New Plymouth Girls’ High School

Upcoming Events at New Plymouth Girls’ High School

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 TSSSA Road Relays
Monday 23/09/2024 - Friday 27/09/2024 Term Three Week Ten
Monday 23/09/2024 Waka Chants (A-Stad/K-OG/Tai-Study/Tok-Hall)
Monday 23/09/2024 2026 Vietnam Trip Year 12 and 13 Social Sciences trip parent’s information meeting
Monday 23/09/2024 Senior Speech Competition
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Y10 Market Day (EBR)
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 MEFA Ensemble Festival
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 Music Department Trip to MEFA Festival in Wellington
Tuesday 24/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 Juniors students return all ,loan laptops (reissued after the holidays)
Tuesday 24/09/2024 Waikato University presentation on the Waikato Leadership Academy
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Student BOT voting counted
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Year 9-10 Speech Competition
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Night of Dance
Wednesday 25/09/2024 SchoolBridge Subject Selection closes 4pm
Wednesday 25/09/2024 Te wiki o Te Reo – Dress your Kāwai Huia room door competition finishes – judged this afternoon
Thursday 26/09/2024 Student BOT announced
Thursday 26/09/2024 Enrolment Interview Day
Thursday 26/09/2024 Fun Run
KH check at 1.30pm. Fun run starts 2pm.

8:40am – 9:35am - Spell 1
9:35am – 10:30am - Spell 2
10:30am – 10:55am - Interval
10:55am – 11:50am - Spell 3
11:50am – 12:45pm - Spell 4
12:45pm – 1:30pm - LUNCH
1:30pm - KH Time - Roll check
1:45pm - Meet Outside Hall S-T-R-E-T-C-H
Friday 27/09/2024 End of Term 3
Friday 27/09/2024 Early Finish: After Assembly 1.40pm
Spell 1 - 8.40-9.30
Spell 2 - 9.30-10.20
Interval - 10.20-10.50
Spell 3 - 10.50-11.40
Spell 4 - 11.40-12.30
Assembly – Waka Fun Event - 12.30-1.40
1.40pm - Dismissed
Friday 27/09/2024 Yr 9 Tech Module 3 Ends
Friday 27/09/2024 Senior Prize Singing practice Spell 2 – All subject teachers attend
Friday 27/09/2024 Assembly – Waka Singing
Sunday 29/09/2024 - Saturday 5/10/2024 Basketball Nationals 2024
Monday 7/10/2024 - Friday 11/10/2024 Netball Nationals 2024
Monday 7/10/2024 - Friday 11/10/2024 Hillary Challenge
Tuesday 8/10/2024 - Thursday 10/10/2024 yLead Conference
Monday 14/10/2024 - Friday 18/10/2024 Term Four Week One
Monday 14/10/2024 Waka Assembly Tokomaru
Monday 14/10/2024 Yr 9 Tech Module 4 Starts
Monday 14/10/2024 Honohono Meeting
Monday 14/10/2024 - Friday 18/10/2024 Macawa ni Vosa VakaViti – Fijian Language Week  
Monday 14/10/2024 Fijian Flag raising and anthem
Tuesday 15/10/2024 Singing Practice - Seniors – Snr Subject Tchers attend
Tuesday 15/10/2024 Exam Briefing (plus Yr 10s doing NCEA) – All Deans attend at KH time
Wednesday 16/10/2024 T4/W1A - School Assembly - Sports Assembly
Wednesday 16/10/2024 1.4 Practice Exam for 1ENG students - spells 3 and 4
Thursday 17/10/2024 Waka Assembly Kurahaupo
Thursday 17/10/2024 School Council Meeting
Friday 18/10/2024 T4/W1B School Assembly - Service to School Awards & Iti Rearea / Honours Awards Assembly (extend 10 mins)
Friday 18/10/2024 1.4 Practice Exam for 1MAT students - spells 3 and 4
Monday 21/10/2024 - Friday 25/10/2024 Term Four Week Two
Monday 21/10/2024 Waka Assembly Tainui
Monday 21/10/2024 Honohono Meeting
Monday 21/10/2024 1.4 Practice Exam for 1SCI students - spells 3 and 4
Tuesday 22/10/2024 TSSSA All ability Athletics
Tuesday 22/10/2024 Otago University Visit- course planning
Tuesday 22/10/2024 - Tuesday 29/10/2024 St John - High School CPR - Juniors 
Thursday 24/10/2024 TSSSA Junior Futsal
Thursday 24/10/2024 Waka Assembly Aotea

New Plymouth Girls’ High School Daily Notices

Senior Volleyball Trial - another one!

Friday 20/09/2024 - Wednesday 25/09/2024 Senior Premier Volleyball is looking for a few more talented athletes to join the team. Training is twice a week (Monday and Wednesday), National tournament next year (March/April). Maybe you are a basketball or netball player looking for a summer sport Years 10 -12. Trial held in the Old Gym Wednesday 25 September, 5pm - 6.30pm. Any questions, talk to Mr Dickson or Ms Mischefski.

Senior Maths Competition - The Solutions!

Friday 20/09/2024 - Monday 23/09/2024 Are you curious about the solutions to this year's Senior Maths Competition If so come to B19 Monday lunchtime. Bring your lunch, a calculator and your curiosity.

New Plymouth Girls’ High School Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that New Plymouth Girls’ High School offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 9 Dance (9DAN)
Year 9 Drama (9DRA)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 9 Literacy (9LIT)
Year 9 Health (9HEA)
Year 9 Food & Nutrition (9FNT)
Y9 Textiles Technology (9TXT)
Year 9 French (9FRE)
Year 9 Spanish (9SPA)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori (9TRM)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Year 9 Numeracy (9NUM)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PED)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 9 Social Sciences (9SSC)
Year 9 Design & Visual Communication (9DVC)
Year 9 Design Technology (9DET)
Year 9 Digital Technology (9DGT)
Year 9 Robotics (9ROB)
Year 9 Digital Visual Arts (9DVA)
Year 9 Visual Arts (9ART)
Year 10 Business Studies (10BSS)
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Year 10 Literacy (10LIT)
Year 10 Health (10HEA)
Year 10 Food & Nutrition (10FNT)
Year 10 Textiles Technology (10TXT)
Year 10 French (10FRE)
Year 10 Spanish (10SPA)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10TRM)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Year 10 Numeracy (10NUM)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PED)
Year 10 Sports Education (10SPO)
Year 10 Animal and Plant Science (10APS)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Year 10 Social Science (10SSC)
Year 10 Sustainability (10SUS)
Year 10 Design & Visual Communication (10DVC)
Year 10 Design Technology (10DET)
Year 10 Digital Technology (10DGT)
Year 10 Visual Arts (10ART)
Level 1 Dance (1DAN)
Level 1 Drama (1DRA)
Level 1 English (1ENG)
Level 1 Health Studies- Health (1HEA)
Level 1 Health Studies- Food & Nutrition (1FNT)
Level 1 Hospitality (1HOS)
Level 1 French (1FRE)
Level 1 Spanish (1SPA)
Level 1 Māori Performing Arts (1MPA)
Level 1 Te Reo Māori (1TRM)
Level 1 Mathematics and Statistics (1MAT)
Level 1 Music (1MUS)
Level 1 Fitness & Recreation (1FIT)
Level 1 Sport Science & Physical Education (1SPC)
Level 1 Animal & Plant Science (1APS)
Level 1 Science (1SCI)
Level 1 Geography (1GEO)
Level 1 History (1HIS)
Level 1 Social Studies (1SOS)
Level 1 Commerce (1COM)
Level 1 Design & Visual Communication (1DVC)
Level 1 Design Technology (1DET)
Level 1 Textiles Technology (1TXT)
Level 1 Digital Visual Arts (1DVA)
Level 1 Visual Arts (1ART)
Level 2 Accounting (2ACC)
Level 2 Economics (2ECO)
Level 2 Enterprise Studies (2ETS)
Level 2 Classroom Based Career Development (2CLB)
Level 2 Trades Academy (2TRA)
Level 2 Work Place Training (Gateway) (2WPT)
Level 2 Dance (2DAN)
Level 2 Drama (2DRA)
Level 2 English (2ENG)
Level 2 Health (2HEA)
Level 2 Food and Nutrition (2FNT)
Level 2 Hospitality (2HOS)
Level 2 French (2FRE)
Level 2 Spanish (2SPA)
Level 2 Māori Performing Arts (2MPA)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (2TRM)
Level 2 Mathematics (2MAT)
Level 2 Music (2MUS)
Level 2 Fitness Recreation (2FIT)
Level 2 Sports Science and Physical Education (2SPC)
Level 2 Animal & Plant Science (2APS)
Level 2 Biology (2BIO)
Level 2 Chemistry (2CHE)
Level 2 Physics (2PHY)
Level 2 Science (2SCI)
Level 2 Shape Your Future (2SHP)
Level 2 Classical Studies (2CLS)
Level 2 Geography (2GEO)
Level 2 History (2HIS)
Level 2 Media Studies (2MED)
Level 2 Social Studies (2SOS)
Level 2 Tourism (2TOU)
Level 2 Design & Visual Communication (2DVC)
Level 2 Design Technology (2DET)
Level 2 Textiles Technology (2TXT)
Level 2 Art History (2ARH)
Level 2 Photography (2PHO)
Level 2 Visual Arts (2ART)
Level 2 Art Design (2ARD)
Level 3 Accounting (3ACC)
Level 3 Economics (3ECO)
Level 3 Enterprise Studies (3ETS)
Level 3 3+2 Career Training (3CAT)
Level 3 Classroom Based Career Development (3CLB)
Level 3 Trades Academy (3TRA)
Level 3 Work Place Training (3WPT)
Level 3 Dance (3DAN)
Level 3 Drama (3DRA)
Level 3 English (3ENG)
Level 3 English Internal (3ENI)
Level 3 Health (3HEA)
Level 3 Food & Nutrition (3FNT)
Level 3 French (3FRE)
Level 3 Spanish (3SPA)
Level 3 Māori Performing Arts (3MPA)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (3TRM)
Level 3 Music (3MUS)
Level 3 Fitness and Recreation (3FIT)
Level 3 Sports Science and Physical Education (3SPC)
Level 3 Animal & Plant Science (3APS)
Level 3 Biology (3BIO)
Level 3 Biology Internal (3BIOI)
Level 3 Chemistry (3CHE)
Level 3 Physics (3PHY)
Level 3 Shape Your Future (3SHP)
Level 3 Classical Studies (3CLS)
Level 3 Geography (3GEO)
Level 3 History (3HIS)
Level 3 Media Studies (3MED)
Level 3 Social Studies (3SOS)
Level 3 Tourism (3TOU)
Level 3 Design and Visual Communication (3DVC)
Level 3 Design Technology (3DET)
Level 3 Textiles Technology (3TXT)
Level 3 Art History (3ARH)
Level 3 Painting (3PAI)
Level 3 Photography (3PHO)
Level 3 Printmaking (3PRI)
Level 3 Sculpture (3SCU)
Level 3 Art Design (3ARD)
Year 9 Digital Enhancement (9DEN)
Year 10 Digital Visual Arts (10DVA)
Level 1 Digital Technology (1DGT)
Level 2 Digital Technology (2DGT)
Level 2 Statistics (2STA)
Level 3 Calculus (3CALC)
Level 3 Digital Technology (3DGT)
Level 3 Statistics External (3STAE)
Level 3 Statistics Internal (3STAI)
Level 3 Study (3STY)
NCEA Co-Requisites (1COREQ)

Schools surrounding New Plymouth Girls’ High School.

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