Spotswood College

Upcoming Events at Spotswood College

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 TSSSA Road Relays
Monday 23/09/2024 BOARD MEETING
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Parent/Teacher Interviews
2.30pm to 5.30pm
Friday 27/09/2024 Last Day of Term 3
Friday 27/09/2024 End of Term Assembly
Assembly to be held during Period 1
Monday 14/10/2024 Start of Term 4
Monday 14/10/2024 LA Whole School Hui
Tuesday 22/10/2024 TSSSA All ability athletics
Wednesday 23/10/2024 Junior Inquiry Showcase
Thursday 24/10/2024 TSSSA Junior Futsal
Friday 25/10/2024 LA Sports Assembly
Monday 28/10/2024 BOARD MEETING
Monday 28/10/2024 SCHOOL IS CLOSED
Labour Day
Wednesday 30/10/2024 TSSSA Junior Cricket
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Senior Prizegiving 5pm - 7pm
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Leavers Dinner
Thursday 31/10/2024 Non Uniform Halloween Dress Up Day
Tuesday 5/11/2024 TSSSA Junior Touch
Friday 8/11/2024 TSSSA Junior Beach Day
Monday 11/11/2024 TEACHERS ONLY DAY
Wednesday 13/11/2024 TSSSA Social Junior Volleyball
Monday 18/11/2024 - Friday 22/11/2024 TSSSA Modified Sports Week
Monday 25/11/2024 BOARD MEETING
Friday 29/11/2024 Year 8 Transition Day
Friday 29/11/2024 MAHI Day
Friday 6/12/2024 Junior Prizegiving
1.30pm finish
Monday 9/12/2024 - Thursday 12/12/2024 Activities Week
Monday 9/12/2024 BOARD MEETING
Friday 13/12/2024 LAST DAY OF TERM 4
1.30pm finish

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Spotswood College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Spotswood College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Accounting and Economics Hub (ACCECO1)
Kapa Haka (sKAPA1)
Animation (ANIMTN2)
Digital Natives (DIGNAT)
Digital Technology Level 1 (DTGMED)
Digital Technology - Design and Development (sNDTGMD2)
Photography (PHOTO3)
Robotics (ROBO2)
Robotics (ROBO1)
Short Film (FILM)
Literacy through Podcasting (jLPODCAS)
Meet a Need (METNED)
Robotics (jROBO)
Accounting and Economics Hub (ACCECO)
Commerce (COMRCE)
Enterprise Yes (YES)
English Hub Level 1 (ENGHUB1)
English Level 1 (ENG1)
English Visual Studies - Level 2 (ENGVIS)
English Level 1 (sLENG1)
Literacy through English (jLENGLIS)
English Level 2 (sLENG2)
Literacy through English - Year 10 Enrichment (jLENG10)
Literacy through English (jLENGLIS)
Literacy through English - Year 10 Enrichment (jLENG10)
Literacy through English - Year 9 Enrichment (jLENG9)
English Level 3 (sLENG3)
English Level 2 (sLENG2)
Literacy through A to Z in Art (JLARTLIT)
Literacy through Music (JLMUSTX)
Literacy through English - Year 9 Enrichment (jLENG9)
Spelling Bee (SPELLBEE)
Spider (SPIDER)
Teens on Screens (SCREEN)
English for speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (ESOL)
Fusion Kai (FUSKAI2)
Culinary Arts: Baking Magic (SLBAKE2)
Hospitality (HOSPO9)
Hospitality (HOSPO9)
Hospitality (HOSPO10)
Financial Literacy (FINLIT)
Financial Literacy (FINLIT1)
My Future, My Goals, My Choice (MYCHCE2)
Youth Employment Programme (YEP)
Workplace Communication (sLWRKCO2)
The Real World of Sense and Dollars (SNRLWRLD)
Banqer (BANQER)
Social Science Level 1 (SCSCI1)
Geography Level 2 (GEOWLD2)
Geography Level 3 (GEOWLD3)
Geography Level 1 (GEO1)
Star Trekking (STRTREK)
Road Tripping Europe (RDTRIP)
History Level 3 (HSTRY3)
History Level 1 (HSTRY1)
History Level 2 (HSTRY2)
Junior Tourism (jTOURISM)
World of Plants (WRDPLT)
Business and Enterprise (ENTPRS9)
Business and Enterprise (ENTPRS10)
Creative Industries (CRINDS9)
Creative Industries (CRINDS10)
Creative Industries (CRINDS9)
Performing Arts (PERARTS9)
Performing Arts (PERARTS9)
Primary Industries (PRINDS9)
Primary Industries (PRINDS10)
Science and Technology (SCITEC9)
Science and Technology (SCITEC10)
Science and Technology (SCITEC9)
Sport Science, Sport Management and Hauora (SPORTY10)
Sport Science, Sport Management, and Hauora (SPORTY9)
Social Influencer (SOCIAL)
French Level 3 (13FRE)
Spanish Level 1 (SPA1)
Y10 French (10FRE)
Y10 Japanese (10JPN)
Y10 Spanish (10SPA)
French Level 1 (11FRE)
Japanese Level 1 (11JPN)
French Level 2 (12FRE)
Japanese Level 2 (12JPN)
Spanish Level 2 (12SPA)
Japanese Level 3 (13JPN)
Spanish Level 3 (13SPA)
Y9 French (9FRE)
Y9 Japanese (9JPN)
Y9 Spanish (9SPA)
Te Reo Māori (TEREO9)
Te Reo Māori (TEREO10)
Math Hub (MATHUB1)
Math Hub (MATHUB)
Golf Maths (GLFMTH)
The Young Enterprise Scheme - YES (YES1)
Digital Design and 3D Architecture (3DDES)
Numeracy through Chess (jNCHESS)
Numeracy through DVC (jNNUMDVC)
Designated Derivers (SNDERVRS)
Numeracy through Textile Design (jNTXTLE)
Flexi Math (FLXMTH)
Level 1 Maths (SNMAT1)
Numeracy through Mathematics (jNMATH)
Numeracy through Sports Business Management (jNMATBUS)
Normally Average (SNNRMAVE)
Numeracy through Science (jNSCILAB)
Numeracy through Architecture (jNARCHTR)
Numeracy through Earth and Space (jNETHSPC)
Numeracy through Our World (jNOURWRL)
Pirates (sNPIRATE)
Numeracy and Literacy through Sports Education (jNSPRTD)
Statistics Level 2 (SNSTATS2)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP1)
Senior Music X Level 1 (MUSIC1)
Senior Music X (MUSIC2)
Junior Band x (JBANDX)
Music Appreciation (jMUSAPP)
Oceania Theatre (Pasifika Theatre in Aotearoa) (OCEAN2)
Page to Stage (PAGSTG2)
Page to stage (PAGSTG1)
Poly Studies (PLY101)
Oceania Theatre (Pasifika Theatre in Aotearoa) (OCEAN1)
Junior Drama (jDRAMA)
Get Set, GO! (GETGO)
NCEA Health Level 1 (HEALTH1)
Smart Training (SMART)
Taranaki Active (TKIACT2)
Taranaki Active (TKIACT1)
Perfect Practice Level 3 (PRFPRC)
Literacy Through Sport (SLSPORT)
Numeracy and Literacy through Sports Education (jLSPRTED)
Numeracy Through Sport (SNSPORT)
Traditional Māori Games - Taonga Tākaro (RECRTN)
Sports Performance (SPTPRO)
Horticulture Level 2 (HORT2)
Biology Level 3 - Animal Behaviour (ANMBHV)
Biology Level 2 – Cell Processes (CLLPRS)
Chemistry Level 2 (ATMFAM)
Chemistry Level 3 (ETHER)
Science of Chemistry and Microbiology Level 1 (BIOCHM)
Earth & Space Science (ETHSPC)
Genetic Inheritance (GENIN)
Horticulture Skills Industry Training Level 1 (HRTSKL)
Level 2 Physics (PHYSC2)
Physics Externals Level 3 (PHYEXT3)
Physics Internals Level 3 (PHYSC3)
Physics Level 1 (PHYSC1)
Science of Plants Level 1 (PLANTS)
Dinosaurs & Other Animals (DNOSRS)
Horticulture (sLHORTL2)
Literacy through Medical Science (JLMEDSCI)
Chemistry and Biology Level 1 (BIOCHM)
My Financial Future (SNFINFTR)
Acids in Action (ACTION)
Force & Motion (FRCMTN)
Biology Level 2 - Gene Expression (GENEXP)
Grow and Eat (GRWEAT)
Hocus Pocus (HOCUS)
Biology Level 3 - Human Evolution (HUMAN)
Medical Science (MEDSCI)
Mission to Mars (MISMRS)
Phat Physics (PHTPHX)
The Living World (LIVWRLD)
Disasters (DISASTER)
Documentary Studies (DOCSTU)
Accounting (Internals) (ACC2)
Crime Bites (Level 2 Psychology) (CRMBTS)
Culture (CULTURE)
Psychology Hub (PSYCHUB)
Let's Get Psyched (sLLETPS2)
Social Sciences (sLSOC2)
Social Studies Level 1 (SLSOCSTU)
Literacy through World Knowledge (JLWRLDK)
Capitalize (SNCPTLZ3)
Tourism Level 2 (sNTURSM2)
Psychobabble (PSYBAB)
Podcast Radio (RADIO)
Art Hub (ARTHUB)
Barista (BARISTA)
Design and Build (DESBLD)
Engineering S2 (2ENGRN3)
Engineering S1 (1ENGRN2)
Got a Trade, Got it Made (GOTTRD)
Metal Level 1 (METAL1)
Textiles Level 1 (TEXTLE1)
Timber (TIMBER2)
Traditional Kai (TRAKAI)
Workshop to Racetrack (RCTRCK)
Metal Work (MTLWRK)
Puanga Event (EVENT)
Woodmahi (WODMHI)
Textiles (TEXTLE2)
Junior Textiles (jTEXTILE)
Education to Employment (EDUPLY)
World of Work Literacy (sLWRKLI2)
Teamwork for the Community (TUTUKI2)
Art Hub (ARTHUB1)
Photography (PHOTO2)
Graphic Design (GRHDES2)
Painting (PAINT2)
Painting (PAINT3)
Painting (PAINT2)
Sculpture (SCULPT2)
Year 11 Art (Y11ART)
Literacy through Art History (jLARTHIS)
Literacy through Cave Paintings and Realistic Art (jLCAVEP)
Literacy through Digital Art (JLDIGART)
Graphic Design (sLGRHDES)
Literacy through Earth and Space (JLSPACE)
Drawing and Printmaking (sNDRAW2)
Art Extension (ARTEXT)
Ceramic (CERAMC)
Draw Everything (HOKDRW)
Painting (PAINT)
Painting (PAINT)
Mixed Media (MMART)
Sculpture (SCLPT)
Pirates (sNPIRATE)
Textiles (TEXTLE2)
Enterprise Yes (YES)
Statistics Level 2 (SNSTATS2)
Designated Derivers (sNDERVRS)
Normally Average (sNNRMAVE)
Cafe Kai (sNCAFKAI)
Tourism Level 3 (sNTURSM3)
Literacy through Art Journaling (jLARTLIT)
Literacy through Earth and Space (jLSPACE)
Literacy through Music (jLMUSTX)
Literacy through World Knowledge (jLWRLDK)
Numeracy and Literacy through Sports Education (jLSPRTD)
Horticulture Level 2 (sLHORTL2)
Social Studies (sLSOC2)
Culinary Arts: Baking Magic (sLBAKE2)
Let's Get Psyched (sLLETPS2)
Science Hub (SCIHUB)
English level 3 (sLENG3)
English Hub Level 2 and 3 (ENGHUB)
Financial Literacy (FINLIT)
Accounting/Economics Hub (ACCECO)
English Hub Level 2 and 3 (ENGHUB)
Japanese Level 2 (12JPN)
Spanish Level 2 (12SPA)
Numeracy and Literacy through Sports Education (jNSPRTD)
Art Hub (ARTHUB)
Esports (ESPORTS)
Numeracy through Architecture (jNARCHTR)
Numeracy through Chess (jNCHESS)
Hospitality: Barista Skills (BARISTA)
Numeracy through DVC (jNNUMDVC)
Let's Get Psyched Hub (PSYCHUB)
Math Hub (MATHUB)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP2)
Numeracy through Mathematics (jNMATH)
Japanese Level 3 (13JPN)
Spanish Level 3 (13SPA)
Numeracy through Our World (jNOURWRL)
Numeracy through Sports Business Management (jNMATBUS)
Numeracy through Textile Design (jNTXTLE)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP1)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP2)
Oceania Theatre (Pasifika Theatre in Aotearoa) (OCEAN2)
Robotics (ROBO3)
English Visual Studies - Level 2 (ENGVIS)
Economics (Externals) (ECO2)
Sustainability Personal Action Studies (SUSTAN)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP2)
Metal Level 1 (METAL1)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP1)
Year 11 Art (Y11ART)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP2)
Workshop to Racetrack (RCTRCK)
Chemistry Level 2 (ATMFAM)
History Level 2 (HSTRY2)
Horticulture Level 2 (HORT2)
Accounting (Externals) (ACC2)
Engineering S2 (2ENGRN2)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP2)
Photography (PHOTO2)
History Level 3 (HSTRY3)
Road Ready (RODRDY2)
Math Hub (MATHUB1)
Year 11 Art (Y11ART)
Financial Literacy (FINLIT1)
Financial Literacy (FINLIT)
English Hub Level 1 (ENGHUB1)
English Hub (ENGHUB)
Physics Level 2 (PHYSC2)
Math Hub (MATHUB)
Accounting/Economics Hub (ACCECO)
English Hub (ENGHUB)
Crimebites (Level 2 Psychology) (CRMBTS)
French Level 2 (12FRE)
Physics Level 2 (PHYSC2)
Math Hub (MATHUB)
Timber (TIMBER2)
Chemistry Level 3 (ETHER)
French Level 3 (13FRE)
Page to Stage (PAGSTG3)
Graphic Design (GRHDES3)
Oceania Theatre (Pasifika Theatre in Aotearoa) (OCEAN3)
Oceania Theatre (Pasifika Theatre in Aotearoa) (OCEAN3)
Taranaki Active (TKIACT3)
Economics (Internals) (ECO3)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP3)
Robotics (ROBO2)
Robotics (ROBO3)
Animation (ANIMTN3)
Economics (Externals) (ECO3)
Sustainability Personal Action Studies (SUSTAN3)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP3)
Painting (PAINT3)
Flexi Math (FLXMTH)
Geography Level 2 (GEOWLD2)
Graphic Design (sLGRHDES)
Culinary Arts: Baking Magic (sLBAKE3)
Let's Get Psyched (sLLETPS3)
World of Work Literacy (sLWRKLI3)
Graphic Design (sLGRHDES)
Culinary Arts: Baking Magic (sLBAKE3)
Geography Level 3 (GEOWLD3)
Let's Get Psyched (sLLETPS3)
My Future, My Goals, My Choice (MYCHCE3)
Workplace Communication (sLWRKCO3)
Drawing and Printmaking (sNDRAW3)
Sculpture (SCULPT3)
Sculpture (SCULPT2)
Capitalize (sNCPTLZ3)
Drawing and Printmaking (sNDRAW2)
Drawing and Printmaking (sNDRAW3)
Sculpture (SCULPT3)
Accounting (Internals) (ACC3)
Senior Music X (MUSIC2)
Engineering S1 (1ENGRN3)
Senior Music X (MUSIC3)
Senior Music X (MUSIC3)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP3)
Photography (PHOTO3)
Accounting (Externals) (ACC3)
Fusion Kai (FUSKAI3)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP3)
Graphic Design (GRHDES2)
Graphic Design (GRHDES3)
Timber (TIMBER3)
Page to Stage (PAGSTG2)
Page to Stage (PAGSTG3)
Timber (TIMBER3)
Tutuki - Teamwork for the Community (TUTUKI3)
Digital Technology - Design and Development (sNDTGMD3)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP3)
Physics Externals Level 3 (PHYEXT3)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP3)
Kapa Haka (jKAPA)
Taranaki Active (ACTIVE)
Culture (CULTURE)
Documentary Studies (DOCSTU)
Hospitality (HOSPO10)
The Sweet Science of Honey (HONEY)
Digital Natives (DIGNAT)
Photography and Collage (PHOCOL)
Podcast Radio (RADIO)
Metal workshop 2 (MTLWRK)
Te Reo Māori (TEREO9)
Music Appreciation (jMUSAPP)
Teens on Screens (SCREENS)
Robotics (jROBO)
Woodmahi (WODMHI)
Y10 French (10FRE)
Y10 Japanese (10JPN)
Y10 Spanish (10SPA)
Y9 French (9FRE)
Y9 Spanish (9SPA)
Mountain Biker (MTBKER)
Y9 Japanese (9JPN)
World Exploration (EXPLORE)
Short Film (FILM)
Printmaking (PRINT)
Te Reo Māori (TEREO9)
Junior Drama (jDRAMA)
Games (GAMES)
BandX Community (BANDX)
Connecting through Art (ARTCC)
Darts (DART)
Follow a Genre (GENRE)
Home Grown (HMGRWN)
Natural and Cultural Disasters (DISASTER)
Ngamotu by Bike (NGABIKE)
Running For Good (RNGOOD)
Spelling Bee (SPELLBEE)
Podcast (PODCAST)
Yarn (YARN)
Songs of Protest (SNGPROT)
Just Move (JSTMVE)
Games (GAMES)
BandX Community (BANDX)
Connecting through Art (ARTCC)
Darts (DART)
Home Grown (HMGRWN)
Ngamotu by Bike (NGABIKE)
Ngamotu Tourism (NGATRM)
Running For Good (RNGOOD)
Yarn (YARN)
Songs of Protest (SNGPROT)
Creative Writing (CRETVE)
Debate (DEBATE)
Investigating Engineering and Science with Mark Rober (ENGSCI)
English Support (ENGSUP)
Exploring the World (WORLD)
History in Visual (HSTVIS)
In Tune (INTUNE)
Jam Slam (JAMSLAM)
Love Books, Love Reading (LVREAD)
Road Code (ROADCODE)
Senior Japanese (SNRJPN)
Senior Spanish (SNRSPA)
Sing your heart out (SING)
Taranaki Active (ACTIVE)
Trending (TREND)
YES - Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)
Banqer (BANQER)
Creative Writing (CRETVE)
English Support (ENGSUP)
Exploring the World (WORLD)
History in Visual (HSTVIS)
Love Books, Love Reading (LVREAD)
Road Code (ROADCODE)
School Garden Beautification (GARDEN)
Sing your heart out (SING)
Primary Industries (PRINDS9)
Sport Science, Sport Management, and Hauora (SPORTY9)
Business and Enterprise (ENTPRS9)
Performing Arts (PERART10)
Kapa Haka (sKAPA)
English for speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (ESOL)
English for speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (ESOL)
Financial Literacy (FINLIT)
Math Internals Level 2 (sNMATINT)
Maths Internal Level 2 (sNMATINT)
Friday Trades (friTRADE)
Tuesday Trades (tueTRADE)
Thursday Trades (thuTRADE)
Level 1 English (ENG1)
Trending (TREND)
Junior Band (jBANDX)
In Tune (INTUNE)
Sport and Health (SPTHLT)
Te Ao Haka (TEAO)
Te Reo Māori (TEREO9)
Te Reo Māori Level 2 (12TEREO)
Te Reo Māori Level 2 (12TEREO)
Te Reo Māori Level 1 (11TEREO)
Food Level 1 (FOOD1)
Digital Technology - Design and Development (sNDTGMD2)
Digital Technology - Design and Development (sNDTGMD3)
Agriculture (AGR)
Agriculture (AGR)
Health Level 2 (HEALTH2)
Health Level 2 (HEALTH2)
Got a Trade, Got it Made (GOTTRD)
DVC Level 1 (DVC1)
Build a House (BUILDH)
Build a House (BUILDH)
Hair and Beauty Monday (HARBETY1)
Hair and Beauty Tuesday (HARBETY1)
Hair and Beauty Friday (HARBETY1)
Environmental Science (sNENVSCI)
Real World Physics (WLDPHY)
Literacy through Food Science (jLFODSCI)
Science Hub (SCIHUB)
Community Garden (GARDEN)
Community Garden (GARDEN)
Poly Club (Dance) (PLYDNC)
Poly Club (Dance) (PLYDNC)
Junior Polynesian Drama (jPOLY101)
Junior Polynesian Drama (jPOLY101)
Music Composition (MUSCOM)
Music Composition (MUSCOM)
Music Production (MUSPR1)
Music Production (MUSPR2)
Music Production (MUSPR2)
Music Production (MUSPR3)
Music Production (MUSPR3)
Spider (SPIDER)
Injustice (INJUST)
Geography: The Continents (GEOCON)
Podcast (PODCAST)
Debate (DEBATE)
Jam Slam (JAMSLAM)
Senior Japanese (SNRJPN)
Social Influencer (SOCIAL)
YES - Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)
Senior Spanish (SNRSPA)
Junior Agriculture (jARG)
Junior Agriculture (jARG)
Graphic Design (sLGRHDES)
Graphic Design (sLGRHDES)
Queer, Straight Alliance (QSA)
Queer, Straight Alliance (QSA)
Tourism Level 1 (sNTURSM1)
World Tour (WRLDTR)
Inventions (INVNTS)
Geo - Literacy and Numbers (GEONUM)
Literacy through Psychology (jLPSYCH)
Literacy through Psychology (jLPSYCH)
Architecture (ARCHTRE)
Electronics (ELETRN)
Literacy through Textiles (jLTXTLES)
Literacy through Textiles (jLTXTLES)
Matahiko (MATAHK2)
Spotswood Sports (SPRTPRO1)
Spotswood Sports (SPRTPRO2)
Spotswood Sports (SPRTPRO2)
Spotswood Sports (SPRTPRO3)
Spotswood Sports (SPRTPRO3)
Kapa Haka (sKAPA)
Kapa Haka (jKAPA)
Matahiko (MATAHK2)
Matahiko (MATAHK3)
Matahiko (MATAHK3)
Road Ready (RODRDY2)
Road Ready (RODRDY3)
Road Ready (RODRDY3)
Painted Colour (COLPAINT)
Painted Colour (COLPAINT)
Stencil Art and Māori Design (STENART)
Textiles (TEXTLE3)
Textiles (TEXTLE3)
The Academy (ACADEMY)
Hair and Beauty Monday (HARBETY2)
Monday Trades (monTRADE)
Hair and Beauty Monday (HARBETY2)
3+2 WITT NZ Certificate Courses (3PLUS2)
Agriculture (AGR)
Hair and Beauty Friday (HARBETY2)
Hair and Beauty Friday (HARBETY2)
Hair and Beauty Tuesday (HARBETY2)
Hair and Beauty Tuesday (HARBETY2)
Investigating Engineering and Science with Mark Rober (ENGSCI)
The Academy (ACADEMY)
Graphic Design (GRHDES1)
Te Reo Māori Level 1 (sLTEREO)
Te Ao Haka Level 2 (TEAO)
Te Ao Haka Level 2 (TEAO)
Orienteering & Rogaine (ORIROG)
Orienteering & Rogaine (ORIROG)
Economics (Internals) (ECO2)
Te Reo Māori Level 2 (sLTEREO2)
Te Reo Māori Level 2 (sLTEREO2)
2025 School Production (jPRODCTN)
2025 School Production (jPRODCTN)
2025 School Production (PRODCTN1)
2025 School Production (PRODCTN)
2025 School Production (PRODCTN)
Music Appreciation - NCEA Music (MUSAPP2)
Social Sciences (sLSOC3)
Social Studies (sLSOC3)

Schools surrounding Spotswood College.

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