Orewa College

Upcoming Events at Orewa College

Event Date Details
Friday 20/09/2024 - Sunday 22/09/2024 Water Polo North Island Festival
Sunday 22/09/2024 - Tuesday 24/09/2024 2OUED Pinnacles Tramp
Trip B
Monday 23/09/2024 Year Assembly Week
Monday 23/09/2024 Meeting: Staff
Monday 23/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Dance Primary School Visits
Monday 23/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Yr 7 Snowplanet
Monday 23/09/2024 L1 Geography Trip
Tuesday 24/09/2024 L3 Calc Camp 2

All Day
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Otago Uni visit
Wednesday 25/09/2024 BoT Meeting
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Wearable Arts
House Event
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Victoria Uni visit
Wednesday 25/09/2024 UOA Visit
Wednesday 25/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 Bunnings Trade Skills for Teens
Thursday 26/09/2024 Maygrove Rest Home
Y7 TIC F.Knight
Thursday 26/09/2024 University of Canterbury visit
Thursday 26/09/2024 Y7 Market Evening
Thursday 26/09/2024 Whangaparoa Fiafia trip

Interval until lunchtime
Friday 27/09/2024 House Quiz
Monday 30/09/2024 - Friday 11/10/2024 New York Art Trip
TIC P.Friis
Monday 14/10/2024 House Week
Monday 14/10/2024 Non-interuption Week
Monday 14/10/2024 Meeting: Dept
Monday 14/10/2024 - Friday 18/10/2024 Auckland regional dental service
Y7 & 8's
Monday 21/10/2024 Form Week
Monday 21/10/2024 Meeting: Staff
Monday 21/10/2024 HPV 2 Y8 Vaccination
Monday 21/10/2024 Whakatau
Tuesday 22/10/2024 Performing Arts Senior Awards
Tuesday 22/10/2024 Year 7 & 8 Athletics Day
Wednesday 23/10/2024 Gateway Celebration Evening
Wednesday 23/10/2024 House Winning Day
Wednesday 23/10/2024 Special olympics ten pin bowling
TIC Gill Taylor
Friday 25/10/2024 - Tuesday 29/10/2024 YAS EOY Trip
Tuesday 29/10/2024 HPV 2 Y8 Catch Up Vaccination
Tuesday 29/10/2024 Meeting: Dept
Tuesday 29/10/2024 Technology Showcase & Awards
Wednesday 30/10/2024 BOT Meeting
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Y13 Graduation
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Technology Showcase Y7/8/9 visits
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Tag North/Central Junior Tag (Yr 9-10)
Wednesday 30/10/2024 - Thursday 31/10/2024 Y7 Auckland Zoo trip
Thursday 31/10/2024 Y11&12 Prizegiving
Friday 1/11/2024 - Saturday 2/11/2024 DoE Bronze Mangawhai
Friday 1/11/2024 Middle school ESOL Trip
Friday 1/11/2024 Gumboot Day
Monday 4/11/2024 Meeting: PD
Monday 4/11/2024 - Friday 22/11/2024 International EOY Programme
Monday 4/11/2024 Y10 Chinese Trip (TBC)
Tuesday 5/11/2024 Badminton Boys Yr 7&8 Zone Day

Orewa College Daily Notices

Course planning with University of Otago

Thursday 5/09/2024 At 2.00pm on Tuesday, 24 September, staff from the University of Otago will be in the Careers Hub to meet with students and help them plan their first year courses.
Please go to the Y13 Careers Google Classroom or the Careers Google Classroom, and under "Course Planning for University 2025",click on the "Register Here" link and add your details so we know how many students to expect.
If you're looking to study at Otago next year, please take advantage of this great opportunity!


Tuesday 10/09/2024 - Thursday 12/09/2024 There will be NO more practice in the gym this term, however for the last two weeks of term we are playing fun fixtures at Kingsway College and all players are welcome to meet us there.

Course planning with Victoria University

Thursday 19/09/2024 - Wednesday 25/09/2024 At 12.05pm on Thursday, 12 September, staff from Victoria University will be in the Careers Hub to meet with students and help them plan their first year courses.
Please go to the Y13 Careers Google Classroom or the Careers Google Classroom, and under "Course Planning for University 2025",click on the "Register Here" link and add your details so we know how many students to expect.
If you're looking to study at Victoria next year, please take advantage of this great opportunity!

Course planning with University of Canterbury

Friday 20/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 At 12.05pm on Thursday, 26 September, staff from the University of Canterbury will be in the Careers Hub to meet with students and help them plan their first year courses.
Please go to the Y13 Careers Google Classroom or the Careers Google Classroom, and under "Course Planning for University 2025",click on the "Register Here" link and add your details so we know how many students to expect.
If you're looking to study at Canterbury next year, please take advantage of this great opportunity!

Full School Council Meeting

Saturday 21/09/2024 - Wednesday 25/09/2024 Full School Council meeting next Wednesday 25 September at 1.20pm in the Library.
Please rsvp to Mrs Beedell whether you are attending or not.

Rubik's Cube Club

Monday 23/09/2024 Rubik's Cube Club is on at lunchtime today.
All welcome!

Orewa College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Orewa College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Level 1 Music (1MUSC)
Level 1 Music Technology (1MUST)
Level 2 Music (2MUSC)
Level 2 Music Technology (2MUST)
Level 3 Music (3MUSC)
Year 9 Music (09MUSC)
Year 10 Music (10MUSC)
Scholarship Music (3SCMUS)
Level 1 English (1ENGL)
Level 2 Media Studies (2MEST)
Level 3 English (3ENGL)
Level 3 Media Studies (3MEST)
Scholarship Media Studies (3SCMES)
Year 9 English (09ENGL)
Year 10 English (10ENGL)
Scholarship English (3SCENG)
Level 2 Biology (2BIOL)
Level 2 Chemistry (2CHEM)
Level 2 Earth and Space Science (2EASS)
Level 2 Physics (2PHYS)
Level 3 Biology (3BIOL)
Level 3 Chemistry (3CHEM)
Level 3 Earth and Space Science (3EASS)
Level 3 Physics (3PHYS)
Year 9 Science (09SCIE)
Year 10 Science (10SCIE)
Scholarship Biology (3SCBIO)
Scholarship Chemistry (3SCCHE)
Scholarship Physics (3SCPHY)
Level 1 Japanese (1JAPA)
Level 1 Te Reo Maori (1MAOR)
Level 1 Spanish (1SPAN)
Level 2 Japanese (2JAPA)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (2MAOR)
Level 2 Spanish (2SPAN)
Level 3 Japanese (3JAPA)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (3MAOR)
Level 3 Spanish (3SPAN)
Year 9 Chinese (09CHIN)
Year 9 Japanese (09JAPA)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori (09MAOR)
Year 9 Spanish (09SPAN)
Year 10 Chinese - Semester (10CHIN)
Year 10 Japanese - Semester (10JAPA)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori - Semester (10MAOR)
Year 10 Spanish - Semester (10SPAN)
ESOL Advanced (ESOLAD)
ESOL Intermediate A (ESOLIA)
ESOL Intermediate B (ESOLIB)
ESOL Elementary A (ESOLLA)
ESOL Elementary B (ESOLLB)
Level 1 Geography (1GEOG)
Level 1 History (1HIST)
Level 1 Social Studies (1SOST)
Level 2 Classical Studies (2CLST)
Level 2 Geography (2GEOG)
Level 2 History (2HIST)
Level 2 Social Studies (2SOST)
Level 3 Classical Studies (3CLST)
Level 3 Geography (3GEOG)
Level 3 History (3HIST)
Level 3 Social Studies (3SOST)
New Zealand Studies Experience (NZSE1)
Year 9 Social Studies (09SOST)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOST)
Scholarship Geography (3SCGEO)
Level 1 Art - Multimedia (1ARTV)
Level 2 Art Design (2ARTD)
Level 3 Art Design (3ARTD)
Year 9 Visual Art (09ARTC)
Year 10 Art (10ARTS)
Level 1 Art - Photography & Design (1ARTPD)
Level 2 Art Painting (2ARTPA)
Level 2 Art Photography (2ARTPH)
Level 3 Art Painting (3ARTPA)
Level 3 Art Photography (3ARTPH)
Year 9 Mathematics (09MATH)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MATH)
Level 2 Mathematics Calculus (2MATC)
Level 2 Mathematics Statistics (2MATS)
Level 3 Mathematics Calculus (3MATC)
Level 3 Mathematics Statistics (3MATS)
Scholarship Calculus (3SCMAC)
Scholarship Statistics (3SCMAS)
Level 1 Design and Visual Communication (1DAVC)
Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (2DAVC)
Level 3 Design and Visual Communication (3DAVC)
Year 9 Digital Technology (09DIGT)
Year 9 Product Development (09PDEV)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (10DAVC)
Year 10 Digital Technology (10DIGT)
Year 10 Product Development (10PDEV)
Level 1 Dance (1DANC)
Level 1 Drama (1DRAM)
Level 2 Dance (2DANC)
Level 2 Drama (2DRAM)
Level 3 Dance (3DANC)
Level 3 Drama (3DRAM)
Year 9 Dance (09DANC)
Year 9 Drama (09DRAM)
Year 10 Dance (10DANC)
Year 10 Drama (10DRAM)
Scholarship Drama (3SCDRA)
Level 1 Food Studies (1FOOD)
Level 1 Textile Technology (1TEXT)
Level 2 Food Technology (2FTEC)
Level 2 Hospitality (2HOSP)
Level 2 Textile Technology (2TEXT)
Level 3 Food Technology (3FTEC)
Level 3 Hospitality (3HOSP)
Level 3 Textile Technology (3TEXT)
Year 9 Food Technology (09FTEC)
Year 9 Textile Technology (09TEXT)
Year 10 Food Technology (10FTEC)
Year 10 Textile Technology (10TEXT)
Scholarship Technology (3SCTEC)
Level 1 Youth Award Scheme (1YAS)
Level 2 Youth Award Scheme (2YAS)
Level 2 Accounting (2ACCO)
Level 2 Business Studies (2BUSS)
Level 2 Economics (2ECON)
Level 3 Accounting (3ACCO)
Level 3 Business Studies (3BUSS)
Level 3 Economics (3ECON)
Year 9 Financial Literacy (09FINL)
Level 2 & 3 Gateway (GATE)
Level 3 Recreation (RECR)
Level 1 Health (1HLTH)
Level 1 Physical Education (1PHED)
Level 2 Health (2HLTH)
Level 2 Outdoor Education (2OUED)
Level 2 Physical Education (2PHED)
Level 2 Sports Leadership (2SPLE)
Level 3 Health (3HLTH)
Level 3 Outdoor Education (3OUED)
Level 3 Physical Education (3PHED)
Level 3 Community Sports Leadership (3SPLE)
Year 9 Health and Physical Education (09PHED)
Year 9 Sporting Pathways (09SPRT)
Year 10 Health and Physical Education (10PHED)
Year 10 Sporting Pathways (10SPRT)
Scholarship Physical Education (3SCHPE)
Level 2 Financial Capability (2FINC)
Level 3 Financial Capability (3FINC)
Level 1 Mathematics (1MATH)
Level 1 Kete for Life (1KETE)
Level 2 Step Ahead Work Ready (2SAWOR)
Level 2 Step Ahead Mathematics for Life (2SAMAT)
Level 2 Step Ahead Tourism (2SATOU)
Level 3 Police & Public Service Pathway (3POPW)
Level 1 English / Mechatronics Integrated (1MECE)
Level 2 History / English Integrated (2HISE)
Level 1 Chinese (1CHIN)
Level 2 Chinese (2CHIN)
Level 2 Mathematics (2MATH)
Level 2 World Ready Numeracy (2MATN)
Level 3 Mathematics (3MATH)
Level 1 Financial Capability (1FINC)
Level 2 World Ready Literacy (2ENLI)
Level 3 Music Technology (3MUST)
Level 1 Science : Biology & Chemistry (1SCIB)
Level 1 Science : Physics & Earth & Space Science (1SCIP)
Level 2 Future Trades (2FTRA)
Level 3 Construction (3CONS)
Level 2 English (2ENGL)
Level 1 World Ready Numeracy (1MATN)
Level 3 Mechatronics (3MECH)
Level 3 Creative Textiles (3CRTX)
Level 1 Commerce (1COMM)
Year 10 Commerce (10COMM)
Scholarship Painting/Design/Photography (3SCART)
Scholarship History (3SCHIS)
Scholarship Dance (3SCDAN)
Level 1 Digital Technology (1DIGT)
Year 9 Design & Visual Communication (09DAVC)
Scholarship Design & Visual Communication (3SCDVC)
Scholarship Economics (3SCECO)
Kotui Ako Online Learning (ONLINE)
Study Line (STUDY)
Scholarship Study line (SCHSTUDY)
Level 3 Chinese (3CHIN)
Year 10 Art - Full Year (10ARTF)
Year 10 Dance - Full Year (10DANF)
Year 10 Drama - Full Year (10DRAF)
Year 10 Music - Full Year (10MUSF)
Year 10 Spanish - Full Year (10SPAF)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori - Full Year (10MAOF)
Year 10 Chinese - Full Year (10CHIF)
Year 10 Japanese - Full Year (10JAPF)
Level 1 Future Trades (1FTRA)
ESOL Subject Support (ESOLSS)
Level 1 Materials Technology (1MATT)
Level 2 Computer Science (2COMP)
Level 2 Materials Technology (2MATT)
Level 3 Computer Science (3COMP)
Level 2 Psychology (2PSYC)
Level 1 Science - General (1SCIG)
Recreation (REC)
Level 2 Mechatronics (2MECH)
Level 2 Media Studies/English (2MESE)
Level 3 Financial Capability (Copy) (3FINC)
Academic Pathway (PATHAC)
Sporting Pathway (PATHPRO)
Year 10 Mechatronics and English Integrated (10MECE)
Year 10 Outdoor Experience (10OUED)
Year 10 Sport Science (10SPRTS)

Schools surrounding Orewa College.

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