Nayland College


Upcoming Events at Nayland College

Event Date Details
Friday 25/10/2024 Trades Academy Final Day & Awards Ceremony
Final day of Trades Academy & Awards Ceremony
Tuesday 3/12/2024 Y9 Marae Visit
Wednesday 4/12/2024 Y9 Marae visit

Nayland College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Nayland College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

2PHY - Level 2 Physics (2PHY)
1EHU - Level 1 English: What makes us human? (1EHU)
9MUS - Music 101 (9MUS)
2PHO - Level 2 Photography (2PHO)
9DAN - Dance (9DAN)
9DRA - Drama (9DRA)
1ERE - Level 1 English: Real Word (1ERE)
2ENG - Level 2 English Literature (2ENG)
2ENGAS - Level 2 English for Academic Studies (2ENGAS)
3ENG - Level 3 English (3ENG)
9ENG - Year 9 English (9ENG)
1MED - Level 1 Media Studies (1MED)
2MED - Level 2 Media Studies (2MED)
3MED - Level 3 Media Studies (3MED)
2HEA - Level 2 Health (2HEA)
2ESL - Level 2 English as a Second Language (2ESL)
3ESL - Level 3 English as a Second Language (3ESL)
1ESL - Level 1 English as a Second Language (1ESL)
3MAO - Level 3 Te Reo Māori (3MAO)
1SPA - Level 1 Spanish (1SPA)
2SPA - Level 2 Spanish (2SPA)
3SPA - Level 3 Spanish (3SPA)
1MAO - Level 1 Te Reo Māori (1MAO)
2MAO - Level 2 Te Reo Māori (2MAO)
3CAL - Level 3 Calculus (3CAL)
2GMAT - Level 2 Mathematics General (2GMAT)
2ALG - Level 2 Mathematics with Algebra (2ALG)
1BMAT - Level 1 Mathematics and Numeracy (1BMAT)
3MAT - Level 3 Mathematics (3MAT)
1AMAT - Level 1 Mathematics (1AMAT)
9MAT - Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
2STA - Level 2 Statistics (2STA)
3STA - Level 3 Statistics (3STA)
10ACC - Accounting (10ACC)
10SOCAA - Core Social Science: Ancient Answers (10SOCAA)
10ART - Art (10ART)
10ARI - Art Illustration (10ARI)
10CTC - Coast to Coast (10CTC)
10DAN - Dance (10DAN)
10DRA - Drama (10DRA)
10ECB - Economics and Business (10ECB)
10ESL - ESOL (10ESL)
9ESOL - English as a Second Language (9ESOL)
10TEX - Technology Textiles (10TEX)
10NUM- Numeracy Boost (10NUM)
10IOSO - Institute of Sport (Option) (10IOSO)
9IOS - Institute of Sport (9IOS)
10JLY - Jewellery (10JLY)
10FOD - Food Technology (10FOD)
10LIT - Literacy Boost (10LIT)
10MED - Media Studies (10MED)
9MON - Money Money Money (9MON)
10MUT - Musical Theatre (10MUT)
10NTO - Ngā Toi (10NTO)
10OED - Outdoor Education (10OED)
9OED - Outdoor Education - Kaitiakitanga (9OED)
10HOR - Horticulture (10HOR)
10CSC - Computer Science (10CSC)
10PSY - Psychology (10PSY)
10SOR - School of Rock (10SOR)
9SPA - Spanish (9SPA)
10SPAF - Spanish (Full Year) (10SPAF)
10SDV - Sports Development (10SDV)
9SPE - Sports Education (9SPE)
10MAO - Te Reo Māori (10MAO)
9MAO - Te Reo Māori (9MAO)
10MAOF - Te Reo Māori (Full Year) (10MAOF)
10TEM - Technology Metal (10TEM)
10TEW - Technology Wood (10TEW)
10WAW - Waka Ama and Wayfinding (10WAW)
10WCV - Wood Carving (10WCV)
10GPB - Guerilla Publishing (10GPB)
9SOM - School of Music (9SOM)
9SOR - School of Rock (9SOR)
2GAT - Level 2 Gateway (2GAT)
3GAT - Level 3 Gateway (3GAT)
2PW - Level 2 Pathway (2PW)
3PW - Level 3 Pathway (3PW)
2TAY - Level 2 Trades Academy (2TAY)
2DAN - Level 2 Dance (2DAN)
3DAN - Level 3 Dance (3DAN)
1DAN - Level 1 Dance (1DAN)
2DRA - Level 2 Drama (2DRA)
3DRA - Level 3 Drama (3DRA)
1DRA - Level 1 Drama (1DRA)
1MUS - Level 1 Music (1MUS)
2MUS - Level 2 Music (2MUS)
3MUS - Level 3 Music (3MUS)
1HEA - Level 1 Health Studies (1HEA)
1OED - Level 1 Outdoor Education (1OED)
2OED - Level 2 Outdoor Education (2OED)
1PED - Level 1 Physical Education (1PED)
2PED - Level 2 Physical Education (2PED)
1SPR - Level 1 Sport and Recreation (1SPR)
2SPR - Level 2 Sport and Recreation (2SPR)
9PEH - Year 9 Physical Education and Health (9PEH)
3HEA - Level 3 Health (3HEA)
3OED - Level 3 Outdoor Education (3OED)
3PED - Level 3 Physical Education (3PED)
1AGH - Level 1 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (1AGH)
2AGH - Level 2 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (2AGH)
3AGH - Level 3 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (3AGH)
2BIO - Level 2 Biology (2BIO)
3BIO - Level 3 Biology (3BIO)
2CHE - Level 2 Chemistry (2CHE)
3CHE - Level 3 Chemistry (3CHE)
2EMS - Level 2 Earth, Marine and Space Science (2EMS)
3EMS - Level 3 Earth, Marine and Space Science (3EMS)
3PHY - Level 3 Physics (3PHY)
2PSY - Level 2 Psychology (2PSY)
3PSY - Level 3 Psychology (3PSY)
1GSCI - Level 1 General Science (1GSCI)
9SCI - Year 9 Science (9SCI)
1GEO - Level 1 Geography - Mātauranga-ā-Whenua (1GEO)
2GEO - Level 2 Geography (2GEO)
3GEO - Level 3 Geography (3GEO)
1HIS - Level 1 History (1HIS)
2HIS - Level 2 History (2HIS)
3HIS - Level 3 History (3HIS)
1SOC - Level 1 Sociology (1SOC)
2SOC - Level 2 Sociology of Deviance (2SOC)
3CRI - Level 3 Criminology (3CRI)
2TOU - Level 2 Tourism (2TOU)
3TOU - Level 3 Tourism (3TOU)
9SOC - Year 9 Social Studies (9SOC)
2ACC - Level 2 Accounting (2ACC)
3ACC - Level 3 Accounting (3ACC)
2BUS - Level 2 Business Studies (2BUS)
3BUS - Level 3 Business Studies (3BUS)
2ECO - Level 2 Economics (2ECO)
3ECO - Level 3 Economics (3ECO)
1COM - Level 1 Commerce (1COM)
2LAW - Level 2 Legal Studies (2LAW)
1NTO - Level 1 Ngā Toi (1NTO)
2NTO - Level 2 Ngā Toi (2NTO)
3NTO - Level 3 Ngā Toi (3NTO)
2PFS - Level 2 Personal Financial Skills (2PFS)
3SMO - Level 3 Success with Money (3SMO)
3TAY - Level 3 Trades Academy (3TAY)
2BCT - Level 2 Building and Construction (2BCT)
3BCT - Level 3 Building and Construction (3BCT)
1BCT - Level 1 Building and Construction (1BCT)
2DVC - Level 2 Design & Visual Communication (2DVC)
3DVC - Level 3 Design & Visual Communication (3DVC)
1DVC - Level 1 Design & Visual Communication (1DVC)
2DM - Level 2 Digital Media (2DM)
3DM - Level 3 Digital Media (3DM)
9DM - Digital Media (9DM)
1DM - Level 1 Digital Media (1DM)
2CSC - Level 2 Computer Science (2CSC)
3CSC - Level 3 Computer Science (3CSC)
1CSC - Level 1 Computer Science (1CSC)
9TEX - Technology Textiles (9TEX)
3HOS - Level 3 Hospitality (3HOS)
1HOS - Level 1 Hospitality (1HOS)
2HOS - Level 2 Hospitality (2HOS)
9FOD - Food Technology (9FOD)
9CSC - Computer Science (9CSC)
9ROB - Robotics (9ROB)
9TEM - Technology Metal (9TEM)
2PDV - Level 2 Product Development (2PDV)
3PDV - Level 3 Product Development (3PDV)
9TEW - Technology Wood (9TEW)
1TEX - Level 1 Technology Textiles (1TEX)
2TEX - Level 2 Technology Textiles (2TEX)
3TEX - Level 3 Technology Textiles (3TEX)
1WEN - Level 1 Workshop Engineering (1WEN)
2WEN - Level 2 Workshop Engineering (2WEN)
9ART - Art (9ART)
1ARP - Level 1 Art Photography/Design (1ARP)
9ILL - Art Illustration (9ILL)
2DES - Level 2 Design Art (2DES)
3DES - Level 3 Design Art (3DES)
2PAI - Level 2 Painting and/or Printmaking (2PAI)
3PAI - Level 3 Painting and/or Printmaking (3PAI)
3PHO - Level 3 Photography (3PHO)
1PDV - Level 1 Product Development (1PDV)
1ART - Level 1 Art (1ART)
9GAR - Games and Recreation (9GAR)
9AAM - All About Media (9AAM)
10PPS - Passion Projects (10PPS)
9SIG - NZ Sign Language (9SIG)
10PDV - Product Development (10PDV)
1MUP - Level 1 Music Projects (1MUP)
9NTO - Ngā Toi (9NTO)
9LIT - Literacy Boost (9LIT)
9MBT - Mathematics Boost (9MBT)
10DM - Digital Media (10DM)
1ENGLIT - Level 1 English for Literacy (1ENGLIT)
1TK - Level 1 Te Kura Correspondence (1TK)
2TK - Level 2 Te Kura Correspondence (2TK)
3TK - Level 3 Te Kura Correspondence (3TK)
9WAW - Waka Ama and Wayfinding (9WAW)
10SIG - NZ Sign Language (10SIG)
10SOM1 - School of Music (10SOM1)
10SOCSPA - Core Social Science: Spaceship Earth (10SOCSPA)
10SOCHIS - Core Social Science: History - The Edge of War (10SOCHIS)
10SOCFF - Core Social Science: Freedom Fighters (10SOCFF)
10SCIASY - Core Science: Astronomy (10SCIASY)
9DVC - Design & Visual Communication (9DVC)
10DVC - Design & Visual Communication (10DVC)
9PDV - Product Development (9PDV)
10ENGAST - Core English: Adapt - Survive - Thrive (10ENGAST)
10ENGVOI - Core English: The Voiceless (10ENGVOI)
10ENGWOR - Core English: Worlds and Journeys (10ENGWOR)
10ENGWHA - Core English: Whakapapa - Exploring our histories (10ENGWHA)
10ENGSPO - Core English: The Culture of Sport (10ENGSPO)
10SCIPLA - Core Science: Planet Earth and its History (10SCIPLA)
10SCIHES - Core Science: Human and Environmental Sciences (10SCIHES)
10SCISTM - Core Science: STEM (Engineering) (10SCISTM)
10PEH1 - Core PEHO: Mad for PE Vol 1 (10PEH1)
10PEH2 - Core PEHO: Mad for PE Vol 2 (10PEH2)
10MATSTE - Core Mathematics: Mathematics with STEM (10MATSTE)
10MATART - Core Mathematics: Mathematics and the Arts (10MATART)
10MATCLA - Core Mathematics: Mathematics Classic (10MATCLA)
10MATSPO - Core Mathematics: Mathematics, Sport and Fitness (10MATSPO)
10MAT1 - Core Mathematics: NCEA Level 1 for Year 10 (full year) (10MAT1)
10PEHAC1 - Core PEHO: Active Club Vol 1 (10PEHAC1)
10PEHAC2 - Core PEHO: Active Club Vol 2 (10PEHAC2)
1EPW - Level 1 English: Playing with Words (1EPW)
1EBB - Level 1 English: Building Your Brand (1EBB)
10ROB - Robotics (10ROB)
1JLY - Level 1 Jewellery (1JLY)
10TTG - Train to Gain (10TTG)
10SAC - Social Action (10SAC)
10PEHIOS - Core PEHO: Institute of Sport (10PEHIOS)
9LAN - Launch! (Enrichment programme) (9LAN)
10MATPUZ - Core Mathematics: Mathematics with Puzzles (10MATPUZ)
10SCIACC - Core Science: NCEA Level 1 Science for Year 10 (full year) (10SCIACC)
1MRW - Level 1 Real World Mathematics (1MRW)
2CLA - Level 2 Classical Studies (2CLA)
10FOU - Foundation Studies (10FOU)
1FOU - Level 1 Foundation Studies (1FOU)
2FOU - Level 2 Foundation Studies (2FOU)
3SPR - Level 3 Sport and Recreation (3SPR)
9DRP - Drama Production (9DRP)
2ENGC - Level 2 English Communication Literacy (2ENGC)
1SSCI - Level 1 Specialist Science (1SSCI)
9GTT - Garden to Table (Horticulture) (9GTT)
1MAOE - Level 1 Te Reo Māori (English substitute) (1MAOE)
1FOUENG - Foundations Course English (1FOUENG)
1FOUMAT - Foundations Course Mathematics (1FOUMAT)
1FOUSCI - Foundations Course Science (1FOUSCI)

Schools surrounding Nayland College.

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