Kaitaia College

Kaitaia College Curriculum

Below are some of the subjects that Kaitaia College offers to their students for 2024/2025.

Year 9 Visual Arts (9ART)
Year 9 Drama (9DRA)
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
Year 10 Visual Arts (10ART)
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
Year 10 Photography & Design (10PHD)
Level 1 Visual Arts (L1ART)
Level 1 Dance (L1DAN)
Level 1 Drama (L1DRA)
Level 1 Music (L1MUS)
Level 1 Photography & Design (L1PHD)
Level 2 Visual Arts (L2ART)
Level 2 Dance (L2DAN)
Level 2 Drama (L2DRA)
Level 2 Music (L2MUS)
Level 2 Photography & Design (L2PHD)
Level 3 Visual Arts (L3ART)
Level 3 Dance (L3DAN)
Level 3 Drama (L3DRA)
Level 3 Music (L3MUS)
Level 3 Photography & Design (L3PHD)
Year 9 Māori Performing Arts (9MPA)
Year 9 Te Reo Māori (9TRM)
Year 10 Māori Performing Arts (10MPA)
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10TRM)
Level 1 Māori Performing Arts (L1MPA)
Level 1 Te Reo Māori (L1TRM)
Level 2 Māori Performing Arts (L2MPA)
Level 2 Māori Studies (L2MST)
Level 2 Te Reo Māori (L2TRM)
Level 3 Māori Performing Arts (L3MPA)
Level 3 Māori Studies (L3MST)
Level 3 Te Reo Māori (L3TRM)
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Level 1 English (L1ENG)
Level 1 Literacy (L1LIT)
Level 2 English (L2ENG)
Level 2 Work Ready English (L2WRE)
Level 3 English (L3ENG)
Year 9 Science (9SCI)
Year 10 Science (10SCI)
Year 13 Primary Industries - Agriculture (13PIA)
Level 1 Primary Industries (L1PIA)
Level 2 Biology (L2BIO)
Level 2 Chemistry (L2CHE)
Level 2 Physics (L2PHY)
Level 2 Primary Industries : Agriculture (L2PIA)
Level 3 Biology (L3BIO)
Level 3 Chemistry (L3CHE)
Level 3 Physics (L3PHY)
Year 9 Digital Technologies (9DIT)
Year 9 Technology (9TEC)
Year 10 Construction (10CON)
Year 10 Digital Technologies (10DIT)
Year 10 Pre-Hospitality (10HOS)
Year 10 Mechatronics (10MTR)
Year 10 Metalwork (10MWK)
Year 13 Mechanical Engineering (13MEC)
Level 1 Construction (L1CON)
Level 1 Digital Technologies (L1DIT)
Level 1 Hospitality (L1HOS)
Level 1 Laser Design Studio (L1LDS)
Level 1 Mechanical Engineering (L1MEC)
Level 1 Mechatronics (L1MTR)
Level 2 Automotive Engineering (L2AUT)
Level 2 Construction (L2CON)
Level 2 Digital Technologies (L2DIT)
Level 2 Hospitality (L2HOS)
Level 2 Laser Design Studio (L2LDS)
Level 2 Mechanical Engineering (L2MEC)
Level 2 Mechatronics (L2MTR)
Level 3 Automotive Engineering (L3AUT)
Level 3 Construction (L3CON)
Level 3 Digital Technologies (L3DIT)
Level 3 Hospitality (L3HOS)
Level 3 Laser Design Studio (L3LDS)
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
Level 1 Mathematics Practical (L1MAP)
Level 1 Mathematics (L1MAT)
Level 1 Mathematics Extension (L1MAX)
Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics (L2MAS)
Level 2 Mathematics (L2MAT)
Level 2 Financial Literacy (L2FLI)
Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus (L3MAC)
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (L3MAS)
Level 3 Financial Literacy (L3FLI)
Level 2 Services Academy (L2SER)
Level 3 Services Academy (L3SER)
Level 3 Senior Services Academy (L3SES)
Year 10 Social Studies (10SOS)
Level 1 Economics (L1ECO)
Level 1 Geography (L1GEO)
Level 1 History (L1HIS)
Level 2 Classical Studies (L2CLS)
Level 2 Economics (L2ECO)
Level 2 Geography (L2GEO)
Level 2 History (L2HIS)
Level 2 Tourism (L2TOR)
Level 3 Classical Studies (L3CLS)
Level 3 Future Pathways (L3FPY)
Level 3 Geography (L3GEO)
Level 3 History (L3HIS)
Level 3 Tourism (L3TOR)
Year 9 Health (9HEA)
Year 9 Physical Education (9PED)
Year 10 Health (10HEA)
Year 10 Physical Education (10PED)
Level 1 Health (L1HEA)
Level 1 Physical Education Academic (L1PEA)
Level 1 Physical Education Recreation (L1PER)
Level 2 Health in Society (L2HEA)
Level 2 Physical Education Academic (L2PEA)
Level 2 Physical Education Recreation (L2PER)
Level 3 Health Studies (L3HEA)
Level 3 Physical Education Academic (L3PEA)
Level 3 Physical Education Recreation (L3PER)
Level 3 Economics (L3ECO)
Level 1 Trades Science (L1SCT)
Level 2 Science (L2SCI)
Year 10 STEM (10STM)
Level 1 Science (L1SCI)
Level 1 Science Extension (L1SCX)
Level 3 Mechatronics (L3MTR)
Level 1 Business Studies (L1BUS)
Level 2 Business Studies (L2BUS)
Level 3 Business Studies (L3BUS)
Study (L3STU)
Year 9 Te Kuaka Marangaranga (9TKM)
Year 10 Laser Design Studio/TDS (10TDS)
Level 2 & 3 Primary Industries - Horticulture (L23PIH)
Level 1 Automotive (L1AUT)
Year 9 Mau Rākau (9MAR)
Year 10 Ma Rākau (10MAR)
Level 2 Media Studies (L2MED)
Year 9 Whakairo (9WHA)
Year 10 Whakairo (10WHA)
Year 10 Kuaka Marangaranga (10KUA)
Level 1 Kuaka Marangaranga (L1KUA)
Year 10 Primary Industries (10PRI)
Level 1 Ma Rākau (L1MAR)
Level 2 Ma Rākau (L2MAR)
Level 3 Ma Rākau (L3MAR)
Level 1 Whakairo (L1WHA)
Level 2 Whakairo (L2WHA)
Level 3 Whakairo (L3WHA)
Computer Aided Design (L1CAD)
Year 9 Photography & Design (9PHD)

Schools surrounding Kaitaia College.

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