Gisborne Boys’ High School

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Gisborne Boys’ High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Gisborne Boys’ High School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 10 Horticulture (10HT)
Level 3 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (L3AGF)
Year 10 Science (10SI)
Level 1 General Science (internal assessments only) (L1SIC)
Level 1 Accelerated Science (L1SIA)
Level 1 General Science (internal and external assessments) (L1SIB)
Level 2 Chemistry (L2CH)
Level 3 Chemistry (L3CHF)
Level 2 Science (L2SI)
Level 3 Biology (L3BIF)
Level 2 Biology (L2BI)
Level 2 Physics (L2PY)
Level 3 Physics (L3PYF)
Year 10 Visual Art (10VA)
Level 1 Visual Art (L1VA)
Level 2 Art Painting (L2AP)
Level 2 Art Design (L2AD)
Level 3 Art Painting Full Year (L3APF)
Level 3 Art Design Full Year (L3ADF)
English as a second language (ESOL)
Year 10 English (10EG)
Level 1 English Academic (L1EG)
Level 1 English Alternate (L1EA)
Level 1 English Practical (L1EP)
Level 2 English Academic (L2EG)
Level 2 English Alternate (L2EA)
Level 2 English Practical (L2EP)
Level 3 English Academic Full year (L3EGF)
Level 2 English 'catch-up' semester 1 (L2EAXS)
Year 10 Social Science (10SS)
Level 1 Social Science (L1SS)
Level 1 History and Classics (L1HI)
Level 1 Geography (L1GE)
Level 2 History (L2HI)
Level 2 Accounting (L2AC)
Level 2 Classics (L2CS)
Level 3 Classics Full year (L3CSF)
Level 3 History Full year (L3HIF)
Level 3 Accounting Full year (L3ACF)
Level 2 Geography (L2GE)
Level 3 Geography Full year (L3GEF)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10TR)
Level 1 Te Reo Māori (L1TR)
Level 1 Te Reo Māori Immersion (Year 9 Kura Reo) (L1TRK)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (L2TR)
Level 2 Te Reo Rangatira (Year 12 Kura Reo) (L2TRR)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (L3TRF)
Level 3 Te Reo Rangatira (Year 13 Kura Reo) (L3TRRF)
Year 10 Physical Education and Health (10PE)
Level 1 Physical Education Academic (L1PEA)
Level 1 Physical Education Practical (L1PEP)
Level 2 Physical Education Academic (L2PEA)
Level 2 Physical Education Practical (L2PEP)
Level 3 Physical Education Academic Full Year (L3PEAF)
Level 2 & 3 Forces prep (L3FRP)
Year 10 Design Technology (10TECH)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 10 Music (10MU)
Level 1 Music (L1MU)
Level 2 Music (L2MU)
Level 1 Workshop Technology Wood (L1WTW)
Level 1 Mechanical Engineering Metal (L1MET)
Level 2 Mechanical Engineering (L2SMET)
Level 2 Construction (L2SCON)
Level 2 Workshop Technology Wood (L2WTW)
Level 1 Design and Visual Communication (L1DVC)
Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (L2DVC)
Level 3 Design and Visual Communication Full Year (L3DVCF)
Level 1 Product Design Technology (L1DT)
Level 2 Product Design Technology (L2DT)
Level 3 Product and Design Technology (L3DTF)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MA)
Level 3 Music Full Year (L3MUSF)
Level 2 Film and Stage Technology (L2FST)
Level 3 Film and Stage Technology Semester (L3FSTS)
Level 2 Hospitality (L2CATE)
Level 1 Accelerate Mathematics (L1MAA)
Level 1 Mathematics (with Endorsment) (L1MAB)
Level 1 Mathematics (No Endorsment) (L1MAC)
Level 2 Mathematics with Calculus (L2MC)
Level 2 Mathematics with Statisitics (L2MS)
Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus (L3MCF)
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (L3MSF)
Level 2 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (L2AG)
Level 1 Whakairo (L1WK)
Level 2 Whakairo (L2WK)
Level 3 Whakairo Full Year (L3WKF)
Level 1 Horticulture (L1HT)
Level 1 Digital Technologies (L1DTIM)
Level 2 Digital Technologies (L2NCF2)
Level 3 Digital Technologies (L3BITF)
Level 1 Media Studies (L1MED)
Level 1 French (L1FR)
Level 2 French (L2FR)
Year 10 te ao mārama (10TK)
Level 2 Media Studies (L2MED)
Level 3 Media Studies (L3MEDF)
Level 2 Te Reo M?ori Immersion (Year 10 Kura Reo) (L2TRK)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori Immersion (Year 11 Kura Reo) (L3TRK)
Level 3 Film and Stage Technology Full Year (L3FSTF)
Level 3 Mathematics (L3MAT)
Study Full year (L3SY)
Level 3 Te Reo Karahipi (L3UNI)
Year 10 Media Studies (10MED)
Level 1 Business Studies (L1BS)
Level 1 English (L1EN)
Level 1 Mathematics (L1MA)
Level 1 Science Course (L1SI)
Level 3 Semester Film and Stage (L3FSTS)
Level 2 English (L2EN)
Gisborne Girls' High Course Request (GGHS)
Level 1 Physical Education (L1PE)
Mauri Ora - Senior Tikanga (L3TK)
Level 2 Mathematics (L2MA)
Level 1 Sports Performance (L1PESC)
Level 1 Rugby Performance (L1PER)
Level 2 Sports Performance (L2PESC)
Level 2 and 3 Rugby Performance (L3PER)
Level 3 Science (L3SIF)
Year 10 Food (10FT)
Year 10 Music (10MU)
Year 10 Business Studies (10BUS)
General Mathematics (L3MAT)
Level 2 Business Studies (L2BS)
Level 3 Business Studies (L3BS)

Schools surrounding Gisborne Boys’ High School.

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