Solway College

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Solway College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Solway College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 8 Art (8ART)
Year 10 Art (10ART)
Level 1 Art (11ART)
Level 1 Design & Visual Communication (11DVC)
Level 2 Painting (12PAN)
Level 3 Painting (13PAN)
Year 9 Art (9ART)
Level 2 Design (12DES)
Level 2 Art History (12ARTH)
Level 2 Photography (12PHO)
Level 2 Printmaking (12PRIN)
Level 3 Design (13DES)
Level 3 Photography (13PHO)
Year 7 Spanish (7SPAN)
Level 2 Early Childhood Education (12ECE)
Level 2 Travel & Tourism (12TOUR)
Level 3 Travel & Tourism (13Tour)
Year 10 Drama (10DRAM)
Level 2 Drama (12DRAM)
Level 3 Drama (13DRAM)
Year 8 Music (8MUS)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Level 1 Music (11MUS)
Level 2 Music (12MUS)
Level 3 Music (13MUS)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 7 English (7ENG)
Year 8 English (8ENG)
Level 1 English (11ENG)
Level 2 English (12ENG)
Level 3 English (13ENG)
Level 3 Media Studies (13MEDS)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 10 English (10ENGLA)
Year 10 English (10ENGLB)
Year 7 Science (7SCI)
Year 8 Science (8SCI)
Level 1 Science (11SCI)
Level 2 Biology (12BIO)
Level 2 Chemistry (12CHEM)
Level 2 Physics (12PHYS)
Level 3 Biology (13BIO)
Level 3 Chemistry (13CHEM)
Level 3 Physics (13PHYS)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Year 10 Accounting & Financial Capability (10FINA)
Level 1 Economics (11ECO)
Level 1 Commerce (11COM)
Level 2 Accounting (12ACO)
Level 3 Accounting (13ACO)
Level 3 Business Studies (13BUS)
Year 7 Te Reo Maori (7MAO)
Year 10 French (10FREN)
Year 10 German (10GERM)
Level 1 Japanese (10JAPN)
Year 10 Te Reo Maori (10MAO)
Year 10 Spanish (10SPAN)
Level 1 French (11FREN)
Level 1 Korean (11KORE)
Level 1 Te Reo Maori (11MAO)
Level 1 Samoan (11SAM)
Level 1 Spanish (11SPAN)
Level 2 Chinese (12CHIN)
Level 2 German (12GERM)
Level 3 German (13GERM)
Level 3 Te Reo Maori (13MAO)
Year 9 Te Reo Maori (9MAO)
Year 9 Spanish (9SPAN)
Year 7 Mathematics (7MAT)
Level 2 Algebra/Calculus (12MATC)
Level 3 Calculus (13MATC)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Level 1 Mathematics (11MAT)
Year 7 Social Studies (7SOS)
Level 1 Geography (11GEO)
Level 1 History (11HIS)
Level 2 Classical Studies (12CLAS)
Level 2 History (12HIS)
Level 3 Classical Studies (13CLAS)
Level 3 History (13HIS)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SOS)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOS)
Year 10 Food Technology (10FTE)
Level 1 Food & Nutrition (11FTE)
Level 2 Food & Nutrition (12FTE)
Year 9 Food and Nutrtion (9FTE)
Year 8 Digital Technology (8DIGI)
Level 1 Digital Technology (11DIGI)
Level 2 Digital Technology (12DIGI)
Level 3 ICT Innovation Programme (13ICTP)
Year 9 Digital Technology (9DIGI)
Year 7 Physical Education (7PED)
Year 8 Health (8HEA)
Year 8 Physical Education (8PED)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PED)
Level 1 Physical Education (11PED)
Level 2 Health Studies (12HEA)
Level 2 Physical Education (12PED)
Level 3 Physical Education (13PED)
Year 10 Health (10HEA)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PED)
Year 7 Christian Education (7CHED)
Year 12 Christian Education (12CHED)
Year 13 Christian Education (13CHED)
Year 9 Christian Education (9CHED)
Year 10 Christian Education (10CHED)
Year 11 Christian Education (11CHED)
Year 7 Soft Materials Technology (7SMT)
Year 10 Soft Materials Technology (10SMT)
Level 1 Soft Materials Technology (11SMT)
Level 2 Soft Materials Technology (12SMT)
Year 9 Soft Materials Technology (9SMT)
Future Options (FUOP)
Level 1 Travel & Tourism (11TOUR)
Level 2 Automotive Programme (12AUTO)
Level 3 Veterinary Nursing (13VETN)
Level 3 Geography (13GEO)
Level 3 Health (13HEA)
Level 3 Statistics (13MATS)
Level 2 Geography (12GEO)
Level 3 Food & Nutrition (13FTE)
Level 3 Printmaking (13PRIN)
Level 3 Digital Technology (13DIGI)
Level 2 Design & Visual Communication (12DVC)
Level 2 Agriculture & Horticulture (12AGH)
Level 1 Drama (11DRAM)
Year 10 Digital Technology (10DIGI)
Level 2 Korean (12KORE)
Level 3 Chinese (13CHIN)
Level 3 Art History (13ARTH)
Year 7 Health (7HEA)
Level 2 Health (12HEA)
Year 7 Art (7ART)
Year 8 Soft Materials Technology (8SMT)
Level 2 & 3 Construction (UCOL)
Level 2 English and Media (12ENGM)
Level 2 Spanish (12SPAN)
Level 2 Statistics (12MATS)
Level 1 Dance (11DAN)
Level 3 Dance (13DAN)
Level 2 Dance (12DAN)
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Level 3 Early Childhood Education (13ECE)
Level 3 Conservation (13CONV)
Level 3 Gaming Development (13GAME)
Level 2 Hair, Beauty & Retail (12HAB)
Level 2 Cafe Skills (12CAFE)
Level 3 Cookery (13COOK)
Level 3 New Zealand Police Pathway (13NZPO)
Level 3 Applied Technical Laboratory Science (13LABS)
Level 3 Health (13HEA)
NZ Certificate in Make-Up & Skin Care Introduction (13HAB)
Year 12 Business Studies (12BUS)
Level 3 Soft Materials Technology (13SMT)
Level 1 Hospitality (11HOSP)
Level 2 Hospitality (12HOSP)
Level 1 Social Studies (11SOC)
Level 2 Te Reo Maori (12MAO)

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