Waimea College

Upcoming Events at Waimea College

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Mental Health Awareness week
Monday 23/09/2024 BOT Meeting
Thursday 26/09/2024 Junior Dance
Year 9 - 5.00pm - 7.00pm
Year 10 - 7.30pm - 9.00pm
Friday 18/10/2024 Graduation Dinner
Tuesday 22/10/2024 Principal's Prizegiving
Wednesday 23/10/2024 Sports Awards
Thursday 24/10/2024 Arts Awards
Thursday 31/10/2024 Academic Prizegiving
Monday 4/11/2024 BOT Meeting
Monday 11/11/2024 NCEA Teachers Only Day
Monday 2/12/2024 BOT Meeting
Friday 13/12/2024 Junior Prizegiving

Waimea College Daily Notices


Saturday 21/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 ENVIRO GROUP Thursday 26th September R1 B2
Mr Brien is in charge!

Waimea College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Waimea College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 9 Mathematics (9MTH)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MTH)
Level 1 Mathematics (100MTH)
Level 2 Mathematics (200MTH)
Level 3 Calculus (300MAC)
Level 3 Statistics (300MAS)
Level 3 Mathematics (300MTH)
Level 1 Mathematics for Numeracy (100MTHN)
Level 2 Pure Mathematics (200MTHP)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 9 Reading (9REA)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Level 1 English (100ENG)
Level 2 Classical Studies (200CLS)
Level 2 English (200ENG)
Level 2 Media Studies (200MST)
Level 3 Classical Studies (300CLS)
Level 3 English (300ENG)
Level 3 Media Studies (300MST)
Level 1 English Literacy (100ENGL)
Level 2 Advanced English (200ENGA)
Level 3 Advanced English for Experts (300ENGA)
Year 9 Biotechnology (9BIT)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 10 Agriculture and Horticulture (10AGH)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Level 1 Agriculture and Horticulture (100AGH)
Level 1 Science B (100SCIB)
Level 2 Agriculture and Horticulture (200AGH)
Level 2 Biology (200BIO)
Level 2 Chemistry (200CHM)
Level 2 Physics (200PHY)
Level 2 Science (200SCI)
Level 3 Agriculture and Horticulture (300AGH)
Level 3 Biology (300BIO)
Level 3 Chemistry (300CHM)
Level 3 Physics (300PHY)
Level 3 Science (300SCI)
Level 1 Science A (100SCIA)
Year 9 Health & Physical Education (9HPE)
Year 9 Sportspro (9SPT)
Year 10 Health & Physical Education (10HPE)
Year 10 Sportspro (10SPT)
Level 1 Health Studies (100HEA)
Level 1 Health & Physical Education (100HPE)
Level 1 Physical Education (100PED)
Level 2 Health Education (200HEA)
Level 2 Health & Physical Education (200HPE)
Level 2 Physical Education (200PED)
Level 3 Health Education (300HEA)
Level 3 Health & Physical Education (300HPE)
Level 3 Physical Education (300PED)
Level 1 Physical Education - Practical (100PEP)
Level 2 Physical Education - Practical (200PEP)
Level 3 Physical Education - Practical (300PEP)
Year 9 Japanese (9JAP)
Year 9 te reo Māori (9MAO)
Year 10 Japanese (10JAP)
Year 10 te reo Māori (Full Year) (10MAO)
Level 1 Japanese (100JAP)
Level 1 te reo Maori (100MAO)
Year 10 Esol (10ESOL)
Level 2 French (200FRE)
Level 2 Japanese (200JAP)
Level 2 te reo Maori (200MAO)
Level 3 French (300FRE)
Level 3 Japanese (300JAP)
Level 3 te reo Māori (300MAO)
Level 1 ESOL (100ESOL)
Level 2 ESOL (200ESOL)
Level 3 ESOL (300ESOL)
Year 9 Visual Art (9VAR)
Year 10 Visual Art (10VAR)
Level 1 Visual Art (100VAR)
Level 2 Visual Art - Design (200VDE)
Level 2 Visual Art - Painting (200VPA)
Level 2 Visual Art - Photography (200VPH)
Level 3 Visual Art - Design (300VDE)
Level 3 Visual Art - Painting (300VPA)
Level 3 Visual Art - Photography (300VPH)
Year 9 Food Technology (9FDT)
Year 10 Food Technology (10FDT)
Level 1 Food Technology (100FDT)
Level 1 Hospitality (100HOS)
Level 2 Food and Nutrition (200FDT)
Level 2 Hospitality (200HOS)
Level 3 Food and Nutrition (300FDT)
Level 3 Hospitality (300HOS)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 9 Drama (9DRA)
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 10 Performing Arts Technology & Production (10PFT)
Year 9 Music Advanced (9MUSA)
Year 9 Dance (9DAN)
Level 1 Dance (100DAN)
Level 1 Drama (100DRA)
Level 1 Music (100MUS)
Level 1 Performing Arts Technology & Production (100PFT)
Year 10 Music Advanced (10MUSA)
Year 10 Music Group (10MUSG)
Level 2 Dance (200DAN)
Level 2 Drama (200DRA)
Level 2 Music (200MUS)
Level 2 Performing Arts Technology & Production (200PFT)
Level 3 Dance (300DAN)
Level 3 Drama (300DRA)
Level 3 Music (300MUS)
Level 3 Performing Arts Technology and Production (300PFT)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SST)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SST)
Level 1 Geography (100GEO)
Level 1 History (100HST)
Level 2 Geography (200GEO)
Level 2 Gateway (200GWY)
Level 2 History (200HST)
Level 2 Psychology (200PSY)
Level 2 Tourism (200TSM)
Level 3 Geography (300GEO)
Level 3 Gateway (300GWY)
Level 3 History (300HST)
Level 3 Psychology (300PSY)
Level 3 Trades Academy (300TRA)
Level 3 Tourism (300TSM)
Level 2 Trades Academy (200Tra)
Level 1 Outdoor Education (100OED)
Level 2 Outdoor Education (200OED)
Level 3 Outdoor Education (300OED)
Year 9 Technology (9TEC)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 10 Materials Technology (10MAT)
Year 10 Mechanical Engineering (10MEG)
Year 10 Material Technology Textiles (10MTT)
Year 10 Technology (10TEC)
Level 1 Design & Visual Communication (100DVC)
Level 1 Materials Technology Furniture (100MAT)
Level 1 Mechanical Engineering (100MEG)
Level 1 Materials Technology Textiles (100MTT)
Level 1 Technology (100TEC)
Level 2 Design & Visual Communication (200DVC)
Level 2 Materials Technology Furniture (200MAT)
Level 2 Mechanical Engineering (200MEG)
Level 2 Materials Technology Textiles (200MTT)
Level 3 Design & Visual Communication (300DVC)
Level 3 Materials Technology Furniture (300MAT)
Level 3 Mechanical Engineering (300MEG)
Year 9 Digital Technology Foundation (9DTF)
Year 9 Digital Technology Advanced (9DTA)
Level 1 Digital Technology Development & Coding (100DTD)
Level 2 Accounting (200ACC)
Level 2 Business Studies (200BUS)
Level 2 Digital Technology Development & Coding (200DTD)
Level 2 Economics (200ECO)
Level 3 Accounting (300ACC)
Level 3 Business Studies (300BUS)
Level 3 Digital Technology Development and Coding (300DTD)
Level 3 Economics (300ECO)
Level 2 Technology (200TEC)
Level 3 Materials Technology Textiles (300MTT)
Level 1 Employment Skills (100EMP)
Level 2 Employment Skills (200EMP)
Level 2 Gateway (200GWY)
Level 3 Gateway (300GWY)
Level 3 Technology (300TEC)
Year 10 Digital Technology Advanced (10DTA)
Year 10 Commerce (10COM)
Level 3 Project Based Learning (Kowhiri) (300PRO)
Year 10 te reo Māori (Half Year) (10MAOH)
Year 9 Spanish (9SPH)
University Mathematics (UniMth)
Year 10 Spanish (Full year) (10SPH)
Level 1 Commerce (100Com)
Level 1 Commerce Eco (100ComE)
Year 10 Spanish (Half Year) (10SPHH)
Level 1 Spanish (100Sph)

Schools surrounding Waimea College.

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