Long Bay College


Upcoming Events at Long Bay College

Event Date Details
Thursday 13/03/2025 Level 1 Biology SCI students Long Bay Reserve
TIC: Samantha Lewis
09.00am - 3.00pm
Thursday 13/03/2025 Auckland Senior Boys Volleyball Champs
Staff in charge: Paige Satchell (SCL)
Thursday 13/03/2025 Auckland Senior Girls Volleyball Champs
Staff in charge: Paige Satchell (SCL)
Friday 14/03/2025 Discover Aotearoa
Person in charge: Jemma Jones
Friday 14/03/2025 International Sport Event Warriors
Staff in charge: Kevin Parslow (PAK)
Friday 14/03/2025 Auckland Senior Boys Volleyball Champs
Staff in charge: Paige Satchell (SCL)
Friday 14/03/2025 Auckland Senior Girls Volleyball Champs
Staff in charge: Paige Satchell (SCL)
Monday 17/03/2025 - Wednesday 19/03/2025 L3PED Night Snorkelling
Teacher in charge: Paul O'Leary (OLP)
Friday 21/03/2025 Discover Aotearoa
Person in charge: Jemma Jones
Saturday 22/03/2025 2025 Water Polo NISS Senior Tournament
Staff in Charge: Andy Mobberley
Sunday 23/03/2025 2025 Water Polo NISS Senior Tournament
Staff in Charge: Andy Mobberley
Monday 24/03/2025 2025 Water Polo NISS Senior Tournament
Staff in Charge: Andy Mobberley
Tuesday 25/03/2025 2025 Water Polo NISS Senior Tournament
Staff in Charge: Andy Mobberley
Tuesday 25/03/2025 Level 1 Biology SCI students Long Bay Reserve
TIC: Samantha Lewis
09.00am - 3.00pm
Thursday 27/03/2025 Cultural Festival
Thursday 27/03/2025 Whānau Hui
Thursday 27/03/2025 Cultural Festival Matinee
Thursday 27/03/2025 - Saturday 29/03/2025 Auckland Satellite Tournament Senior Girls
Person in charge: Paige Satchell
Friday 28/03/2025 2025 Auckland Satellite Volleyball Tournament
Person in Charge: Paige Satchell
Friday 4/04/2025 - Saturday 5/04/2025 Discover Aotearoa Camp
Staff in Charge: Jemma Jones
Friday 11/04/2025 Discover Aotearoa
Person in charge: Jemma Jones
Monday 26/05/2025 - Friday 30/05/2025 Somoan Language Week
Monday 7/07/2025 - Friday 11/07/2025 Kiribati Language Week
Monday 4/08/2025 - Sunday 10/08/2025 Cook Island Language Week
Monday 1/09/2025 - Friday 12/09/2025 NZQA Literacy & Numeracy
Monday 1/09/2025 Whānui Hui
Wednesday 3/09/2025 Māori kai & Activities
Monday 15/09/2025 - Wednesday 17/09/2025 Scholarship Practice Exams
Thursday 18/09/2025 Alumni Hockey
Monday 6/10/2025 - Sunday 12/10/2025 Fijian Language Week
Wednesday 15/10/2025 Arts Awards
Wednesday 22/10/2025 Year 12 last day of classes
Thursday 23/10/2025 Year 13 last day of classes
Friday 24/10/2025 Alumni 50th Celebration Weekend
Wednesday 29/10/2025 NZQA + L2VA Submission Day
Wednesday 29/10/2025 Sports Awards
Thursday 30/10/2025 Māori and Pasifika Awards
Friday 31/10/2025 Year 11 last day of classes
Tuesday 4/11/2025 - Friday 28/11/2025 NZQA Exams
Thursday 6/11/2025 NZQA L3 & Schol VA Submission
Friday 7/11/2025 Staff PLD Day - Teacher Only Day
Friday 7/11/2025 Gumboot Friday
Friday 7/11/2025 Teacher Only Day

Long Bay College Daily Notices

Auckland Relay for Life

Friday 28/02/2025 - Friday 14/03/2025

Come and join the Auckland Relay for Life and support the Cancer Society. Raise money to take part all whilst earning house points for your house. Use the link below and join our Long Bay College Team.  https://relayforlife.org.nz/t/l-bay-college


Sign up lunchtime on Thurs 6 March and Friday 7 March outside the function room.

Long Bay College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Long Bay College offers to their students for 2025/2026.

L3 Business Studies (L3BST)
L3 Economics (L3ECO)
L3 English Enrichment (L3ENE)
L3 English for Vocations (L3ENV)
L3 English Extension (L3ENX)
L3 English for Academic Foundation (L3EAL)
L3 English for Academic Purposes (L3EAP)
L3 Languages for Native Speakers (L3LAN)
L3 Early Childhood Education (L3HCE)
L3 Health (L3HEA)
L3 Physical Education (L3PED)
L3 Practical Physical Education and Sports Leadership (L3PES)
L3 Calculus (L3CAL)
L3 Mathematics (L3MTH)
L3 Statistics (L3STA)
L3 Dance (L3DAN)
L3 Drama (L3DRA)
L3 Music (L3MUS)
L3 Biology (L3BIO)
L3 Chemistry (L3CHM)
L3 Earth & Space Science (L3ESS)
L3 Physics (L3PHY)
L3 Classics (L3CLS)
L3 Geography (L3GEO)
L3 History (L3HST)
L3 Media Studies (L3MDS)
L3 Psychology (L3PSY)
L3 Tourism (L3TOU)
L3 Cuisine and Hospitality Studies (L3TCH)
L3 Design and Technology (L3TDT)
L3 Design and Visual Communication (L3DVC)
L3 Digital Technology Studies (L3DTS)
L3 Engineering (L3TEN)
L3 Wood Technology (L3TWT)
L3 Art History (L3AHS)
L3 Design (L3ADS)
L3 Painting (L3APA)
L3 Photography (L3APH)
L3 Accounting (L3ACC)
L2 Business Studies (L2BST)
L2 Economics (L2ECO)
L2 English Enrichment (L2ENE)
L2 English for Vocations (L2ENV)
L2 English Extension (L2ENX)
L2 Chinese for Native Speakers (L2CHN)
L2 English for Academic Purposes (L2EAP)
L2 Early Childhood Education (L2HCE)
L2 Health (L2HEA)
L2 Physical Education (L2PED)
L2 Practical Physical Education and Sports Leadership (L2PES)
L2 Life Skills (L2LFS)
L2 Calculus (L2CAL)
L2 Mathematics and Statistics (L2MAS)
L2 Dance (L2DAN)
L2 Drama (L2DRA)
L2 Music (L2MUS)
L2 Biology (L2BIO)
L2 Chemistry (L2CHM)
L2 Earth & Space Science (L2ESS)
L2 Physics (L2PHY)
L2 Classics (L2CLS)
L2 Geography (L2GEO)
L2 History (L2HST)
L2 Media Studies (L2MDS)
L2 Psychology (L2PSY)
L2 Te Reo Māori (L2TRM)
L2 Tourism (L2TOU)
L2 Design and Technology (L2TDT)
L2 Design and Visual Communication (L2DVC)
L2 Digital Technology Studies (L2DTS)
L2 Engineering (L2TEN)
L2 Wood Technology (L2TWT)
L2 Art History (L2AHS)
L2 Design (L2ADS)
L2 Painting (L2APA)
L2 Photography (L2APH)
L1 Commerce (L1COM)
L1 English Enrichment (L1ENE)
L1 English Extension (L1ENX)
L1 English for Literacy (L1ENL)
L1 English for Academic Purposes (L1EAP)
L2 Languages for Native Speakers (L2LAN)
L1 Health (L1HEA)
L1 Health and Physical Education (L1HPE)
L1 Physical Education (L1PED)
L1 Life Skills (L1LFS)
L1 Mathematics (L1MTH)
L1 Mathematics Enrichment (L1MTR)
L1 Dance (L1DAN)
L1 Drama (L1DRA)
L1 Music (L1MUS)
L1 Biology (L1BIO)
L1 Chemistry (L1CHM)
L1 Earth and Space Science (L1ESS)
L1 General Science (L1SCI)
L1 Physics (L1PHY)
L1 Science Transition (English Language Learners) (L1SCT)
L1 Geography (L1GEO)
L1 History (L1HST)
L1 Te Reo Māori (L1TRM)
L1 Food Technology (L1TFD)
L1 Design and Technology (L1TDT)
L1 Design and Visual Communication (L1DVC)
L1 Digital Technology Studies (L1DTS)
L1 Engineering (L1TEN)
L1 Wood Technology (L1TWT)
L1 Art (L1ART)
10 Commerce (10COM)
10 English (10ENG)
10 English Targeted Literacy (10ENL)
10 English for Academic Purposes (10EAP)
10 Health and Physical Education (10HPE)
10 Sports Science and Athletic Development (10SPT)
Adapted Learning Programme 1 (Literacy) (ALP1)
Adapted Learning Programme 2 (Numeracy) (ALP2)
Adapted Learning Programme 3 (Social Skills) (ALP3)
10 Mathematics (10MTH)
10 Mathematics Enrichment (10MTR)
10 Mathematics Targeted Numeracy (10MTN)
10 Music Rock-Pop (10MSC)
10 Dance (10DAN)
10 Drama (10DRA)
10 Performance Music (10MSP)
10 Science (10SCI)
10 Social Science (10SSC)
10 Te Reo Māori (10TRM)
10 Design and Technology (10TDT)
10 Design and Visual Communication (10DVC)
10 Digital Technologies Studies (10DTS)
10 Food Technology (10TFD)
10 Art (10ART)
10 Digital Art (10ARD)
9 Commerce (9COM)
9 English (9ENG)
9 English Targeted Literacy (9ENL)
9 English for Academic Purposes (9EAP)
9 Health and Physical Education (9HPE)
9 Sports Science and Athletic Development (9SPT)
9 Mathematics (9MTH)
9 Mathematics Targeted Numeracy (9MTN)
9 Music Rock-Pop (9MSC)
9 Dance (9DAN)
9 Drama (9DRA)
9 Performance Music (9MSP)
9 Science (9SCI)
9 Social Science (9SSC)
9 Te Reo Māori (9TRM)
9 Design and Technology (9TDT)
9 Design and Visual Communication (9DVC)
9 Digital Technology Studies (9DTS)
9 Food Technology (9TFD)
9 Art (9ART)
9 Digital Art (9ARD)
L2 Accounting (L2ACC)
English for Academic Purposes Transition (EAPT)
L1 Literacy for English Language Learners (L1ELT)
L3 English for Academic Purposes Extension (L3EAE)
L3 Chinese for Native Speakers (L3CHN)
IELTS Preparation Course (IELTS)
L3 Fitness Studies (L3PEF)
L3 Calculus Extension (L3CLX)
L1 Mathematics for Numeracy (L1MTN)
L1 Mathematics Transition (L1MTT)
L2 Sociology (L2SOC)
L3 Sociology (L3SOC)
L3 Te Reo Māori (L3TRM)
L2 Food Technology (L2TFD)
L1 Digital Art (L1ARD)
Example Course (EX001)

Schools surrounding Long Bay College.

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