Longburn Adventist College


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Longburn Adventist College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Longburn Adventist College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 9 Art (9ART)
Year 9 Food Technology (9HEC)
Year 8 Art (ART1)
Year 8 Art (ART2)
Year 8 Art (ART3)
Year 8 Food Technology (HEC1)
Year 8 Food Technology (HEC2)
Year 8 Food Technology (HEC3)
Year 10 Art (10ART)
Year 10 Food Technology (10HEC)
NCEA Level 1 Art (11ART)
NCEA Level 2 Art (12ART)
Year 12 Design (12DES)
Year 12 Hospitality (12HOS)
Year 12 Media Studies (12MES)
NCEA Level 2 Photography (12PHO)
Year 13 Art (13ART)
Year 13 Design (13DES)
NCEA Level 3 Hospitality (13HOS)
NCEA Level 3 Photography (13PHO)
Year 10 Art (ARTJ1)
Year 10 Art (ARTJ2)
Year 10 Art (ARTJ3)
Year 9 Music (MUSJ3)
Year 111 Music (11MUS1)
Year 122 Art (12ART2)
NCEA Level 2 Photography (12PHO1)
NCEA Level 2 Photography (12PHO2)
NCEA Level 3 Art (13ART1)
NCEA Level 3 Art (13ART2)
NCEA Level 3 Photography (13PHO1)
NCEA Level 3 Photography (13PHO2)
Year 1112 Music (1112MUS)
Year 1213 Art (1213ART)
Year 1213 Music (1213MUS)
Year 12 Art (12ARTDE)
Year 12 Painting (12PAINT)
Year 13 Art (13ARTDE)
Year 13 Painting (13PAINT)
Year 12131 Photography (1213PHO1)
Year 12132 Photography (1213PHO2)
Year 12 Design (12DESIGN)
Year 13 Design (13DESIGN)
Year 131 Painting (13PAINT1)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 8 Music (MUS1)
Year 8 Music (MUS2)
Year 8 Music (MUS3)
Year 10 Music (MUSJ)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
NCEA Level 1 Music (11MUS)
Year 12 Music (12MUS)
Year 13 Music (13MUS)
Year 10 Music (MUSJ1)
Year 10 Music (MUSJ2)
NCEA Level 2 Music (12MUS1)
NCEA Level 2 Music (12MUS2)
Year 7 Markbook (YEAR07)
Year 8 Markbook (YEAR08)
Year 9 Markbook (YEAR09)
Year 10 Markbook (YEAR10)
Year 13 English (13ENG)
Year 9 English (9ENG1)
Year 9 English (9ENG2)
Year 10 English (10ENG1)
Year 10 English (10ENG2)
NCEA Level 1 English (11ENG1)
NCEA Level 1 English (11ENG2)
NCEA Level 2 English (12ENG1)
NCEA Level 2 English (12ENG2)
NCEA Level 3 English (13ENG1)
NCEA Level 3 English (13ENG2)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 12 Biology (BIO1)
Year 8 Science (SCI1)
NCEA Level 2 Biology (12BIO)
NCEA Level 2 Chemistry (12CHE)
NCEA Level 2 Physics (12PHY)
NCEA Level 3 Biology (13BIO)
NCEA Level 3 Chemistry (13CHE)
NCEA Level 3 Physics (13PHY)
Year 9 Science (9SCI1)
Year 9 Science (9SCI2)
Year 10 Science (10SCI1)
Year 10 Science (10SCI2)
NCEA Level 1 Science (11SCI1)
NCEA Level 1 Science (11SCI2)
Year 121 Biology (12BIO1)
Year 7 Science (SCIENCE1)
Year 7 Science (SCIENCE2)
Year 1 Ms C Mancer (CMA)
Year 1 Mrs J Paul (JPA)
Year 1 Relief R Relief (REL)
Year 1 Mrs S Van Wyk (SVA)
Year 8 Information Technology (IT1)
Year 8 Information Technology (IT2)
Year 8 Information Technology (IT3)
Year 10 Information Technology (ITJ1)
Year 10 Information Technology (ITJ2)
Year 9 Programming (9PROG)
Year 10 Programming (10PROG)
NCEA Level 1 Computer Studies (11COM1)
NCEA Level 1 Computer Studies (11COM2)
NCEA Level 1 Computing/Digital Technologies (11COMP)
NCEA Level 2 Computer Studies (12COM1)
NCEA Level 2 Computer Studies (12COM2)
NCEA Level 2 Computing/Digital Technologies (12COMP)
NCEA Level 3 Computer Studies (13COM1)
Year 13 Computer Studies (13COM2)
NCEA Level 3 Computing/Digital Technologies (13COMP)
Year 9 Programming (PROGJ9)
Year 1231 Computer Studies (123COM1)
Year 1232 Computer Studies (123COM2)
Year 10 Programming (PROGJ10)
Year 8 Maori (MAO1)
Year 8 Maori (MAO2)
Year 12 Te Kura (TEKURA)
Year 9 Woodwork Technology (9WWK)
Year 8 Design and Visual Communication (DVC1)
Year 8 Design Visual Communications (DVC2)
Year 8 Design Visual Communications (DVC3)
Year 8 Woodwork Technology (WWK1)
Year 8 Woodwork Technology (WWK2)
Year 8 Woodwork Technology (WWK3)
Year 10 Woodwork Technology (10WWK)
NCEA Level 1 Home Economics (11HEC)
Year 10 Woodwork Technology (WWKJ1)
Year 10 Woodwork Technology (WWKJ2)
Year 11 Building Construction (11BCON)
Unit Standards Building Construction (12BCON)
NCEA Level 3 Building Construction (13BCON)
NCEA Level 3 Computer Studies (123COMP)
Year 121 Computer Studies (12BCON1)
Year 1213 Building Construction (1213BCON)
NCEA Level 1 Computing/Digital Technologies (123COMDI)
NCEA Level 3 Computer Studies (123COMDI)
NCEA Level 3 Computer Studies (123COMDI)
Unit Standards Gateway, STAR or Te Kura (SDL1)
NCEA Level 2 Gateway, STAR or Te Kura (SDL2)
Unit Standards Gateway, STAR or Te Kura (SDL3)
Year 13 STAR, Gateway or Te Kura (SDL4)
NCEA Level 2 Gateway, STAR or Te Kura (SDL5)
Unit Standards Gateway, STAR or Te Kura (SDL6)
Year 11 Transition (11TRA)
Year 12 Transition (12TRA)
Year 13 Tourism (13TOU)
Year 13 Transition (13TRA)
Year 13 G3 Bible (BIBLE)
Year 7 Correspondence (CORRO)
Year 1 G3 Trans1 (TRANS1)
Year 12131 Tourism (1213TOU1)
Year 12 Red Shirts (REDSHIRT)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Year 8 Numeracy (MAT1)
Year 12 Mathematics (12MAT)
Year 13 Mathematics with Calculus (13MAC)
NCEA Level 3 Mathematics (13MAS)
Year 13 Mathematics (13MAT)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT1)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT2)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT1)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT2)
NCEA Level 1 Mathematics (11MAT1)
NCEA Level 1 Mathematics (11MAT2)
NCEA Level 2 Maths with Calculus (12MATC)
NCEA Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics (12MATS)
Year 13 Mathematics (13MATB)
Year 13 Mathematics (13MATC)
Year 13 Mathematics (13MATS)
Year 13 Mathematics (13MATW)
Year 8 Literacy (LIT2)
Year 7 Literacy (LITE)
Year 2 Numeracy (MAT2)
Year 8 Numeracy (NUM2)
Year 8 Topic (TOP1)
Year 8 Topic (TOP2)
Year 7 Roll Mark (RMARK)
Year 8 Integrated Studies (INSTU1)
Year 2 Specify Subject Name (INSTU2)
Year 1 Specify Subject Name (LITRE1)
Year 8 Bible (BIB2)
Year 8 Literacy (LIT1)
Year 8 Maths (NUM1)
Year 8 Physical Education (PEH1)
Year 8 Physical Education (PEH2)
Year 8 Science (SCI2)
Year 7 Digital Technology (TECH)
Year 2 Biology (BIBLE2)
Year 2 Specify Subject Name (LITERACY)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SOS)
NCEA Level 1 Geography (11GEO)
NCEA Level 1 History (11HIS)
NCEA Level 2 Economics (12ECO)
Year 12 Geography (12GEO)
NCEA Level 2 History (12HIS)
Unit Standards Tourism (12TOU)
NCEA Level 3 Classical Studies (13CST)
NCEA Level 3 Economics (13ECO)
NCEA Level 3 Geography (13GEO)
NCEA Level 3 History (13HIS)
NCEA Level 3 Media Studies (13MES)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SOS1)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SOS2)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOS1)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOS2)
NCEA Level 1 Commerce (11COMM)
NCEA Level 2 Commerce (12COMM)
NCEA Level 2 Tourism (12TOU1)
Year 131 Economics (13ECO1)
Year 131 Geography (13GEO1)
NCEA Level 3 Tourism (13TOU1)
Year 1213 Economics (1213ECO)
Year 1213 Media Studies (1213MES)
Year 10 Spec (SPEC)
Year 3G Fitness (FITNESS)
Year 9 Religious Studies (9BIB)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 8 Religious Studies (BIB1)
Year 10 Religious Studies (10BIB)
Year 13 Religious Studies (13BIB)
Year 9 Bible (9BIB1)
Year 9 Bible (9BIB2)
Year 10 Religious Studies (10BIB1)
Year 10 Religious Studies (10BIB2)
NCEA Level 1 Religious Studies (11BIB1)
NCEA Level 1 Religious Studies (11BIB2)
NCEA Level 2 Religious Studies (12BIB1)
NCEA Level 2 Religious Studies (12BIB2)
NCEA Level 3 Bible (13BIB1)
NCEA Level 3 Bible (13BIB2)
Year 133 Bible (13BIB3)
Year 134 Bible (13BIB4)
Year 13 Bible (13BIB5)
Year 1 Religious Studies (BIBLE1)
Year 1232 Computer Studies (123COMP2)
Year 132 Specify Subject Name (13PAINT2)
Year 1 Specify Subject Name (LITERACY)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PEH)
Year 8 Physical Education (PED1)
Year 8 Physical Education (PED2)
Year 101 Physical Education (10PE1)
Year 102 Physical Education (10PE2)
Year 11 Health (11HEA)
Year 11 Hospitality (11HOS)
NCEA Level 1 Physical Education (11PED)
NCEA Level 2 Health (12HEA)
NCEA Level 2 Physical Education (12PED)
NCEA Level 3 Physical Education (13PED)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PED1)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PED2)
Year 10 Home Economics (HECJ1)
Year 10 Home Economics (HECJ2)
Year 10 Home Economics (HECJ3)
Year 101 Invictus (10INV1)
Year 102 Invictus (10INV2)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PED1)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PED2)
Year 101 Physical Education (10PEH1)
Year 102 Physical Education (10PEH2)

Schools surrounding Longburn Adventist College.

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