Kelston Boys’ High School

New Lynn

Kelston Boys’ High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Kelston Boys’ High School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 9 Art (9ART)
Year 9 Drama (9DRA)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Level 1 Drama (11DRA)
Level 1 Painting (11PAI)
Year 10 Art (10ART)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Level 1 Music (11MUS)
Level 2 Drama (12DRA)
Level 2 Visual Arts Design (12DSN)
Level 2 Music (12MUS)
Level 2 Painting (12PAI)
Level 2 Photography (12PHO)
Level 3 Visual Arts Design (13DSN)
Level 3 Music (13MUS)
Level 3 Painting (13PAI)
Level 3 Photography (13PHO)
Level 1 Photography (11PHO)
Level 3 Gateway (13GAT)
Level 3 Police Academy (13POL)
Level 3 Service Academy (13SERV)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Level 1 English (11ENG)
Level 2 English (12ENG)
Level 3 English (13ENG)
Level 2 English Vocational Pathways (12ENGVP)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Level 1 Science with Biology and Chemistry (11SBC)
Level 1 General Science (11SCG)
Level 1 Physics and Space Science (11SPS)
Level 2 Biology (12BIO)
Level 2 Chemistry (12CHE)
Level 2 Physics (12PHY)
Level 2 General Science (12SCG)
Level 3 Biology (13BIO)
Level 3 Chemistry (13CHE)
Level 3 Physics (13PHY)
Level 3 General Science (13SCG)
Level 2 Science Vocational Pathways (12SCIVP)
Year 10 Commerce (10COM)
Level 1 Financial Skills (11FSK)
Level 2 Accounting (12ACC)
Level 2 Economics (12ECO)
Level 2 Financial Skills (12FSK)
Level 3 Accounting (13ACC)
Level 3 Economics (13ECO)
Level 3 Financial Skills (13FSK)
Year 9 English (9DENG)
Year 9 Mathematics (9DMAT)
Year 9 New Zealand Sign Language (9NZSL)
Year 11 Technology (11DTEC)
Year 11 New Zealand Sign Language (11NZSL)
Year 11 South Pacific Education Course (11SPEC)
Level 2 English Language Learning (12DELL)
Year 12 Mathematics (12DMAT)
Year 12 New Zealand Sign Language (12NZSL)
Year 13 English Language Learning (13DELL)
Year 13 English (13DENG)
Year 13 Language Support (13DLSP)
Year 13 Mathematics (13DMAT)
Level 3 New Zealand Sign Language (13NZSL)
Year 13 New Zealand Sign Language (13DNZSL)
Year 10 English Language Learning (10ELL)
Year 9 English Language Learning (9ELL)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori (9MAO)
Year 9 Samoan (9SAM)
Level 1 English Language Learning (11ELL)
Level 2 English Language Learning (12ELL)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10MAO)
Year 10 Samoan (10SAM)
Level 1 Te Reo Māori (11MAO)
Level 1 Samoan (11SAM)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (12MAO)
Level 2 Samoan (12SAM)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (13MAO)
Level 3 Samoan (13SAM)
Year 10 Digital Information Technologies (10DIT)
Year 10 Hard Materials (10HDM)
Level 1 Building and Construction (11BAC)
Level 1 Digital Technologies (11DIT)
Level 1 Engineering Workshop (11ENW)
Level 2 Automotive Engineering (12AUT)
Level 2 Building and Construction (12BAC)
Level 2 Digital Technologies (12DIT)
Level 3 Building and Construction (13BAC)
Level 3 Digital Technologies (13DIT)
Year 9 Digital Technology (9TECD)
Year 9 Hard Materials Technology (9TECW)
Level 2 Unitec Automotive Engineering VP (UNITECA)
Level 2 Unitec Building and Construction VP (UNITECB)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Level 1 Mathematics (11MAT)
Level 3 Mathematics (13MAT)
Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus (13MWC)
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (13MWS)
Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics (12MWS)
Level 2 Mathematics Vocational Pathways (12MATVP)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SST)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SST)
Level 1 History (11HIS)
Level 2 Geography (12GEO)
Level 2 History (12HIS)
Level 2 Tourism (12TRM)
Level 3 Geography (13GEO)
Level 3 History (13HIS)
Level 3 Tourism (13TRM)
Year 9 Health (9HEA)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PED)
Year 10 Health (10HEA)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PED)
Level 1 Health (11HEA)
Level 1 Physical Education (11PED)
Level 2 Health (12HEA)
Level 2 Physical Education (12PED)
Level 3 Physical Education (13PED)
Level 3 Sports Leadership (13REC)
Year 9 Rugby Academy (9RINST)
Year 9 Football Academy (9SINST)
Year 10 Rugby Academy (10SPI)
Year 10 Football Academy (10SINST)
Level 2 Building and Construction VP (12BACVP)
Level 2 Automotive Engineering VP (12AUTVP)
Level 3 Automotive Engineering VP (13AUTVP)
Level 3 Sports & Recreation VP (13SRCVP)
Level 3 Information Technology VP (13ITVP)
Level 2 Mathematics with Calculus (12MWC)
Level 1 Commerce (11COM)
Level 1 Social Studies (11SST)
Level 1 Visual Arts Design (11DSN)
Tau 9 Hīkina Bilingual (9MAOB)
Year 10 Tongan Bilingual (10TNGB)
Year 10 Tōfā Manusina Bilingual - Gagana Samoa (10SAMB)
Year 9 Tōfā Manusina Bilingual - Gagana Samoa (9SAMB)
Level 3 English Language Learning (13ELL)
Level 1 Outdoor Education (11ODE)
Level 1 Hospitality (11HOS)
Level 1 Legal Studies (11LEG)
Level 2 Legal Studies (12LEG)
Level 3 Legal Studies (13LEG)
Level 1, 2 and 3 Writing and Directing for Film and TV (WDFTV)
Year 10 Tōfā Manusina Bilingual - Matāupu Fa'aagafeso'ota'i (10SSTS)
Year 9 Tōfā Manusina Bilingual - Matāupu Fa'aagafeso'ota'i (9SSTS)
Level 1 Humanities (11HUM)
Level 2 Social Studies (12SST)
Level 2 Humanities (12HUM)
Level 3 Humanities (13HUM)
Level 1 Te Ao Haka (11TAH)
Level 2 Te Ao Haka (12TAH)
Level 3 Te Ao Haka (13TAH)
Year 10 Product Design Technology (10PDT)
Level 1 Lea-Faka Tonga (11TON)
Level 3 Health (13HEA)
Level 1 Sports Science (11SSC)
Level 3 Social Studies (13SST)

Schools surrounding Kelston Boys’ High School.

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