Epsom Girls Grammar School


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Epsom Girls Grammar School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Epsom Girls Grammar School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

9 Core Art (9ARC)
9 Art (9ART)
10 Core Art (Half year course) (10ARC)
10 Art (Full year course) (10ART)
11 Visual Art (11ART)
9 ESOL Reception (ESR) (9ESR)
9 English for Speakers of Other Languages (9ESL)
10 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESL) (10ESL)
10 ESOL Reception (ESR) (10ESR)
11 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (11ESL)
Level 2 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (12ESL)
Level 3 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (13ESL)
9 Core Drama (9DRC)
10 Drama (Full year course) (10DRA)
10 Core Drama (Half year course) (10DRC)
11 Drama (11DRA)
Level 2 Drama (12DRA)
Level 3 Drama (13DRA)
9 Te Reo Māori (9TRM)
10 Te Reo Māori (10TRM)
11 Te Reo Māori (11TRM)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (12TRM)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (13TRM)
9 Core Music (9MUC)
9 Music (9MUS)
10 Core Music (Half year course) (10MUC)
10 Music (Full year course) (10MUS)
11 Music (11MUS)
Level 2 Music (12MUS)
Level 3 Music (13MUS)
9 French (9FRE)
10 French (10FRE)
11 French (11FRE)
Level 2 French (12FRE)
Level 3 French (13FRE)
9 Health (9HLT)
11 Health Sociology & Investigations (11HEA)
Level 2 Health Sociology & Investigations (12HEA)
Level 3 Health Sociology & Investigations (13HEA)
11 Biology (Half year course) (11BIO)
Level 2 Biology (12BIO)
Level 3 Biology (13BIO)
9 Mandarin Chinese (Second Language) (9CHM)
10 Chinese Second Language (10CHM)
11 Chinese Second Language (11CHM)
Level 2 Chinese Second Language (12CHM)
Level 2 Chinese Heritage Language (12CHH)
Level 3 Chinese Second Language (13CHM)
Level 3 Chinese Heritage Language (13CHH)
9 English (9ENG)
10 English (10ENG)
11 English (11ENG)
Level 2 English (12ENG)
Level 3 English (13ENG)
Level 3 English with Shakespeare (13ENS)
11 History (11HIS)
Level 2 History (12HIS)
Level 3 History (13HIS)
11 Physics (Half year course) (11PHY)
Level 2 Physics (12PHY)
Level 3 Physics (13PHY)
9 Science (9SCI)
10 Science (10SCI)
9 Spanish (9SPA)
10 Spanish (10SPA)
11 Spanish (11SPA)
Level 2 Spanish (12SPA)
Level 3 Spanish (13SPA)
10 Design & Visual Communication (Full year course) (10DVC)
11 Design and Visual Communication (11DVC)
Level 2 Design & Visual Communication (12DVC)
Level 3 Design & Visual Communication (13DVC)
9 Japanese (9JPN)
10 Japanese (10JPN)
11 Japanese (11JPN)
Level 2 Japanese (12JPN)
Level 3 Japanese (13JPN)
9 Literacy (9LIT)
10 Literacy (10LIT)
Level 3 Literacy (13LIT)
11 Chemistry (Half year course) (11CHE)
Level 2 Chemistry (12CHE)
Level 3 Chemistry (13CHE)
11 Economics (11ECO)
Level 2 Economics (12ECO)
Level 3 Economics (13ECO)
11 Geography (11GEO)
Level 2 Geography (12GEO)
Level 3 Geography (13GEO)
11 Accounting (11ACC)
Level 2 Accounting (12ACC)
Level 3 Accounting (13ACC)
Level 2 Art Design (12ADE)
Level 3 Art Design (13ADE)
Level 2 Child Development (12CHC)
9 Philosophy (9PHL)
10 Philosophy (10PHL)
9 Design Technology (9TED)
9 Food Technology (9TEF)
9 Information Technology (9TEI)
9 Materials Technology (9TEM)
10 Design Technology (Half year course) (10DEH)
10 Digital Technology (Half year course) (10DIH)
10 Design & Visual Communication (Half year course) (10DVH)
Level 2 Art History (12AHH)
Level 2 Hospitality (12HOS)
Level 3 Hospitality (13HOS)
9 Mathematics (9MTH)
10 Mathematics (10MTH)
11 Mathematics (A) (11MTA)
11 Mathematics with Numeracy (11MTN)
11 Mathematics (11MTH)
11 Mathematics (MTX) (11MTX)
Level 2 Mathematics (A) (12MTA)
Level 2 Mathematics Combined (12MTH)
Level 3 Mathematics (13MTH)
Level 2 Art Painting (12APA)
Level 3 Art Painting (13APA)
Level 2 Art Sculpture (12ASC)
Level 3 Art Sculpture (13ASC)
11 Science Skills (11SSK)
Level 2 Legal Studies (12LST)
9 Media Studies (9MED)
Level 2 Media Studies (12MED)
Level 3 Media Studies (13MED)
9 Social Studies (9SOS)
10 Social Studies (10SOS)
11 Sports Science (11PSS)
Level 2 Sports Science (12PSS)
Level 3 Sports Science (13PSS)
11 Art Photography (11APH)
Level 2 Art Photography (12APH)
Level 3 Art Photography (13APH)
Level 2 Art Printmaking (12APR)
Level 3 Art Printmaking (13APR)
10 Food Technology (Full year course) (10FTE)
11 Food Technology (11FTE)
Level 2 Food Technology (12FTE)
Level 3 Food Technology (13FTE)
9 Learning Skills Programme (9LSP)
10 Learning Skills Programme (10LSP)
11 Learning Skills Programme (11LSP)
Level 2 Learning Skills Programme (12LSP)
Level 3 Learning Skills Programme (13LSP)
9 Business Studies (9BUS)
10 Business Studies (10BUS)
Level 2 Business Studies (12BUS)
Level 3 Business Studies (13BUS)
Level 2 Travel & Tourism (12TRT)
Level 3 Travel & Tourism (13TRT)
Level 2 Classical Studies (12CLS)
Level 3 Classical Studies (13CLS)
11 Design Technology (11DET)
Level 2 Design Technology (12DET)
Level 3 Design Technology (13DET)
10 Textiles & Design (Full year course) (10TEX)
11 Textiles & Design (11TEX)
Level 2 Textiles & Design (12TEX)
Level 3 Textiles & Design (13TEX)
Level 3 Art History Modern (13AHM)
10 Digital Technology (Full year course) (10DIT)
11 Digital Technology (11DIT)
Level 2 Digital Technology (12DIT)
Level 3 Digital Technology (13DIT)
9 Physical Education (9PED)
10 Physical Education and Health (10PHP)
11 Physical Health Programme (11PHP)
12 Physical Health Programme (12PHP)
Level 2 Vocational Pathways (12VPT)
Level 3 Vocational Pathways (13VPT)
9 Digital Technology (9DIT)
Level 2 English (Foundation) (12ENF)
Level 3 English (Foundation) (13ENF)
Level 2 Mathematics Calculus (12MCL)
Level 3 Calculus (A) (13CAA)
Level 3 Calculus (13CAL)
Senior Study (12STU)
11 Earth and Space Science (Half year course) (11ESS)
10 Environmental Science (10EVS)
Level 2 Statistics (12MST)
Level 3 Statistics B (13STB)
Level 3 Statistics A (13STA)
Level 3 Art History Renaissance (13AHR)
11 Writing for Publication (11WFP)
Level 3 Early Childhood Education (13ECE)
Level 2 Education for Sustainability (12EFS)
Level 3 Education for Sustainability (13EFS)
Level 3 Business Enterprise & Legal Studies (13BLS)
11 Philosophy (11PHL)
Level 3 Sports Studies (13SST)
Level 2 Earth and Space Science (12ESS)
11 Environmental Science (Half year course) (11EVS)
11 Mathematics (H) (11MTH)
10 Food Technology (Half year course) (10FTH)
Level 2 Talking Ethics (12TET)
Level 3 Talking Ethics (13TET)
Level 2/3 Dance (13DCE)
Level 2/3 Tongan (13TON)
Level 2/3 Samoan (13SAM)
Level 3 Earth & Space Science (13ESS)
11 Exercise Science (Half year course) (11EXS)

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