Baradene College


Upcoming Events at Baradene College

Event Date Details
Saturday 21/09/2024 Water Polo - Y7/8 North Islands
EOTC Danielle Reynolds TIC
Sunday 22/09/2024 Welcome Mass and Orientation New Families - Y7 2025
Sunday 22/09/2024 Water Polo - Y7/8 North Islands
EOTC Danielle Reynolds TIC
Monday 23/09/2024 Mental Health Awareness Week
Monday 23/09/2024 Kapa Haka and Y13 Māori Leaver's Dinner
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Y9 Enrichment Trip
EOTC Barbara Hughes TIC
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Scholarship Geography Lecture
EOTC Micheal Johnston TIC
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Mental Health Awareness Week
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Y8 Immunisation HPV2 Catch-Up
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Media Film Viewing
Jaymee Brearley TIC
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Mental Health Awareness Week
Thursday 26/09/2024 Mental Health Awareness Week
Friday 27/09/2024 TERM 3 ENDS
Friday 27/09/2024 Treble Voice Festival
EOTC Dr Erin Atchison TIC
Rehearsal P4
Friday 27/09/2024 Mental Health Awareness Week
Sunday 29/09/2024 - Tuesday 1/10/2024 Cycling - NZSS
Saturday 5/10/2024 Diving - NZSS Championships
EOTC Catherine Ratcliffe TIC
Sunday 6/10/2024 Diving - NZSS Championships
EOTC Catherine Ratcliffe TIC
Thursday 10/10/2024 - Saturday 12/10/2024 Water Polo - Lewis Family Cup Tournament
Monday 14/10/2024 TERM 4 BEGINS
Monday 14/10/2024 Y12/13 Examinations
Tuesday 15/10/2024 Y12/13 Examinations
Wednesday 16/10/2024 Y12/13 Examinations
Thursday 17/10/2024 Y12/13 Examinations
Friday 18/10/2024 2025 Student Leader Applications Close
Friday 18/10/2024 Y12/13 Examinations
Sunday 20/10/2024 Meritae High Tea
Monday 21/10/2024 New Y7 Testing Day
Monday 21/10/2024 Y12/13 Examinations
Thursday 24/10/2024 Sports Awards
Thursday 24/10/2024 International Leaver's Liturgy
Monday 28/10/2024 Labour Day
Tuesday 29/10/2024 Thanksgiving Mass
Tuesday 29/10/2024 School finishes early at 1:20pm
Tuesday 29/10/2024 Y7/8 Basketball - Inter Zones
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Y12 Leaver's Liturgy (then exam leave)
Wednesday 30/10/2024 Y13 Leaver's Morning Tea and Time Capsules (then exam leave)
Thursday 31/10/2024 Senior Prizegiving: Compulsory for Y12/13
Thursday 31/10/2024 After Prizegiving: Supper for special guests and Y13 students/parents
Thursday 31/10/2024 School finishes early at 1:20pm
Monday 4/11/2024 Y7/8 Athletics
Tuesday 5/11/2024 Y7/8 Touch - Eastern Zones
Monday 11/11/2024 - Thursday 14/11/2024 Y8 Camp Week
Wednesday 13/11/2024 - Friday 15/11/2024 Volleyball - Junior AKSS Championships
Friday 15/11/2024 Ministry of Education Teacher Only Day
Sunday 17/11/2024 Ultimate - Junior AKSS Champs
Wednesday 20/11/2024 Y7/8 Touch - Inter Zones
Thursday 21/11/2024 - Sunday 24/11/2024 Water Polo - NISS Junior
Thursday 21/11/2024 Y7/8 Athletics - Eastern Zones
Monday 25/11/2024 - Friday 29/11/2024 Y10 Camp Week

Baradene College Daily Notices

Lunchtime Activity

Monday 5/08/2024 TODAY: Bring your lunch and come along to E307 for some crafts, puzzles and more!!!

Scholarship RE

Saturday 21/09/2024 - Monday 23/09/2024 Last session until the holiday workshop: Tuesday 2nd Oct D415 9.30-3.

Media Scholarship

Saturday 21/09/2024 - Monday 23/09/2024 Exam this Friday! Come and revise Close Reading, Representation and Industry.

Classics Scholarship

Saturday 21/09/2024 - Tuesday 24/09/2024 Exam this Friday! Come along for revision. Holiday tutorials are Wednesday and Thursday of the first week of hols.

Baradene College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Baradene College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 10 Business Studies (10BUS)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Year 10 English ESOL (10ESL)
Year 10 Physical Education and Health (10PED)
Year 10 Chinese (10CHI)
Year 10 French (10FRE)
Year 10 Spanish (10SPA)
Year 10 Te reo Māori (10TRM)
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Year 10 Religious Education (10REL)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Year 10 Humanities (10HUM)
Year 10 Computer Science (10CPS)
Year 10 Construction and Materials Technology (10CMT)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 10 Food Innovation Technology (10FIT)
Year 10 Art (10ART)
Year 11 Accounting (11ACC)
Year 11 Economics (11ECO)
Year 11 English (11ENG)
Year 11 English ESOL (11ESL)
Year 11 Physical Education (11PED)
Year 11 Chinese (11CHI)
Year 11 French (11FRE)
Year 11 Spanish (11SPA)
Year 11 Te reo Māori (11TRM)
Year 11 Mathematics (11MAT)
Year 11 Dance (11DAN)
Year 11 Drama (11DRA)
Year 11 Media Studies (11MED)
Year 11 Music (11MUS)
Year 11 Religious Education (11REL)
Year 11 Geography (11GEO)
Year 11 History (11HIS)
Year 11 Computer Science (11CPS)
Year 11 Construction and Materials Technology (11CMT)
Year 11 Design and Visual Communication (11DVC)
Year 11 Food Innovation Technology (11FIT)
Year 11 Art (11ART)
Year 11 Design Photography Introduction (11DPI)
Year 12 Accounting (Level 2) (12ACC)
Year 12 Economics (Level 2) (12ECO)
Year 12 English (Level 2) (12ENG)
Year 12 English ESOL (Level 2) (12ESL)
Year 12 Physical Education (Level 2) (12PED)
Year 12 Chinese (Level 2) (12CHI)
Year 12 French (Level 2) (12FRE)
Year 12 Spanish (Level 2) (12SPA)
Year 12 Te reo Māori (Level 2) (12TRM)
Year 12 Mathematics Towards Calculus (Level 2) (12MTC)
Year 12 Mathematics Towards Statistics (Level 2) (12MTS)
Year 12 Dance (Level 2) (12DAN)
Year 12 Drama (Level 2) (12DRA)
Year 12 Media Studies (Level 2) (12MED)
Year 12 Music (Level 2) (12MUS)
Year 12 Religious Education (Level 2) (12REL)
Year 12 Biology (Level 2) (12BIO)
Year 12 Chemistry (Level 2) (12CHE)
Year 12 Physics (Level 2) (12PHY)
Year 12 Classical Studies (Level 2) (12CLA)
Year 12 Geography (Level 2) (12GEO)
Year 12 History (Level 2) (12HIS)
Year 12 Travel & Tourism (Level 2) (12TRA)
Year 12 Computer Science (Level 2) (12CPS)
Year 12 Construction and Materials Technology (Level 2) (12CMT)
Year 12 Design and Visual Communication (Level 2) (12DVC)
Year 12 Food Innovation Technology (Level 2) (12FIT)
Year 12 Design (Level 2) (12DES)
Year 12 History of Art (Level 2) (12ARH)
Year 12 Painting (Level 2) (12PAI)
Year 12 Photography (Level 2) (12PHO)
Year 13 Accounting (Level 3) (13ACC)
Year 13 Economics (Level 3) (13ECO)
Year 13 English (Level 3) (13ENG)
Year 13 English ESOL (Level 3) (13ESL)
Year 13 Health Education (Level 3) (13HEA)
Year 13 Physical Education (Level 3) (13PED)
Year 13 Chinese (Level 3) (13CHI)
Year 13 French (Level 3) (13FRE)
Year 13 Spanish (Level 3) (13SPA)
Year 13 Te reo Māori (Level 3) (13TRM)
Year 13 Calculus (Level 3) (13CLC)
Year 13 Statistics (Level 3) (13STA)
Year 13 Dance (Level 3) (13DAN)
Year 13 Drama (Level 3) (13DRA)
Year 13 Media Studies (Level 3) (13MED)
Year 13 Music (Level 3) (13MUS)
Year 13 Religious Education (Level 3) (13REL)
Year 13 Biology (Level 3) (13BIO)
Year 13 Chemistry (Level 3) (13CHE)
Year 13 Chemistry - Advanced (Level 3) (13CHA)
Year 13 Physics (Level 3) (13PHY)
Year 13 Classical Studies (Level 3) (13CLA)
Year 13 Geography (Level 3) (13GEO)
Year 13 History (Level 3) (13HIS)
Year 13 Travel & Tourism (Level 3) (13TRA)
Year 13 Computer Science (Level 3) (13CPS)
Year 13 Construction and Materials Technology (Level 3) (13CMT)
Year 13 Design and Visual Communication (Level 3) (13DVC)
Year 13 Food Innovation Technology (Level 3) (13FIT)
Year 13 Design (Level 3) (13DES)
Year 13 History of Art (Level 3) (13ARH)
Year 13 Painting (Level 3) (13PAI)
Year 13 Photography (Level 3) (13PHO)
Year 13 English Advanced (Level 3) (13ENA)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 9 English ESOL (9ESL)
Year 9 Physical Education and Health (9PED)
Year 9 Chinese (9CHI)
Year 9 French (9FRE)
Year 9 Spanish (9SPA)
Year 9 Te reo Māori (9TRM)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Year 9 Dance and Drama (9DAD)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 9 Religious Education (9REL)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 9 Humanities (9HUM)
Year 9 Technology (9TEC)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Year 12 Health Education (Level 2) (12HEA)
Year 10 Geography (10GEO)
Year 9 Art (9ART)
Year 13 Gateway (Level 3) (13GAT)
Accounting Scholarship (SACC)
Economics Scholarship (SECO)
English Scholarship (SENG)
Health and Physical Education Scholarship (SPED)
Languages Scholarship (SLAG)
Calculus Scholarship (SCAL)
Statistics Scholarship (SSTA)
Religious Education Scholarship (SREL)
Biology Scholarship (SBIO)
Chemistry Scholarship (SCHM)
Physics Scholarship (SPHY)
Geography Scholarship (SGEO)
History Scholarship (SHIS)
Technology Scholarship (STEC)
Dance Scholarship (SDAN)
Drama Scholarship (SDRA)
Media Studies Scholarship (SMED)
Music Scholarship (SMUS)
History of Art Scholarship (SARH)
Visual Art Scholarship: Design, Painting, Photography (SART)
Classical Studies Scholarship (SCLA)
Year 11 General Science (11GSC)
Year 11 Additional Science (11ASC)
Year 11 Health Education (11HEA)

Schools surrounding Baradene College.

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