Te Aroha College

Te Aroha College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Te Aroha College offers to their students for 2025/2026.

Accounting L2 (12ACC)
Accounting L3 (13ACC)
Agricultural Science L2 (12AGR)
Agricultural Science L3 (13AGR)
Art - Photography and Printmaking L2 (12PHOTO)
Art - Painting L2 (12PAINT)
Art - Painting L3 (13PAINT)
Biology L2 (12BIO)
Biology L3 (13BIO)
Chemistry L2 (12CHEM)
Chemistry L3 (13CHEM)
Classical Studies L2 (12CLA)
Classical Studies L3 (13CLA)
Digital Technology - Computer Applications L2 (12COMPA)
Digital Technology - Computer Applications L3 (13COMPA)
Digital Technology - Computer Science L2 (12COMPS)
Digital Technology - Computer Science L3 (13COMPS)
Design Technology L2 (12DESIGN)
Design Technology L3 (13DESIGN)
English L2a Academic (12ENG)
English L3 (13ENG)
Food - Technology L2 (12FOODT)
Food - Technology L3 (13FOODT)
Geography L3 (13GEO)
Geography L2 (12GEO)
History L3 (13HIST)
History L2 (12HIST)
Mathematics L2b (12MATHSB)
Mathematics with Statistics L3 (13STATS)
Mathematics with Calculus L3 (13CALC)
Physical Education L2 (12PE)
Physical Education L3 (13PE)
Physics L2 (12PHYS)
Physics L3 (13PHYS)
Spanish L3 (13SPA)
Spanish L2 (12SPA)
Technology - Construction L2 (12CONS)
Te Reo Māori L2 (12TEREO)
Gateway Placement Readiness (GATEWAY)
Commerce L1 (11COM)
Agricultural and Horticultural Science L1 (11AGR)
Visual Art L1 (11ART)
Digital Technology L1 (11DIGITA)
Design Technology L1 (11DESIGN)
English L1 (11ENG)
Food - Cookery L1 (11FOODC)
Food - Technology L1 (11FOODT)
Geography L1 (11GEO)
History L1 (11HIST)
Physical Education L1 (11PE)
Spanish L1 (11SPAN)
Te Reo Māori L1 (11TEREO)
Mathematics L1 (11MATHS)
Mathematics L2a (12MATHS)
Media Studies L3 (13MEDIA)
Media Studies L2 (12MEDIA)
Technology - Construction L3 (13CONS)
Year 10 Digital Technology (10ROB)
Year 10 Business Studies (10BUS)
Year 10 Music (10MUSIC)
Year 10 Agriculture (10AGR)
Year 10 Metal (10METAL)
Year 10 Art (10ART)
Year 10 Resistant Materials Technology Wood (10Wood)
Year 10 Spanish (10SPA)
Year 10 Design (10DESIGN)
Year 10 Te Reo (10TEREO)
Year 10 Food Technology (10FOOD)
English L2 - Communication Skills (12ENGL)
Outdoor Education L1 (11OED)
Outdoor Education L3 (13OED)
Outdoor Education L2 (12OED)
Mathematics L2c (12MATHSC)
General Science B L1 (11SCIB)
Materials and Processing Technology L1 (11MPT)
Art - Printmaking L3 (13PRINT)
Te Reo Māori L3 (13TEREO)
Resistant Materials Technology – L2 (12RMT)
Resistant Materials Technology – L3 (13RMT)
Drama L1 (11Drama)
Senior Study (STUDY)
10 Philosophy (10PHIL)
General Science A L1 (11SCIA)
General Science C L1 (11SCIC)
11 Sport and Recreation (11REC)

Schools surrounding Te Aroha College.

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