period 5 performances to showcase all of our diverse cultures here at PHS
Monday 21/10/2024 PHS Board Meeting
Monday 18/11/2024 PHS Board Meeting

Pukekohe High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Pukekohe High School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 9 Art (9ART)
Year 9 Music Band (9MUB)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 10 Art - Semester (10ART)
Year 10 Music Band (10MUB)
Year 10 Music - Core (10MUSF)
NCEA Level 1 Art (1AART)
NCEA Level 1 Dance (1ADAN)
NCEA Level 1 Drama (1ADRA)
NCEA Level 1 Performance Music (1AMUS)
NCEA Level 1 Photo Design (1APHD)
NCEA Level 2 Painting (2APAI)
NCEA Level 2 Dance (2ADAN)
NCEA Level 2 Design (2ADES)
NCEA Level 2 Drama (2ADRA)
NCEA Level 2 Motion Special Effects (2AMFX)
NCEA Level 2 Photography (2APHO)
NCEA Level 3 Dance (3ADAN)
NCEA Level 3 Design (3ADES)
NCEA Level 3 Drama (3ADRA)
NCEA Level 3 Art History (3AHIS)
NCEA Level 3 Performance Music (3AMUS)
NCEA Level 3 Painting (3APAI)
NCEA Level 3 Photography (3APHO)
NCEA Level 3 Printmaking (3APRN)
NCEA Level 1 English for Speakers of Other Languages (1EESL)
NCEA Level 2 English for Speakers of Other Languages (2EESL)
NCEA Level 3 English for Speakers of Other Languages (3EESL)
Year 9 English for Speakers of Other Languages (9ESOL)
Year 10 English for Speakers of Other Languages (10ESOL)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
NCEA Level 1 English (1EENG)
NCEA Level 2 English (2EENG)
NCEA Level 2 Media Studies (2ZMES)
NCEA Level 3 English (3EENG)
NCEA Level 3 Media Studies (3ZMES)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 10 Production Science (10SPS)
NCEA Level 1 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (1SAGH)
NCEA Level 1 Science General (1SGEN)
NCEA Level 2 Agricultural Science (2SAGR)
NCEA Level 2 Biology (2SBIO)
NCEA Level 2 Chemistry (2SCHE)
NCEA Level 2 General Science (2SGEN)
NCEA Level 2 Horticulture (2SHOR)
NCEA Level 2 Physics (2SPHY)
NCEA Level 2 Earth and Space Science (2SESS)
NCEA Level 3 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (3SAGH)
NCEA Level 3 Biology (3SBIO)
NCEA Level 3 Chemistry (3SCHE)
NCEA Level 3 Physics (3SPHY)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Year 9 French (9FRE)
Year 9 Japanese (9JPN)
Year 10 French (10FRE)
Year 10 Japanese (10JPN)
NCEA Level 1 French (1LFRE)
NCEA Level 1 Japanese (1LJPN)
NCEA Level 2 French (2LFRE)
NCEA Level 2 Japanese (2LJPN)
NCEA Level 3 Japanese (3LJPN)
Year 9 Digital Technologies (9DIT)
Year 9 Design and Visual Communication (9DVC)
Year 9 Food Technology (9FNT)
Year 9 Multi Materials Technology (9TEC)
Year 10 Digital Technologies (10DIT)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 10 Food Technology (10FNT)
Year 10 Multi Materials Technology (10TEC)
NCEA Level 1 Catering (1TCAT)
NCEA Level 1 Computer Applications (1TCOM)
NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies (1TDIT)
NCEA Level 1 Design and Visual Communication (1TDVC)
NCEA Level 1 Engineering (1TEGR)
NCEA Level 1 Food and Nutrition (1TFNT)
NCEA Level 1 Hard Materials Technology (1TTEC)
NCEA Level 1 Building (1TBLD)
NCEA Level 2 Building (2TBLD)
NCEA Level 2 Catering (2TCAT)
NCEA Level 2 Computer Applications (2TCOM)
NCEA Level 2 Digital Technologies (2TDIT)
NCEA Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (2TDVC)
NCEA Level 2 Engineering (2TEGR)
NCEA Level 2 Food and Nutrition (2TFNT)
NCEA Level 2 Hard Materials Technology (2TTEC)
NCEA Level 3 Catering (3TCAT)
NCEA Level 3 Computer Applications (3TCOM)
NCEA Level 3 Digital Technologies (3TDIT)
NCEA Level 3 Design and Visual Communication (3TDVC)
NCEA Level 3 Food and Nutrition (3TFNT)
NCEA Level 2 Performance Music (2AMUS)
Year 9 Mathematics and Statistics (9MAT)
Year 10 Mathematics and Statistics (10MAT)
NCEA Level 1 Mathematics Core (1MMAT)
NCEA Level 1 Mathematics with Statistics (1MSTA)
NCEA Level 2 General Mathematics (2MGEN)
NCEA Level 2 Mathematics with Algebra (2MMAT)
NCEA Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics (2MSTA)
NCEA Level 3 Calculus (3MCAL)
NCEA Level 3 Statistics (3MSTA)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SOC)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOC)
NCEA Level 1 Geography (1ZGEO)
NCEA Level 1 History (1ZHIS)
NCEA Level 1 People and Society (1ZPAS)
NCEA Level 2 Business Studies (2ZBST)
NCEA Level 2 Classical Studies (2ZCLS)
NCEA Level 2 Geography (2ZGEO)
NCEA Level 2 History (2ZHIS)
NCEA Level 2 People and Society (2ZPAS)
NCEA Level 2 Tourism (2ZTSM)
NCEA Level 3 Accounting (3ZACC)
NCEA Level 3 Business Studies (3ZBST)
NCEA Level 3 Classical Studies (3ZCLS)
NCEA Level 3 Geography (3ZGEO)
NCEA Level 3 History (3ZHIS)
NCEA Level 3 People and Society (3ZPAS)
NCEA Level 3 Tourism (3ZTSM)
Year 9 Health & Physical Education (9PED)
Year 10 Heath & Physical Education (10PED)
NCEA Level 1 Health (1PHLH)
NCEA Level 1 Physical Education (1PPED)
NCEA Level 2 Health (2PHLH)
NCEA Level 2 Outdoor Education (2POED)
NCEA Level 2 Physical Education (2PPED)
NCEA Level 2 Sport Leadership (2PSPT)
NCEA Level 3 Health (3PHLH)
NCEA Level 3 Outdoor Education (3POED)
NCEA Level 3 Physical Education (3PPED)
NCEA Level 3 Sport Leadership (3PSPT)
Year 9 Te Reo Maaori (9MAO)
Year 9 Te Ao Maaori (9TAM)
Year 10 Te Reo Maaori (10MAO)
Year 10 Te Ao Haka (10TAH)
NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Maaori (1WMAO)
NCEA Level 1 Te Ao Haka (1WTAH)
NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Maaori (2WMAO)
NCEA Level 2 Te Ao Haka (2WTAH)
NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Maaori (3WMAO)
NCEA Level 3 Te Ao Haka (3WTAH)
NCEA Level 1 Future Pathways (1GFPS)
NCEA Level 3 Economics (3ZECO)
NCEA Level 2 Economics (2ZECO)
NCEA Level 2 Accounting (2ZACC)
NCEA Level 2 Legal Studies (2ZLAW)
NCEA Level 3 Legal Studies (3ZLAW)
NCEA Level 3 General Science (3SGEN)
NCEA Level 3 Motion Special Effects (3AMFX)
Year 10 Music - Semester (10MUS)
Year 10 ART - Core (10ARTF)
Year 9 Dance-Drama (9DDR)
NCEA Level 3 General Mathematics (3MGEN)
NCEA Level 2 Psychology (2ZPSY)
NCEA Level 2 Printmaking (2APRN)
Year 10 Dance - Core (10DANF)
Year 10 Drama - Core (10DRAF)
NCEA Level 3 French (3LFRE)
MIT Level 2 Trades Academy (2FPTRADE)
NCEA Level 1 Commerce (1ZCMC)
MIT Level 3 Trades Academy (3FPTRADE)
NCEA Level 3 Engineering (3TEGR)
NCEA Level 3 Psychology (3ZPSY)
Year 10 Ngaa Toi - Core (10TOI)
Year 10 Dance-Drama - Semester (10DDR)
Year 9 Te Ao Haka (9TAH)
Year 10 STEM (10STE)
Year 10 Electronics (10SEL)
Year 9 Ngaa Toi (9TOI)
Year 10 Money Matters (10BMM)
NCEA Level 1 Te Manaaki Taangata Ki Te Maaori (1WTMT)
NCEA Level 2 Te Manaaki Taangata Ki Te Maaori (2WTMT)
Year 10 Maatauranga Maaori (10WMM)
NCEA Scholarship English (3EENS)
NCEA Level 1 Ngaa Toi (1ATOI)
Year 10 Creative Enterprise (10ACE)
NCEA Level 1 PTECH Digital Technologies (1TDIP)
Year 10 Digital Creative (10ADC)
NCEA Level 2 English for Academic Purposes (2EEAP)
NCEA Level 3 English for Academic Purposes (3EEAP)

Schools surrounding Pukekohe High School.

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