Tauranga Boys’ College

Upcoming Events at Tauranga Boys’ College

Event Date Details
Saturday 21/09/2024 Old Boys Dinner - postponed
Monday 23/09/2024 Year 9 Option Changeover
Monday 23/09/2024 Year 10, 11 & 12 online Option selections due
Monday 23/09/2024 Year 10, 11, 12 Options due
Monday 23/09/2024 TBC Golf Day
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 ODE2 MTB @ Rotorua
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 Food Tech Trip
Tuesday 24/09/2024 House League 9s - Seniors
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Band trip to Wellington - MEFA Festival
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Band trip @ Wellington MEFA Festival
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 ODE2 MTB @ Rotorua
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Sunday 29/09/2024 MEFA Festival & Jazz Band-it
Tuesday 24/09/2024 House League 9s - Seniors
Wednesday 25/09/2024 AGHoRT Careers Day
Wednesday 25/09/2024 House League 9s - Juniors
Friday 27/09/2024 Term 3 ends
Monday 14/10/2024 Junior School only
Wednesday 16/10/2024 - Thursday 31/10/2024 Ritsumeikan Japanese Group visiting
Wednesday 16/10/2024 Junior School only
Thursday 17/10/2024 TBC Speech finals
Friday 18/10/2024 Pasifika Awards Evening in GYYT
Thursday 24/10/2024 Tu Rangatira Awards in GYYT
Friday 25/10/2024 Sports Awards in RMG
Friday 25/10/2024 - Saturday 26/10/2024 BOPSS Junior Volleyball Champs at Mercury Arena
Monday 28/10/2024 Cricket 1st XI vs St Pauls @ TBC
Thursday 31/10/2024 Arts Awards in GYYT
Friday 1/11/2024 Year 12 & 13 Prizegiving at Holy Trinity
Tuesday 5/11/2024 International Awards Dinner
Tuesday 5/11/2024 Te Punga Exams begin
Tuesday 28/01/2025 School Office Opens
Monday 3/02/2025 Teacher Only Day
Tuesday 4/02/2025 Year 13 & International Students
Wednesday 5/02/2025 Year 13 & Year 9s begin
Thursday 6/02/2025 Waitangi Day
Friday 7/02/2025 Whole School back

Tauranga Boys’ College Daily Notices

NZDF Information and fitness testing

Friday 20/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 New Zealand Defence Force will be in to chat with you all and run fitness testing afterwards for anyone who is interested. Joining the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) offers students a rewarding career with hands-on training, access to cutting-edge technology, and opportunities to travel and serve your country. The NZDF also provides educational support and financial benefits, making it a great option for those looking to gain qualifications while building a meaningful and adventurous career.

Massey Uni Course Planning

Friday 20/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 Massey University will be here P2 for course planning. If your applying for Massey next year, you should be at this session where possible.

Year 9 Volleyball

Saturday 21/09/2024 Year 9A and Year 9B Volleyball teams - practice Tuesday lunchtime in RMG. Be there, and changed, as quickly as you can for set up.

WATER POLO - Junior Trials

Monday 23/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 Water polo - Junior Trial #2 Thursday 26/09, 4.00-5.30pm @ Baywave

Tauranga Boys’ College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Tauranga Boys’ College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

11 Te Reo Māori (11MAO)
Te Reo Māori 2 (MAO2)
Te Reo Māori 3 (MAO3)
Wood Carving 3 (CAR3)
Wood Carving 2 (CAR2)
11 Wood Carving (11CAR)
Design 3 (DES3)
Design 2 (DES2)
11 Design (11DES)
Drama 3 (DRA3)
Drama 2 (DRA2)
11 Drama (11DRA)
Music 3 (MUS3)
Music 2 (MUS2)
11 Music (11MUS)
Photography 3 (PHO3)
Photography 2 (PHO2)
Printmaking - Level 3 (PRI3)
Visual Art 3 (ART3)
Visual Art 2 (ART2)
11 Visual Art (11ART)
10 Art (10ART)
10 Design (10DES)
10 Music (10MUS)
10 Drama (10DRA)
10 Te Reo Māori (10MAO)
10 Carving - Bone (10CAB)
10 Carving - Wood (10CAR)
10 Māori Performing Arts (10MPA)
Media Studies 3 (MDS3)
Media Studies 2 (MDS2)
11 Media Studies (11MDS)
10 Film Making (10FIL)
Accounting 3 (ACC3)
Accounting 2 (ACC2)
11 Accounting (11ACC)
Economics 3 (ECO3)
Economics 2 (ECO2)
11 Economics (11ECO)
Business Studies 3 (BUS3)
Business Studies 2 (BUS2)
English Extension 3 (ENX3)
English Extension 2 (ENX2)
English 3 (S1) (XENA)
Vocational Literacy 2 (VL2)
English 3 - Full Year (ENG3)
English 2 (ENG2)
English Accelerated 2 (6AEN)
Social Studies 3 (S1) (XSST)
Classical Studies 3 (CLS3)
History 3 (HIS3)
Geography 3 (GEO3)
Classical Studies 2 (CLS2)
Geography 2 (GEO2)
History 2 (HIS2)
Digital Technologies 3 (DGT3)
Digital Technologies 2 (DGT2)
11 Digital Technologies (11DGT)
Design & Visual Communication 3 (DVC3)
Design & Visual Communication 2 (DVC2)
11 Design & Visual Communication (11DVC)
Product Technology 3 (PTC3)
10 Digital Technologies (10DGT)
10 Design & Visual Communication (10DVC)
Product Technology 2 (PTC2)
11 Product Technology (11PTC)
10 Product Technology (10PTC)
10 Business Studies (10BUS)
Japanese 3 (JPN3)
Japanese 2 (JPN2)
11 Japanese (11JPN)
10 Japanese (10JPN)
Spanish 3 (SPA3)
Spanish 2 (SPA2)
11 Spanish (11SPA)
10 Spanish (10SPA)
Building Related Trades 3 (BRT3)
Building Related Trades 2 (BRT2)
11 Building Related Trades (11BRT)
Engineering Trades 3 (ETR3)
Engineering Trades 2 (ETR2)
10 Industry Trades (10ITR)
11 Engineering Trades (11ETR)
10 Food Technology (10FTC)
Cafe Arts 3 (CAF3)
Hospitality & Catering 2 (HOC2)
11 Creative Cooking (11HOC)
Athlete Development 3 (ADP3)
Athlete Development 2 (ADP2)
11 Athlete Development (11ADP)
Physical Education 3 (PHE3)
Physical Education 2 (PHE2)
11 Physical Education (11PHE)
10 Athlete Development Programme - Winter (10ADW)
Outdoor Education 3 (ODE3)
Outdoor Education 2 (ODE2)
Mathematics with Calculus 3 (MAC3)
Statistics & Modelling 3 (MAS3)
Mathematics 3 (S1) (XMATA)
Mathematics 2 (MAT2)
11 Mathematics (11MAT)
Pacific Studies 3 (S1) (XPAC)
Pacific Studies 3 (S2) (XPAC)
Pacific Studies 2 (PAC2)
11 Pacific Studies (11PAC)
11 Mandarin (11MRN)
10 Mandarin (10MAN)
10 History Inquiry (10HIS)
10 Social Studies (10SST)
11 Geography (11GEO)
11 History (11HIS)
11 English (11ENG)
10 English (10ENG)
10 Health & Physical Education (10HPE)
10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Food For Flatters 3 (S1) (FFFA)
Cafe & Barista Skills 3 (S2) (CAFB)
Biology 3 (BIO3)
Chemistry 3 (CHE3)
Chemistry - University or NZ Schol. (UCHE)
Biology - University & NZ Schol. (UBIO)
Physics - Level 3 (PHY3)
Physics - University and NZ Schol. (UPHY)
Science 3 (Internally Assessed) (SCI3)
Electronics 3 (ELT3)
Agricultural & Horticultural Science 3 (AGH3)
Biology 2 (BIO2)
Chemistry 2 (CHE2)
Physics - Level 2 (PHY2)
Science 2 (internally assessed) (SCP2)
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 2 (AGH2)
Electronics 2 (ELT2)
11 Biology (11BIO)
11 Chemistry & Physics (11CPH)
11 STEM (11STM)
11 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (11AGH)
11 Science (11SCI)
10 Science (10SCI)
10 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (10AGH)
10 STEM (10STM)
Calculus - University Calculus (UMAC)
Statistics - University Statistics (UMAS)
English 3 (S2) (XENB)
Economics - University or NZ Schol. (UECO)
Philosophy - University (UPHI)
Philosophy 3 (PHI3)
11 Social Studies (11SST)
Philosophy 2 (PHI2)
11 Philosophy (11PHI)
10 Philosophy (10PHI)
Psychology 2 (PSY2)
11 Psychology (11PSY)
Academic Study (S1) (XSDY)
Academic Study (S2) (XSDY)
Bone Carving 2 (CAB2)
11 Bone Carving (11CAB)
Social Studies 3 (S2) (XSST)
Māori Performing Arts 3 (MPA3)
Māori Performing Arts 2 (MPA2)
11 Māori Performing Arts (11MPA)
Academic English (ACEG) 2 (ACEG2)
11 Academic English (ACEG) (11ACEG)
Intensive English (ESOL) (10IE)
Psychology 3 (PSY3)
Sports Studies 3 (S1) (XSPO)
Sports Studies 3 (S2) (XSPO)
Photography Skills 3 (S1) (XPHO)
Photography Skills 3 (S2) (XPHO)
Secondary Tertiary (STP) (STP2)
10 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby (10ADR)
10 Athlete Development Programme - Football (10ADF)
10 Athlete Development Programme - Basketball (10ADB)
10 Athlete Development Programme - Cricket (10ADC)
10 Athlete Development Programme - Summer (10ADS)
Academic Study - Full Year (SDYF)
10 Supported English (ENSH)
10 Supported Mathematics (MASH)
10 Establishing Independence (56EI)
10 Supported Physical Education (PESH)
10 Practical Skills (PSK)
11 Practical Science (11SCP)
Statistics & Modelling 2 (MAS2)
Mathematics with Calculus 2 (MAC2)
11 Whakaari (1WHA)
9 Art (9ART)
9 Design (9DES)
9 Drama (9DRA)
9 Film Making (9FIL)
9 Māori Performing Arts (9MPA)
9 Music (9MUS)
9 Japanese (9JPN)
9 Mandarin (9MAN)
9 Reading Support (9RDG)
9 Spanish (9SPA)
9 Te Reo Māori (9MAO)
9 Carving - Wood (9CAR)
9 Carving - Bone (9CAB)
9 Digital Technologies (9DGT)
9 Design & Visual Communication (9DVC)
9 English (9ENG)
9 Mathematics (9MAT)
9 Food Technology (9FTC)
9 Industry Trades (9ITR)
9 Product Technology (9PTC)
9 Athlete Development Programme (9ADP)
9 Business Studies (9BUS)
9 Agricultural & Horticultural Science (9AGH)
9 Philosophy (9PHI)
9 Social Studies (9SST)
9 Health and Physical Education (9HPE)
9 Science (9SCI)
Online University (S1) (UOLA)
Online University (S2) (UOLB)
Economics Accelerate (10BA)
Contemporary Music 3 (CMU3)
Contemporary Music 2 (CMU2)
Whakaari 2 (WHA2)
Whakaari 3 (WHA3)
9 Supported English (ENSH)
11 Supported English (ENSH)
12 Supported English (ENSH)
13 Supported English (ENSH)
9 Supported Mathematics (MASH)
11 Supported Mathematics (MASH)
12 Supported Mathematics (MASH)
13 Supported Mathematics (MASH)
9 Supported Physical Education (PESH)
11 Supported Physical Education (PESH)
12 Supported Physical Education (PESH)
13 Supported Physical Education (PESH)
9 Establishing Independence (56EI)
12 Establishing Independence (56EI)
13 Establishing Independence (56EI)
11 Establishing Independence (56EI)
9 Practical Skills (PSK)
11 Practical Skills (PSK)
12 Practical Skills (PSK)
13 Practical Skills (PSK)
Bone Carving 3 (CAB3)
Gateway 2 (GTW2)
Mathematics 3 (S2) (XMATB)
13 Independent Learning Programme (ILP)
12 Independent Learning Programme (ILP)
11 Independent Learning Programme (ILP)
Level 2 Applied Mathematics (MAP2)
Gateway 3 (GTW3)
Environmental Science (10ESS)
10 Athlete Development Programme - Volleyball (10ADV)
10 Athlete Development Programme - Hockey (10ADH)
11 STEM (11STM)

Schools surrounding Tauranga Boys’ College.

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