Whangārei Boys’ High School Daily Notices
Cadet Forces Recruitment 2025
Monday 3/02/2025 - Thursday 6/02/2025
Cadet Forces are looking for new recruits. If you have an interest in the armed forces, shooting, flying, bush craft skills or being part of a team come and check out the Cadet Forces. Army & Air Cadets at their Open Evening on the Thursday 20th February @ 6:15 - 9:00 NorthTec Campus Gate 4 Murdoch Cres. Come along find out more and give it a go!
Scholarship Calulus Class
Monday 10/02/2025 - Thursday 13/02/2025
Hi, year 12 and 13 boys
If you want to earn some cash by solving challenging Calculus questions, come to PK224 after school every Thursday. You will be given previous Scholarship question booklets and formula sheets to study Scholarship Calculus in this class.
Senior Volleyball Trials
Monday 10/02/2025 - Thursday 13/02/2025
If you're interested in playing volleyball this year, senior volleyball trials will be held next Tuesday, February 18th right after school in the Brunker Gym. Please see Miss Line if you have questions or concerns.
Northland Surfing Competition Meeting
Tuesday 11/02/2025 - Friday 14/02/2025
Those students who are interested in competing in the NSSSA Surfing Series, please come to PK101 at lunchtime on Friday (14/02/2025).
FYI This competition is for experienced surfers.
Senior Futsal Tournament
Tuesday 11/02/2025 - Thursday 13/02/2025
All seniors interested in taking part in Northland Futsal Tournament this year, please attend a meeting on Thursday 13th Feb at Interval (11.10am) in Brunker Gym.
Psychology Y13
Wednesday 12/02/2025 - Monday 17/02/2025
All Year 13 Psychology students are welcome to enter the NZQA Pscyhology Exams. Mr Moore will be running it after school on Tuesdays after school and Thursdays after school. For one hour. Please contact him to let him know youre interested. Success in exams will gain you 1000 or 5000 depending on your result. To be used at uinversity. Full scheme is available.
Debating Club
Wednesday 12/02/2025 - Friday 14/02/2025
Please come to PK 229 on Friday at lunchtime to register your interest in the Debating Club. Everyone is welcome, so come along and have a go!