Waihi College

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Waihi College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Waihi College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Level 1 English (101ENG)
Level 2 English (201ENG)
Level 3 English (301ENG)
Level 1 Science (101SCI)
Level 2 Biology (201BIO)
Level 3 Biology (301BIO)
Level 2 Chemistry (201CHE)
Level 3 Chemistry (301CHE)
Level 2 Physics (201PHY)
Level 3 Physics (301PHY)
Level 1 Geography (101GEO)
Level 1 Mathematics with Numeracy (101NUM)
Level 1 Drama (101DRA)
Level 2 Geography (201GEO)
Level 3 Geography (301GEO)
Level 1 History (101HIS)
Level 2 History (201HIS)
Level 3 History (301HIS)
Level 3 Health (301HTH)
Level 2 Health (201HTH)
Level 3 Physical Education (301PED)
Level 2 Physical Education (201PED)
Level 1 Physical Education (101PED)
Level 3 Outdoor Education (301OUT)
Level 2 Outdoor Education (201OUT)
Level 1 Outdoor Education (101OUT)
Level 2 Weight Training (202WHT)
Level 2 Drama (201DRA)
Level 1 Horticulture - How to make plants grow better (101HOR)
Level 1 Accounting (101ACC)
Level 1 Art (101ART)
Level 1 Music (101MUS)
Level 1 Food Technology and Hospitality (101FTH)
Level 1 Te Reo Maori (101TRM)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Hospitality COURSE FULL YEAR (302HOSC)
Level 2 Engineering Technology (202EGT)
Level 1 Engineering Technology (102EGT)
Level 1 Digital Technology (101DIT)
Level 2 Digital Techology (201DIT)
Level 2 Media Design (201MDS)
Level 3 Media Design (301MDS)
Level 2 Automotive (202ATM)
Level 1 Building and Construction (102BAC)
Level 2 and 3 Building and Construction (202BAC)
Level 2 Art Painting (201ART)
Level 2 Art Photography (201ARP)
Level 3 Art Painting (301ART)
Level 3 Art Photography (301ARP)
Level 2 Mathematics (201MAT)
Level 1 Mathematics Basics (101MAT)
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (301STA)
Level 3 Mathematics (301MAT)
Level 3 Drama (301DRA)
Level 2 Te Reo Maori (201TRM)
Level 1 Textiles (101TEX)
Level 2 Textiles Technology (201TEX)
Level 3 Textiles & Fashion (301TEX)
Level 3 Agriculture (301AGR)
Level 1 English via Media Studies (101EMS)
Level 2 English with University Entrance Literacy (201UEL)
Level 3 Te Reo Maori (301TRM)
Level 2 Tikanga Maori (201TKM)
Level 1 Tikanga Maori (101TKM)
Level 3 Tikanga Maori (301TKM)
Level 2 Horticulture (202HORT)
Level 1 Pathways (102PATH)
Level 2 Travel and Tourism (202TOR)
Level 1 Graphics (101GRA)
Level 2 Accounting (201ACC)
Level 3 Accounting (301ACC)
Level 2 Music (201MUS)
Level 3 Music (301MUS)
Level 2 Graphics (201GRA)
Level 3 Graphics (301GRA)
Level 2 Pathways (202PTH)
Level 3 Pathways (302PTH)
Level 3 Travel and Tourism (302TOR)
Level 3 Building and Construction (302BAC)
Level 2 and 3 Hospitality SUBJECT (302HOSS)
Level 1 Mathematics (101MAT)
Level 2 Social Studies (201SOC)
Level 3 Social Studies (301SOC)
Level 1 Science Investigations (101INV)
Level 2 General Science (12SCI)
Level 2 Volcanics Online Learning (201VLN)
Level 3 Volcanics Online Learning (301VLN)
Level 1 Volcanics Online Learning (101VLN)
Level 2 English and Communication Skills (202COM)
Level 3 Unistart (301UNI)
Level 1 Hands on Horticulture (11HOH)
Level 1 Growing for Profit (101GRO)
Level 2 Growing for Profit (201GRO)
Level 1 Animal Welfare (101ANW)
Level 2 Animal Welfare (201ANW)
Super Tuesday Level 2 Wintec Trades Construction and Infrastructure FULL YEAR (202WTC)
Level 3 English and Communication Skills (13COM)
Level 3 English with University Entrance Literacy (301UEL)
Super Tuesday Level 3 Wintec Trades Academy Building and Construction FULL YEAR (302WTB)
Super Tuesday Level 2 Pacific Coast Food and Beverage FULL YEAR (202FOD)
Super Tuesday Level 2 Pacific Coast Apiculture (SEMESTER B) (202BEEB)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Advanced Chemistry SEMESTER A (301ACHEM)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Adventure Tourism SEMESTER A (302ADVA)
Super Tuesday Level 2 Driving SEMESTER A (202DRV)
Super Tuesday Level 2 Electronics SEMESTER A (202ELE)
Super Tuesday Level 2 Gateway SEMESTER A (202GATA)
Super Tuesday Level 3 Gateway SEMESTER A (302GATA)
Super Tuesday Kapahaka SEMESTER A (302KAPA)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Leadership and Teamwork SEMESTER A (302LEAD)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Outdoor Skills SEMESTER B (302OUT)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Social Psychology SEMESTER B (301PSY)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Start Your Own Business SEMESTER B (302BUS)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Study Master Class SEMESTER B (302STUD)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Whakairo (Carving) and Maori Art Design (302WHA)
Super Tuesday Level 2 Pacific Coast Apiculture SEMESTER A - EXISTING STUDENTS ONLY (202BEEA)
Super Tuesday Level 2 and 3 Adventure Tourism SEMESTER B (202ADVB)
Super Tuesday Level 2 Gateway SEMESTER B (202GATB)
Super Tuesday Level 3 Gateway SEMESTER B (302GATB)
Super Tuesday Kapahaka SEMESTER B (302KAPB)
Level 3 Physical Education (Copy) (301PED)

Schools surrounding Waihi College.

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