Whangaparaoa College

Upcoming Events at Whangaparaoa College

Event Date Details
Monday 23/09/2024 L3BUST01 91384
Wednesday 25/09/2024 L3BCON01 29684
Wednesday 25/09/2024 L2HEED01 91239
Thursday 26/09/2024 L2DTEC01 91896
Thursday 26/09/2024 L3DTEC01 91906
Thursday 26/09/2024 L1PHED01 92016
Thursday 26/09/2024 L2DANC01 91207
Thursday 26/09/2024 L2DANC01 91205,206
Thursday 26/09/2024 L3DANC01 91589, 588
Thursday 26/09/2024 L1DANC01 91936
Thursday 26/09/2024 L1DANC05 91937
Friday 27/09/2024 L1PRPE01 91334
Friday 27/09/2024 L2PRPE01 91334
Friday 27/09/2024 L3PRPE01 91334
Friday 27/09/2024 L3ENCOM01 91476
Tuesday 15/10/2024 L3HOSP01 168
Wednesday 16/10/2024 L2OUED01 26249
Wednesday 16/10/2024 L1DVCM01 92001
Thursday 17/10/2024 L3FOTE01 91610
Thursday 17/10/2024 L2CLTX01 91357
Thursday 17/10/2024 L2FOTE01 91351
Friday 18/10/2024 L1DRAM01 91941
Friday 18/10/2024 L3OUED01 91498,91499
Friday 18/10/2024 L3OUED01 91501,91502
Friday 18/10/2024 L3DANC01 91590
Monday 21/10/2024 L2DVCM01 91343
Monday 21/10/2024 L3DVCM01 91628
Wednesday 23/10/2024 L2PHED01 91330, 91334
Thursday 24/10/2024 L3MTEC01 91620
Thursday 24/10/2024 L2MTEC01 91357
Tuesday 29/10/2024 L3ESSC01 91412
Tuesday 29/10/2024 L2BUST01 90847
Tuesday 29/10/2024 L2DRAM01 91216
Tuesday 29/10/2024 L3DRAM01 91515
Wednesday 30/10/2024 L2HOSP01 22234
Thursday 31/10/2024 WA2R 21248, 31287
Thursday 31/10/2024 WA2R 21253
Thursday 31/10/2024 WA3E 91480
Thursday 31/10/2024 WA3H 91437
Thursday 31/10/2024 WA3R 30541, 31288
Friday 1/11/2024 L2BIOL01 91155
Friday 1/11/2024 L3HEED01 91461
Friday 1/11/2024 L1PHED01 91334
Friday 8/11/2024 L2OUED01 473, 20133
Friday 8/11/2024 L2OUED01 91330
Friday 8/11/2024 L3OUED01 32845,91501
Thursday 14/11/2024 L3OUED01 19428

Whangaparaoa College Daily Notices

Concert Band

Friday 20/09/2024 - Tuesday 24/09/2024 Concert Band practice will be on Tuesday, 24th September, after school in M1. APO mentors will be leading sectionals, so it's important that all Concert Band members attend.

Bronze Duke of Ed

Friday 20/09/2024 - Wednesday 25/09/2024 Training meeting from Monday WILL be on Wednesday this week - please all be there for some important information about the trips and to do our next session

Animal Adaptations internal L2 Biology

Monday 23/09/2024 - Thursday 26/09/2024 If you would like to do the optional Level 2 Biology Animal Adaptations (AS91155) internal for 3 credits, please come to S12 Thursday lunch for information about the assessment

Whangaparaoa College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Whangaparaoa College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Level 3 Dance (L3DANC01)
Level 3 Drama (L3DRAM01)
Level 3 Music (L3MUSP01)
Level 3 Photography (L3PHOT01)
Level 3 Design (L3DES01)
Level 3 Visual Arts Painting (L3ARPA01)
Level 3 Media Studies (L3MEST01)
Level 3 French (L3FREN01)
Level 3 Māori (L3MAOR01)
Level 3 Māori Performing Arts (L3MAPA01)
Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus (L3MATC01)
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (L3MATS01)
Level 3 Health Education (L3HEED01)
Level 3 Outdoor Education (L3OUED01)
Level 3 Physical Education (L3PHED01)
Level 3 Practical Physical Education (L3PRPE01)
Level 3 Biology (L3BIOL01)
Level 3 Chemistry (L3CHEM01)
Level 1 Chemistry Biology (Specialist) (L1CMBL01)
Level 3 Earth and Space Science (L3ESSC01)
Level 3 Physics (L3PHYS01)
Level 3 Business Studies (L3BUST01)
Level 3 Geography (L3GEOG01)
Level 3 History (L3HIST01)
Level 3 Sociology (L3SOCI01)
Level 3 Building and Construction (L3BCON01)
Level 3 Design and Visual Communication (L3DVC01)
Level 3 Digital Technology (L3DTEC01)
Level 3 Food Technology (L3FOTE01)
Level 3 Hospitality (L3HOSP01)
Level 3 Materials Technology (L3MTEC01)
Level 3 Textiles (L3CLTX01)
Level 3 Gateway (L3GATE01)
Level 2 Dance (L2DANC01)
Level 2 Drama (L2DRAM01)
Level 2 Music (L2MUSP01)
Level 2 Visual Arts (L2ARTC01)
Level 2 Design (L2DES01)
Level 2 Visual Arts Photography (L2PHOT01)
Level 2 Business Studies (L2BUST01)
Level 2 English Communication (L2ENCOM0)
Level 2 Media Studies (L2MEST01)
Level 2 French (L2FREN01)
Level 2 Māori (L2MAOR01)
Level 2 Māori Performing Arts (L2MAPA01)
Level 2 Mathematics with Algebra (L2MATH01)
Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics (L2MATS01)
Level 2 Health Education (L2HEED01)
Level 2 Outdoor Education (L2OUED01)
Level 2 Physical Education (L2PHED01)
Level 2 Practical Physical Education (L2PRPE01)
Level 2 Biology (L2BIOL01)
Level 2 Chemistry (L2CHEM01)
Level 2 Physics (L2PHYS01)
Level 2 Space Science (L2SPSC01)
Level 2 Geography (L2GEOG01)
Level 2 History (L2HIST01)
Level 2 Sociology (L2SOCI01)
Level 2 Building and Construction (L2BCON01)
Level 2 Design and Visual Communication (L2DVC01)
Level 2 Digital Technology (L2DTEC01)
Level 2 Food Technology (L2FOTE01)
Level 2 Hospitality (L2HOSP01)
Level 2 Materials Technology (L2MTEC01)
Level 2 Textiles (L2CLTX01)
Level 2 Gateway (L2GATE01)
Level 1 Dance (L1DANC01)
Level 1 Drama (L1DRAM01)
Level 1 Music (L1MUSP01)
Level 1 Visual Arts (L1ARTC01)
Level 1 French (L1FREN01)
Level 1 Māori (L1MAOR01)
Level 1 Māori Performing Arts (L1MAPA01)
Level 1 Mathematics with Algebra (L1MATH01)
Level 1 Mathematics with Statistics (L1MATS01)
Level 1 Health Education (L1HEED01)
Level 1 Physical Education (L1PHED01)
Level 1 Practical Physical Education (L1PRPE01)
Level 1 General Science (L1SCIE01)
Level 1 Business Studies (L1BUST01)
Level 1 Geography (L1GEOG01)
Level 1 History (L1HIST01)
Level 1 Sociology (L1SOCI01)
Level 1 Building and Construction (L1BCON01)
Level 1 Design and Visual Communication (L1DVC01)
Level 1 Digital Technology (L1DTEC01)
Level 1 Food Technology (L1FOTE01)
Level 1 Hospitality (L1HOSP01)
Level 1 Materials Technology (L1MTEC01)
Level 1 Textiles (L1CLTX01)
Level 1 Personalised Learning Pod (L1PPOD01)
Year 10 Dance (10DANC)
Year 10 Drama (10DRAM)
Year 10 Music (10MUSP)
Year 10 Visual Arts (10ARTC)
Year 10 Business Studies (10BUST)
Year 10 English (10ENGL)
Year 10 French (10FREN)
Year 10 Māori (10MAOR)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MATH)
Year 10 Health Education (10HEED)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PHED)
Year 10 Sports Institute (10SPOR)
Year 10 Science (10SCIE)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOCS)
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication (10DVCM)
Year 10 Digital Technology (10DTEC)
Year 10 Food Technology (10FOTE)
Year 10 Materials Technology (10MTEC)
Year 10 Textiles Technology (10CLTX)
Year 7 Art (7ART)
Year 8 Art (8ARTC)
Year 8 Dance (8DANC)
Year 9 Dance (9DANC)
Year 8 Drama (8DRAM)
Year 9 Drama (9DRAM)
Year 8 Music (8MUSP)
Year 9 Music (Core) (9MUSP)
Year 7 Music/Music Studies (7MUSC)
Year 7 Physical Education (7PERF)
Year 9 Visual Arts (9ARTC)
Year 7 English (7ENGL)
Year 9 English (9ENGL)
Year 7 English Language Learning (JUNEL02)
Level 1 English Communication (L1ENCOM0)
Level 2 English Literature (L2ENLIT0)
Level 3 English Communication (L3ENCOM0)
Y7 Specify Subject Name (7MIND)
Year 10 Chinese (10CHIN)
Year 8 Chinese (8CHIN)
Year 9 Chinese (9CHIN)
Year 8 French (8FREN)
Year 9 French (9FREN)
Year 8 Māori (8MAORI)
Year 9 Māori (9MAOR)
Year 7 Māori (7MAOR)
Year 7 Mathematics (7MATH)
Year 8 Mathematics (8MATH)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MATH)
Year 7 Health (7HEED)
Year 9 Health Education (9HEED)
Year 7 Physical Education (7PHED)
Year 8 Physical Education (8PHED)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PHED)
Year 9 Sports Institute (9SPOR)
Level 1 Physics Earth/Space (Specialist) (L1PESS01)
Year 7 Science (7SCIE)
Year 8 Science (8SCIE)
Year 9 Science (9SCIE)
Year 7 Social Studies (7SOCS)
Year 8 Social Studies (8SOCS)
Y7 Specify Subject Name (7BSTE)
Year 8 Design and Visual Communication (8DVC)
Year 8 Digital Technology (8DTEC)
Year 9 Digital Technology (9DTEC)
Year 9 Food and Textiles Technology (9FOCL)
Year 7 Food and Nutrition (7FOTE)
Year 7 Materials Technology (7MTEC)
Year 9 Materials Technology/Design and Visual Communication (9MTDVC)
Year 8 Textiles Technology (8CLTX)
Year 7 Digital Technology (7DTEC)
Year 9 Social Studies (9SOCS)
Year 7 William Pike Challenge (7WPCH)
Year 8 English (8ENGL)
Year 8 Health Education (8HEED)
Level 1 English Literature (L1ENLIT0)
Level 3 English Literature (L3ENLIT0)
Level 1 Criminology Full Course (L1CRIME0)
English Medium (Te Mātauranga o Aotearoa) (MMMMM)
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (Māori Medium) (Wananga)
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (Māori Medium - Junior) (JWANANGA)
English Medium (Te Mātauranga o Aotearoa - Junior) (JMAINSTR)
Level 1 English Language (L1ENLU01)
Level 2 English Language (L2ENLU01)
Junior English Language (JUNEL01)
Level 1 Media Studies (L1MEST01)
Level 1 Design (L1DES01)
Maori Language (Core) (8MAOR)
Senior Numeracy (NUMSR)
Level 3 English Language (L3ENLU01)
Senior Online Learning Course (SNROLC)
Level 1 General Social Studies (L1GNST01)
Year 9 Music (Band) (9MUSB)
Year 11 Wānanga (WĀ1)
Year 12 Wānanga (WĀ2)
Year 13 Wānanga (WĀ3)
Year 10 Wānanga (10WANA)
Year 10 Wānanga Reo (10WAREO)

Schools surrounding Whangaparaoa College.

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