Kelston Girls’ College

New Lynn

Kelston Girls’ College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Kelston Girls’ College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Automotive Engineering - Trades (3TAAT)
Automotive Engineering 2 - Trades (3TAAT2)
Hospitality - Trades (3TAHO)
Koloa ‘o Ono’aho (Ancient Treasures) - Tongan (JKOLO1LX)
O la'u Folauga [My Journey] - Samoan (JFOLA1LX)
Te Kākano - Maori (JKAKA1LX)
Language for Interaction - Part 1 - Literacy (JLFIP1LX)
Games R us! - Physical Education, Health and Literacy (JGUS1PX)
Lotions and Potions - Science (JLAPS1SX)
Miss Interpret Eng - English (JMISI1EX)
The Outsiders - Drama (JOUTS1AX)
Electronics Explorers - Digital Technology (JELEC1TX)
ShapeTech & Measuring Fun! - Mathematics and Digital Technology (JSHAP1MT)
Reactive Numbers - Mathematics and Science (JRNUM1MS)
Economics and Us - Mathematics and Social Science (JEDUG1MC)
Fitness by Numbers - Mathematics, Physical Education and Health (JFITN1MP)
Malamalama i Numera - Mathematics and Samoan (JMALA1ML)
Ako Matematika - Mathematics and Tongan (JAKOM1ML)
Pāngarau Tuatahi - Mathematics and Maori (JPANG1ML)
Taupou - Samoan and Dance (JTPOU1LA)
Ngā Wāhine toa o Aotearoa - Maori and Art (JWTOA1LA)
Kakai Le'o Afea (Influential Voices) - Tongan and English (JKALA1LE)
Delishtory: Delicious History - Social Science and Technology (JYUMM1CT)
Byte & Write - English and Digital Technology (JBYTE1ET)
That's my song! - English and Music (JSONG1EA)
Soifua Maloloina [Wellness] - Samoan and Physical Education and Health (JSMAW1LP)
Nukunuku (Maori migration to Aotearoa) - Maori and Social Science (JNUKU1LC)
Fehikitaki ‘a e Tonga (The Tongan Migration) - Tongan and Social Science (JFATM1LC)
Native Plants - English and Science (JNATI1ES)
Game On! Level up with English, Fitness & Health - English and Physical Education and Health (JGAME1EP)
Identity Past /Present - Jr English Language Learner (JIDEN1EL)
Ngāue Fakamea'a (Tongan Handicrafts) - Tongan (JNGFA2LX)
Vaaiga Fa'aPasifika [Pacific Perspectives] - Samoan (JVAPA2LX)
FALE Samoa [Samoan House] - Samoan (JFALE3LX)
Te Puawaitanga - Māori (JPUAW2LX)
Language for Interaction - Part 2 - Literacy (JLFIP2LX)
It's ok to be yourself - Physical Education & Health and Literacy (JOKBE2PX)
How stuff works - Science (JWORK2SX)
Miss Comms Eng - English (JMISC2EX)
Storytelling - Drama (JSTOR2AX)
Smart Home Innovators - Digital Technology (JEMBD2TX)
Future Of Tech - Digital Technology (JFUTR3TX)
Significant NZ Events - Drama (JSIGN3AX)
Te Whanaketanga - Te Tuatoru - Māori (JWHAN3LX)
FormTech & Geometry Fun! - Mathematics and Digital Technology (JFORM2MT)
The shape of our world - Mathematics and Science (JTSOW2MS)
Be the Change: Cooperative Business - Mathematics and Social Science (JBCCB2MC)
Math in Motion - Mathematics and Physical Education & Health (JMINM2MP)
Malamalama i Numera 2 - Mathematics and Samoan (JMALA2ML)
Ako Matematika - Mathematics and Tongan (JAKOM2ML)
Pāngarau Tuarua - Mathematics and Maori (JPANG2ML)
Gaming/Taaloga Fa'atekenolosi - Samoan and Digital Technology (JGATA2LT)
Ko a tātou kōrero tō tātou kaha - Maori and English (JKAHA2LE)
Kava Art - Tongan and Art (JKART2LA)
Fa'a-Saienisi [Experiencing Science] - Samoan and Science (JSASC2LS)
Interconnection' - English and Dance (JINTE2DE)
Cullinary Innovators - English and MP Technology (JCULI2ET)
Music for Justice - Social Science and Music (JMUJU2CA)
Hākinakina - Maori, Physical Education & Health (JHAKI2LP)
Mo'ui ma'a, mo'ui lelei - Tongan and Physical Education & Health (JMMMM2LP)
Te Mana o Te Whenua - English and Social Science (JMANA2EC)
Clean Energy, Cleaner World - English and Science (JCLEA2ES)
Kitchen Chemistry - English and Science (JKTCH1ES)
Turning up the Heat - English and Social Science (JENVJ2EC)
Where the wind takes us! - Jr English Language Learner (JWIND2EL)
Miss Judge Eng - English (JMISJ3EX)
Health Science - Science (JHSCI3SX)
H20 - Physical Education, Health and Literacy (JWATE3PX)
Language for Interaction - Part 3 - Literacy (JLFIP3LX)
VisTech & Statistical Fun! - Mathematics and Digital Technology (JVIST3MT)
Natural Number - Mathematics and Science (JNNUM3MS)
Business Kelston - Mathematics and Social Science (JBKDE3MC)
Data-driven Fitness - Mathematics, Physical Education and Health (JDATA3MP)
Malamalama Numera 3 - Mathematics and Samoan (JMALA3ML)
Ako Matematika - Mathematics and Tongan (JAKOM3ML)
Pāngarau Tuatoru - Mathematics and Māori (JPANG3ML)
Karetao Tarawhete - Maori and Digital Technology (JKARE3LT)
Kerisimasi (Christmas) - Samoan and English (JXMAS3LE)
Ngaohi Siueli (Jewellery Making) - Tongan and MP Technology (JSING3LT)
Novel Art - English and Visual Art (JARTI3EA)
Kaitiakitanga: Weaving Tales of Guardianship - English and Social Science (JKAIT3EC)
STOMP! - Music and Dance (JSTOM3AA)
Shapes come in all forms - Jr English Language Learner (JSHAPE3E)
The Game Changer: Where Words Meet Action - English and Physical Education & Health (JGAME3EP)
Rangatiratanga - English and Social Science (JRANG3EC)
Rise & Thrive - English and PE and Health (JRISE3EP)
Māhina Faka-Tonga - English Tongan (JMAGA3LS)
Te Rerekētanga ō te ao Mārama - Science and Māori (JTEAO3LS)
Cultural Identity - English Language Learning (1CUID1EX)
Power of Words - English and History (1PWOE1EC)
Don't Forget Your Roots - English and Drama (1ROOT1EA)
Carbon Cycle Conundrum - English and Science (1CYCL1ES)
Farm to Table - Science and Agricultural/Horticultural (1FARM1CS)
Groove and GO! - Dance and Health (1GROO1PA)
ElectroBiz - Digital Technology and Commerce (1EBIZ1TC)
Identity - English Language Learner (1IDEN1ES)
Ultimate Maths 1 - Mathematics Support (1ULTI1MX)
TechnoMath Fusion 1 - Mathematics & Statistics and Digital Technology (1TMFU1MA)
Kelston Med - Mathematics & Statistics and Science (1KMED1MS)
Hauora Figures - Mathematics & Statistics and Physical Education (1FIGU1MP)
TypeTech: Create Your Own Typeface - Digital Technology and Visual Art (1TYPE1TA)
Hot in Here: The Injustice of Climate Change - Geography & Science (1HOTT1SC)
Tautua [Service]- Samoan (1TAUT1LX)
TE AO HAKA L1 T1 - Māori (1HAKA1L)
Faito'o Tukufakaholo (Traditional Medicine) - Tongan (1FOTO1LX)
Tune Up - Music (1TUNE1AX)
Confident Communicators - English (1CCON2LX)
Educate2Liberate - English and History (1EDLI2EC)
Fresh to TEXTS - English and Drama (1FRES2EA)
Power up your words! - English and Science (1PENG2ES)
Country Calendar - Science and Horticultural (1CALE2CS)
Health in Motion: Diverse Dance Fusion- Dance and Health (1HMDD2AP)
TechTrend Analyst - Digital Technology and Commerce (1TRND2TC)
The New Beginnings - English Language Learner (1NEWB2L)
Ultimate Maths 2 - Mathematics Support (1ULTI2MX)
TechnoMath Fusion 2 - Mathematics and Digital Technology (1TMFU2MA)
Oceans of Algebra - Mathematics & Statistics and Science (1OCEN2MS)
Calculated Moves - Mathematics & Statistics and Physical Education (1MOVE2MP)
Character Craft: Design Your Own Game Hero - Digital Technology and Visual Art (1CHAR2TA)
Did the Earth Move? - Geography and Science (1DIEM2SC)
Olaga i le Motu [Island Life] - Samoan (1MOTU2LX)
TE AO HAKA L1 T2/3 - Māori (1HAKA23L)
Ouau 'o e Me'afaka'eiki (Funeral Protocol) - Tongan (1OUMI2LX)
Music Factory - Music (1MUSF2A)
Hauora Heroes! Writing & Powering Up Your Health - English and Health (2HERO1EH)
Party Physics - Mathematics and Physics (2PART1MS)
Ko Ha'a Moheofo - Tongan (23TON1L)
Dance Performance - Dance (L2) (23DAN1A)
Voices against injustice - English and Drama (2VOIC1EA)
Perspectives on Power - English and History (2PERS1EC)
Genetic Conspiracies - English and Biology (2GENE1ES)
Kerehana Cafe 1 - Vocational Pathway (3KERC1)
Photo Stop-Motion - Visual Art and Technology (2STOP1AT)
Urban Health - Geography and Physical Education (2URBH1CP)
Reacting Maths - Mathematics & Statistics and Science (2RMAT1MS)
Running your own business for real - Business (2RUNOW1C)
Nature's Mysteries revealed - Biology (2NATUN1S)
Logo Lab - Visual Art (2LOGOL1A)
Titrox - Chemistry (2TTROX1S)
Kelston's History is My History - History (2KELST1C)
She speaks volumes - English (2SPEAK1E)
Statistics - Mathematics (2STATI1M)
Bright Sparks - Physics (2SPARK1S)
Work Readiness - Vocational Pathway (2WORK1)
Speak Up for Your Wellbeing! - English and Health (2SPEW2EH)
Foundations Of Physics - Mathematics and Physics (2FOUN2MS)
Dance Choreography & Repertoire - Dance (L3) (23DAN2A)
Samoan (23SAM2L)
Pitch Perfect - Music (L3) (23MUS1A)
Fiafiaga ona o eseesega - Samoan (23SAM1L)
Delight in diversities - Samoan (23SAM2LX)
Tongan Democracy Movement - Tongan (23TON2L)
Transcribing Life - English and Biology (2TRAN2ES)
Decolonisation in Aotearoa & the Pacific - English and History (2DECO2EC)
Have your say - English and Drama (2HAVE2EA)
Kerehana Cafe 2 - Vocational Pathway (3KERC2)
Photo Web Studio - Visual Art and Technology (2PWEB2AT)
Healthy Auckland - Geography and Physical Education (2HEAU2GP)
Stop Overreacting - Chemistry and Mathematics & Statistics (2STOP2MS)
Running your own business for real - Business (2RUNOW2C)
Nature's Mysteries revealed - Biology (2NATUN2S)
Logo Lab - Visual Art (2LOGOL2A)
Titrox - Chemistry (2TTROX2S)
Kelston's History is My History - History (2KELST2C)
She speaks volumes - English (2SPEAK2E)
Statistics - Mathematics (2STATI2M)
Bright Sparks - Physics (2SPARK2S)
Work Readiness - Vocational Pathway (2WORK2)
Identity - English Language Learner (1IDEN1ES)
Identity - English Language Learner (2IDEN2ES)
Identity - English Language Learner (1IDEN1ES)
Fiafiaga ona o eseesega - Samoan (23SAM1LX)
Cultural Identity - English (2CUID1EX)
Dance Performance - Dance (L3) (23DAN1A)
Confident Communicators - English (1CCON2LX)
English for the people - INTERNAL English (3IENG1E)
Core Maths - Mathematics (3CMAT1)
Cultural Identity - Literacy Support (1CUID1EX)
Chemistry have Solutions - Chemistry (3CHEM1S)
Floods: Avoidable or Inevitable? - Geography (3GEOG1)
Art Foto 1 - Art (3ART1)
Identity - English Language Learner (2IDEN2ES)
Branching Out: Exploring the secret life of plants - Biology (3BIO1S)
Hiroshima: Necessary or Evil? - History (3HIS1C)
Sustainable Business (3BUS1C)
Health (3HLT1)
Feasibility - Mathematics & Statistics (3MAT1FE)
Nuclear Power in Aotearoa New Zealand - Physics (3PHY1)
Optimisation - Mathematics & Statistics (3MAT1OP)
Inspiring Woman - Drama (3DRA1)
Delightful Divas - Physical Education (3PED1)
Dance Choreography & Repertoire - Dance (L2) (23DAN2A)
Confident Communicators - English (1CCON2LX)
English for the people - EXTERNAL English (3EENG1E)
Core Maths - Mathematics (3CMAT2)
Chemical Fingerprinting - Chemistry (3CHEM2S)
Global Tourism- Geography (3GEOG2)
Art Foto 2 - Art (3ART2)
The New Beginnings - English Language Learner (1NEWB2L)
Adapt or Perish: the Science of survival - Biology (3BIO2S)
Votes for Women! - History (3HIS2C)
Sustainable Business (3BUS2C)
Fair Game - Mathematics & Statistics (3MAT2FA)
Health conditions and Health practices - Health (3HLT2)
Physics is Cool - Physics (3PHY2)
Calculus Unleashed1 (level 3) (23CAL1)
Calculus Unleashed 2 (level 3) (23CAL2)
Chances of Occurance - Mathematics & Statistics (3MAT2CH)
Scripted Drama - Drama (3DRA2)
Dynamics of Sports Events - Physical Education (3PED2)
Mau Movement - Samoan and Social Science (JMAUO3LC)
Beauty & Hair Essentials - Trades (3TABH)
Beauty & Hair Essentials - Trades (3TABH2)
The Business of Tourism - Trades (3TABT)
The Business of Tourism - Trades (3TABT2)
Information Technology - Trades (3TAIT)
Information Technology - Trades (3TAIT2)
Healthcare - Trades (3TAHC)
Healthcare - Trades (3TAHC2)
Uniformed Services - Trades (3TAUS)
Uniformed Services - Trades (3TAUS2)
Sports & Recreation - Trades (3TASR)
Sports & Recreation - Trades (3TASR2)
Hospitality - Trades (3TAHO2)
Carpentry & Construction - Trades (3TACC)
Carpentry & Construction - Trades (3TACC2)
Calculus Unleashed 1 (level 2) (23CAL1)
Calculus Unleashed 2 (level 2) (23CAL2)
English for the people - COMMS English (3CENG1E)
English for the People - COMMS English 2 (3CENG2E)
Line 5 SDL (2SDL1)
English for the People - INTERNAL English 2 (3IENG2E)
English for the People - EXTERNAL English 2 (3EENG2E)
Line 5 SDL (2SDL2)
The New Beginnings - English Language Learner (1NEWB2L)
TE AO HAKA L2/L3 T2/3 - Māori (23HAKA2L)
TE AO HAKA L2/L3 T1 - Māori (23HAKA1L)
Te Ao Haka - Māori* (23HAKA1L)
Te Ao Haka - Māori* (23HAKA2L)
Ko Ha'a Moheofo - Tongan (23TON1L)
Tongan Democracy Movement - Tongan (23TON2L)
Solo Superstar - Music (L3) (23MUS2)
Pitch Perfect - Music* (L2) (23MUS1)
Solo Superstar - Music* (L2) (23MUS2)
Business Entrepreneurship - Trades (3TABE)
Business Entrepreneurship - Trades (3TABE2)

Schools surrounding Kelston Girls’ College.

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