Baradene College


Upcoming Events at Baradene College

Event Date Details
Wednesday 12/02/2025 Archery Ranking Round
Thursday 13/02/2025 Scholars' Assembly - Parents invited
Thursday 13/02/2025 Y13 Scholarship English Trip
Gabriel Shannon TIC
Monday 17/02/2025 Y9-13 Athletics Day
Tuesday 18/02/2025 Aquathon - AKSS Championships
Wednesday 19/02/2025 School finishes early at 1:20pm
Wednesday 19/02/2025 Opening Mass
Students line up by 6pm
Saturday 22/02/2025 - Sunday 23/02/2025 Rowing - AKSS Championships
Wednesday 26/02/2025 Orienteering Sprint Series 1
Tuesday 4/03/2025 Triathlon - AKSS Championships
Wednesday 5/03/2025 Orienteering Sprint Series 2
Wednesday 5/03/2025 - Thursday 6/03/2025 Tennis - Champ of Champs
Friday 7/03/2025 - Sunday 9/03/2025 Rowing - NISS Championships
Wednesday 12/03/2025 Orienteering Sprint Series 3
Wednesday 12/03/2025 - Friday 14/03/2025 Volleyball - AKSS Championships
Tuesday 18/03/2025 Athletics - AKSS Day 1
Wednesday 19/03/2025 Orienteering Sprint Series 4
Thursday 20/03/2025 Athletics - AKSS Day 2
Saturday 22/03/2025 - Saturday 29/03/2025 Rowing - Maadi Cup
Sunday 23/03/2025 Ultimate - Senior Outdoor Championships
Monday 24/03/2025 Y7/8 - Swimming Eastern Zones
Monday 24/03/2025 - Wednesday 26/03/2025 Futsal - NZSS Championships
Monday 24/03/2025 - Thursday 27/03/2025 Basketball 3x3 - NZSS Regionals
Monday 24/03/2025 Golf - Stroke Play Championships - Day 1
Monday 24/03/2025 - Thursday 27/03/2025 Cricket - Qualifying Tournament
Wednesday 26/03/2025 Orienteering Sprint Series 5
Wednesday 26/03/2025 Golf - Stroke Play Championships - Day 2
Wednesday 26/03/2025 Archery - Prizegiving Shoot
Wednesday 26/03/2025 - Friday 28/03/2025 Sailing - Auckland Teams Regatta
Thursday 27/03/2025 - Saturday 29/03/2025 Volleyball - NISS Satelitte
Thursday 27/03/2025 - Friday 28/03/2025 Triathlon - NZSS Championships
Thursday 27/03/2025 - Sunday 30/03/2025 Water Polo - NISS Championships
Monday 31/03/2025 Y7/8 Orienteering Eastern Zones
Wednesday 2/04/2025 Y7/8 Swimming Inter Zones
Friday 4/04/2025 Sailing - Fleet Racing Regatta
Saturday 5/04/2025 - Sunday 6/04/2025 Athletics - NISS Championships
Sunday 6/04/2025 Orienteering - Sprint Finals
Sunday 6/04/2025 Sport Climbing - ACC series - #1
Sunday 6/04/2025 Archery - Match Play Championships
Sunday 6/04/2025 Rogaine - NZSS
Tuesday 8/04/2025 Touch - Senior Championships
Friday 11/04/2025 TERM 1 ENDS
Saturday 12/04/2025 - Monday 14/04/2025 Mountain Biking - NISS Championships
Friday 18/04/2025 Good Friday
Sunday 20/04/2025 Easter Sunday
Monday 21/04/2025 Easter Monday
Thursday 24/04/2025 - Sunday 27/04/2025 Water Polo - NZSS Championships
Friday 25/04/2025 ANZAC Day
Friday 25/04/2025 - Sunday 27/04/2025 Orienteering - NISS Championships
Friday 25/04/2025 - Saturday 26/04/2025 Cycling - Training Camp

Baradene College Daily Notices

Lunchtime Activity

Monday 5/08/2024 TODAY: Bring your lunch and come along to E307 for some crafts, puzzles and more!!!

School of Rock

Monday 10/02/2025 - Wednesday 12/02/2025

The School of Rock is now on WEDNESDAYS - any student who signed up or is interested in joining should come along to the first practice this Wednesday, 12th Feb, from 3.30pm in the Music Department with Ms Mote and Mr Murray. Please note the change of day from Friday.

Sophia Choir

Monday 10/02/2025 - Wednesday 12/02/2025

Our Year 7 and 8 choir, the Sophia Choir, starts this week. Rehearsals are on Thursday mornings from 7.30am in the Music Department (M100) with Dr Atchison. Please come along if you have signed up or are interested in joining. This is an all comers choir so no auditions are necessary!

Baradene College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Baradene College offers to their students for 2025/2026.

Year 10 Business Studies (10BUS)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Year 10 English ESOL (10ESL)
Year 10 Physical Education and Health (10PED)
Year 10 Chinese (10CHI)
Year 10 French (10FRE)
Year 10 Spanish (10SPA)
Year 10 Te reo Māori (10TRM)
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Year 10 Religious Education (10REL)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Year 10 Humanities (10HUM)
Year 10 Computer Science (10CPS)
Year 10 Construction and Materials Technology (10CMT)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 10 Food Innovation Technology (10FIT)
Year 10 Art (10ART)
Year 11 Accounting (11ACC)
Year 11 Economics (11ECO)
Year 11 English (11ENG)
Year 11 English ESOL (11ESL)
Year 11 Physical Education (11PED)
Year 11 Chinese (11CHI)
Year 11 French (11FRE)
Year 11 Spanish (11SPA)
Year 11 Te reo Māori (11TRM)
Year 11 Mathematics (11MAT)
Year 11 Dance (11DAN)
Year 11 Drama (11DRA)
Year 11 Media Studies (11MED)
Year 11 Music (11MUS)
Year 11 Religious Education (11REL)
Year 11 Geography (11GEO)
Year 11 History (11HIS)
Year 11 Computer Science (11CPS)
Year 11 Construction and Materials Technology (11CMT)
Year 11 Design and Visual Communication (11DVC)
Year 11 Food Innovation Technology (11FIT)
Year 11 Art (11ART)
Year 11 Design Photography Introduction (11DPI)
Year 12 Accounting (Level 2) (12ACC)
Year 12 Economics (Level 2) (12ECO)
Year 12 English (Level 2) (12ENG)
Year 12 English ESOL (Level 2) (12ESL)
Year 12 Physical Education (Level 2) (12PED)
Year 12 Chinese (Level 2) (12CHI)
Year 12 French (Level 2) (12FRE)
Year 12 Spanish (Level 2) (12SPA)
Year 12 Te reo Māori (Level 2) (12TRM)
Year 12 Mathematics Towards Calculus (Level 2) (12MTC)
Year 12 Mathematics Towards Statistics (Level 2) (12MTS)
Year 12 Dance (Level 2) (12DAN)
Year 12 Drama (Level 2) (12DRA)
Year 12 Media Studies (Level 2) (12MED)
Year 12 Music (Level 2) (12MUS)
Year 12 Religious Education (Level 2) (12REL)
Year 12 Biology (Level 2) (12BIO)
Year 12 Chemistry (Level 2) (12CHE)
Year 12 Physics (Level 2) (12PHY)
Year 12 Classical Studies (Level 2) (12CLA)
Year 12 Geography (Level 2) (12GEO)
Year 12 History (Level 2) (12HIS)
Year 12 Travel & Tourism (Level 2) (12TRA)
Year 12 Computer Science (Level 2) (12CPS)
Year 12 Construction and Materials Technology (Level 2) (12CMT)
Year 12 Design and Visual Communication (Level 2) (12DVC)
Year 12 Food Innovation Technology (Level 2) (12FIT)
Year 12 Design (Level 2) (12DES)
Year 12 History of Art (Level 2) (12ARH)
Year 12 Painting (Level 2) (12PAI)
Year 12 Photography (Level 2) (12PHO)
Year 13 Accounting (Level 3) (13ACC)
Year 13 Economics (Level 3) (13ECO)
Year 13 English (Level 3) (13ENG)
Year 13 English ESOL (Level 3) (13ESL)
Year 13 Health Education (Level 3) (13HEA)
Year 13 Physical Education (Level 3) (13PED)
Year 13 Chinese (Level 3) (13CHI)
Year 13 French (Level 3) (13FRE)
Year 13 Spanish (Level 3) (13SPA)
Year 13 Te reo Māori (Level 3) (13TRM)
Year 13 Calculus (Level 3) (13CLC)
Year 13 Statistics (Level 3) (13STA)
Year 13 Dance (Level 3) (13DAN)
Year 13 Drama (Level 3) (13DRA)
Year 13 Media Studies (Level 3) (13MED)
Year 13 Music (Level 3) (13MUS)
Year 13 Religious Education (Level 3) (13REL)
Year 13 Biology (Level 3) (13BIO)
Year 13 Chemistry (Level 3) (13CHE)
Year 13 Chemistry - Advanced (Level 3) (13CHA)
Year 13 Physics (Level 3) (13PHY)
Year 13 Classical Studies (Level 3) (13CLA)
Year 13 Geography (Level 3) (13GEO)
Year 13 History (Level 3) (13HIS)
Year 13 Travel & Tourism (Level 3) (13TRA)
Year 13 Computer Science (Level 3) (13CPS)
Year 13 Construction and Materials Technology (Level 3) (13CMT)
Year 13 Design and Visual Communication (Level 3) (13DVC)
Year 13 Food Innovation Technology (Level 3) (13FIT)
Year 13 Design (Level 3) (13DES)
Year 13 History of Art (Level 3) (13ARH)
Year 13 Painting (Level 3) (13PAI)
Year 13 Photography (Level 3) (13PHO)
Year 13 English Advanced (Level 3) (13ENA)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 9 English ESOL (9ESL)
Year 9 Physical Education and Health (9PED)
Year 9 Chinese (9CHI)
Year 9 French (9FRE)
Year 9 Spanish (9SPA)
Year 9 Te reo Māori (9TRM)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Year 9 Dance and Drama (9DAD)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 9 Religious Education (9REL)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 9 Humanities (9HUM)
Year 9 Technology (9TEC)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Year 12 Health Education (Level 2) (12HEA)
Year 10 Geography (10GEO)
Year 9 Art (9ART)
Year 13 Gateway (Level 3) (13GAT)
Accounting Scholarship (SACC)
Economics Scholarship (SECO)
English Scholarship (SENG)
Health and Physical Education Scholarship (SPED)
Languages Scholarship (SLAG)
Calculus Scholarship (SCAL)
Statistics Scholarship (SSTA)
Religious Education Scholarship (SREL)
Biology Scholarship (SBIO)
Chemistry Scholarship (SCHM)
Physics Scholarship (SPHY)
Geography Scholarship (SGEO)
History Scholarship (SHIS)
Technology Scholarship (STEC)
Dance Scholarship (SDAN)
Drama Scholarship (SDRA)
Media Studies Scholarship (SMED)
Music Scholarship (SMUS)
History of Art Scholarship (SARH)
Visual Art Scholarship: Design, Painting, Photography (SART)
Classical Studies Scholarship (SCLA)
Year 11 General Science (11GSC)
Year 11 Additional Science (11ASC)
Year 11 Health Education (11HEA)

Schools surrounding Baradene College.

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