Below are some of the subjects that New Plymouth Boys’ High School offers to their students for 2025/2026.
Y10 Health
Y10 English
L1 English
L2 English
L2 English (Half Year)
L2 English Language (ESOL)
L3 English
L3 English (Half Year)
L2 Gateway
L3 Gateway
Y9 AgriScience
Y9 Science
Y10 AgriScience
Y10 Science
L1 AgriScience
L1 Science
L2 AgriScience
L2 Biology
L2 Chemistry
L2 Earth and Space Science
L2 Physics
L2 Science
L3 AgriScience
L3 Biology
L3 Chemistry
L3 Earth and Space Science
L3 Physics
Y9 Computer Science
Y9 Digital Media
Y9 Technology Electronics
Y9 Technology Metal
Y9 Technology Wood
Y10 Computer Science
Y10 Graphics
Y10 Technology Electronics
Y10 Technology Metal
Y10 Technology Wood
L1 Computer Science
L1 Digital Media
L1 Technology Electronics
L1 Graphics
L1 Metalwork Practical
L1 Metalwork Practical (Half Year)
L1 Technology Engineering
L1 Woodwork Practical
L1 Woodwork Practical (Half Year)
L2 Building and Construction
L2 Computer Science
L2 Digital Media
L2 Technology Electronics
L2 Furniture Making
L2 Graphics with Product Design
L2 Metalwork Practical
L2 Technology Engineering
L2 Woodwork Practical
L3 Building and Construction
L3 Computer Science
L3 Digital Media
L3 Technology Electronics
L3 Furniture Making
L3 Graphics
L3 Technology Engineering
L3 Woodwork Practical
Y9 Mathematics
Y10 Mathematics
L1 Mathematics
L2 Calculus
L2 Statistics
L2 Mathematics (Half Year)
L3 Calculus
L3 Mathematics (Half Year)
L3 Statistics
Y9 Social Science - Economics
Y9 Social Science - Commerce & Geography
Y9 Social Science - History
Y10 Business Studies
Y10 Social Science
Y10 Social Science - Commerce & Geography
Y10 Social Science - Geography
Y10 Social Science - History
L1 Armed Forces and the Police 1 (Half Year)
L1 Armed Forces and the Police 2 (Half Year)
L1 Business for Trades (Half Year)
L1 Ancient History and Classical Studies
L1 Geography
L1 History
L1 Sports Management (Half Year)
L2 Accounting
L2 Armed Forces and the Police 1 (Half Year)
L2 Armed Forces and the Police 2 (Half Year)
L2 Business Studies
L2 Ancient Roman and Greek Civilisation (Classics)
L2 Economics
L2 Geography
L2 History
L2 Sports Management (Half Year)
L2 Tourism 1 - Business and World Tourism (Half Year)
L2 Tourism 2 - New Zealand Tourism (Half Year)
L3 Accounting
L3 Armed Forces and Police 1 (Half Year)
L3 Armed Forces and Police 2 (Half Year)
L3 Business Studies
L3 Ancient Roman and Greek Civilisation (Classics)
L3 Economics
L3 Geography
L3 History
Level 3 Politics and Law
L3 Tourism 1 - Australian and New Zealand Tourism (Half Year)
L3 Tourism 2 - Pacific Islands and Maori Tourism (Half Year)
L2 Mathematics Statistics (Half Year)
L2 Outdoor Education
L3 Sport and Recreation 1 (Half Year)
L3 Art - Design
L3 Metalwork Practical
L3 Physical Education
L2 Business for Trades (Half Year)
L2 Front of House (Half Year)
L2 Robotics (Half Year)
L3 Physical Education (Half Year)
L3 Robotics (Half Year)
Y9 Ancient Roman Civilisation and Language (Classics)
Y9 Art
Y9 Drama
Y9 French
Y9 Te Reo Māori
Y9 Māori Performing Arts
Y9 Music (Introduction)
Y9 Performance Music
Y9 Spanish
Y10 Art
Y10 Te Reo Māori
Y10 Music
Y10 Performance Music
Y10 Spanish
L1 Art - Design and Photography
L1 Drama
L1 Māori Performing Arts
L1 Te Reo Māori
L1 Music Practical (Half Year)
L1 Music Theory (Half Year)
L1 Art - Paint and Illustrate
L1 Sound and Lighting
L1 Spanish
L2 Art - Design
L2 Drama
L2 Māori Performing Arts
L2 Te Reo Māori
L2 Music
L2 Music Practical (Half Year)
L2 Music Theory (Half Year)
L2 Art - Painting
L2 Art - Photography
L2 Sound and Lighting
L2 Spanish
L3 Drama
L3 Māori Performing Arts
L3 Te Reo Māori
L3 Music
L3 Music Practical (Half Year)
L3 Music Theory (Half Year)
L3 Art - Painting
L3 Art - Photography
L3 Spanish
Y9 Health and Physical Education
Y9 Home Economics
Y10 Home Economics
Y10 Physical Education
L1 Athlete Development Programme 1 (Half Year)
L1 Athlete Development Programme 2 (Half Year)
L1 Health
L1 Hospitality
L1 Cooking For Entertaining (Half Year)
L1 Outdoor Education (Half Year)
L1 Physical Education
L1 Physical Education (Half Year)
L2 Sport and Recreation 1 (Half Year)
L2 Sport and Recreation 2 (Half Year)
L2 Health
L2 Hospitality
L2 Physical Education
L2 Physical Education (Half Year)
L3 Hospitality
L3 Hospitality (Half Year)
Y10 Ancient Roman Civilisation and Language (Classics)
Y10 Digital Media
Y10 Drama
Y10 French
Y10 Māori Performing Arts
L2 Graphics with Architecture
L3 AgriBusiness
L3 English through Film
Y10 If I Could Rule the World
L2 English for UE Literacy
L2 English for Industry
L1 English
Y10 Tikanga ā-rohe
Y10 Art
Y10 Design and Print
L3 Sound and Lighting
Y9 Mandarin
Y9 Mandarin - Semester 1
Y9 Mandarin - Semester 2
Y10 Art - Māori and Pacifica Art
L1 Music
Y10 Music Composition/Analysis
Y10 Art - Design and Photography
Y10 Art - Sketching and Painting
Y9 Tikanga ā Kura
Y9 Extra English
Y9 Athlete Development
Y10 Athlete Development Programme
Y10 Health
Y10 Health
L2 Outdoor Education A
L2 Outdoor Education B
Y10 A World of Reactions
Y10 Body Works
Y10 Moving into the Future
Y10 Our Planet
Y9 Protecting Taranaki
Y9 Black Holes, Planets, Stars and Dinosaurs
Y10 Ancient Roman Civilisation
Y9 Ancient Roman Civilisation and Language (Classics)
Y9 Ancient Roman Civilisation and Language (Classics)
Y10 Beyond the Sports Field
L2 Money Management 1 (Half Year)
L2 Money Management 2 (Half Year)
L3 Money Management 1 (Half Year)
L3 Money Management 2 (Half Year)
Y10 Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
L1 Robotics (Half Year)
L3 Science
L3 Health
L3 Mathematics (Statistics) (Half Year)
L3 Sport and Recreation 2 (Half Year)
L2 AgriBusiness
Y10 Mandarin
Y10 Robotics
Y9 Social Science
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Football
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby
Y9 Robotics
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Hockey
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Basketball
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Cricket
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Individual Sports
Y9 The Geography of Disasters
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Football
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Hockey
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Basketball
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Cricket
Y9 The History of War
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Other
L3 Study 1 (Half Year)
L3 Study 2 (Half year)
Y10 Sport in Education (SIE) Core Classes
Y10 Mainstream Core Classes
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Other (Half Year)
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby (Half Year)
Y9 Athlete Development Program - Cricket/Hockey
Y9 Athlete development program - Basketball
Y9 Athlete development program - Football/Basketball
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Football
Y9 Athlete development program - Football/HOCKET
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Individual Sports
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby
Y9 Agriscience
Y9 English
Y9 Extra English - Semester 1
Y9 Extra English - Semester 2
Y9 French - Semester 1
Y9 French - Semester 2
Y9 Graphics
Y9 Te Reo Maori - Semester 1
Y9 Te Reo Maori - Semester 2
Y9 Maori Performing Art
Y9 Science 1
Y9 Science 2
Y9 Ultra-Fast Chemistry
Y9 Spanish - Semester 1
Y9 Spanish - Semester 2
Y9 The Apprentice
Y9 The History of Sport
Y9 The History of War - Semester 1
Y9 The History of War - Semester 2
Y9 Electronics
L3 Music
L2 Outdoor Education
L2 Outdoor Education
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Football
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Football
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby
Y10 Science 1
Y10 Science 2
L3 Sound and Lighting
Y9 Mathematics
Y9 Mathematics
L2 English
L1 English
Level 1 English
Level 1 English
Level 1 English
L1 Mathematics
Level 1 Mathematics
Level 1 Mathematics
L1 Internal Science
English as a second language
Level 1 Mathematics
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Other
L1 Commerce
L2 Future Pathways
L2 Furniture Making
L1 Furniture Making
L1 Politics and the Economic World
L1 Money Management 1 (Half Year)
L1 Money Management 2 (Half Year)
Y10 Health
L3 English for the Workplace
L3 Future Pathways
L3 English Language (ESOL)
L2 Athletic Development Programme - Other
L2 Athletic Development Programme - Rugby
Y10 English Language (ESOL)
Y9 Health and Physical Education - 1
Y9 Health and Physical Education - 2
Y10 Health and Physical Education - 1
Y10 Health and Physical Education - 2
L2 Gateway
L3 Gateway
L2 Future Pathways
L3 Future Pathways
L2 Athlete Development Programme - Half Year
L2 Athlete Development Programme
L3 Study
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Basketball
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Cricket
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Football
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Individual Sports
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Hockey
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Hockey
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby (Half Year)
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Football
Y9 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby
Y9 3D Computer Modelling
Y9 Black Holes, Planets, Stars and Dinosaurs
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Individual Sports half year
L2 Building Academy
L1 Mandarin
L2 Mandarin
Y9 Art - Game Design
Y10 Art - Game Design
L1 Dance
L2 Dance
L3 Dance
L2 English for Academic Purposes
L3 English for Academic Purposes - Reading (Half Year)
L3 English for Academic Purposes - Writing (Half Year)
L1 Athlete Development Programme - Rugby (Half Year)
L1 Athletic Development Programme 1 (Half Year)
L1 Athletic Development Programme 2 (Half Year)
English as a Second Language
L1 Food Science
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Basketball
Y10 Athlete Development Programme - Basketball