Manurewa High School


Upcoming Events at Manurewa High School

Event Date Details
Sunday 15/09/2024 - Saturday 21/09/2024 Te Wiki o Te Reo
Sunday 22/09/2024 - Saturday 28/09/2024 Tuvalu / Chinese Language Week
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Production Opening Night - Sinarella
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Production - Sinarella
Thursday 26/09/2024 Production - Sinarella
Friday 27/09/2024 Production Closing Night - Sinarella
Monday 30/09/2024 Board Meeting
Sunday 13/10/2024 - Saturday 19/10/2024 Niuean Language Week
Monday 21/10/2024 - Friday 25/10/2024 Fijian Language Week
Tuesday 22/10/2024 Special Olympics - 10 Pin Bowling
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Friday 25/10/2024 Staff Only Day
Tuesday 29/10/2024 - Friday 1/11/2024 Tokelauan Lanugage Week
Monday 4/11/2024 Board Meeting
Monday 11/11/2024 - Friday 15/11/2024 Papa New Guinea Language Week
Monday 18/11/2024 - Friday 22/11/2024 Solomon Island Language Week
Monday 25/11/2024 Board Meeting

Manurewa High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Manurewa High School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Level 1 Art (01ART)
Level 1 Art Photography Design (01APD)
Level 2 Art History (02ARH)
Level 2 Art Practical (02ARP)
Level 2 Art Design (02ARD)
Level 2 Art Photography (02PHO)
Level 3 Art Practical (03ARP)
Level 3 Art Design (03ARD)
Level 3 Art Photography (03PHO)
Level 1 Dance (01DAN)
Level 2 Dance (02DAN)
Level 3 Dance (03DAN)
Level 1 Drama (01DRA)
Level 2 Drama (02DRA)
Level 3 Drama (03DRA)
Level 1 Music (01MUS)
Level 1 Music Skills (01MSS)
Level 2 Music (02MUS)
Level 2 Music Skills (02MSS)
Level 3 Music (03MUS)
Level 2 Accounting (02ACC)
Level 3 Accounting (03ACC)
Level 2 Business (02BUS)
Level 3 Business (03BUS)
Level 2 Economics (02ECO)
Level 3 Economics (03ECO)
Level 1 Visual English (01ENGVL)
Level 3 Media Studies (03MES)
Level 3 English: Social Activism (03ENGSA)
Level 1 Japanese (01JAP)
Level 2 Japanese (02JAP)
Level 3 Japanese (03JAP)
Level 1 Samoan (01SAM)
Level 2 Samoan (02SAM)
Level 3 Samoan (03SAM)
Level 1 Te Reo Maaori (01MAO)
Level 2 Te Reo Maaori (02MAO)
Level 3 Te Reo Maaori (03MAO)
Level 2 Mathematics (Statistics) (02MAS)
Level 3 Mathematics (Business/Private Sector) (03MBUS)
Year 10 Art Practical (10ART)
Year 10 Commerce (10COM)
Year 10 Art Illustration and Design (10AID)
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Year 10 Design Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 10 Food Technology (10TEF)
Year 10 Japanese (10JAP)
Year 10 Media Studies (10MES)
Year 10 Music Academy (10MUO)
Year 10 Samoan (10SAM)
Year 10 Leadership through Physical Education (10LPE)
Year 10 Rugby Union (10RUG)
Year 10 Technology Construction Engineering (10TCE)
Year 10 Te Reo Maaori (10MAO)
Level 2 Physical Education (02PED)
Level 2 Leadership through Physical Education (02LPE)
Level 2 Health Education (02HEA)
Level 3 Health Education (03HEA)
Level 2 Outdoor Education (02OED)
Level 1 Science of Food (01SCKAI)
Level 1 Science of the Human Body (01SCHUM)
Level 2 Biology (02BIO)
Level 3 Biology (03BIO)
Level 2 Chemistry (02CHE)
Level 3 Chemistry (03CHE)
Level 2 Physics (02PHY)
Level 3 Physics (03PHY)
Level 1 English: Social Activism (01ENGSA)
Level 2 English: Social Activism (02ENG)
Level 2 Classical Studies (02CLS)
Level 3 Classical Studies (03CLS)
Level 1 History (01HIS)
Level 2 History (02HIS)
Level 3 History (03HIS)
Level 1 Geography (01GEO)
Level 2 Geography (02GEO)
Level 3 Geography (03GEO)
Level 2 Tourism (02TSM)
Level 3 Tourism (03TSM)
Level 1 Technology Construction Engineering (01TCE)
Level 1 Technology Food (01TEF)
Level 2 Technology Food (02TEF)
Level 3 Technology Food (03TEF)
Level 3 Trades Academy Construction Engineering (03TACE)
Level 2 Trades Academy Construction Engineering (02TACE)
Level 2 Hospitality Studies (02HOS)
Level 2/3 English: Language and Identity (03ENGLI)
Level 3 English: Puuraakau (03ENGPK)
Level 3 Design Visual Communication (03DVC)
Level 2 Mathematics (Calculus) (02MAC)
Level 2 Mathematics (Community / Public Sector) (02MCOM)
Level 3 Mathematics (Statistics) (03MAS)
Level 3 Mathematics (Calculus) (03MAC)
Level 2 Mathematics (Business / Private Sector) (02MBUS)
Level 3 Mathematics (Community & Public sector) (03MCOM)
Level 1 Health Science Academy (01SCHSA)
Level 3 Trades Academy Hospitality and Catering (03TAHAC)
Level 2 Creative Design (02CDE)
Level 2 02DTE Digital Technologies (02DTE)
Level 3 03DTE Digital Technologies (03DTE)
Year 10 Music Singer/Songwriter/Choir (10MUSS)
Year 10 Music Keyboard Option (10MUSK)
Year 10 Music Guitar Option (10MUSG)
Te Waharoa Intake 1 (12MTW)
Level 2 Social Science Literacy (02SSL)
Te Waharoa Intake 2 (12TWA)
Level 2 Design Visual Communication (02DVC)
Level 3 Creative Design (03CDE)
Level 1 Leadership through Physical Education (01LPE)
Level 3 Leadership through Physical Education (03LPE)
Level 1 Design and Visual Communication (01DVC)
Level 3 Social Science Literacy (03SSL)
Level 1 Health Education (01HEA)
Level 2 Technology Construction Engineering (02TCE)
Level 3 Technology Construction Engineering (03TCE)
Level 1 Environmental Science (01SCENV)
Level 1 English: Puuraakau (01ENGPK)
Year 10 High Performance through Sport (10HPS)
Level 1 High Performance through Sport (01HPS)
Level 2 High Performance through Sport (02HPS)
Level 3 High Performance through Sport (03HPS)
Level 3 Hospitality Studies (03HOS)
Level 3 Trades Academy Electrical (03TAEL)
Level 1 Commerce (01COM)
Level 3 Pacific Studies (03PAC)
Level 2 Pasifika Literature (02EPL)
Year 10 Rugby League (10LEA)
Level 1 Physical Education (01PED)
Level 1 Lea Faka-Tonga (01TON)
Year 10 Lea Faka-Tonga (10TON)
Level 1 P-Tech Pathways to Technology Course / MIT (01PTECH)
Year 10 Spanish (10SPA)
Level 2 Lea Faka-Tonga (02TON)
Level 1 English: Sports and Games (01ENGES)
Level 1 English: Pasifika Literature (01ENGPL)
Level 3 English: Visual Literature (03ENGVL)
Level 2 English: Visual Literature (02ENGVL)
Year 10 Digital Technologies (10 DTE)
Level 3 Uniformed Services Academy (03TAUS)
Koorero paki (02KOR)
Level 2 P-Tech - Pathways to Technology Course /MIT (02PTECH)
Level 2 Commerce (02COM)
Level 2 Uniformed Services Academy (02TAUS)
Level 3 Lea Faka-Tonga (03TON)
Level 2 Advertising (02ADV)
Level 3 English: Pasifika Literature (03EPL)
Level 3 P-Tech Pathways to Technology Course / MIT (03PTECH)
Level 3 Outdoor Education (03OED)
Level 1 Spanish (01SPA)
Level 2 English: Puuraakau (02ENGPK)
Level 2 English: Sports & Leadership (02ENGES)
Level 2 Mathematics (Digital / Online) (02MDIG)
Level 2 Religious Studies (02RES)
Level 1 Mathematics through Social Justice (01MCOM)
Level 1 Mathematics through Digital (01MDIG)
Level 1 Mathematics through Trades (01TACE)
Level 1 Mathematics through Sports (01MSPT)
Level 1 Mathematics through Business (01MBUS)
Level 3 Religious Studies (03RES)
Level 3 Mathematics (Trades) (03TACE)
Passport to Employment (03PTE)
Year 9 Languages - Japanese (09JAP)
Year 9 Languages - Samoan (09SAM)
Year 9 Languages - Spanish (09SPA)
AkoConnect - Netflix (ACNFLIX)
MMP and Government (VOTEWM)
Junior Boys Rugby League (RLEAGWJ)
09HPS Waananga (9HPSW9)
Ancient History (AHISWJ)
REWA Knitting Group (KNITWA)
Scrapbooking Waananga (SCRPBWA)
Contemporary Dance Waananga (CTDANWA)
Polyfest Samoan (PFSAMWA)
Arty Robots (ROBOWJ)
Picture This – Photopea (PHOPEAWM)
Artisans (ARTISWJ)
Volleyball Junior Boys Waananga (VOLLBW9)
Paleontology Waananga (PALEOWJ)
Polyfest- Indian Fusion (PFINDWA)
Level 2 Spanish (02SPA)
Embroidery For All (EMBROWA)
Chemistry Wananga (CHEMWJ)
Indian Fusion (INDOWA)
Polyfest Tongan Group (PFTONWA)
Girls Rugby (GRUGBYWA)
Level 1 Science through Sports (01SCSPT)
Level 1 Science for Engineers (01SCENG)
Interstellar Exploration Minecraft (MINEWJ)
Year 10 Computer Technology (10C-Tech)
Year 11 Computer Technology (01C-Tech)
Year 12 Computer Technology (02C-Tech)
Year 13 Computer Technology (03C-Tech)
Vietnamese Polyfest Group (PFVNMWA)
SmokefreeRockquest (SFRQWA)
Stand Up Stand Out - Music (SUSOWMA)
Play it Strange Songwriting Term 4 (SONG4WA)
Social Justice Waananga (SOCIJUWM)
AkoConnect - Turf (ACTURF)
Level 3 Sports through English (03ENGES)
AkoConnect- Creative Art Hub (ACART)
AkoConnect- Band (ACBAND)
AkoConnect- Basketball (ACBBALL)
AkoConnect- Business (ACBUS)
AkoConnect- Cards (ACCARDS)
AkoConnect- PolyChoir (Rewaken) (ACCHOIR)
AkoConnect- Mindful Colouring (ACCOLOUR)
AkoConnect- Computer Spaces (ACCOMP)
AkoConnect- Cooks (ACCOOKS)
AkoConnect- Field (ACFIELD)
AkoConnect- HAC (ACHAC)
AkoConnect- Handball (ACHAND)
AkoConnect- Health Science Academy (ACHSA)
AkoConnect- Library (ACLIBRY)
AkoConnect- Literacy (ACLTY)
AkoConnect- Makerspace (ACMAKER)
AkoConnect- Music (ACMUSIC)
AkoConnect- Numeracy (ACNUM)
AkoConnect- Pathways (ACPATHWA)
AkoConnect- Puhoro (ACPHORO)
AkoConnect- Power (ACPOWER)
AkoConnect- Quiet Space (ACQUIET)
AkoConnect- Rugby7's (ACRUG)
AkoConnect- Samoan Group (ACSAM)
AkoConnect- Student Leadership/ Council (ACSLEAD)
AkoConnect- Rewa All Stars (ACSTARS)
AkoConnect- Tiktok (ACTIKTOK)
AkoConnect- Tongan Group (ACTON)
AkoConnect- Weight Room (ACWEIGHT)
AkoConnect- Trades (ACTRADES)
AkoConnect- Maori Whaanau (ACHAKA)
AkoConnect- Waka Ama (ACWAKA)
AkoConnect- Basketball-Social (ACBBALL)
AkoConnect- Praise and worship (ACPRAISE)
Level 3 Art History (03ARH)
AkoConnect- Meditation (ACMIND)
Photoshop Club (PHOCWA)
Cruz Folk Art (CRUZPAWA)
Cyanotype Pho (CYAPHOWJ)
Wet Felting (FELTWA)
Weights Training Waananga (WTRAWM)
Water Sports (WATERSWA)
Virtual Reality (VIRTUWM)
Tongan Arts and Crafts (TONGACWA)
Summer Wardrobe (CLTHWJ)
Mountain Biking (MBIKEWA)
Girls Mountain Biking (GBIKEWA)
Digital and Financial Literacy (DFLWJ)
Book Nooks (BKNKWA)
Bike Adventures (ABIKEWA)
Creative Writing (CRWRIWA)
Filipino Polyfest Group (PFFILWA)
Fijian Polyfest Group (PFFIJIWA)
Maaori Polyfest Group (PFMAAOWA)
Chinese Polyfest Group (PFCHIWA)
Tahitian Polyfest Group (PFTAHIWA)
Hawaiian Polyfest Group (PFHAWWA)
Tokelauan Polyfest Group (PFTOKUWA)
Tuvalu Polyfest Group (PFTUVWA)
Kiribati Polyfest Group (PFKIRIWA)
Niuean Polyfest Group (PFNIUEWA)
Niuean Polyfest Group (PFNIUEWA)
Cook Island Polyfest Group (PFCOOKWA)
Junior Boys Rugby (BRUGWJ)
Boxing (BOXWJ)
Esports - Creative (ESPCRWA)
Esports - Taane (ESPTWJ)
Esports - Wahine (ESPWWJ)
Demystifying the Universe (ASTROWA)
Arts and Culture (ATCLWA)
Audio Technology (AUDIOWA)
Banquer (BAQWJ)
Praise and Worship (PRAISEWA)
Learning Korean (KOREANWA)
Makerspace (MAKERWA)
Polyrealms (POLYWA)
Dance - Junior (DANWJ)
Board Games (BOARDGWA)
Level 1 01DTE Digital Technology (01DTE)
Year 9 Arts - Dance (09DAN)
Year 9 Arts - Drama (09DRA)
Year 9 Arts - Music (09MUS)
Year 9 Arts - Visual Arts (09ART)
Year 9 Arts - Music Academy (09MUO)
Year 9 Languages - Digital Coding (09DGT)
Year 9 Languages - Tongan (09TON)
Health & Wellbeing Zone (HAWZWM)
AkoConnect- Words (ACWORDS)
Improving Performance - Softball (Term 4) (SPORTWJ)
Junior Netball (NETBALLW)
Level 3 Fashion Design (03DVC)
Level 3 Architecture (03DVC)
Level 3 Product Design (03DVC)
Level 2 Fashion Design (02DVC)
Level 2 Architecture (02DVC)
Level 2 Product Design (02DVC)
Level 2 Game Design (02CDE)
Level 3 Game Design (03CDE)

Schools surrounding Manurewa High School.

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