Wairarapa College

Upcoming Events at Wairarapa College

Event Date Details
Sunday 22/09/2024 - Saturday 28/09/2024 Chinese Language Week
Monday 23/09/2024 UC Course Confirmation
Tuesday 24/09/2024 SPORTS PHOTOS
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Basketball End of Season Prizegiving
Wednesday 25/09/2024 WAISSSport Smalbore Champs
Friday 27/09/2024 End of Term 3
Sunday 29/09/2024 - Saturday 5/10/2024 Tuvalu Language Week
Sunday 6/10/2024 - Saturday 12/10/2024 Fiji Language Week
Sunday 13/10/2024 - Saturday 19/10/2024 Niue Language Week
Monday 14/10/2024 Start of Term 4
Tuesday 15/10/2024 - Wednesday 16/10/2024 Bartending Course
Wednesday 16/10/2024 Junior Leader Meeting
Thursday 17/10/2024 - Friday 18/10/2024 Sports Coaching Course
Tuesday 22/10/2024 Cultural Prizegiving
Sunday 27/10/2024 - Saturday 2/11/2024 Tokelau Language Week
Monday 28/10/2024 Labour Day
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Senior Prizegiving
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Last day for Seniors
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Junior Leader Meeting
Tuesday 5/11/2024 WAISSSport AWD Run Jump Throw
Friday 8/11/2024 Teacher Only Day - NCEA changes
Friday 8/11/2024 UCOL Taster Day
Wednesday 13/11/2024 Junior Leader Meeting
Sunday 24/11/2024 - Saturday 30/11/2024 Solomon Islands Language Week
Wednesday 27/11/2024 Junior Leader Meeting
Saturday 7/12/2024 - Sunday 8/12/2024 Athletics Nationals
Tuesday 10/12/2024 - Thursday 12/12/2024 Junior Activities
Friday 13/12/2024 Junior Prizegiving
Friday 13/12/2024 Last day for Juniors
Monday 10/02/2025 Wairarapa Kid's Triathlon Series
Monday 17/02/2025 Wairarapa Kid's Triathlon Series
Monday 24/02/2025 Wairarapa Kid's Triathlon Series

Wairarapa College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Wairarapa College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

NCEA Level 1 Art (11VAR)
NCEA Level 2 Painting (12PNT)
NCEA Level 3 Painting (13PNT)
9 Drama 2 Improvisation and Devising (9DRA1)
Practical Music: Learning Instrumental Skills YR9 (9MUS3)
Experimental (9VAR1)
NCEA Level 1 Drama (11DRA)
NCEA Level 2 Drama (12DRA)
NCEA Level 3 Drama (13DRA)
Te Reo 2 Poutama Tuarua (10MAO1)
NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Maori (11MAO)
NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Maori (12MAO)
NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Maori (13MAO)
NCEA Level 1 Music (11MUS)
NCEA Level 2 Music (12MUS)
NCEA Level 3 Music (13MUS)
NCEA Level 1 Health: Better Health, Better Tomorrow (11HED)
NCEA Level 2 Health (12HED)
NCEA Level 3 Health (13HED)
NCEA Level 2 Biology (12BIO)
NCEA Level 3 Biology (13BIO)
NCEA Level 3 English (13ENG)
NCEA Level 1 English (11ENG)
NCEA Level 2 English (12ENG)
NCEA Level 2 Pathway to Work (12PTW)
NCEA Level 3 Pathway to Work (13PTW)
NCEA Level 1 History (11HIS)
NCEA Level 2 History (12HIS)
NCEA Level 3 History (13HIS)
NCEA Level 2 Physics (12PHY)
NCEA Level 3 Physics (13PHY)
NCEA Level 2 Science (12SCI)
NCEA Level 1 Science General (11SCIG)
NCEA Level 2 Tourism (12TOU)
NCEA Level 3 Tourism (13TOU)
Money Smart - Looking After Your Cash and Living Within Your Income (9COM2)
NCEA Level 2 Accounting (12ACC)
NCEA Level 3 Accounting (13ACC)
NCEA Level 3 Economics (13ECO)
NCEA Level 1 Design and Visual Communication (11DVC)
NCEA Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (12DVC)
NCEA Level 1 Commerce (11COM)
NCEA Level 2 Economics (12ECO)
Achievement Standards On Line Course (12ONLINE)
Achievement Standards On Line Course (13ONLINE)
NCEA Level 1 Geography (11GEO)
NCEA Level 2 Geography (12GEO)
NCEA Level 3 Geography (13GEO)
Design and Deliver (9DIT1)
MasterChef (9FNT1)
Let's sew and create a product made from Textiles (9TXD1)
NCEA Level 1 Textiles and Design (11TXD)
NCEA Level 2 Textiles and Design (12TXD)
NCEA Level 3 Design and Visual Communication (13DVC)
NCEA Level 3 Pathways to Engineering (13PTE)
NCEA Level 3 Textiles and Design (13TXD)
NCEA Level 2 Vocational Training for the Workplace (12VOC)
NCEA Level 3 Vocational Training for the Workplace (13VOC)
Practical Agriculture (9AGR1)
NCEA Level 1 Hospitality (11HOS)
NCEA Level 2 Hospitality (12HOS)
NCEA Level 3 Hospitality (13HOS)
NCEA Level 3 Mathematics (13MAT)
NCEA Level 3 Calculus (13MTC)
NCEA Level 3 Statistics (13MTS)
NCEA Level 1 Mathematics GENERAL (11MATG)
NCEA Level 1 Mathematics STEM (11MATS)
NCEA Level 2 Mathematics GENERAL (12MATG)
NCEA Level 2 Mathematics STEM (12MATS)
NCEA Level 2 Media Studies (12MST)
NCEA Level 3 Media Studies (13MST)
NCEA Level 2 Sports Studies (12SPO)
NCEA Level 3 Sports Studies (13SPO)
NCEA Level 1 Food Technology (11FNT)
NCEA Level 2 Food Technology (12FNT)
NCEA Level 2 Classical Studies (12CLS)
NCEA Level 3 Classical Studies (13CLS)
Create it, Make it (10DIT2)
NCEA Level 1 Digital Technology (11DIT)
NCEA Level 1 Information and Communication Technology (11ICT)
NCEA Level 2 Digital Technology (12DIT)
NCEA Level 2 Information and Communication Technology (12ICT)
NCEA Level 3 Digital Technology (13DIT)
NCEA Level 3 Information and Communication Technology (13ICT)
Sports Academy – Pathway to Performance (P2P) (9SPA1)
NCEA Level 1 PE: Move Your Body, Shape Your Future (11PED1)
NCEA Level 1 PE: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body (11PED2)
NCEA Level 1 PE: Sports Academy - Pathway to Podium (11SPA)
NCEA Level 2 Physical Education (12PED)
NCEA Level 2 Sport Academy (12SPA)
NCEA Level 3 Physical Education (13PED)
NCEA Level 1 Pathways to Building (11PTB)
NCEA Level 2 Pathways to Building (12PTB)
NCEA Level 3 Pathways to Building (13PTB)
NCEA Level 1 Pathways to Engineering (11PTE)
NCEA Level 2 Pathways to Engineering (12PTE)
Healthy, Happy Livestock (9AGR2)
NCEA Level 1 Agriculture (11AGH)
NCEA Level 1 Practical Agriculture (11AGP)
NCEA Level 2 Agriculture (12AGH)
NCEA Level 2 Practical Agriculture (12AGP)
NCEA Level 3 Agriculture (13AGH)
NCEA Level 3 Grow, Feed, Protect (13GFP)
Heroes and Villains (9ENG1)
Tell us a story! (9ENG2)
I Will Survive (9ENG3)
Stand Up, Speak Up (9ENG4)
9 Everyday Maths 1 (9MAT1)
9 Planet Maths 3 (9MAT3)
The Web of Life: Understanding Science from the Ground Up (9SCI1)
The Journey of Scientific Discovery: From Cells to Systems (9SCI2)
Sculpt It (9VAR2)
9 Drama 2 Improvisation and Devising (9DRA2)
Materials and Product Design (Yr 9) (9PDE1)
T.E.A.M Together Everyone Achieves More (9PEH2)
Grow Your Cash and Minimise Debt (9COM1)
French Bonjour 1 (9FRE1)
The Human Machine (THM) (9PEH3)
Hauora - Who Am I? (WAI) (9PEH4)
Disasters (9SS3)
Creative fashion for yourself. (9TXD2)
Digital Maker (9DIT2)
Fast Food Revolution (9FNT2)
Healthy, Happy Livestock (10AGR2)
Practical Agriculture (10AGR1)
Experimental (10VAR1)
Us vs Them (10VAR2)
Build it. Code it (10DIT1)
10 Drama 1 Perform Scenes from Scripts (10DRA2)
Smart Shoppers - Consumer Law (10COM1)
Be Your Own Boss - Being an Entrepreneur (10COM2)
My Food Bag (10FNT1)
Street Food (10FNT2)
French Encore 2 (10FRE1)
French Encore Plus 3 (10FRE2)
10 Everyday Maths 1 (10MAT1)
10 Planet Maths 3 (10MAT3)
Music Mixing and Digital Producing 201 YR10 (10MUS1)
Sports Academy – Better Never Stops (BNS) first half year (10SPA1)
Lead the Way (LTW) (10PEH2)
Faster, Higher, Stronger (FHS) (10PEH3)
Mind, Body and Soul (MBS) (10PEH4)
Begin your Tradie Journey (Yr 10) (10PDE1)
Making Stuff, a year 10 product design course (10PDE2)
Creative Design & Visual Communication (Yr 10) (10DVC1)
From Sparks to Speed – The Science of Motion and Energy (10SCI1)
Cosmic Forces - Exploring Motion, Energy and the Universe (10SCI2)
The Invisible World – Microbes and the Web of Life (10SCI3)
Nature’s Code – How DNA Shapes the Living World (10SCI4)
Te Reo 1 Poutama Tuatahi (9MAO1)
Te Reo 3 Poutama Tuatoru (10MAO2)
Wearable Art (10TXD1)
Creative Streetwear (10TXD2)
Conflict and Resolution (10ENG1)
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (10ENG2)
Truth and Lies (10ENG3)
Shakespeare and other Classics (10ENG4)
Draw, Paint, Make (9VAR3)
Exploring Aotearoa (9SS4)
Grow Local, Sell Global (9AGR3)
Grow Local, Sell Global (10AGR3)
Performing Arts Academy YR9 (9PAR1)
Creative Design & Visual Communication (Yr 9) (9DVC1)
Human Rights (10SS3)
All Roads Lead To Rome (10SS5)
Celebrity Chef (10FNT3)
Treasures of the Māori World (9MAO2)
NCEA Level 2 Chemistry (12CHE)
NCEA Level 3 Chemistry (13CHE)
9 Maths on the Move 2 (9MAT2)
10 Maths on the Move 2 (10MAT2)
NCEA Level 1 Science for Life (11SCIL)
NCEA Level 3 Food Technology (13FNT)
NCEA Level 2 Psychology (12PSY)
NCEA Level 3 Psychology (13PSY)
Defending Aotearoa (10SS1)
NCEA Level 1 Te Ao Haka (11TAH)
NCEA Level 2 Te Ao Haka (12TAH)
NCEA Level 3 Te Ao Haka (13TAH)
Performing Arts Academy YR 10 (10PAR1)
9 Drama 1 Perform Scripted Scenes (9DRA2)
10 Drama 2 Improvisation and Devising (10DRA1)
Music Mixing and Digital Producing 101 YR9 (9MUS1)
Practical Music: Learning instrumental skills YR10 (10MUS3)
Making Stuff! a year 9 Product Design Course (9PDE2)
9SCI3 (9SCI3)
Energy and Particles: The Building Blocks of the Universe (9SCI4)
The Dynamics of Matter and Energy (9SCI3)
NCEA Level 3 Sports Academy - Sport Leadership (13SPA)
English as an Additional Language (9EAL)
English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Schools surrounding Wairarapa College.

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